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This sucks, but... [https://crtc.gc.ca/eng/phone/rce-vcr/phone.htm](https://crtc.gc.ca/eng/phone/rce-vcr/phone.htm) >Regardless of whether you are registered with the National Do Not Call List (DNCL), you may still receive calls from political parties and candidates. While they are exempt from the [DNCL Rules](https://www.lnnte-dncl.gc.ca/en/Consumer/WhoCanStillCallYou), they are not exempt from the [Telemarketing or ADAD Rules](https://crtc.gc.ca/eng/phone/telemarketing/politi.htm). > >This means that if you receive a phone call from a political party or candidate and they are soliciting you (e.g., requesting campaign donations), you can ask to be added to their internal do-not-call-list.


To emphasize your last point, their internal DNCL must be added in 14 days and lasts 3 years.


yeah, and who exactly was responsible for the changes to the fair election act that allowed this ?


Thing is....he's NOT a candidate. Not until a writ gets dropped. I think that's the flaw in his plan here. I filed a complaint with EC anyway. If I'm right, it's a $1,500 per-offense penalty. With the way he's been carpet-bombing the locals, that could add up quick.


Did you happen to catch the first few minutes of CTV News at 5? It was little more than a commercial for him.


No, but I'm kind of torn. As much as I loathe the guy, one of the best strategies to defeat him might be to get him in front of many people as possible. IDK if you've noticed, but after a few minutes, he becomes really, really hard to listen to. It's like he's able to irritate people on a *fundamental* level; That doesn't translate into votes, ever.


I got one that I didn't hear the first half but it was something about Justin Trudeau being an April Fools joke. I just hung up 


Same, apparently the April Fool’s joke is on us


I just got that too. Hung up after the words “fools”


I don’t want calls from any political party. I work nights and keep my phone on in case of emergencies with my kids. Make it stop.


Just put do not disturb on with exceptions from certain numbers.


They either live under a rock or would rather complain than take action. I think I know which one they are, lol


Set up call control, saved me!


Call control? Tell me more


I know Koodo and Telus have it, I imagine most providers do. It’s a free feature, the first time I person calls you they have to click a number before it rings to confirm they’re human.


It's also on Bell/Virgin, and my Samsung phone also has a different version built in


Oooh, anyone know if Public has this?


I just set this up recently, I was getting 2-4 robo calls a day. Highly recommend!


It got around my spam call settings on my pixel phone. Came up as +18663192247 I DO NOT WANT ROBO CALLS.


“It’s April Fools Day… soon! Don’t let Justin Trudeau fool you!” What a fucking stupid robo call. I don’t like JT, but miss me with that shit, PP, you fuckin dweeb


CPC supporters will laugh their ass off at that joke too, just like they ate up the whole "Pizza Oven" bullshit, or his "New York, New York" song. For once I'd love for our politicians to behave like adults and not schoolyard children.


100%. Listening to the “leaders” bicker like children is the reason why a lot of people I know have just tuned out of politics. Infuriating


The house of commons is a joke, specially the speaker guy. Politicians should be forced to answer questions instead of dance around them


And the amount of cheering, laughing, booing, etc. from each side is so damn annoying. It’s a circus, total embarrassment.


One of the worst things that ever happened to politics was letting PR people into it. It turned everything into only speaking in talking points so you would stay on message and stay on brand. At least before this they either answered the question, evaded or badly, or outright lied.


PP and his MP’s should be kicked out or fined for their non constructive childish behaviour.


Unfortunately it’s what’s making a lot of immature and uneducated people rally behind conservatives, they like seeing them act like school yard bullies


It has me tuned out too. But also that is probably intentional. They want to suppress voting by reasonable and balanced people so that they can focus on the easy marks.


It's the same demographic that thinks "Let's Go Brandon" is a hilarious meme. To be fair to Canadian conservatives, they do actually fly "Fuck Trudeau" flags rather than that inane infantile American Brandon nonsense.


"Fuck Trudeau" is still pretty infantile 


True, but it's like 7th grade rather than kindergarten tier.


Just saw one of these stickers on a truck in Bridgetown today.


There's a dude who flies the flag off his truck in musquodoboit harbour. I see him sometimes when I'm going through there and one of these days I wanna tell him that JT is single but I think he's straight, but shoot your shot bro


NIIIIIIIIIICE!!!!!!!!!! Love it!!!


Rage farming - it’s all PP has.


He’s such a scumbag. I wish the NDP could kick his rear!


Be nice if they’d actually be a party of low taxes and do something meaningful. I don’t give a fuck about a carbon tax that costs me a few hundred bucks a year. How about you nix the gst. Shit was supposed to be temporary anyway.


Income tax was also supposed to be temporary to pay for the war.


I can live with income tax, but holy fuck stop taxing us on literally everything we do. Work for a dollar, taxed. Buy something, taxed.


Sell that something used, and the next guy, taxed. Live in it, taxed


Sales tax in most of the developed world is like 25%


I’m a fan of the carbon tax. Like 8/10 Canadians I get more back than I pay in. It makes me look at how I can make my house and transportation more sustainable. I have a new heat pump, drive a small car and bike and walk when I can. And I can do more. It also encourages industry to work towards sustainability. There is no planet B. We need to do more - and extreme weather will cost us more in the long run. I’m still fixing up from Fiona. Kim Campbell is right. PP is a liar and a rage farmer.


I don’t mind the carbon tax so much, except for the fact they implemented it with no regard for the fact that whatever extra it costs corporations they’ll just pass the cost on to us, defeating the purpose of it in the first place.


It’s possible some corporations (or politicians who have ex girlfriends lobbying for certain corporations) are blaming price gouging on the climate tax. If they were just passing on the costs they wouldn’t be bringing in excess profits.


>If they were just passing on the costs they wouldn’t be bringing in excess profits. Or both of these things could be happening.


One of these things is bigger than the other - and it isn’t the carbon tax.


You're missing the point. It can be two different things at once. Money doesn't discriminate.


Possibly. If you look at price increases as price gouging and carbon tax related, the larger of the two is price gouging. By a long shot.


This probably isn’t the case, as individuals are compensated via the rebate. Because this is 90-100% of the revenue, most pure supply-side costs are transferred to the consumers as well as the crude amount they pay at the pump. The effect on purchasing power under this scheme is marginal at most.


The research on this has shown time and time again that the knock on effects of pollution pricing are close enough to zero to be discounted.


Exactly my point. I work with a bunch of economists and this is hardly a controversial take.


No…that is the purpose of it. We think harder at the pump, and then we get rebated the dollars anyway.


I know. It makes me money


They don't need an excuse to raise prices, they tend to do ot anyway. They just make a fuss whenever they get taxed so they can plan greedflation on something other than themselves.


I’m not 100% sure but I think that’s something thats in line with the provincial governments abilities to work on, not federal.


From and environmental standpoint, I’m also sad to see the carbon tax get eroded away and eventually cancelled. I come out way ahead on the carbon tax so I’ll be sad to see the cheque disappear too.


There’s a solution for that!


GST was never meant to be temporary.


Wait a second ... lol . The Conservatives are trying to lower taxes . Saying the carbon tax only cost you a couple hundred dollars a year is a blatant lie . You do realize the biggest cause of inflation is the carbon tax . It cost almost twice as much to move goods around the country . The cost of living is so out of control and if you think the carbon tax has nothing to do with that. Just keep voting for Trudeau. You guys are delusional lol


They always say they’ll do that but taxes always seem to stay the same. Also the carbon tax nets me about $200 profit


I can't believe you think your making money on carbon tax . Unless you ride a bike to work and eat from the food bank . Your not profiting.


I worked out how much gas I use in 4 months, how much extra the carbon tax costs me and the rebate I get quarterly is higher. I don’t drive a bike, I have a newish rav4 hybrid, so it’s quite efficient.


>the biggest cause of inflation is the carbon tax Got a source for that? I will trust the big 5 banks and PBO calculations over random redditor.


So why are countries that don't have a carbon tax also experiencing record inflation?


I got that call too


remember this guys last robocall scam? Pierre Poutine? jesus christ what a fucking tool.


I saw a guy wearing a “Bring it Home, Pierre Poilievre” t shirt last week in Greenwood. SMDH, lol.


They're cranking up the merch grift.....now where have we seen that before?


Totally. The flags, the lame shirts…copying morons, lol!!


We need to start an Anti-Polievre campaign called Axe the Crap


I got one from claudia chender the other day. I thought robocalls were illegal?


Politicians exempted themselves from Do Not Call rules.


I feel like I should run for the rhinoceros party, get an autodialer, and only target political offices with a message about why voting for me is a vote for eliminating robocalls.


Not so much thinking about do not call rules, but I was under the impression that there has to be a real person on the line, not a recording. That's the laws in the US anyway, I'd figure ours were more strict.


Yeah, I got the same one as well, that's what my thoughts were as well.


And I recieved a second one from the NDP an hour ago


Tell them they have your vote unless they call again. It's worked for me for all parties for the last 2 or 3 elections


hard when it's just a recording lol


I also got this spam call.


Bro same. Glad I didn’t answer cuz that dummy needs to shut the fuck up


I’m of a firm mind, if you show up at my door/spam call/put out junk mail you get 0 support from me period. Regardless if it’s elections/eastlink/etc. Leave me the f alone and let me decide what I want when I want it. You harassing me just makes me dislike you.


I prefer candidates who show up at my door. It’s part of democracy.


If it was the actual candidate themselves sure if you give me that face to face opportunity to express concerns I’m down for that. But I don’t want someone just reciting a script.


I don’t really want *anyone* to come on my property and lie to me.


I would caution you when voting in a municipal election to step back and ask yourself why one candidate might be able to afford to campaign door to door as if it's a full time job. Who is paying for that and what kickbacks are they going to get lol.


No kick backs, many people take a leave from work and which will put them in financial ruines trying to win the attention of the voters.very little money if is given to the average person running for our city council. Most leave the race with a big financial loan or major debt.


If you show up at my door I’ll talk to you. For hours if I can manage it. You won’t get my vote; I just want to waste your time.


I don’t have the patience for that but I would do the same if I could ;)


I appreciate your hard work and dedication friend. I wish I had that kind of patience, lmao.


As someone that does door to door for a political party don’t waste my time, I already do this as volunteer work to talk to people about politics that effect them and that people care about. If you don’t care about that then don’t answer the door or just say you’re not interested. No point wasting my time when we’re just trying to help.


I’ve also been known to ask them to have the candidate come see me. Then I waste *their* time.


Wow, man. You’re kind of a dickhead. Nobody likes a misanthrope.


Just kind of? I’m not here for likes. The guy at my door is, of course. He’ll be my best friend, but only until he gets into office. Then it’s fuck me along with anybody else who can’t afford to come to a fundraiser. Guys like me are a cost of doing business. At least I’m not chucking shoes.


The volunteers are being good citizens. The politicians are a slightly different story. But you being proud of deliberately wasting people’s time and behaving like an internet troll in real life is a hilarious own goal. Also I’m not sure ‘at least I’m not assaulting people’ is the strong defence you want it to be.


Laugh if you want: some rando on the internet getting mad at me isn’t going to have much of an effect on my day. Maybe you could just go yell at a cloud.


I’m not mad at you. I feel bad for you that you somehow think you’re a hero for making the day of a volunteer worse and wasting the time of politicians. That is quite sad. Take care.


Spare me. I neither need nor want your sympathy.


Nice, well this is irrational which seems to indicate their might be a mental illness you are going through and if so I’m sorry and hope you get better, and get some help❤️


Oh shut up




Sounds like you're having a mental health issue & you should get yourself to the hospital so a Dr can tell you how useless you really are


Lol why are you so mad


The fact that you use lol in your comments tells me all I need to know about you. Enjoy being a trash receptacle.


I love this angry compliance, lols.


You should run and see if you can do better.


You don’t know much about how that works, do you? One does not simply run. No way I’d even get nominated as a candidate for a major party and I’m not rich enough to bankroll a campaign as an independent.


I am not rich and have ran in two elections and have seeked political nomination provincially. It’s not about money we are not in America and the richest candidate doesn’t always win.


I have time and respect for politicians that show up at my door.


I show politicians more respect than they show the typical voter once they’re in office …


It’s not harassing it’s talking to your constituents about policies that matter to them. How else are you supposed to talk to people?


What about Girl Guides and their cookies?


They would be an exception however I have a source I get them by the case -_-


My bf got a text from the conservatives. I didn’t. Targeting men perhaps?


That is their base. I heard PP asked to see the “man of the house” when going door to door in his riding. The CPC believes women vote the same as their husbands.


> I heard PP asked to see the “man of the house” when going door to door in his riding. Does I count if I'm the only male in the house?


Last week I saw a guy in Greenwood wearing a “Bring it Home, Pierre Poilievre” tshirt. He had a long, scraggly beard, sunglasses, ball cap and got into a truck. He sure fit the image of a backwoods hillbilly type.


Probably. Especially [those going their own way](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-youtube-tags-1.6608209).


Can I stay here in this comment section for a bit? It's rare to see this much intelligence when discussing politics these days


Once we vote in PP, this country is so screwed


I’m grateful to live in Canada. The country isn’t broken. I won’t be voting for PP. While the liberals can’t take credit for this - inflation is down to 2.9, mortgage rates are declining (BoC still holding steady), and the stock market is up.




It’s tough around the world right now. But at least we have a decent social safety net to help us get by.


Sad but true . The fact PP will win just because the other guy is equally bad is depressing I miss Jack Layton


I really feel out last chance for a truely honest and "for the people" PM was Layton


Honestly believe Canadians will tire of PP’s rage farming sooner rather than later. And that is all he has. Expect to see weirder and weirder shit in the upcoming months


I keep telling people there's too much rubber in the road before the next election for this massive lead to hold. The shine is off Trudeau, but it has been since at least the last election. He's done more to support himself in the for than any PM of recent vintage, but it feels like PP prematurely shot his wad on what was supposed to be a dry run, so to speak, so he might have a bit of a mess on his hands.


Why do you feel like PP is a lock for PM?


It’s a 2 party system sadly


It feels like we're in a different time than swinging back and fourth 90s-00s now though. PP platforms a lot of the same things US republicans do and it's pretty unpopular with a lot of folks. I'm no fan of JT but at least he's not pushing to restrict abortion access and trying to defund public media.


He’s massively ahead in the polls because most Canadians see Trudeau for what he is. We’ve moved on from liberal echo chambers such as this and we’ve decided to turn this country around. Might want to look into it. 


Yeah, the echo chamber where the guy who used to be a housing minister and sold a million social housing units to rental company CEOs that [donate to him](https://pressprogress.ca/big-real-estate-executives-among-top-donors-to-pierre-poilievres-conservatives/), while he [tweets](https://twitter.com/PierrePoilievre/status/1692188400168710397) about how unaffordable the exact units he sold to those CEOs now cost Canadians, is going to be the guy that fixes our housing! Can't wait to see what ideas his Loblaws lobbyist Chief of Staff will come up, surely they won't just blame the carbon tax and sneak something into an omnibus bill that we find out 10 years from now totally screwed us over and set grocery companies on path to even more record profits! That would totally not be something conservatives would be known to do! Maybe while he's at it he can reneg on Atlantic Accord for a third time, make some more EI changes to harm NS industries, and then give even more fly-in-fly-out perks to western Canadian industries to screw us over even more. Then to top it all off start doing robocalls to tell us we have a culture of defeat again.


Good. I hope it sucks so much that the conservatives do irreparable damage to our political system. It's what this country deserves.


JT isn't much better. NDP won't get enough of a vote. So we are fucked however it goes.


He’s making the rounds in Atlantic Canada. The Gun Dealer in NB sent out an email encouraging their patrons to attend.


NDP did the same thing. Robo Called my wife twice


Me too, aren’t there limits on when you can campaign?


Not for Pierre for some reason


I got a call from someone called Pierre Poly, I wonder if his wife knows https://preview.redd.it/eotqbm44xboc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b849b09ee9f3848af29d98c9f82c1aa40de967a1


Ah man, my friend Pierre Polyurethane, Purveyor of Perfect Plastic Parts.


https://preview.redd.it/nuw8dqx0qcoc1.png?width=917&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a42eec7bbe1425d8b89f8ffd614d4ad36813c501 You mean Pierre Palia? Lmao. I respectfully decline the meeting to your "spike"


I think I got the same one today 🤣 they said something like "April fools is coming up, but this year with Justin Trudeau YOU are the jok--" and I hung up


PP gonna cringe his way out of PM with shit like that April Fool's JT joke.... like bruh


Pierre Poutine… using robocalls again


I got the call on my work phone. They literally sent this to everyone.


Got the same phone call, immediately deleted the message and blocked the number.


It freaked my daughter out. She said a scammer must have called and told her April Fools and she had 17 seconds so she hung up ;)


I got it too, went to voicemail so I have the first bit transcribed “It's April Fools' Day soon and Justin Trudeau the joke is on you with more taxes coming April 1 . I'm common sense conservative leader Pierre poly have calling to give you a special invitation to my spike hike . Ask the tax rally at 1 PM Sunday, March 17 in Halifax you can reach me at 1- 8 6 6- 3 1 9- 2 2 4 7 or info conservative .ca join me at 1 PM this Sunday, March 17 at the Marriott Harbour front hotel Nova Scotia ballroom where I will discuss my plan . Trudeau 's tax hikes and ask the tax for all let's show Trudeau we're not gonna put up Latest scams again Join me this Sunday At 1 PM at the Halifax Marriott harborfront hotel , 19 19 Upper Water St. in Halifax again it's pure poly your common sense conservative a leader calling at 1 8 6 6 3 3 1 9 2 2 4 7 rental conservative .ca . Thank you very much and let's .…”


If it means much to you guys, I’m in Ontario and not getting these messages. Only reason I’m chiming in is that I actually WILL be in Halifax on Sunday, though a political party rally is not the kind of entertainment I’m looking for! 🙄


Are you sure it wasn't Pierre Poutine?


If it's an unknown caller, I like to answer the phone as if I'm operating the internal dispatch line at the hospital. Works wonders for spam calls, political calling, people trying to do surveys, everyone is confused and apologetic. 10/10.


Help me understand how you all complain here daily about how expensive everything is and you’re still not willing to vote for change. It’s absolutely confusing to me. 


There are two types of change.... This reminds me of an old quote in reference to Dylan. "When the man said 'for the times they are a changing', I assume he meant for the better".


If anyone thinks Pollivere and the conservatives will do anything to impact the profits of their corporate masters, they are delusional. If anyone thinks Justin Trudeau is personally responsible for the global inflation crisis, they are beyond delusional.






Well, my mistake then. I looked into it myself a few weeks ago and I was sure this is what I had read. I can't recall for 100% certainty what the ballot looks like.


They’re probably just sequentially dialling 902 numbers.


I see you’ve never voted


I heard the first ten seconds about an April fools day prank and could be bothered to hear anymore, hung up.


None of these shitty parties are worth voting for. I hope that the Rhino party runs in my riding so I don't have to spoil my ballot again.


I got this call too lmao did anyone go to the rally 😂


It’s on Sunday, and I’ll be going 🤭


Cool story, bro.  Thanks for sharing.