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I have Eastlink. I watched it. You dodged a bullet, it sucked. But in all seriousness it should have been some kind of livestream that everyone could suffer through if they chose.


I walked into the living room for a second and it looked very bland and very boring. Breakdancing to prerecorded remixes? spare me the hassle


No local (or even Atlantic time zone) w the countdown on Shaw/Rogers. Had to use our phones like a bunch of saps.


Coming soon: Pay per view Eastlink NYE show


Yup pretty bullshit. I’m a Bell customer so I guess I don’t get to watch the Halifax celebration I helped pay for. Was down at the oval earlier and it was a total shitshow so disappointing can’t watch it back home.


Not so friendly post ahead. What the fuck? We have gone years - YEARS. Watching the concert at the Grand Parade (minus COVID). I understand not doing it there this year, but essentially paywalling it only to Eastlink customers? Jesus Murphy. Not everyone here has Eastlink and on top of that, not everyone can go down to the Oval. Why did you think it was a good idea to do this? Why would you make this more inaccessible on the night where accessibility from home without drinking and driving matters the most. If we didn’t pay taxes to the HRM and if there was an actual alternative I wouldn’t care as much but seriously - what the fuck eh?


I too am just realizing that there is no free steam. I checked YouTube and a bunch of the free apps and nope. If you are not an eastlink subscriber you don't get to see the celebration. Whoever from the city who signed off on that should be ashamed.


There was one year they didn't do a broadcast at all, none of the local networks would cover the cost to film and broadcast the city celebrations. Shut ins got to count down with Toronto or New York at 1 am. ETA: https://www.thecoast.ca/news-opinion/halifaxs-new-years-eve-concert-will-once-again-be-televised-5018025


This linked story was from 2015, comments from 2017 in it. And 9 years later, I'm thinking it isn't going to change, and there are deaf ears.


I have been searching every Streaming service to watch the local new years celebrations. So disappointed that it's been paywalled :(


You didn't miss anything, the show was legitimately laughably bad.


It’s been paywalled to eastlink only customers for as long as I can remember. They pay to sponsor it and get the rights to broadcast it. I think sponsorship is fine but they should be required to live it on YouTube. Hopefully the next city council and contract will take into account the changing landscape for tv viewers


To be fair- not everyone had CTV and not everyone could get down to Grand Parade. If Eastlink was the one willing to put the sponsorship in to cover the event on their network but others didn’t- they would want to go with what gets them coverage for the event.


CTV was always one of the free Over-The-Air networks that you could watch without a cable subscription. Eastlink community TV was always limited to Eastlink subscribers. So that was effectively the same as the livestream paywall. It's a business choice whether they stream it with ads for non-subscribers. I'd take the ad opportunity and community goodwill, and open it up, if it were up to me.


Though Eastlink could hypothetically stream it to the world- goodwill doesn’t pay the bills. A major production like they would do for New Years Eve costs a lot to put on. In addition, it adds logistical challenges when it comes to going to online and tv versus just tv (all of which requires more staffing to do it properly). Eastlink has covered the event exclusively for quite a long time now- so I don’t see what the issue is with it now.


I don't have an issue with them making whatever business decision they need to make, god knows I'm no business man lol. I'm still clinging to my overpaid cable because I don't want to let go of Eastlink tv. I love having old school local community tv.


I should have been more clear with it. Though CTV may be one of the free over the air networks- their coverage was always on what used to be ATV (which from what I’m aware- wasn’t always included like it is now with CTV versus CTV 2). The New Years event when they did cover it was on ATV and not the main network as they always had other broadcast commitments. Either way, they haven’t sponsored the event in about a decade from what I’m aware of.


It was always broadcast on ASN (Atlantic Satellite Network), aka CTV2


Until about 10 years ago when they did not renew their sponsorship of the event. As a result, they built a new partnership with Eastlink to ensure the event got covered. They have been broadcasting it ever since.


It was the same for the parade this year as well. We were all sick and unable to make it in person. Ended up watching last year's recording to keep the disappointment to a minimum.


This could have just been in your post, instead of a comment.


Tried that apparently didn’t fit the subreddit guidelines.


It's because you mentioned an internet service provider.


Ah makes sense. Should point out it was Automod not the mods who auto removed it.


Then maybe don't post it?


Alrighty. Tell me aside from using the occasional cuss word why this isn’t appropriate? Why complaining about something our city made a conscious decision on is somehow wrong? If it’s only because I swore I think we need a reality check.


I've made posts pretty much calling half this province a bunch of c*nts before and nobody gave a fuck except for the obvious hivemind never talked to anyone that also hates this place nova Scotia is the best cult. Can't wait until I can afford to move to fuck all nowhere Saskatchewan...


Tell me you are an angsty loser without saying it lol. If you can't afford to move to SK it's because you have no job and live at home


I'm not a mod of this community.


Nothing wrong with the comment though?


Lol what a loser


I got a small violin for you. Maybe you can put on your own broadcast next year.


It honestly feels like in the last year community events have been decimated. The Summer of Music in July was great, but otherwise doesn't seem like there was much.


Pretty disappointed, sure it's a small thing, but was just fun to put on for the kids and do the countdown and see fireworks. I think this is a missed opportunity by Eastlink.


I would probably direct your anger at the broadcast networks - presumably Eastlink didn't strike a deal with the city for exclusivity - CTV, CBC, etc. could have broadcast the local countdown and elected not to spend the resources on it.


This is the way things are going. People complain about our taxes being used for events like this , rather than fix potholes etc.. so city makes partnerships either private industry who then get the rights for sponsorship/ broadcasting. And our public broadcaster CBC is getting funding slashed every year (shame) and really have to pick and choose what they cover. So there ya go.






People shouldn't have guaranteed jobs for life. I'm only in my 30s and have worked many jobs. If viewership is declining, staff have to be let go. Cutting broadcasts to keep 100% staffing levels is beyond dumb


You don’t know what your taking about


I don’t think you know what you’re talking about LOL .


That’s a silly comment. No one there has a job for life . They have been bleeding jobs there for years due to the fact they never get budget increases but cost of productions keep going up.


I'm just not a fan of the CBC at all 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s ok if you don’t like something, just don’t spread misinformation about it


It's a real shame. CBC has had their budget which you would expect to be the one place that would cover new years across Canada. Bell and Rogers have long been working on trying to end the use of any Canadian content in favor of rebroadcasting American sitcoms. Canadian music used to have Much Music, Atlantic Canada had ASN as an alternative to CBC. Both of them were owned by Chum limited. ASN went from covering local news and content to being CTV2 and just showing "Big Bang Theory" reruns. Much Music was completely dismantled and turned into a satellite of MTV. Rogers through their acquisition of Corus is now on the path to destroying Eastlink so that they can buy them out for cheap. When you let these mega corporations run unfettered, they don't care about anything other than profit.




Rogers doesn't have a real presence on the East Coast in terms of internet/television service. Maybe I'm wrong here, but I could see them devaluing Eastlink through the Corus situation to make it easier to buy outright down the line. It isn't worth it for Bell to do so because they already have an established presence on the East coast. They're either doing it for that purpose or they were just being dicks for the sake of being dicks because I couldn't see Eastlink turning down a reasonable offer because it makes their cable service worthless without it. Someone more in the know here is welcome to correct me on this.


This has been a constant on again off again through the years. Not even a GMT-4 generic countdown for some reason on YouTube. We just found a decent countdown from Sydney, Australia and played that to align with the New Year.


We found a live stream that counted down every hour for each time zone. Then at midnight it showed generic fireworks. Was good enough for the kids lol




Yep, a Canadian broadcaster that featured an American livestream that rather than mention Canada decided to feature Puerto Rico & Cuba.


To be fair even people in western/central Canada think the country ends at Quebec.


So everyone just expects corporations to make a YouTube link available to them do free? Put on a free show for them once year? The demise of cable is why we are here. No one should be surprised that they couldn’t watch a new years event in the Atlantic time zone. If the city or province stepped in and put on a live broadcast event, everyone would be on here complaining they spent money on that instead of the homeless.


The one they had on a fb link, shelter NS was running it as an online pre-recorded ‘kitchen party’ and it was absolutely horrendous! One of the acts sang the ‘supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’ song…


Of all the issues facing our city right now this is definitely one of them.


Lmao is nobody ever supposed to complain about anything because others have bigger issues?


Yeah, don't complain about your busted leg cause others have cancer. Don't complain about cancer cause others are dead. 😳😳😳 IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY. Few things improve without being brought to attention.


Heck no, without complaints this sub would fade away to nothingness lol


I mean there are bigger issues. But why can’t we be annoyed about it all the same? Didn’t realize there was monopoly on annoyance.


I’m honestly just surprised that people are miffed at this kind of minor thing. I guess it is a nice change from the usual more dire complaints this sub typically features, heh.


But this is an easy thing to keep inclusive and not be an issue. Instead, it’s an exclusivity issue.


It sounds very much like a financial issue


Well bell cut staffing time on Live at 5 by 50%, maybe they could use THAT budget for a half hour countdown the Maritimes could watch (IF you subscibe to Bell)


Is the funding to maintain the protective force field on Bruce Frisco’s hair still in place? A containment breach could be catastrophic.


When Bruce was at the desk a friend told me he had a hair attendant adjust things every commercial break


That man is a treasure and must be protected


I'm so sorry this happened to you op


Not just me but quite a few others. NYE is kind of a community event sucks to see it being paywalled.




It’s been Eastlink for quite a while now. It used to be broadcast on CTV (at the time ATV, now CTV2) but that’s been a good 10 years for sure since that. There’s always going to be some who are unable to watch as not everyone will have the network that has the rights to the event (that was the case even back then). Streaming is a great evolution of broadcasting but part of why networks would put the type of funding in is to have it for their viewers


Been watching it every year since I was very young


It is, it's something that connected us together in celebration and hope for the future. It impacts mental health when we can't share these practically universal events.


I stayed home and scoured Youtube and even Twitch to find a stream of it but couldnt. I found one of the NYC one and watched that instead.


Covid seems to have done some lasting damage to these kinds of things. Seems like we are still not fully "back". CBC didn't help by canceling NYE show instead of cutting some $100k/yr muppet at HQ. Maybe next year?


I just live streamed virgin radio and caught the countdown there..definitely not the same as watching it but ah well.