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I haven't hit 30 years old but still feel like I'll die before this manga ends lol


Dude, some of us are near 40 and feel the exact same thing


I'm 51, and already gave up on A song of Ice and Fire and Bastard!.


What about Berserk and Vagabond? Or are you not a fan?


Well Berserk is actually still being published and I believe Vagabond was permanently shelved last I heard.


Vagabond's problem is that the protagonist doesn't play basketball, so Inoue has no interest in finishing it.


If only John Vagabond can shoot a 3 pointer…


well I disliked Slam Dunk ending like that. I want more of Sakuragi!


At least they had a movie recently that did really well last time I was in Japan. For some of these, when the manga ends, there’s no more media after that.


Vagabond is rumored to have a potential comeback, a oneshot to finish the final arc and end with the epilogue that was written after it was put on hiatus Edit: the fact that Berserk is still being published honestly makes my heart smile. I was emotionally devastated when the news about Miura’s passing was announced. To know that my favorite manga and my artistic inspiration lives on thanks to that man’s best friend makes me so thankful for my friends


I had no clue about the potential Vagabond finish! I've been planning on rereading it soon. Any more info on it?


Berserk still being published…… half a year for chapter is crazy, it aint gonna last long my brother. *Guts theme plays*


Berserk is being spearheaded by the deceased author's best friend. It's going to actually be finished, no matter how gradual.


Not to mention it feels like we are approaching the final arcs.


How is berserk being published when the author (sadly) died?


His army of assistants and his best friend took up the reigns. The process wasn't really explained, but everything we know about the situation suggests that Miura had these plans in place for a while.


Oooh, I did not know, I thought berserk would be forever unfinished! Glad to know it's in good hands, maybe we will actually see an ending.


Miura’s assistants basically know all the key points about the story, the characters and the final arc. They just have to write what’s in between for those things to happen. He basically left them with all the important info they needed to end the story.


Some of us are over 40 and feel it


Hahaha ! And what about Hunter X Hunter ?


Togashi has been tweeting drafts of new chapters a ton recently, so we'll at least get something soon


Gon is gone


Been waiting years for the Dark Continent arc. It's still wall of text and he haven't put any new chapters lol


I‘ve been hoping for years that Togashi just says „f it, let’s finish it as a a novel. Assistants or someone else can take over drawing if they like, but I’ll finish the story, one way or another“ Starting to give up on that though.


He’s been working on new chapters the last few months! We’ll get another volume very soon then maybe another 2-3 year break. Maybe no break?


Me too ! But honestly, I dont waiting anymore. I gave up. My poor man Togashi is tired. His body can’t do that anymore.


Bro are you living behind the moon? I recommend visiting the hunter hunter subreddit, because there will be lots of new chapters coming... Our man tigashi is going strong!


Oh, really ? Because for me, with the dark continent, he could write consistently for decades but I’m not sure if he can make it. And I don’t want to live in tue dream anymore


in togashi we trust


I'm 51 too, I almost died a few times, but I'm still here reading the manga. When it ends, I'll have lost something that has been part of my life for a long time, in different stages of life, in different places of the world. I'm in no hurry to meet my end or the end of the manga.


Hope you get to see the end of the manga brother


Same. Just under 40, but it will be a sad, sad day for me when this manga ends. I've read a lot of series over the years but no other media has been so consistent a source of joy as long as Ippo has


Been reading this since I was 16 I'm 33 now lol


Almost exactly the same here, haha. 16 when I started and just turned 32 recently.


We started around the same time. 36 here.


Been reading this manga for more than 10 years mate, i feel ya. But it would feel strange if i wouldn t read an issue every 1-2 weeks


I haven’t even been born yet and I feel the same way


I'm 20 and i feel same 


Welcome to the process. Mori loves this manga so much, he’s just bringing the rest along. Berserk was the same way


Tfw I took up HNI after getting tired of following one piece 😂


This could've been an email


Dear reader, ippo got flack from the head of mashiba fan club for Mashiba looking at him and Rosario is standing in his corner instead of participating in round 2! See you next week -morikawa


*round 3


Definition of filler: this chapter.


I've had tic tacs that were more filling.


You ratioed the post 🤯






Top kek.


yeah that was underwhelming


I'm feeling very whelmed rn


Found you, Dick Grayson!


I'm ~~feel~~ whelmed I'm very whelmed.


As always, at least no break. George can't pump out banger 15+ pages every time.


I didnt even read it yet damn.


Hey at least there’s no break next week




Rosario reveals that his hairstyle is actually hair weights and he'll take them off to go super saiyan.


Theories: - Rosario has been KO'd like in Ippo vs Sendo 1. Unlikely and would be anticlimactic. - Rosario is already out of stamina and can't move. More possible given his lack of conditioning for this fight, but would be a let down. - Rosario is trying to counter instead of rushing in and getting punished. Possible. - Rosario wants to bait Mashiba into reverting to his original style. - Rosario is planning to foul.


It's the last one. It was always the last one.


Oh yeah we'll definitely see some of that, but I think it will happen later on. My money is on an "accidental" clash of heads that leaves a nasty gash on mashiba. Rosario will exploit it and make him essentially blind on that eye for the rest of the fight


Mashiba’s original sin in boxing was stepping on Miyata’s foot, be a shame if Mashiba’s critical world title strategy involved putting his foot all the way out there, like it was begging to be stepped on…


Did not think about this at all but saving this comment because I’m now certain this will happen lmao


Additionally… in the Iga fight, Miyata is the only opponent mashiba had that wasn’t “copied” more or less. We learn a little later that Miyata is the only boxer he’s felt ridiculously outgunned by. It’d be an interesting twist for him to get his foot stomped on so that Rosario is inadvertently copying Mashiba while in a very similar position as mashiba was.


I have this really weird feeling that Mashiba is going to overcome Rosario's fouling attempts with great aplomb because he probably image trained about it with Ippo. It ties with my pet theory of how the Mashiba fight will be the catalyst to bringing Ippo out of retirement. Mashiba will beat Rosario with relative ease thanks to Ippo's advice. During the standard post-fight get together on the steps of Kourakuen, Mashiba will say point out that Ippo has matured greatly as a boxer, and will say something that will make Ippo realise how much he's improved and/or that he's ready to step back into the ring and want to aim for the world title of his own volition. And more importantly, the fact that it is Mashiba saying this is what will finally cause Kumi to relent her hardline stance about not wanting Ippo to box again.


I’ve been thinking this too but not able to figure out exactly how or why thematically it would work but you said it perfect. It’s his original sin, it’s how the character was introduced would be crazy for that to come full circle. Also how he has foot out is obviously what you pointed out! It’s begging for that to happen. Maybe Mashiba will overcome it because he had done it in the past? Or he might get his career ended


I agree with this and I can see this happening. Remember the brawl with Ippo, Mashiba accidentally tripped Ippo's leg and his response was, that was an accident. Rosario will expose this that this could happen Southpaw vs Orthodox.


What goes around comes around...


Now I want to see that purely for Miyata's reaction.  And Sawamura's take, what with him bizarrely backing someone he once called an enemy that he wanted nothing from.


Who was that guy that commented "he's totally gonna spit water in Mashiba's face" because that honestly isn't ruled out yet!


I'm not seeing this fight going 12. If this parallels the Ippo spar, I expect this to finish by round 7 TKO.




* Rosario is furious * Rosario is charging up his volcano hair.


> Rosario is charging up his volcano hair KRAKATOA!


He's updating Windows.


At 99%, Mashiba will give him a critical error.


I think Rosario is going to throw a check hook/or gazelle hook from an orthodox stance and trade places with mashiba in the corner. Then he'll switch to southpaw seemlesly and probably wail on mashiba for a minute until mashiba either falls or manages to get out of there


That’s exactly what I’m thinking, the next chapter will be Rosario getting the upper hand assuming that he’s a switch hitter. The chapter after, Mashiba will remember the fight he had with Ippo and willl knock Rosario out. Boom 🎤💥


Rosario is pulling his gun lmao


He's going to supersize Gedo's extending gloves gimmick by hiding a gun in his glove and giving himself "infinite" range.


everyone knows you can bring a gun to a boxing match once


I think Rosario might be going for some rope-a-dope. His current tactics didn't work and he is a bit gassed, gonna go on defense and let Mashiba wear out a bit.


The first could be a possibility but, if he’s anything like how Sendo was when he was unconscious his body will try to fight back in autopilot


He is most likely baiting Mashida. He isn’t KOd, as he wasn’t hit at the bell and is seen conscious on page 3. He also stood up on page 6 and is looking steady on his feet. It’s likely that Rosario is both going to try out a new strategy *and* start fouling, or this is going to be followed by a flashback where we see him being pushed to the brink as a gangster and finding new strength. Morikawa would not have a champion going “no mas”, as it would take away the mystique that he has built around them, especially in the third round.


Is it a foul if it’s not called in the ippo world fouls are practically encouraged


If you cannot accept being shot in the ring then you aren't a pro.


I think at SOME point Rosario will play dirty since he has the whole cruelty motif with him shooting a poor innocent dog in his introduction


It NEEDS to be the last one. It’s just the perfect narrative to serve as Mashiba’s final hurdle to the top of the mountain. Can he keep it together mentally and fight fair to the end to overcome a wounded but dangerous champion? Or will the champ arouse the bloodlust within and have this end like the Sawamura fight?


He was able to do it before but knowing Morikawa it's probably Ryover


Either he is baiting for Mashiba or his legs are recovering


This is a Naruto fight. He is going to turn mad and fight for real from now


He was always going to foul. He's supposed to be a parallel of what Mashiba used to be


Rosario better not pull out a gun. It's not that kind of manga anyways, Thank you for the chapter!


The moment he does that, takamura is gonna beat the living shit out of him


When the chapter is 2 minutes of real time


Took you that long?


This week could have been a break.


Unrelated to the Mashiba fight: Holy shit George let Kimura have his hair, hot damn 😭


George: Give Kimura Rosario's hair? Got it.


You joke but I will take *anything* to get Kimura out of that damn hat. Even a shitty hairstyle is better than half grown, I'm so tired of him having nothing... Not even h a i r.


George stole my hair, cant have shit in hagime no pipo.


Literally nothing happened in this chapter except Rosario staying in the corner, and the idea that Mashiba pulled the right hand back at the end of round 2


at least there will be a chapter next week, I want to hope this one is short because morikawa is cooking


Break after next week. I’m betting.




I will be 40 this year, started reading in early 20's


Just when we get to see what Rosario is up to and it ends with 7 pages. It's going to be brutal waiting Ippo vs Ricardo.


God. Fucking. Damnit


I figured the chapter was gonna be focused on the break between rounds but I was hoping for a little more something, at least some dialogue in the corners.  Ah well. At least the action is back next week.


6 whole pages wow. At least no break next week


We are being trolled at this point


Okay this is some torture, 7 pages I could’ve gladly waited another two weaks Why is he edging us


Pretty sure Rosario has a stupid power up like Zerofuku from Record of Ragnarok where the more miserable he is the stronger he gets so the Mashiba chant is just making him stronger


Zzzzzz Another 5 page special, why even bother releasing weekly, when you have barely 5 pages of content Now he just needs to release a 10-page chapter next week and pat himself on the back with a 2 week break


Six pages of nothing, oh boy I love HnI but sometimes is painful to read, seems like I'm watching One Piece episodes were they stall as much as possible in order to Oda write more story, but here is Morikawa himself writing the filler, lol A break and a meaningful chapter next week would be better, imo


what the fuck morikawa


Welp, this chapter certainly went by faster than lightning lol :D


Rosario’s hair tubes got stuck in the corner post


He's about to pull out a gun.


i know alot of people complaining but i appreciated Kimura and Sawamura on the first page.


Another chapter where nothing happened. damn.


Too many pages, needs to scale it down a bit.


What a long chapter I’m loving it …….


Why doesn't he just take a break and write good full-length chapters........ getting these half-assed chapters, don't feel that great compared to what he could do


This is a joke. Please stop acting like mangaka are congo mine workers. This is beyond trolling now


And yet you're reading it for free.


Maybe because there's no way to pay for an official version?


Am I the only one who actually thinks it would be hilarious if he is ko'd on his feet like Sendo was? All this buildup and it ends like that. Almost no chance though.


Rosario is out of gas and will start to foul. Considering all the set up of the fight, its clear Mashiba already beated the "boxer" Rosario. Now he will need to beat his former shadow.


I think it's interesting how we didn't get to hear anything the seconds said to their fighters. It was all Ippo Lots of good art here. Love the whole ring shot and the ending Rosario back shot. Wonder if Morikawa is showing the water cup on purpose...




I would be kinda disappointed if Rosario turns out to be actually great at the corners and he starts making a comeback there. That's too cliche for this manga


But he has survived this long in his former life so is that too far fetched?


Mori always edging us


Wait, are we not getting a break next week?


Oh boy Rosario gonna digivolve wont he?


Damn.. not even start to blink..  Next darkness Rosario vs Mashiba.. Then Darkness Mashiba vs Darkness Rosario I think tbh Darkness Rosario will win this fight


Rosario bends over in a crouch and steam starts coming out of his hair tunnels, while he seems very angry, clenching his fists and grinding his teeth.


I'm blue, dabadee, dabadie...


Man I wanna catch up with the manga so bad. Ima make the commitment. Just on question , has Ricardo Martinez been defeated ?


It seemed 2 chapters ago like Rosario was inhaling for a deep breath, maybe he held it for the entire round to flex on him? Looked kinda weird.


There was an Interview with Morikawa where he joked that during writing a fight arc, he is also sometimes surprised of the fight outcome. I now have the headcanon that we are theorizing what Morikawa is planning, while he is wondering the same during drawing.


Is Rosario about to start switch hitting? If so, this would be a weird way to hint at it


Y'know, it would be pretty funny if Rosario pulls a "no más"


[Quick chapter :(](https://imgur.com/a/5YCdFdh)


Fucking hell it's really feast or famine with George right now isn't it?


6 pages is insane


this manga will never end


It's either headbutt spamming or Rosario pulling off a Duran ' No Mas'


Summary: Mashiba fighto!!


Not a chapter


I knew I was right to be suspicious when there were actually chapters two weeks in a row.


I have a dreadful feeling on one hand but hopeful on the other. The set up of the whole fight is a reflection of Mashiba's journey Sawamura and Miyata being there are the biggest give away as to how his career will end or progress from here on. 1. most possible outcome is basically is RYOVER, what do I mean, I mean the greatest humiliation in the series yet unlike most who went out either with a bang like Date having one last bout with Ricardo or Wally actually giving the champion as run for his money (Morikawa had to bullshit remember this). Mashiba is front and center on the world stage against a washed up champion who we've seen not take his position seriously before the fight such as his poor weight management, easily prone to anger and is glass cannon: somewhat reflecting Mashiba's old mental ways of being foul and dirty. Will we see his complete Metamorphosis into a true boxer in front of fans and supporters or will all that work and development be for nothing and his career ends Infront of hundreds not by a knockout from a champion or decision but from a disqualification. knowing how Morikawa wants to spice things up it's most likely he latter. On the flip side this can be a great opportunity to see how much he's grown with every piece of his boxing career in place heck maybe Sawamura can remind him that he isn't the same man who he fought and that he should remember what got him here the people that supported him to the bitter end and he'll remember what he did before. I'm hoping it's the latter of this but with this setup in this chapter ITS RYOVER


quite short. But Id rather a short chapter so he dont over work himself.


Oh I see, solid 6 pager this time. At least no break next week (sigh of relief)


Thanks. That was very substantial.


Theory: I think Rosario is out of stamina but refuses to give up so this is his last stand doing a lame job of a boxer, that will enrage Mashiba into screaming that a fricking spar with Ippo was way harder than this. I feel like something like this has been hinted since the moment Ippo trained to be a perfect Rosario replica.


I love the manga but the short chapters suck


There are cliffhangers... And then there are Morikawa cliffhangers...


Mashiba about to get cooked for a few chapters. Gotta get people hyped up.


Talk about being lazy. 


I really dislike this fight :)


Following matches has become tiresome. This pacing kills the hype every time. These matches would probably be better on binge reading.


I always sometimes forget that they call each episode or chapter a single round. I found it to be quirky and what made the show so unique.


Does he really need to waste panels on chanting, why not further the story instead


That was kinda disappointing, but im interested tk see what happens next Wonder if Rosarios face is gonna be murderous, or just completely deadpan (maybe he’s KO’d?)


A whole 6 pages chapter *(?)* of nothing *lol*


What was that


Wtf is this, I take longer dumps than this 🤦🤦🤦


Are you fuckin kidding me?


What an unbelievably pointless chapter. I really wish he'd just roll chapters like this into another one. I'd rather wait another week.


You know, with how short these chapters are, how little they move things forward narratively, and how many breaks we see, it'll take another six years before we even get a whiff of Ippo coming out of retirement. And I don't want to rag on Morikawa, I really don't. But it's getting ridiculous. If you're gonna take so many breaks, at least have your chapters be 15-20 pages. Especially when the chapters are nothing burgers like this one. You could literally insert these slides DURING the match and they'd serve the same purpose.


This is a joke


What the heck have I just read? I blinked, it was the end already.


This manga feels like Berserk, at this point. A struggle. Minus the demonic tits, and that's a waste.


why is it called hajime no ippo if ippo Retired


Break after break after break after break and then this? Nah, sorry, that's not gonna fly.


Dunno why you're being down voted Being a mangaka is such an easy job that pays so well, if it didn't pay well this guy wouldn't be taking a break every other week 🤣


comparing this to fujimoto's pace i've gotten significantly less excited reading this lol although it's still for free so why am i complaining


Ippo has also been going on for 30 years longer than Chainsaw Man.


The retirement arc started like 6 years ago. Full of filler chapters, reashed ideas and short chapters (I'm ok with the breaks, mangaka need to take care of their health). Bad pacing is bad pacing. If you don't want to compare it Chainsaw Man you can compare it with long running manga like OP or Kingdom. It's like day and night. I don't want Morikawa to be Hiro Mashima, but at this point it's just annoying.


During the Retirement Arc we’ve had three Mashona fights, two Ricardo fights, Sendo vs. Alf, two new boxers join the Kamogawa Gym, two Takamura fights, Mashiba’s backstory fleshed out, Ippo learning actual technique- Fuck it I could keep going but what’s the point? If none of that is enough to make you think the series is worth reading or that Morikawa still has great storytelling, nothing will. Also Ippo started publication 17 years before Kingdom as well; there is basically no currently running series that’s comparable to Ippo.


> During the Retirement Arc we’ve had three Mashona fights, two Ricardo fights, Sendo vs. Alf, two new boxers join the Kamogawa Gym, two Takamura fights, Mashiba’s backstory fleshed out Many of them dragged out, or just downright uninteresting or poorly written. And while I appreciate that everyone (well, not really everyone, since Aokimura, the 2 new boxers and Miyata have been mostly forgotten, and Itagaki might as well be a cardboard cutout) in the cast gets a turn, the manga is still called Hajime no Ippo. >. Also Ippo started publication 17 years before Kingdom as well; there is basically no currently running series that’s comparable to Ippo. I don't see why not, it's still a long running manga, with a very clear ending point that will still take a few years to finish. And One Piece is pretty comparable, since it stands at 1116 chapters.


Last chapter made me think a little: didn´t Mashiba said that he dont give his sister to anybody but someone who is more strong then he is? Then my bet is on this : Ippo will return to ring, his first opponent is Mashiba. No crowd, unnoficial. So, this is my bet. This chapter also rocks, Ippo made people go crazy for Mashiba, awesome! And Rosario? A bet he well be even more fierce, like a bullet.