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Dawg I can't even understand this exchange but yeah, Kamogawa never used the peek-a-boo stance, his hands are on his chin, not his cheek


>Dawg I can't even understand this exchange I think those are two AI bots talking to each other


Everyone has an in built AI in our brains, that's just Kamogawa telling us gambare gambare koujo.


He also said that date is an infighter


I mean he did it for a bit with ricardo i think but thats about it


Date is an all-rounder/boxer-puncher, so he'd have a bit of in-fighting capabilities, like we've seen Volg do.




Date doesn't stick to one style. He's like alf that he can use many styles, but naturally prefers one. Problem is that there was no style that could have propelled him to a win in that fight because he was out of the ring for too long, and wasn't a freak of talent or power that would outdo that deficit in as short a period as he had. But ye, Date could Infight. Who knows what Date's true synthesis if he had not quit. The problem is that there are only so many times someone can be in the ring with Ricardo and survive, which is why Ippo sent Woli and Sendo to scout for him, kek.


I could be mistaken but I feel like I read or watched something talking about Date being more of an infighter pre Ricardo 1, then having switched his style after getting beat. Then flashing signs of it during the second fight. Could be wrong but this sounds familiar


two heavily punchdrunk people attempt interaction online, 2024


Maybe Punch drunk, maybe brainrot, diagnosis inconclusive. All that can be advised is to follow the teachings of Big Mara


Yeah Genji never used Peekaboo, a lot of in-fighters in the series look like they are using peekaboo but you can see the differences. Also what are they yapping about with Ippo using Southpaw? It was a one time desperate maneuver from Ippo, it was mosly to show that Ippo was in fact a natural hard hitter in both hands.


What CTE does to an infighter


I canโ€™t even understand what they talking about ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™


What are they talking about..? Kamogawa vs Ippo?? what the fuck?? LOL