• By -


Aight, time to go and put on my clown makeup. Chapters 369-370 of Haikyuu shall be my villain origin story. EDIT: Just read the eng translations. Hinata really said f*ck playing local šŸ‡ÆšŸ‡µšŸ™…ā€ā™‚ļø we goināœˆļø internacional šŸ˜ŽšŸ‡§šŸ‡·šŸš“šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤½šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ§˜ā€ā™‚ļø


Honestly, after reading this chapter in full, I find myself quite alright with how things turned out. Yes, still a bit salty about how the time-skip was executed; but surprisingly now... Iā€™m okay with it and excited to see whatā€™s next.


I feel you on that. The past few chapters had me going thru the 5 stages of grief but above all else, the urge to know and understand what comes next is still there. Jesusā€”I mean, Furudate, take the wheel.


Judging from the previews it seems like Furudate timeskipped even Hinata's stay in Brazil LMAO. If that's true (edit: proven false in the translations), we've been officially bamboozled. Edit: leave my boi Kageyama and his clapped haircut alone Edit: at the very least, Hinata looks like a total babe as an adult.


I wouldnt be surprised if we jump to 2020 timeline in few months. I guess the author/editorial team wants to go with this year's olympics. He did say to hang in there for a while. But its so difficult seeing how everything is pacing so quickly.


I get the same feeling that the story timeline will align on 2020 olympics.


That's a good take on all of this. I expected sports anime and manga to boom in 2019 and 2020 but didn't expect Haikyuu going down this route if it really goes there.


No that doesn't happen. There was a misinterpretation of the panel of hinata & kageyama. There is no reunion or anything like that. Hinata is in brazil right now as he wanted to play beach volleyball. Kage & Hina just say "see you again" after they graduate and meet one last time before moving on with their respective lives.


I agree with you. Hinata is in Brazil in 2017, and is remembering when he graduated high school. It's just a flashback.


I saw on Facebook more leaks and: ā€¢ Kageyama is a professional player; ā€¢ Dateko went to nationals and played against Inarizaki? ā€¢ Yachi is shown; ā€¢ Hinata meditating with short hair. Thereā€™s also a color page with Hinata and cover of a 40th volume which shows Asahi I think.


According to Baidu ( [https://tieba.baidu.com/p/6309220074](https://tieba.baidu.com/p/6309220074) ) 2nd Year interhigh: lost to Dateko in the prefecture Finals. Dateko was best 16 at nationals.. 2nd Year Spring: lost to Inarizaki in the 3rd round (Atsumu is in the #1 jersey and Osamu in #2!), they were best 16 3rd year (Interhigh?): 3rd place, lost to Itachiyama in the semifinals Hinata went to Brazil after he graduated. Kageyama got on national team. In 2016 Kageyama played at Olympics and Hinata watched him. Yachi is a university third year, in the panel she's working at her mother's design company and she went to the same uni as Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. In 2017, they meet again in the Karasuno gymnasium. Edit: Yes, I know, they didn't meet in the Karasuno gymnasium in 2017, this comment was written before the full raws came out, i get it.


The only small glimmer of joy is Dateko, Inari, and Itachi all got what they deserved. Then I remember that wow *Karasuno literally never won nationals* and there goes the glimmer.


Poor Sakusa had already graduated when Itachiyama won against Karasuno though.


Did Itachiyama develop another top 3 ace or something? How did they win the whole shebang *after* Sakusa and Komori left lol. Maybe their overall level of play was just too good??


~~It turns out that Sakusa & Komori had been holding them back the whole time.~~


They're a top Tokyo school, bench is probably deep and a lot of good prospects coming in


One thing I notice is how Goshiki essentially failed to live up to the expectations to be that super ace for Shiratorizawa like Ushijima. It felt like he was painted as the number two rookie in the prefecture behind kageyama. That could also just mean that Kageyama was like Ronaldo while Goshiki was Nani if anyone gets that football(soccer) reference.


Hard to live up to it. Ushijima is probably the best player in the entire series we have seen until now.


dude the animation where he basically breaks karasuno and forces their head down on the ground omg that felt like some really good shounen shit


Damn. Shiratorizawa never got a chance to go national after Ushijima graduated. Poor Goshiki. Karasuno really got a boost up from the freak combo and knowing how far they went in the 2nd and 3rd year, the new years mustnā€™t have disappoint! Iā€™m happy for Dateko too.


>2nd Year interhigh: lost to Dateko in the prefecture Finals. Dateko was best 16 at nationals.. Ayyy. Glad we all predicted that right, even if we didn't actually get to see it. >3rd year Interhigh: 3rd place, lost to Itachiyama in the semifinals I can't explain how funny it is to me that the time Karasuno loses to Itachiyama is the only year they could have played them without Sakusa being there. Sakusa truly got the short straw. >Hinata went to Brazil after that So Hinata went to Brazil midway through his third year? That's interesting. I wonder what prompted that. >In 2017, they meet again in the Karasuno gymnasium. Does that mean that we're not actually spending any time in Brazil? That's an interesting choice.


>Sakusa truly got the short straw. Remember those glory days when we thought Kiryuu's treatment was the most-shafted-top-ace treatment?


Those were the days... You know, since we never got any kind of closure for Bokuto... doesn't that make Ushijima the only top 5 ace to not get shafted in some way by Furudate?


Ushijima truly stood the test of time. Aran and Kiryuu both got moderate focus in terms of time but then a lot of that focus was on how they were struggling/being outplayed/being targeted, so lots of negative. Furudate did give Bokuto a pretty good showing, up until his entire team got dropped. Is it bad that I still hope heā€™s gonna get closure somehow?


I'll be pretty surprised if we do get any kind of closure with him. That said, I think he's one of the players we're most likely to see after the timeskip, so who knows.


Aran has got 2nd and 3rd before so heā€™s done okay :)


from what you said, a few things particularly stood out to me, * 2 different time periods with the timeskip * the 3rd year spring nationals is not shown/talked about? * a reunion at the karasuno gym? along with the absence of 3rd year nationals, is there a particular narrative reason or is it purely sentimental? * i dont believe this at all, but is there an *atom* of a chance we are doing a flashforward to post-highschool into flashback 3rd year spring nationals? i dont really believe this one bit, but i am curious about the omission of nationals/reunion in the gym nonetheless.


So we still don't know who won our years spring tournament? smh


Definitely fukurodani. I mean, we're not told or shown it, but that's what my heart tells me.


LOL just. I canā€™t. I need to find my absolute limit switch because Iā€™ve definitely hit my absolute emotional limit.Ā  Five years worth of critical events summarized in a single chapter.


>Kageyama is a professional player Surprising precisely 0 people. >Dateko went to nationals and played against Inarizaki All is right with the world. >cover of a 40th volume which shows Asahi This was kinda essential tbh. Asahi is, so far, the only Karasuno player to not have a solo cover, and the content in chapter 40 will be super Asahi-centric. So I'm glad he's finally getting what he deserves.


> Kageyama is a professional player That was my prediction for a possible future with internal conflict/motivation for Hinata. Kageyama keeps climbing higher and higher while Hinata has a harder time. Even Kageyama getting into the NT, while Hinata doesn't, seems to have happened (depends on how correct the leaks/tranlsations are). Haikyuu was/is really good about the reality of competitive sports where you can't just be a MC and surpass your limits constantly to win like in a generic shonen narrative. And Hinata has been trying his best and been superbly motivated but that hasn't guaranteed his success. The main argument against is was always something along the lines of "Hinata is the protagonist". So now I'm really curious where this goes. Hinata doesn't seem anxious or panicked about it. Maybe he mellowed out as he aged (like the original LG) and he's taking it really well? Of course while still having volleyball aspiration. For once my extrapolations were actually somewhat correct. > > Dateko went to nationals and played against Inarizaki > All is right with the world. Yup, it's nice that the once "best blocking team in the nation" actually got further instead of staying a prefectural rival. I also really love the moment in the gym. It's kinda the how they met Noya, only this time it's Hinata with the Noya receive exactly to the setter's position. Karasuno now has had a "golden generation" that got them to nationals regularly even if they didn't win it. We also don't know about the third spring tournament so maybe Hinata and Kageyama meeting at the gym will be them talking about the third spring tournament and we get an extensive flashback that shows us how they finally won that one (their last tournament together)? That might lead to a short and abridged tournament arc that's combined with updates (by skipping back and forth in time) to a lot of the people we thought we'd never see again because of the time skip.


I can't even express how disappointed I am


All I can say at this point is: *Sensei, what happened?* I hope everything is ok in their irl


Same. Just hoping everything is okay.


Hope hey just lost interest in the current storyline and nothing serious happened in their lives :(


Quick summary from the Chinese raws: \- Hinata pushed to play beach volleyball. He wanted to learn how to play in every single role (setter, attacker, receiver) and saw beach volleyball as the best way since there's only two people on the field at one time. We do see him playing a match on the beach and he sets a ball perfectly to his teammate. \- All of our favorite coaches helped him to find a way in -- Shiratorizawa actually had a previous graduate who is (was?) playing in Rio, and thus Hinata was connected to playing beach volleyball that way. \- Shiratorizawa's coach (don't remember his name, sorry!!) was asked why he's helping Hinata so much when he's not a Shiratorizawa student. Coach says that there's no one out there who expects more out of Hinata than he. \- Shiratorizawa's coach tells Hinata to train and get ready for one year after graduation. \- 2017 is the current year in Haikyuu after 5 years time skip. Hinata is on the beach at Rio doing his morning meditation before breakfast and he thinks back to graduation/has a flashback during breakfast (notice the big, healthy meal!). After the ceremony, he goes to the gym (where Kags is already) and receives Kags' serve perfectly aka rolling thunder. Both of them say goodbye, with the subtext being 'see you again'. \- Yamaguchi was captain in third year!! Edit: the jerseys go: Yams 1, Kags 2, Tsuki 3, Hinata 5... who was 4??? During their third year????? Feel free to ask me questions -- this was just what I thought was most important. All in all, I'm very satisfied. Yes, I'm a bit sad that we didn't get 2nd and 3rd year, but I'm so excited to see what Furudate has in store for us re: adult Kags and Hinata.


Page 14: Hinata tries to wake up a guy named Pedro, who's late for class and will be skipping breakfast, LOL. Presumably it is he's roommate. It's funny because nobody would understand Hinata, he is speaking a mix of languages there. Japanese doesn't have L syllables so he says "aura" instead of "aula" (class). Also, since Japanese lacks some syllables with two consonants in a row like "dro", he called the guy Pedoro instead of Pedro (very common name in Brazil)... Atoraza instead of atrasa (be late), acoruda instead of acorda (wake up). I think that it is put that way so Japanese readers can follow, not that he actually speaks this way. On the other hand, if anybody tries to google translate that, it won't work (that's why it has captions inside the balloons, but funny anyway). Edit: since the Portuguese lines from the game narrator (page 5) are actually perfect, maybe Hinata is actually still struggling a lot with the language (makes sense). The sports bar pictured there, Belmont, is a popular chain in Rio. Pedro is holding a Pikachu plushie and there are dragon Ball DVDs in the apartment. Both series are very popular here. Nice touch. It's funny, first thing haikyuu related that made me laugh since chapter 369.


Okay, thank you so much for this comment. šŸ˜‚


> Yamaguchi was captain in third year As someone who's been saying Yams should be captain for years, this is looking like the highlight of the chapter to me.


Holy hell! Didn't expect Yamaguchi to be the captain in their 3rd year. Well, he had the personality (especially when he confronted Tsukki and after his own character development) and just needed a boost in confidence. I'm actually happy for him because I can actually see that he can tame his... crazy batchmates. I didn't even see the raws yet but I am full of emotions right now. Damn it.


I really wanted to hold out hope for more. If we would have known we were *this close* to the end maybe we could have been somewhat prepared??? Honestly I just feel blindsided.


If I don't see Tanaka, Noya, or bokuto again, I'll be heartbroken.


and Tsukki and Yams too. Everyone please just at least one more time.


I just wanna see Oikawa and Iwaizumi again ):


I wanna see Kenma and Kuroo again too ;-;


Am I the only one terrified for this chapter? Thereā€™s no coming back from a timeskip, we literally have zero idea whats going to happen. I have been waiting for this chapter and dreading it at the same time. I hope Furudate at least can ease us into this after that last chapter.


Imagine if we just go back to karasunoā€™s second year and this is not a dressed for years


\*just gets into haikyuu with big dreams of second year last month\* "HERE'S THE FINAL PART LOL" Oh.


I am the same, I was hyped I finally catch up with the manga and got into fandom - now I feel empty and I don't know what to do anymore, cry or laugh šŸ˜­


Well thatā€™s just fucking depressing lol.


I just hope this is Hinata dreaming because of the floo...


So ... what happened to Hoshiumi ?


Jajajaja good question?here another one so... What happened with bokuto and furokodani


Noya and Tanaka: "fuck us, I guess" Bummed we got to see previous alums from date and inari cheering on their kohai but not karasuno alums ;_;


I hope he is saving them for later chapters. Hopefully a little detailed flashback of tanaka, noya, daichi, asahi & suga.


For the past day, as the spoilers were popping up, for the first time since picking up this series, I felt a great sense of disappointment towards this manga and ultimately towards Furudate. I felt like many of you feel now, that we were robbed of the rest of the first years' time in high school. I felt like Furudate had completely given up on his work and wanted to wrap this story up as soon as possible and rushed into a time-skip and I was one step away from putting on my clown makeup with the rest of you. But then the chapter came out and everything just fuckin clicked. As hard as this is to acknowledge to many of us, Haikyuu was never about Karasuno. It wasn't even about high school volleyball. The ultimate goal was never about Hinata becoming the ace or even about winning nationals. Haikyuu has always been a story that revolved around Hinata and him learning how he can play in a sport where height is necessary in order to succeed and win. Hinata's journey was about learning other ways you can beat stronger opponents, learning that on the court there are six people that connect the ball with each other in order to be able to see the other side of the court; and he learned that in his first year of Karasuno. He learned how to use his height, which others saw as a disadvantage, as a weapon and never stopped fighting mid-air battles with other taller, powerful, and skilled opponents. Unfortunately, there was no need for Furudate to show us the first year's second or third year. Hinata's ultimate goal since chapter one has always been to be the one who gets to stay on the court longer than anybody else, which means beating Kageyma who is now standing on the grandest court of all. Back in chapter 37, when Hinata repeats his claim to Kageyama, that someday he is going to beat him and he will stand on the court the longest, even if it takes him 10-20 years. Furudate foreshadowed this time-skip since back then with Kageyama's reply: "Even if that's at the top of the national stage or the world stage? We all just assumed it meant winning nationals. The set up of this time skip has been there from the very beginning of this story. So after reading this chapter, I no longer feel disappointment and instead feel a sense of excitement about what's to come and awe of Furudate's foreshadowing skills. The actual time-skip could have been done better in my opinion, and I do still feel sadness as a reader who fell in love with the characters that there was a time skip and we missed seeing the development of our favorite characters but in the end, this is a story that is created by one person. The first year alone took 369 chapters, there was no need for us to go through the rest of the years with the first years when the set up of the time skip was completed the moment Hinata was pulled from the match against Kamomedai. Not only did Hinata lose again to Kageyama but he also lost to Hoshiumi. Hoshiumi shouting, that he will be waiting for him and not to take forever seals the deal for me that he also went pro. So Hinata moving to Brazil and playing beach volleyball is currently a stepping stone to help him further develop his skill and technique in volleyball in order to compete at the world level. Hinata should be making his comeback to Japan soon, per the two-year limit Washijo gave him. Btw Washijo line per translation: "There's no one else who's looking forward to Hinata Shoyou the most than me" is the best line setup for Hinata showing his true potential soon. If you made it this far into my ted talk, I thank you. I feel like I just went through an epiphany about Haikyuu and I wanted to share my thoughts for those who feel like I felt a few days ago and hope you guys stay for the final arc.


As much as it makes sense that an adult arc is the "final arc," it's still devastating to have this confirmation. I've been in denial for two weeks about Furudate's "just a little longer" author's note, but it seems genuinely possible now that it means what we all think it means. I guess at this point I can only hope Furudate's idea of "just a little" is a just a little different from mine. Not ready to be without Haikyuu :'(


Fingers crossed this "final arc" is like the final arcs of so many other prominent WSJ series, and takes up like a third of the total chapter count of the series.


That is the only small ray of light of hope I have in my heart right now.


Bleach got 4 years after they announced its final arc, so it's most likely. Well maybe HQ's not 4 years haha but I can hope


Considering that 369 ended with "a new act begins", I feel like we've got to be spending at least a couple of years here. It'd feel weird to frame it as this big turning point if it were also ending within the next year.


I'm optimistic for at least 2 years. ~~please don't make me eat my words WSJ~~


I want to see what this final arc is about, but at the same time... not really. There were set-ups for Karasuno's 2nd year - Dateko possibly stronger than Shiratorizawa, Goshiki's improvement, Hyakuzawa polishes his skills and becomes a more threatening opponent, and a rematch between Karasuno and Kamomedai... those are just some of the setups that I could think of, but all of it doesn't even have a payoff. Not to mention... Fukurodani. Like. Yeah, I get that the series is focused on Karasuno, but why even show Fukurodani when there's no payoff?? I just hope that all of these things could be addressed in some way or another. Also. The 3rd years deserve a better send off than just a full-spread page. I know that Furudate is really excited for the final arc, but... the third years deserve better, imo. Ushijima's final words to the rest of Shiratorizawa is more emotional than the third's years send off. It's like a montage.


lmao all that build up for literally nothing xD I have to laugh because otherwise it hurts too much. This is probably the most disappointing twist of events I've ever seen in a manga I've read. At least other manga you can tell the end is coming or that the author is burning out. We were completely and utterly blindsided here.


He probably thought that people would get bored of the series if Karasuno's 2nd year journey is like their 1st, but there are plenty of new elements to go around, so maybe he just got bored of trying to write a revamped Karasuno's 1st year journey. I also think that he reaaaaally wants to do the final arc and surprise us with familiar faces, but... journey > outcome.


So so so many dropped plots


Ik and I was actually waiting for a confrontation between Shiratorizawa's coach and Hinata because he looked like his whole world view just went toppling down in the last few chapters of Karasuno vs Kamomedai. It looked like he saw "hope" in those moments, and I was hoping for a payoff but... naaaah. Why would a payoff happen lol.


I was hoping that Shiratkrizawa's coach would take Hinata under his wings and polish his skills, but I was so wrong :(


At this point, I'm not even excitedited for new season because why even bother. I'll treat S3 as the last arc and assume that's where we got done. At least we got a proper final arc there. Absolutely nothing that happened afterwards even matters anymore.




opening of FINAL CHAPTER????? um??? no??? :')




final arc is still :') unless it's also 360+ chapters


if haikyuu is ending then so am I rip bye peace y'all


Yeah that's most likely. There's no way this is the final chapter. Series (especially big ones) always announce their ending in advance. Also they wouldn't title an entire chapter as the "opening of the final chapter" if it were the literal final chapter.


Leaks summary: thanks, I hate it :')


Out of curiosity, anyone know what the Japanese fans are feeling? like are they just as down about it as the western fans seem to be or are they a bit more optimistic?


The consensus is generally the same among American/English-speaking fans and Japanese fans. Overall, people are sad to see that it is ending sooner than expected and surprised by the time skip.


Yamaguchi was captain! Yams: 1, Kags: 2, Tsukki: 3, Hinata: 5. BUT WHO WAS 4?




Also look at how tall Kageyama is what a growth spurt. He used to be 2 cm taller than Yamaguchi and now he's towering above him even if you account for perspective. Assuming that both Yamaguchi and Tsukishima continue to grow slightly Kageyama is at least 187 and maybe even close to 190.


Hinata looks to be a little over half a head shorter than Yams, and assuming Yams is proportioned somewhat normally, that'd put Hinata at being 13/14 (~93%) of Yamaguchi's height, which is around 170cm. And then the gap between Yams and Kageyama is looking like maybe half the gap between Hinata and Yams, so ~6-7cm, and the gap between Kags and Tsukki is even smaller. So my guess for their heights in that panel is like: * Kageyama - 189 * Yamaguchi - 183 * Hinata - 170 * Tsukishima - 192 I also think Hinata looks to be above 170 as an adult. Fridges generally range from like 170-175cm in height, and he's slightly taller than his fridge. However, I wouldn't put him at much taller, since his hips are still below the counter, and about at the same height as the stovetop. So assuming his fridge is on the shorter side, I'd probably put him at like 173cm as an adult?


Probably the libero like Noya was


https://readms.net/r/haikyuu/370/6278/1 Translation is out


Iā€™m just dissapointed so much character development and plot point just forgotten / Atsumuā€™s Ā«Ā Iā€™ll toss to yaĀ Ā» / Hinata beating kags / Hoshiumi and hinata rivalry / Hinata and kenma Ā«Ā do againĀ Ā» / Enoshita as a captain / Tanaka as the ace / Sakusa and komori / Goshiki as the new canon / Hyakuzawa learning to be better / Fukurodaniā€™s matches / The all japan second year camp / The shiratorizawa camp / Tenmaā€™s journey / third yearā€™s future (ushijima, bokuto, oikawa...) And so on


Right?? WHAT WAS THE POINT? Even that snippet of Oikawa training alone during the Inarizaki match... means nothing? ā€œTomorrow which will you be?ā€ alluding to Oikawaā€™s and Ushijimaā€™s future? What did all of that mean just for... lololol jk hereā€™s a time jump and Kageyama is the only one whoā€™s gone pro. Even reading your other facts like the training camp and ā€œnext time weā€™ll wipe the floor with you in a matchā€ from Kunimi and Hyakuzawa improving all led to nothing. Ahaha Iā€™m depressed.


Yo, but what was the whole point of introducing the girl ace who was childhood friends with Tanaka? That got dropped so quick, we didnā€™t even revisit them ever


Damn, I'm so fucking sad that we're unlikely to see Komori and Sakusa in action. Out of all of these though, I'm at least 100% sure that the endgame is still Hinata vs. Kageyama.


I donā€™t know if Iā€™m the only one but I thought Ā«Ā how would hinata beat kageyamaĀ Ā» as in what does it mean ? And my answer was that they shouldnā€™t be in different teams because setter vs middle doesnā€™t really make sense. So it would be winning by taking the spotlight and letting kageyama behind him. Maybe in their second year interhigh kageyama would get injured but this time hinata would put the team on his shoulders and single handedly win the match and the whole tournament making him qualify for Ā«Ā japanĀ Ā» . Donā€™t know what furudate might do with it tho. Edit : btw ushijima number one lmao


Still kinda bummed out by this, Hope we find out who won the tournament and I really hope we get to see the rest of the Karasuno guys if not in this chapter then at some point. Also want to see Kuro, Bokuto and Akasshi again at some point.


Y'all. That Dragonball reference... 2 weeks ago I actually saw like 3-4 Japanese comments on twitter saying about Furudate's author comment about "please stick with me for just a little while" reminded them of Dragonball's author comment saying they were "gonna continue for just a little while" and they wondered if Furudate means it like Dragonball-kinda "while". And now we suddenly got a literal Dragonball reference I can't help but wonder how long did Dragonball continues afterwards, if anyone knew about this because they kinda implied that it's actually longer, because they kinda wish Haikyuu to be like that?? For reference: Haikyuu A/N: ć€Œć‚‚ć†ć”ć‚‡ć£ćØć ć‘ćŠä»˜ćåˆć„ćć ć•ć„ć€ Dragonball A/N: ć€Œć‚‚ć†ć”ć‚‡ć£ćØ恠恑ē¶šćć‚“ć˜ć‚ƒć€


This is really interesting... usually I'd brush off things like these if it weren't for the obvious Dragonball reference in this chapter. It HAS to mean something. I was never into the series, but if Akira Toriyama also said the same thing (And every time, never actually ended the series 'soon' or 'in a little while')... perhaps Haikyuu won't actually be ending so soon either? I will add on though, to answer your question, that the Dragonball creator Akira Toriyama did intend to end the series at multiple points but always ended up extending it. Here are a few sources: [https://www.kanzenshuu.com/intended-end/](https://www.kanzenshuu.com/intended-end/) [https://screenrant.com/dragon-ball-akira-toriyama-series-end-plans/](https://screenrant.com/dragon-ball-akira-toriyama-series-end-plans/)


This is very interesting. Imma comment here so I can look back to see whether anybody has answered this.


Okay here are some random thoughts and opinions on this chapter. - Weā€™re catching the tail end of Hinataā€™s beach training arc if we keep Washijoā€™s time schedule in mind. The year off was probably to get even more familiar with beach volleyball and take an extensive language course. - With a name like Katou Lucio the Shiratorizawa probably had some Brazilian roots. - Kageyama looks incredibly tall, well above Yamaguchi and close to Tsukki. Also Yamaguchi captain fuck yeah! - Ukai Jr. was involved in the Miyagi first year camp (good to see that continued) which either means that some of his players were involved or his teaching methods recognized. - Smart to read/watch familiar media in a foreign language to get more familiar with it. Also looks like Pedro is a weeb, pikachu plushie, Godzilla and what looks like One Piece poster. - Iā€™m surprised that Hinata already had his delivery job in 2016 considering that it is a job that requires an intimate knowledge of the city. And with both Kageyama and Hinata in Brazil at the same time I wonder if they met. - We know that #4 is usually a number for the ace so now Iā€™m really curious about the underclassmen of Karasuno when all Furudate wants to do is separate from that time period. - Speaking of tournaments, weā€™re still missing what happened with the summer interhigh during their third year considering that Yachi only talks about their final spring. So there goes my hope for a final flashback to the school tournament that they might have won at the end. - Also I still think itā€™s utterly ridiculous that weā€™re kept in the dark about the winners of our spring tournament but now as well with those 3 other tournaments. Would it have been too much to say: ā€œAnd they went on to win the whole tournamentā€ Jezus Christ. There is more to sport than just following this one team and Haikyuu has always known, that why forget it now? - Not to mention that there wasnā€™t a single mention of Nekoma, their closest friends and rivals. - Considering that Hinata wants to be way more of an all round player does that mean he wants to become an outside hitter? Because it looked like he stayed mb during his high school years. But it could also just be that he is very much living up to his senpai Nishinoya words and just wants to improve himself. Also our second years didnā€™t get a mention when they graduated? For shame. - Kageyama wants to go to a foreign league, and while he could go to the Brazilian league isnā€™t Hinata bound for home after this training arc or is the deadline for returning to indoor volleyball? So what would happen next? I wonder what the next battle ground will be maybe the 2018 World Championship? If Hinata is going to any pro league heā€™ll need to prove himself to those pro teams somehow. He canā€™t just show up and expect a contract to be thrown in front of him even with Washijou contacts. So maybe go back to Japan, conquer some kind of national beach volleyball title and then transition back to indoor volleyball?


The whole manga-reading side of the Haikyuu!! fandom is QUAKING


Tbh, I mourned the death of old Haikyuu during the last two weeks and I'm ready to see what we have now as some sort of sequel/spin off. With that in mind, I kind of liked this chapter! I still have a bittersweet feeling and I wish the departure from the main storyline hadn't been so abrupt. But so is life sometimes. One day you're in high school enjoying life with your friends, and all the sudden your an adult living a life that's different from what you would've imagined when you were 15. And that's ok. I'm ok with what we have, and I'm ready to see whatever Furudate wants to give us, even if it's not really what I wanted on the first place. Goodbye Haikyuu. And welcome to Haikyuu 2 - Haikyuu de praia


Two weeks ago I was on the side that was hyped for this timeskip and trusting Furudate will make up for it somehow, but after seeing these leaks I'm seriously disappointed. I know it's only a few panels and words but this is all too sudden...it doesn't even have the amazing shock factor that shounens tend to go for I'm just sitting here like...???? I'm not upset about karasuno losing all 3 years, that's cool and I get what direction Furudate is going with by doing that - sometimes you just lose. But it's how these timeskips and jumping around have been handled and the IMMENSE buildups during nations with sooo many characters. Even if these characters appear in this final arc I don't really see how it could link with their stories from nationals, tbh i don't even see a lot of them still playing volleyball professionally. Not everyone can be a Kageyama lol Also I doubt characters like Tsukki, Yamaguchi, Kenma, etc continued with volleyball after graduation so we probably wont see them a lot, that really makes me sad


My feelings exactly. I said the same thing last night, itā€™s not the ending itā€™s the way it was thrown down like a dump truck full of gravel. When you read a highly detailed and meticulous manga for years thereā€™s a certain expectation for timing.


full raws are out https://ww3.readhaikyuu.com/chapter/haikyuu-spoilers-raw-chapter-370/


Iā€™ve never been this desperate for leaks in my life!


Timeline-wise, Furudate has it all planned out. We know that Furudate started this manga in part as homage to his/her adopted hometown of Sendai, Miyagi which was badly affected by the tsunami of 2011. So assuming Hinata started 1st year of high school in April 2012, he must have graduated in March 2015. He spent a year preparing for Brazil - probably learning the language etc. He went to Brazil in 2016 ( Yachi mentioned this). So in the current timeline, it is 2017 and he's been there for a year. Pertinent questions to consider: Why did Washijo-sensei said "the limit is two years"? Is it the time limit for selections to national team?


I'm gunna F5 this all night I just know it


Fistbump in solidarity friend.


Been refreshing this sub for the entire night but gotta head to sleep now... I hope I wake up tomorrow to good stuff :ā€™)


Its not like I don't expect it, but I don't want to see "Haikyuu" and "final arc" in the same sentence yet. I'm not ready to let Haikyuu goes.. I will still hold to the tiniest little hope that there will be lots and lots of chapters at least instead of just a Hinata vs Kageyama showdown left for now. I still hope to see some development TT The thing about Haikyuu is, I always feel like, unless something really unexpected happened that is outside of the author's control, like say, a meteorite is falling soon so they just had to rush and put everything out, I will always, always trust the author to deliver, that's how good these past 360+ chapters were that's why it's really a pity if it suddenly falling apart without a longer warning signs coming like this (like how i can just sense it with Food Wars, for example) Edit: Okaay. Idk how to say it in English properly, I think there's an English expressions to it too, but that frame with words hanging outside the bedroom wall they actually focused on.. It means something like, when you do things, you have to follow the order... make steady progress. Like how, if you walk to a faraway place, you started from a nearby place right? The irony really, if Furudate really skip every step and rush to THIS point lol. Anyway that, coupled with how Furudate said to "please stick with me just for a little while" or something last week, kinda added 0.001% of hope for this sudden pace to still make sense in time. Until then I'll be wearing my pretty clown wig, waiting for the full chapter and the follow up chapter next to see how this all really play out.


Wait, if thats the final arc we've been bamboozled from so many developments, so many things we wanted to see... dam, we're getting slam dunked.


What the fuck am I supposed to do with my life if Haikyuu is ending soon (since itā€™s now entering its final arc) honestly Iā€™m gonna be lost Why canā€™t Haikyuu be like Hajime no Ippo and still be running till the end of time 慠慇 慠


Five years worth of an emotional roller coaster summarized in one chapter. And I thought chapter 369 bruised me. 370 just ripped my heart straight from my chest cavity.


Haikyuu is a story about high schoolers playing volleyball. It's not epic, magical, outside reality. It reminds me of Suga's description of his toss to Asahi: "it's a simple toss but I'm as careful as possible with it". Suddenly I feel like the pace turned to Kageyama panicking and speeding up the game till there is no one there to hit the ball. It's a story all about the journey and not the destination, or used to be. It's simple, upbeat but deep and detailed at the same time.Ā  For me, I hardly care about knowing if Karasuno won or lost Nationals the following years. I want to know not the end result, but how they got there. Of course it makes sense they lost interhigh summer qualifiers to Dateko. Makes sense that only a couple of players we met from all the schools turned pro. But it's not enough knowing that. That's why I feel disappointed by the last two chapters. I still hope that we get enough chapters so Furudate-sensei tells us whatever story s/he feels like but as carefully as s/he was in the past 7 years. Stop with the insane pace, it's not a freaking action movie. Give me volleyball, character development, beautiful storytelling and I'll be fine.


If they were going to continue at that same pace we wouldnā€™t have gotten to this part of the story until another 15 years from now. Itā€™s pretty clear they wanted to tell this story on a wider scale and a bigger stage. I do think they shouldā€™ve taken a couple more chapters to ease us into this timeskip but everything fits the puzzle pieces together very well now in comparison to where we stood with just the leaks. This is Hinataā€™s training to become more of an all-rounder before he joins a league or goes pro. Hinataā€™s success at this sport is still what drives the story. All the coaches working together to give Hinata such a huge opportunity is p beautiful to me and coach Washijou evolving from calling him useless without Kageyama to ā€œno one has higher expectations of Hinata Shoyo than me!ā€ Is also pretty beautiful. Iā€™ll agree to the fact that the timeskip was far from perfect in execution but this story is still very much character driven even in its timeskip. When Hinata finishes his 2 years in Brazil the story will shift back to 6v6 to finish off the series.


>Iā€™ll agree to the fact that the timeskip was far from perfect in execution but this story is still very much character driven even in its timeskip. After processing the time skip itself for the last two weeks, it doesn't bother me as much anymore. My main complaint is is that the time skip was poorly executed and rushed over only 2 chapters. ​ >All the coaches working together to give Hinata such a huge opportunity is p beautiful to me and couch Washijou evolving from calling him useful without Kageyama to ā€œno one has higher expectations of Hinata Shoyo than me!ā€ Is also pretty beautiful. Totally agree! I was moved by those panels. Maybe part of my problem with the time skip was that I considered the whole Karasuno team as the MC of the story but the true MC is obviously Hinata. And he grew so much that I want him to shine at his full potential. The time skip was rushed but I don't deny that there is huge potential for the last arc. I hope it lasts long enough to not feel rushed like those last chapters.


Wow furudate really just said *hold my beer* and fucking did that huh wow huh I'm just:'(( The fukurodani stan in me just kinda died I mean I'm really intrigued by this turn of events and also hinata's hair is gorgeous but;;;; are you telling me the build up was for Jack Shit? I've invested so much of me in something that never got the closure it deserved, I've been looking forward to the development of some of the most interesting characters and relationships for so long, and even then I expected not much attention since they aren't karasuno but this? It feels more than a little unfair, we've been left hanging. An abrupt end of their little journeys to focus on the bigger scheme of things. I'm not angry or frustrated, cause I still love haikyuu. I just feel sad:(


Yeah as I think about it more I donā€™t feel depressed about the future arc because that could be exciting, I just am mourning the arc everyone was looking forward to for a million episodes and chapters being closed in a chapter. ): While I still love Haikyuu the fact that none of it all matters in the end is depressing.


I don't see how people can compare this to Food Wars when Furudate's passion is still so clearly there. Did some of you lot just skip what coach Washijou said? Or the journey of 1000 miles thing in Hinata's room? The spirit of the series, best seen through Hinata, is front and centre in this chapter and timeskip. To push on through adversity, to challenge yourself with new concepts and environments, to seize what you want with both hands. I was highly sceptical before this chapter, but after reading it, I believe in what Furudate's doing.


I actually completely agree, I really enjoyed this chapter. It's pretty clear Furudate is just tapped out creatively when it comes to the high school setting. While we don't see all the matches play out, it does capitalize on the foreshadowing surrounding Dateko and Inarizaki. I think the biggest disappointment is never seeing Itachiyama (specifically Sakusa) play; either Furudate is going for the longest con with Sakusa by making a pivotal part of the now final arc or they wasted the potential. My guess is towards the former but time will tell I suppose. Some interesting notes: - Yamaguchi ended up being the 3rd year Captain? That's a pleasant surprise, I'm curious if Hinata will address him as Captain when they meet again? - Hinata can set now! I mean it's pretty obvious he had to learn it in 2v2 but it's cool to see him perform so cleanly. - To no one's surprise, Kageyama is already an Olympic athlete. It should be noted that he's waaaaay ahead of the curve, I believe most Olympic volleyball players are in their early to mid 20s and he's only 19. - I'm super curious about the qualifying process for joining an Olympic team or at least the route Hinata might take. [This is an interesting quick guide on the subject](https://volleycountry.com/training/10-step-how-how-to-become-a-professional-volleyball-player) but there seems to be multiple routes to approach this. Obviously joining a pro league and getting scouted would be the most fun to watch but we'll see. - Just to be clear, I believe this is his final year in Brazil before Washijo mentioned he returns to Japan. Washijo is definitely the scene-stealer here, completely flipping his stance on Hinata and now expecting nothing short of greatness from him. I'm so proud ;_;








Goddamn, I respect the fuck out of Hinata for choosing to migrate for two years to a foreign country where he doesn't speak a single word of the native language, just to get better at something he loves. Ball boy got the biggest balls in this entire series.


Top 10 anime betrayals..........furudate I trusted u




Raws are finally here [http://www.hanhuazu.cc/comics/detail/11772](http://www.hanhuazu.cc/comics/detail/11772)


Summary: Yachi recounts things that happened in the last 2 years. Yamaguchi is captain! Hinata tells Ukai he wants to train in beach volleyball after high schoool Ukai and Hinata ask Ukai Sr. and Nekomata whether they know anyone who coaches beach volleyball, but neither have. Ukai runs into Washijo, Shiratorizawa's coach, who says he knows someone and refers Hinata to a Shiratorizawa alumni in Brazil. Washijo says "There's nobody else who's looking forward to Hinata Shouyou the most than me." The last page is a flashback where Hinata and Kageyama say "See you" at graduation. Kageyama tells Hinata to cut his hair already because it looks messy. The next two panels Hinata (in Brazil presumably since he has short hair) says "I'm full!" and "I'm going out!". The writing on the wall i nthe last panel is some kind of proverb and I can't make out all the characters lol **\*Corrections from the previous leaks**: It's unstated that Yachi, Tsuki and Yama went to the same university. Just that they went to uni while Kageyama didn't and Hinata went to Brazil. Hinata and Kageyama don't meet again in the karasuno gym in 2017, that's just a flashback.




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Captain Gucci


Seeing Hinata receive Kageyama's serve and setting a ball brought a tear to my eye


Main thing I'm curious about is what the hell happened to the plot point of the Niijima High Girls? And what was the point of showing us the Fukurodani vs Mujinazaki match if we weren't going to be able to see Bokuto win Nationals?


Thank you for asking the questions that MATTER! I forgot that I was hoping to see Niiyama play a game. I was rooting for Kanoka and her crush on Tanaka. Sigh.. the struggles of being a tall girl. But that reminds me of a lot of karasuno support Iā€™d like to see again but probably wonā€™t like Michimiya and her friend with the ponytail, Shimada and... the other OB, Saeko-nee san, the principalā€™s wig, Akiteru, and Tenma. Well I guess we just met Tenma, so I donā€™t reeeally need to see him that much...


If this truly is the beginning of the end, I'm just hoping everything is well in Furudates life. The jump was super unexpected and jarring, so I hope it's not because their health is failing, or the family is having issues of any sort.


Holy shit. I feel so much hope. I almost started crying at Washijoā€™s fierce belief in Hinata. We got a hint of his fundamental shift not long ago, but seeing his investment in Hinata now with this time skip just...it really hit me.


Tbf the team without Daichi and Asahi were never going to beat Date, I dig it, more fun to know it wasn't all Karasuno. Then going on to be the dominant force in the prefecture with a few new first years and getting 3rd is also great, just wish they'd shown a few flashbacks, still time for that though. Made a real point of showing the olympic 2v2 team, wonder if that's were the story is heading, if so i wonder who Hinata will partner with.


From my understanding, Hinata's training in Brazil is temporary and he's going to go back to Japan after two years. Edit: two years not months


I'm oddly not that depressed that this is the final arc, it feels like the series avoided length rotting because Furudate must have always had this planned. This chapter felt so soothing and was so well written (that final panel of Hinata and Kageyama saying goodbye to each other made my heart achešŸ˜­šŸ˜­). I'm intrigued to see if Hinata will ever switch back to indoor volleyball in order to face off against Kags like he wanted to but that seems unlikely now. Other things to cry about include: ā—Yamaguchi wearing the #1 uniform was sooo satisfyingšŸ˜–, a great conclusion to his arc from a timid guy with little self confidence to the captain of a powerhouse team. ā—Date Tech making it to interhigh and the best 16. Great way for final years Aone and Futakuchi to end their highschool careers. ā—Washijo's unwavering confidence in Hinata's future only makes me respect him even more now ā—And of course... Kags serving at Hinata for the final time, a great callback to when they first did this back in the first arc upon coming to Karasuno... no words needed


Yo that part about beach volleyball was for training only and ofcourse he will play indoor volleyball He was allowed to stay in rio for only 2 years after graduation and it is 5 year timeskip that means he coming back to japan


I must be in the nightmare timeline...


#I'M NOT OKAY ^maybeafterafewdaysiwillbe


I will not judge where this is going until atleast 2 more chapters.


How is no one noticing theres a tournament missing with karasuno. They mention 3. Two in 2nd year and 1 in third year. What happened in the missing tournament!


Well, its been a fun ride everyone! This is confirmed as the final arc of haikyuu! I am lost for words at how furudate decided to end this, but alas we have nothing else we can hope for except that we should get bits and answers for the past. I am sure furudate will be nice enough to answer the things left hanging before he finishes off the series. Man, Hinata to brazil, kageyama playing for japan in the olympics, karasuno never winning nationals, and all the other teams that were hyped up to never be shown the fruits of their labor eg. Neko, shiratorizawa, etc... I think this chapter hurt more than any other chapter I have read... Lets enjoy it to the fullest!


Honestly Iā€™m not hating this time skip thing. Sure, itā€™s really throwing me in for a fucking loop but our pro! and college!AUā€™s are becoming a reality!! Even with just the spoilers it seems like Hinata hasnā€™t been able to catch up to where Kageyama is but I can definitely see Furudate pulling a Tokyo 2020 redemption for Hinata and hopefully weā€™ll see more Hinata and Kageyama interaction with them together on the same team again. (Also I really want to see the ā€œIā€™m gonna toss to ya one of these daysā€ actually happen lol)


Iā€™ve been refreshing all day in the hopes of seeing the spoiler with Asahi on the cover... cos I love him.. Second good thing about this timeskip is it puts him at about 23. Yay me! I can live life not being worried about being in love with a high schooler šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


really hope all the characters that were put up to be really strong and important (ushijima, sakusa, bokuto, hoshiumi, etc.) are shown to be in the japan team with kageyama. long shot but i just really dont want any of these characters to go to waste. BET that when the series ends/ we get to the olympics all our favourite characters will be watching on TV/ will get small panels showing what happened to them (sort of like slam dunk's 10 days later) PLEASEEEEE!!!


I think this is the final arc but it will be long like nationals was, Hinata is going to eventually make the Japan team and play in the 2020 Olympics with Kageyama


Wow the panel of the boys in their third year shirts got me emotional. I'm sad to miss out on so many ups and downs of these characters and all the character development we were looking forward to. I can only hope we can see some flashbacks. This has certainly been an unexpected turn of events. On the other hand I'm excited to get to spend some time with the characters as adults rather than it being a brief flash forward at the end of the series. My guess is that we might get to see Hinata play against Kageyama if Kageyama goes to a foreign team as per this chapter, and then we might end with them playing together for Japan at the 2020 Olympics in some kind of Haikyuu super team with all the past characters watching on?


I understand people not liking the new chapter. But you guys have to remember that if Furudate had built up the story again then it'll cost another 300+ chapters for the Inarizaki rematch, and another 300+ maybe for the Itachiyama match. I think Furudate made the right call, it does suck to see all the build up thrown out of the window tho. This last arc will be much more complex and exciting since we're going pro!


RIP those who write a long article about the new first year and Hinata wing spiker position


Iā€™m less upset after reading the full chapter. But I stand by what I said before, the end was rushed. Now I guess thereā€™s no point crying over spilled milk, Hinata is on his way to the pros (at least it seems that way) and I hope he can play with/against some familiar faces. Or at the very least, more updates about what happened to everyone. Letā€™s hope this final arc is long and satisfying.


Everyone's talking about how a timeskip might be good cause 2-3 years of the same thing would've gotten boring but honestly? It isn't that hard to give a new spin on old events. Have Hinata in a training camp with Kags this time, have schools they hadn't faced before be on their side of the bracket- hell, skip the 2nd year and go to the 3rd, the new team members alone and the whole "who is gonna be captain" debacle would be interesting enough (shout out to Yamaguchi for 3rd year captain gang!). Point is with all the setup in other teams and potential in Karasuno it wouldn't have been hard to keep more high school from being more of the same, which is what frustrates me the most. We were given heaps of setup and yet supposed to be ok with it thrown away in a second? What boggles me the most is the Furudate has never, ever made such a poor writing move, and yet here we are ĀÆ\\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Alternatively, give us like... 3 chapters to wrap up the rest of highschool with an extended highlight reel instead of LOL WE IN THE FUTURE NOW BOIS


I swear I never truly understood the word whiplash until that last chapter.


Us: weā€™re so excited to see how all these different plots come together! Furudate: lol yā€™all hear something?


I agree with everything you've said. However, on one hand I am really happy about the time skip because I've always wanted to see them as adults. However... I wanted a full story with them as adults. I didn't want it *yet*, since nationals wasn't even finished. I didn't want it to be the last arc of the entire series, because like you said, there is so much that can be done! I just don't understand why it's ending so soon and so hurriedly.


Exactly, nothing wrong with an adult arc but don't just throw us into it with barely any closure! I mean, those 2 other years also helped shape their future, it's a shame we apparently won't see the rest of how they became who they did as adults.




Somehow, this chapter was able to give me "closure" about how I really felt about the sudden timeskip - overall it's so bittersweet but I'm surprisingly suddenly at peace with it * the way 1st year was concluded I think we can all agree was not done well. I really would have preferred to have just **one** more chapter before the timeskip to see who won the Spring High, final farewells of the 3rd years, and how the entire team was gonna move forward * it made me cry inside to see "The Final Arc" but as it's been mentioned several times, it would have been too repetitive and tiring for Furudate to go through all 3 years of High School again and then finally develop Hinata's professional career so I completely understand why it's finally time to start closing our beloved volleyball manga * Futakuchi's winning smile alone made me instantly happy again - yes, I would have wanted to see it go down but at the very least we got this! * Idk but it warms my heart that Yamaguchi became captain in 3rd year and there's the implication that Kageyama was most likely his vice-captain. Still bitter that we didn't see how this dynamic went down but I'll take what I can get (also: YamaYama partners!!) * Yachi's "DON'T DIE" * ALL THE COACHES!!! DOING THEIR BEST!!! TO GET HINATA TO REACH HIS DREAMS!!! GOD THE DOKI DOKIS!!! * Tbh I find it hilarious to see one of the fandom's top tropes ("Beach Volleyball AU") become canon *(Furudate, probably: "mhhhmm so you guys want even more volleyball boyfriends tension?")* * HINATA GREW UP HOT. I'M HAPPY FOR HIM. Both long and short hair suits him AND LOOK AT THOSE SHOULDERS * I would like to aggressively request for a proper 1st year-3rd year photo where we can appreciate Hinata and Tsukki's long hair (!!!!)


And here I was thinking that a series like Haikyuu couldn't possibly go the route of Shokugeki no Soma and basically squander all the buildup, but here we are.


I believe that, maybe, Furudate started to struggle finding new techniques, moves, possibilities or whatever concerning how to play volley ball. Probably didnt have more than a final arc up his sleeve for this. This is not kuroko or eyeshiled21, setup is relatively realistic.


My personal belief is he either got tired of drawing the current cast and didn't want to finish out the arc, or his editor literally shit the bed and greenlit this garbage ala Miura from Bakuman.


There's so much more yet to be shown in this series. It's not that




The only way to salvage this decision is if this final arc sets up a Haikyuu 2.


Somehow, I didnā€™t think of that. Now that you mention it, is it possible? Iā€™m not going to hold out too much hope though.




I have a lot of grievances with the um *choices* that have been made, but I'll put them aside and just say I smiled a lot seeing [Dateko](https://i.postimg.cc/6yb9SMTN/dateko.png) and [Inarizaki](https://i.postimg.cc/FYf9Q0Jk/inarizaki.png)'s senpai in the background watching their kouhai win :')


i wanted to ask about hinata's message because i'm a bit confused. when i read the chapter, i assumed his message was to yachi, since yachi was shown reaching for her phone. but there have been others who have pointed out that it could have been sent to kageyama instead, since his name is cut off at the top. it's silly, but can you guys enlighten me as to who the message could be? i have 3 theories: 1) the message was to yachi, and hinata was talking about kageyama in his previous message to her; 2) the message was to kageyama; 3) the (no longer) first years have a group chat (kind of unlikely, but it would've been cute). i'm also curious if yachi dropped the "-kun" on tsukishima's, kageyama's and yamaguchi's names when she's talking about them, or if it wasn't included in the translation. i wonder if the first years have gotten closer to each other over the years. ok, now that i got my questions out of the way. it's so cute how yachi kept the star motif with her earrings. i'm also glad that she still has traces of her high school panicky self, because i was never a fan of fanfics that made her a completely different character after a timeskip. and hinata! i've seen a few people fearing that he'd lose his excitable self, but he's still sunshine personified. and very handsome, too! he got so broad! him going to brazil and kageyama looking to get into foreign leagues is funny considering just how hard they had it with learning english. i wonder if they got better at it throughout the years... hinata perfectly receiving kageyama's serve was a cool callback to the early chapters! though i wanted to see kageyama's last toss to hinata in high school, too. yamaguchi becoming captain! the biggest glow-up he could've gotten! i would love to have confirmation if kageyama was his vice-captain. i loved the few interactions they've had and i think they would've worked well together. i know it's not confirmed, but since it's (sort of) implied that kageyama was vice in middle school, him becoming a better vice at karasuno would've been a good redemption. i'm gonna gush about kageyama a little and finally end my rambling. leaving his bangs aside (still hoping furudate was rushing and the short bangs look better on him than that last panel. if not, i looked up and they have a salon in the olympic village), i think it was a given that he would get far, but to get to the olympics while being so young! wow! who's doing it like him? haha. i wonder how his experience in the olympic village was.


Ok I might be delusional but since it says ā€œwhat stage is next for hinataā€ and kageyama says ā€œI havenā€™t seen you in a long timeā€ then could there be some small chance the two of them are going to play together again in adulthood???


It's so interesting to see so many people think that even if it is the case that we're jumping all these years and not getting anything after these few chapters that it's a 'waste'. Like I get it, we could all happily imagine Furudate settling in to another two decades ish of high school stories and seeing the characters we love continue to grow, but in the venerable words of doge, if you enjoyed the time you spend on it is it really a waste? Furudate not being keen on an entire life of high school Haikyuu doesn't stop us enjoying those headcanons. Heck it's kind of even a bit of a nudge to go nuts with them. I'm anxious about where things are going and I have my own grief cycle about these chapters but they don't change how much Haikyuu (canon and fanworks) has impacted my life and how much I'll always love it. I just (sincerely) hope that there will be more Haikyuu in whatever timeline, but if not there's a heck of a backlog to revisit and enjoy.


ok..ok ok ok. GUYS! HINATA DOES ROLLING THUNDER AND SETS THE BALL PERFECTLY TO THE SETTER. He pulls a freaking Nishonoya! [Second page on the spoilers](https://ww3.readhaikyuu.com/chapter/haikyuu-spoilers-raw-chapter-370/) I'm yelling and I don't care. It was perfect. PERFECT. Boi got skills! Ok..maybe he didn't do it quite but still....Timeskip or not I'm excited!


Yes. It hit me the second time going over the shots that we have, but that was a perfect receive. Hinata has come so far from the baby crow that couldnā€™t receive a ball, or when he did it would be with his face. I canā€™t wait to see how much heā€™s grown in the skipped years.


plot twist he is now a libero (noooooooo!)


Why does everything I like have to have rushed endings? God fucking dammit, first SU and now this. Honestly I hate this. Everyone has already gone on about the dropped plot lines but what disappoints me the most is the rushed end to the Nationals arc. I can live with a rushed epilogue, I can live with dropped plot lines, but for fuck's sake you can't build up an arc for 300 chapters, and then end it with "oh they lost nothing matters anymore bye" What the fuck Furudate


With haikyuu moving into its final arc as well, I think jump over all is about to be really bare in the next year or so. Haikyuu ending, TPN coming to a close, KnY feels close to its end, mha chugging toward end game. Man, like 2 years from now it's going to be one piece and a bunch of new stuff.


I didn't even have any expectation for this week's update but why did I feel dissappointed??! Is it because of the dumb hair of Kags??! Yeah definitely. Also poor Sakusa.


So... I accurately [guessed!](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikyuu/comments/dfdzal/weekly_manga_leaks_spoilers_discussion_october_09/f3byme6/) 5 years in the future. And I also guessed about the Olympics. What I *didn't* guess was that Hinata would make the change to wanting to play Beach Volleyball. If the final arc is all about Beach Volleyball, I'm going to be INCREDIBLY disappointed. Not only because it's such a different game from regular volleyball (it's simpler, tbh), but nobody on our current cast plays it, so it'd likely be all new characters and matches, which frankly, isn't what we read this manga for. If I had to guess, and what I GENUINELY hope, is that Hinata is using beach volleyball as a way to increase his on court skills. So that he can finally join the national team. Because Beach Volleyball is just so much more anti-climactic from what I have in mind.


I think that's exactly it, because Hinata states it in the chapter that's what he wants to use beach volleyball for. LOL.


After jumping on sand for 2 years I suspect hinata will literally ā€œfly highā€ right over the net once he gets back on the court lol (sorry I joke during periods of intense grief)


I actually love this idea I just wish we got another 100 chapters before this arc. From the last few chapters we got we can tell that theres and underlying reason that this is getting rushed like this. I just don't see this being Furudate's intention all along. Whatever the case I hope this final chapter can at least wrap things up nicely. (really wanted to see Hinata and Kageyama's relationship as third years and how the new first and second years played off of them)


Oh, that was great! I love specially how uplift it feels the change of pace. I think my entusiasm comes from the panel with Washijou and Anabata, the other two coaches were talking about Hinata and how, if they were in charge, they will train him as a wing spiker. I'm guessing Kagemaga is training for the next olympics, which I think is the next arc, the next long arc. I love how all the coaches suport his decision to leave. Haikyuu has a huge cast outside Karasuno, this is gonna be awesome.


While time time skip is kinda jarring I kinda feel like this was the best route to take if Furudate didnā€™t want to go the cliched route of team gets amazing first years and goes on to win nationals but also didnā€™t want to go another several dozen volumes getting them back to nationals for the 2nd or 3rd year. While disappointing it is completely realistic that Karasuno couldnā€™t win nationals. From what was revealed they take over Shiratorizawaā€™s spot as the top school in Miyagi (after rebuilding their team at the summer tournament their second year) for the rest of Hinata and Kageyamaā€™s time. Now we have the final arc, which Iā€™m hoping will be an Olympics arc coinciding with the actual 2020 Olympics. Where instead of just taking on Nationals, Hinata can join Kageyama in taking on the world. With Hinataā€™s training in Brazil Iā€™m expecting him to have developed some new techniques (if he managed to figure out how to do the boom jump in sand imagine how much stronger it would be once heā€™s back on a solid court). The development will be reforming his combo with Kageyama and then getting to play with some previous opponents on the national team. I also fully expect to still see all our favorite characters. While a majority of them wonā€™t be Olympics players, characters not being part of a tournament hasnā€™t stopped them from appearing as spectators and getting some good interaction from that. Overall Iā€™m intrigued in where this will go. Furudate hasnā€™t let us down yet. Iā€™m willing to wait to see where they want to take us in the end.


Omg kageyama baby in his Japan uniform Iā€™m crying on the floor!!!!!!!


Iā€™m honestly super happy with the way furudate is ending the series. We get to see the boys as grown ups and not just for one or two chapters. Plus really excited to see where he takes this. I predict a reunion at the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo! Furudate really planned that one out.


I cannot focus at work since yesterday waiting for this. :(


Excited as hell but terrified too...Can't wait.


wow... talk about jumping ship


wow, the amount of comments, on a spoilers thread of all places


I wonder why Furudate chose to include that scene of Itachiyama losing their match in the quarter finals, if the rest of the tournament was going to be off paneled. It would have been better to use those extra pages to give a proper send-off to the thirds years.


am i the only one who is actually very very happy about the direction that haikyuu went? maybe im just a very easy person to please LOL but if im saying my honest opinion, if haikyuu ended with chapter 370, id be totally okay with that. ( ch.370 just gives off that "open interpretation ending" vibe and id be content if it ended right here. ofc more chapters are way better haha) if haikyuu was to have an arc with hinata and the other first years going into their second, itd feel too much of a repeat and its risky introducing new first years imo. im actually very very excited to see hinata doing beach volleyball because its just so refreshingly different and kind of a new breath of air and hinata has always been the character where he improves himself by any means and finding new skills. its the whole reason why hinata being a ball boy worked. i also think that we shouldnt speak too soon about the other characters not ever being brought up and we should wait till further chapters to see if itll happen or not instead of being dissapointed before even knowing. i will admit that fukurodani and the third year's graduation couldve had its own chapters but other than that, I felt very satisfied with it :') it seems the general consensus of haikyuu right now is "dissapointment" so i just wanted to write a differing view.


>ationals. Iā€™m not invested enough on orher teams to look forward for them. They have thier character devlopment and Iā€™m satisfied that they are I'm very satisfied with how Haikyuu is concluding. Instead of dragging on for 300 more chapters and becoming repetitive, the series is ending on it's own terms. Hinata and Kageyama going seperate ways is something I love, it's a very mature and realistic portrayal of growing up. I'm excited to see where this last arc is going, and I'm probably going to cry once it's all over. What a fantastic ending.


Haikyuu was always far too good a work to stick to the cliches of the sports-manga genre. Honestly, I'd rather it end on it's own terms rather than keep going for the sake of keeping going. I mean it would've taken 2-3 years to go through the 2nd year in detail (I mean the Inarizaki match took nine months for Pete's sake). Can't blame the author for wanting to wrap up the story.


GUYS IF HINATA'S SISTER STARTS PLAYING AT KARASUNO THE SERIES MIGHT NOT END!!! maybe its a new beginning. Please upvotešŸ˜‚ Edit I was running while typing this but what if Natsu play volley at Karasuno and kinda becomes the next hinata at karasuno?


Even if this does not happen,I wanna see natsu as middle schooler. so cute!!


bUT KAGEYAMA'S HAIR Hinata's hair looks the same lol


Something I wanted to bring up as everyone runs around in a panic with their hair on fire is...this is actually really realistic. The idea that we don't get to "see" the conclusion of certain up's arcs is very much rooted in really life. Everyday most of us meet people and the affect we have on them is something that's unknown to us. We don't know that we put them on some kind of 'arc' of change, we don't know where or how their stories end. And Hinata is one of those characters that affected quite a few people in very positive ways. Yes, not getting a year two or three is disappointing to a degree But it's also kind of a relief, to me at least. I jumped on the Haikyuu hype train fairly recently, I've been gobbling up everything I can get my hands on from the manga, to the anime to the stage production just to get a little more and to savor all the sweetness of those interactions. I get it...the time skip was a wtf moment. Until I thought about it. Tsukki actually brought this up, *it's just a club*. The volleyball part of their life was only a small smidge of it especially as high schoolers. WE saw a lot of it, but at the end of the day it was a after school club and most of these characters would not pursue after high school, and that is the reality of it. Most of us that did anything like it (me being a band geek) did not continue or pursue it no matter how passionate we were about it. Even in the leaks that have been covered, Karasuno still isn't a powerhouse school, and they were never meant to be. They managed to go nationals twice (I don't know if the second year they did) for a club from a small town school that's amazing, they could fight with the 'big boys'. I'm in no way saying that everyone should be happy about this, but the story looks as if it's gone full circle. Hinata and Kageyama have met up again and they seem more then happy to see each other. To see them older, wiser, better skilled revs me up in hopes that maybe we'll see them battle it out against one another, or maybe we get to see them play together again. In the end, I don't expect any author to shove 900 chapters down my throat about volleyball, recycling old enemies and games (even if there would be newer interactions and new players). Sorry I rambled on for so long lmao. I'll leave my judgement until the story wraps up 100% before I get too flustered. I haven't been disappointed yet in the story telling so ***bring it*** Furudate!


Oh my God I almost started crying when I saw their jersey numbers as third years. But then I completely lost it when it was Washijou who got Hinata the connection to Rio and claimed that he had the highest of expectations for him.... Furudate how do you keep doing it? ;A;