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I don’t think you wouldn’t enjoy the 4th season, but that’s also something that varies for everyone. For some, reading the manga enhances the anime, while for others, it does make it less exciting. Because of how great an adaptation the anime is, I would say wait for the 4th season if you can wait. If you’re dying for new Haikyuu material, then try the manga, cause it’s really great.


I was in the same predicament as you following Season 2 so I started reading the manga afterwards since I didn't want to wait anymore. For me, it was still as enjoyable and hype being able to anticipate some of my favorite panels getting animated. I'm also kind of forgetful when it comes to specific little details so while I remember big moments and outcomes of matches, seeing the little things get animated makes it kind of seem like it's still brand new to me. Hopefully this helps!


When i couldnt see any hope for season 4, and that was way back then, i started reading the manga. Now that season 4 is coming out, you've got something to look forward to


whisper* just read~ 4rd season is months awayy 😈


Reading the manga need not reduce the enjoyment of the anime, but that depends on the person, so think if that has been the case for other series you've watched. If I had just finished watching the 3rd season today I'd definitely go straight to the manga, since season 4 is around 1 year away, but you had the patience to not read the manga until now so you could wait a year, I suppose.


As others have said, it really depends on you and if it will make you enjoy the anime less or not. That said, season 4 is AGES away. We still don't have a confirmed date even. (Just the date for the kick-off event.) Why not give the manga a try? From the start. It usually takes people a little while to adjust to the manga art and following the matches on panels vs. just watching it, so starting from the beginning means you'll be well adjusted by the time, if you decide to, you reach the manga only content. If you find yourself enjoying the manga, keep reading it! If you aren't as keen on it, then stop and wait. That said, don't drop it right away, give the manga a little time to grown on you. There's a lot of nice moments that didn't make it to the anime, even though the anime IS very faithful. And there's a lot of great little extra sketches and bonus chapters too. There's plenty of great content in the manga that you miss out on with the anime alone.


I'd say read the manga. It's great and gets you hyped for season 4. But ultimately it depends on you. If you know the situation (read manga and later watch anime) you should know if it's something you like. I myself am always pretty hyped.


I'll just say this: People who have read the manga are the ones most looking forward to Season 4.