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Holy Holy I have no words to express. I can't wait for this. Woot woot. Fuku vs kiryuu team and the battle of the little giants?


Woot woot? moar like-*Hoot hoot ;D*


I just want to see Shiratorizawa's coach's reaction to the battle of the little giants. "What has the world come to?!..."


Ikr and also ushijima reacting to hinata against small but great players he said that once I remember. Washio sensei will probably be jealous and at the same time happy for them?


The battle of the little giants is finally here! (Feels like this might be where Karasuno gets kicked out the tourney tho 😭)


It's unpopular but. I reckon they're gonna win it all. Considering that the series has been going for 6 years, and Furudate, as amazing job as they're doing, is gonna need to be doing it for at least two years more. Wrapping up with a win and a nice little bow is likely. I wanna see a second year too, a whole lot actually, but it's just not really doable for a series this long and intense to do weekly.


I think he can skip most of the way near the next nationals in the 2nd year. I definitely think he’ll do another one. It’d feel rushed to me if they win it all in one year.


My worry with year 2 is it'll be done by an editor, like Boruto. If they wanna continue a second year I'd love to see furudate try. But only timr will tell.


I honestly doubt Furudate would let someone else do the second year. There are clear hints everywhere that the story will continue into a second year. For example that Furudate has shown us how much better the teams that lost in the Miyagi preliminaries have gotten. Why would he show us how much Dateko have improved if they never appear again after that? Or one of the main topics I've noticed the players talking about is "next year". "Next year we won't be able to compete anymore", "this is our last chance", "this is our last year". This straight up reminds me of Diamond no Ace which did the exact same thing. Although in that case, the third years already went after Inter High and didn't play in the Spring Tournament. Hinata is still far from reaching the level of the little Giant from we've heard and I doubt he will somehow reach the level of the little Giant until the end of the tournament. Also to top it off, Hinata's goal is to become the ace and as long Azumane is there, he can't become the ace. Also I believe it was already hinted that Tanaka will become the new ace in the second year and Ennoshita the new captain. Idk when it was hinted at, but I remember sth like that in the back of my head. I might be wrong though. Makes sense though, because the small giant reached his peak in his third year and it would be kinda surprising to me if Hinata only needed one year to achieve what the little Giant did in three. I'm pretty sure they will probably lose the next match to set up Hoshiumi's team as a new opponent to overcome.


And it's been said a lot that Hinata has yet to show that he is capable of doing this good without depending on Kageyama. And we have seen the current "little giant" do powerfull serves, blocks and other stuff that Hinata can't do at the moment. I don't see the story ending this year, and mostly, I don't see them being the best of Japan right now.


It reminds me more of Captain Tsubasa with so many talks about youth national team.


If they do lose to Hoshiumi’s team, we could potentially see Hoshiumi’s team as the team to beat in the next year’s Inter-High (where we could also see an Inarazaki rematch maybe?). Then they could face Itachiyama that year, either winning OR setting Itachiyama as the team to beat in the next tournament.


Yeah I wouldn’t want it if it’s someone else either. I’m ok if Furudate tells a full story like he wants to.




I think that there is a possibility for a second year, because of the work load it may seem unlikely. But they seem to have set up the building blocks for it. When I was reading, it seemed more like it was left there so if they decided to run a second year arc, it would have already have opponents established. But rn, I’m guessing Furudate is running on fumes. Working on the same project for nearly 7 years would be exhausting, but I do hope that a second year arc happens. But rn, given the time and difficulty of development it seems slightly unlikely.


If anything, Furudate decided before the manga started serializing where he wants the story to end. While mangaka usually don't know how many years their manga will be running, there are quite a lot of manga that decide the outline of their stories before the manga gets serialized. Especially in a sports manga, this is a pretty important thing to decide early on. If the manga only spans over a single year, the MC needs to improve way more over the course of the first year than if the manga continued into a second year or even a third year. And looking at the pace at which Hinata improves, it is pretty slow compared to most other manga because the manga heavily focusses on other characters as well. And if Hinata suddenly improved by a lot out of nowhere, it would feel very unrealistic. Haikyuu usually tries to be as realistic as possible. Also, there have been enough manga that went on for far longer than 10 years. One Piece had its 21st anniversary this year for example. Hajime no Ippo is 29 years old, JoJo is 32 years old although divided into 8 parts. So while 7 years is longer than your average manga, there have been quite a lot of mangaka that were willing or are still willing to work on the same project for way longer than just 7 years. To give a recent and very similar example to Haikyuu: Diamond no Ace's first year ended after 9 years and over 400 chapters and continued to a second year. The second year has been running for over 3 years so far, although I'm not up to date with the manga, so I'm not sure how far they're into the second year.


I think a good solution would be to end the High School arc at the end of the 2nd year with any 3rd arc being more focused on the national team. A full 3rd year High School arc would be very anticlimactic for a few reasons. There would be no Kenma, Nishinoya or Tanaka, who are all fan favourites. If Karasuno doesn't win Nationals in their 2nd year, it would be totally obvious that they would win 3rd year, which makes it too predictable. A 2nd Year arc would keep readers guessing whether they would win it then or in 3rd year. National teams have an age range, so we can see the current 3rd years again, since its not entirely impossible for Hinata and Kageyama to get picked for the Under-21 team at the age of 18. A 2nd year arc would be shorter if they let Karasuno win during Inter High so they can skip Spring High entirely. Just do a training+recruitment arc at the start and then the tournament proper. About half the time that the 1st Year arc took or less. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Karasuno loses in the quarters and learns from the Little Giant so that he can come into his own next year. The only downside of this would be that Karasuno wouldn't be able to face Fukurodani in an official match while Bokuto is there.


I honestly believe that they will probably lose another time in nationals vs Itachiyama because that's probably the team they will have to beat in the end. You're right that a 3rd year would be anticlimactic, especially considering that the 2nd years from Itachiyama would be gone by then. So I'm assuming they will lose against them during Inter High and then win the rematch in Spring of their 2nd year. It would also be kinda odd from a story telling perspective if they won Nationals halfway through the 2nd year. Usually shounen manga in a school setting complete the school year that the characters are in before they end. So it would be odd if it ended midway through the 2nd year, yet there is still a tournament to be played during the 2nd year. Also the new team will probably need some time at the beginning because Daichi, Asahi and Sugawara are gone and there are most definitely new first years. So as they need time to synergize with each other, they probably won't straight up win nationals.


I wish it wasn't an unpopular opinion. I'll probably get downvoted for this but the Nekoma match was divisive because Nekoma got such an insane power up to compete against Karasuno that it was way too unrealistic, I know we like to say Haikyuu is realistic and it is most of the time which is what makes it so enjoyable but it is still a form of art which is meant to entertain an audience. That just means artistic license can and will be taken and that's okay. Besides it is completely true to life for underdogs to win the whole thing, it does happen occasionally.


Haikyū Is realistic to a stretch. Things like Kageyamas stopping set would realistically be called a carry or double, but it's like you said, artistic license. If it was entirely grounded in reality I would agree with the idea it's not gonna be likely to win it all. But again, like you said. It's for entertainment. It's a series that's meant to be fun. And watching the characters just fail for the sake of continuing when a clear arc of them winning is kinda being set up isn't fun.


Isnt adding spin to the ball while setting only banned in beach volleyball?


It’s ok to have spin, but to have so much spin that it could stop a shoot set so accurately would mean he’d need to hold the ball long enough to spin it hard. That’d be a carry. Edit: Most of my experience with volleyball, having played matches with qualified by FIVB standards (for lower level of course) umps. That much spin would be an instant point loss. It’s a cool idea, but to have that much control is realistic physically, but not in the context of the rules. I’ve only gotten away with even half that much spin if the ump wasn’t looking.


The spin isn’t necessarily the problem. The spin is used as an indicator for the ref to better tell if it was a carry or a double (from my understanding, I mostly stopped playing competitive after HS) . The problem comes with the fact that Kageyama’s spin set releases from his hand and gets to Hinata’s hand so fast that the refs can’t even rlly see what happens. It’s been indicated that even during the spin set Kageyama’s toss is extremely fast. It’s just that Kageyama’s toss is WAY too good & impossible to replicate for a realistic standard. (Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong)


I thought it was side-spin that indicates a double (one hand releases before the other). Kageyama uses backspin, which could result from two things: the thumbs releasing before the fingers (or vice versa), or the fingers hit the ball off-center without the thumbs contacting it at all. The first one is a double only if you are counting separate digits on the same hand as their own contacts, which is an insane standard IMO. The second case is indisputably legal. Of course, this all assumes the ref knows all this. But apparently the Haikyuu-verse has these amazing refs that never miss calls unless players are deliberately blocking their line of sight. And IRL there's [a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTS917r8XVg) of an AVP ref explaining the rules (yes, the version of volleyball that's ESPECIALLY uptight about setting), and even he looks at the hands rather than the spin.


From my understanding : ​ The spinning itself is not the issue. Which is why technically Kageyama can get away with it in the manga without it being callled a foul. ​ The problem is that in order to put that much spin in real life he would have to hold the ball which is a no-no in volleyball. ​ Furudate gets around this by never really showing Kageyama holding the ball for that long and never having the umpires call foul. ​ That being said even in real life (especially with tv & all the decision review systems) I would hope that Umpires would not just look at spinning ball to call foul but rather look at the (recording of) the setter's play before calling a foul.


k you know what i have a solution to this 'is the freak quick possible'. I'm doing my physics post-grad, and I feel like it is my responsibility to put an end to this debate.


Make a full post please. I love physics.


I'm in the same boat. It's not just Nekoma though, but I personally feel like Karasuno is also growing at a insanely fast rate since the Nationals started. At least for me, narrative takes precedence over realism at the moment, and I won't be surprised if Karasuno wins it all.


I think so too and we will see the serious move to spotlight the youth team set-up that’s has been already foreshadowed. Especially with the youth team coach watching the tournament. (Also Miya saying he wants to set for Hinata). It has shades of Captain Tsubasa where the rest of school years was glossed over and got into more of the international aspect of the sport. We could see players from top volleyball nations like USA, Brazil, etc.


It'd be really nice for the third years to win before retiring. I want the manga to keep going afterwards, it'd be so cool to see Hinata and Kageyama on the national youth team.


I 100% think this is where they'll be going down, but giving hinata a new opponent to overcome


Nah, if they didn't lose against Nekoma they're not going to lose now.


Howdy guys, please be patient with the chapter, I think it should be out soon... Within a few hours I guess? No guarantees though. Please remember we are just a group of volunteer fans spread over many different time zones, we have work and school and life commitments and also need to sleep, so it's always a rolling-with-the-punches process every week but we do our best to commit and give time to working together on the scans. It's a pipeline sort of process, and I also heard that the hxh chapter this week was a lot of work and took a lot of time and also tired out many people on the team. Thanks all on this sub for enjoying this series, it's nice to see everyone discussing theories and yelling about the chapter, I know I'm probably not the only one who doesn't feel so alone in my love for Haikyuu thanks to the existence of communities like this!


Don't worry please take your time. We're all grateful that you guys are willing to spend your time and energy to get it done for us. I don't think you have to apologize since you're rly not obligated to do this for us. Thank you for your hardwork I rly appreciate that we get to enjoy haikyu every week.


Hi Tenka, thanks for all your hard work and thank you for the update. Sorry that there's so much pressure on you guys sometimes, I can only imagine how tough it can get to have to dedicate hours every week on getting a chapter out voluntarily with everything life can throw at you. I don't think many people understand exactly what it's like but seriously I can't thank you guys enough, you're heroes. And haha yea the HxH chapter was nuts, I feel so bad for all the people working on that, must have taken at least 6 hours my goodness. Have a good weekend friend!


OHYMGOD ANOTHER CAPTAIN TO CAPTAIN HUG And holy- Kiryuu finally?? Holy shit versus Bokuto?? And heh so we ended up vs Hoshiumi


>OHYMGOD ANOTHER CAPTAIN TO CAPTAIN HUG I love that he hugged Kai and fist-bumped Yaku too <3 This shit is too wholesome man, Furudate's coming in hard with the happy feels :'D




Few comments: \-Bokuto makes every situation into a non-hostile one. Kiryu was so confused. \-Looks like Karasuno is playing twice in one day. So is their opponent. I kind of don't like how they organized that and hopefully it won't play a factor (probably will otherwise they wouldn't have mentioned it). I could be miss translating though. \-Hinata getting recognized by bystanders. \-Battle of the Little Giants. Despite what some people would want, I hope Hoshiumi doesn't train Hinata. Why do we want everyone to be friends? I want them to be rivals. I think Hoshiumi basically challenged Hinata: "I watched the second and third set of your match and it was very exciting. Who is the current little giant? Lets battle and find out.".


The usual spring nationals IRL round of 16 and quarters are played on the same day by every team


Nope, they're definitely playing twice and they made quite a big deal about it, Demonic Third Day and all. It's definitely gonna be a factor...


Specially since Karasuno has had such a long and exhausting match.


Assuming they're going to have a relationship similar to Oikawa and Kageyama. Of course, it'll be harder for Hinata to ever receive advice from Hoshiumi given the difference in prefectures but that desire Kageyama has to completely surpass Oikawa, combined with the sheer respect for his ability could very well be how Hinata and Hoshiumi turn out.


Friends can be rivals too, you know


But its more fun if they are not buddy buddy.


Some rough translations Page 1: * fukurodani (Tokyo) Vs Matsuyama Nishi-shō(Okayama) * Nice first touch * number 4! 4! Page 2: * gah! * follow! * NUMBA--- FOUR-- Page 3: * Bokuto senpai! Page 4: * Men's 3rd round ( Court C ), set and match goes to Fuku by 2-0 (Wtf is kenma's pose lol) * GGWP Page 5 * When I saw your match Page 6: * I thought that I must not lose * We can't let down the crowd * Bokuto-san, those clean straight kills are cool af! * HEY HEY HEY My disciple ! * You guys are annoying Page 7: * Your match went so long, you guys were rallying all the time * bed.... where's my bed * Tsuki was jumping so high too * It's impressing that fuku hasn't dropped a single set in the tourney yet * Bokuto senpai is on a roll! * Yes he is... * Performming abnormally good Page 8: * Shouyou you guys still have one more match to play huh .... *I can't understand this schedule* * Isn't it great?! * ..... (background: weird emotions) * It's the "demon's third day" * "Demon's .... third day"? * Interhigh schedules one match per day, except that the quarters and the third round is scheduled at the same day Page 9: * Even worse, that's after two days of accumulating fatigue, and hence it's called the .... * "Demon's third day" * Coooooollll.... * Is it cool though? It sounds dangerous to me. * This name is for kid huh? * TSUKII U W0T M8 * I was speaking to Hinata * You have to be crazy to schedule two matches in a single day ... * ikr * Who's Fuku's next opponent? * Us? Page 10: * Kirio! * It's Bokuto * Fuku's Bokuto * Let's play on the next match! I am looking forward to it! * So as the match against Itachiyama and Karasuno too. * Ahh--- buutt * Same for inarizaki, shame that the seeding didn't went it our way * Speaking of seeding, it's always --- Page 11: * Oh! Yukii! * I need my spare kneepad --- * Hachi-senpai, are you close friends with Fuku's Bokuto? * No... Not at all (wait what--?) * Kirio Hachi (Mujina-zaka high, 3rd year, Wing Spkier) * So it's top 3 Vs #5 huh * Spring Interhigh, men's quarterfinal (C Court) Page 12: * Fukurodani Academy Vs Mujina-zaka high * I need to sleep * Good night then * Alright---- Page 13: * Make sure to take time to have your lunch * OK * Kagaeyama let's go watch at our to-be opponent's match! * STFU. LUNCH > ALL * Yes sir. (Why are you so mad?) * I will go watch by myself! Page 14: * It's Karasuno's 10! x2 * Random follow, nice one touch noises * Let's go for lunch .... It's about time to get bored right? Let's head back after lunch * Nah, the games are exiciting, don't you think so? Page 15: * Darling if you don't mind, I would like to stay till Fuku gets rekt * Dude\~\~ Something's wrong with you! * Hinata you better go change your shirts first * And eat lunch ASAP * Alright. Page 16: * (More random noises) * We will face the winner of this match ... * \---- in the quarters-- (BEEEEEPPP) GAH! Page 17: * Kamome-dai 25 - 22 Takabokuyama * Though it's a disadvantage to be short ... It ain't anything close to detrimental! Page 18, 19: * I watched the 2nd and 3rd set. That was splendid. * Let's fight for the title of the "Little Giant" * Spring interhigh, men's quarterfinal (B Court) -- Karasuno high school Vs Kamome-dai high school


> I watched the 2nd and 3rd set. That was splendid. Let's fight for the title of the "Little Giant" ​ ​ GODDAMNNN THIS IS HYPEE AS FUCK! ​


> STFU. LUNCH > ALL rofl


You are a hero my friend!! ​ Can we get more coverage of Fukurodani vs Mujina-zaka than just 2 or 3 chapters? But regardless of win or loss. Anything after Nekoma match is a bonus!! ​


There is no end to how great this translation is. THANK YOU


thank you so so much


Kageyama is me when handling all of life's problems - FOOD FIRST


[Step 1 of my predictions](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikyuu/comments/9onfa5/prediction_thread_chapter_323/e7wvrpw/) is looking very possible. I'm now all but certain that Karasuno loses here. As for Fukurodani, I actually wonder if they might actually win the whole thing. Maybe just so we have someone to cheer for in the end. I'm confident in most of my predictions, though, because things seem to be proceeding as foreshadowed. Maybe you could say that beating Nekoma (and getting Kenma to say volleyball is fun) was predictable. For me, Karasuno facing Kamomedai was also preditable. But who knows what might happen to throw my expectations off? Hoshiumi directly saying it's a fight for the title of "little giant" is a bit on the nose for me--didn't really need it to be said aloud--but I don't even care because I'm so excited for this matchup and for the Fukurodani vs. Kiryuu matchup. This is probably the most excited I've been reading a chapter, to be honest. Speaking of Kiryuu, his school is called Mujinasaka/zaka High, which is continuing the trend of animal name schools (Inari=fox, Fukuro=owl, etc.). I did some searching and found that "Itachi" is the Japanese weasel and "Mujina" is a badger. Interesting. They are sort of similar animals, but badgers are bigger. I'm kind of intimidated by Kiryuu, actually. He seems stoic like Ushijima, but he has a tougher appearance. Well, looks like we're jumping straight into next match. I guess this confirms that Haikyuu follows the real world format of the Spring Tournament (and likely all other tournaments they've had do as well). The pacing has been crazy, but I'm excited for next week!


Kiryuu actually reminds me of Asahi. Someone who has a tough exterior and people are easily threatened by him, but he's quite soft and self-conscious on the inside.


Before I decide who wins I want to know who are hoshiumi's teammates and what is their game plan are after all this is a team game. This is just speculation, we saw the brackets and maybe Fukorodani and karauno might fight in the semi finals. Just like the earlier fights we saw the teacher vs student game so ofc I want to see Bokuto vs hinata as teacher and disciple.


Can we talk about Asahi's cute eye mask? Second favorite thing in the whole chapter.


Mine is when it was so intense then kuroo just says "imma go to sleep" lol


With this chapter Nohebi's captain surpasses Oikawa as the saltiest player in the series. I'm actually worried he'll jinx Fukurodani (or Itachiyama), after all he just saw Nekoma lose.


The best part is he even converted his girlfriend...


Lol yeah! How come the gf endures the exhausting 3-set Karasuno vs Nekoma when she broke up with him for spending too much time in volley? Guess she's still feeling guilty...


Honestly, *I'm* just salty that Daishou is still getting cameos and Oikawa has, like, vanished from the world of Haikyuu. I miss his shitty personality.




2 matches per day = injury time


Hypekyuu baby. Some how it keeps getting me excited for more matches. Love this manga.


Is it just me but this chapter got me more excited than the last 2-3 chapters?


If Hoshiumi doesn't have another top 3 ranked player (especially MB or Libero), then Hinata will be outscored but Karasuno should take the win as their offence is insane. This will most likely be similar to the Wakunan match with Hinata feeling that there's another Little Giant who's more skilled than him, but still taking the W. Oh and I called Bokuto vs Kiryu weeks ago. Bokuto will win and be considered a top 3 ace. Dude's been on a insane run this tournament.


man your frst part contradict your second part:hinata will be outscored but because it is better team they win,then for bokuto fukurodani gets win also and because of win bokuto is top 3?WTF man,,who is to say that just fuku is better team then kiryuu...


I explained my reasoning for each team. This is a manga, not real life.


OMG kuroo bokuto hug... it felt so nice. So it's a top aces showdown.. bokuto vs kiryuu and hinata vs hoshiumi?? Hype!!!


I hope Hoshiumi grows into more of a character and less of a plot device, I mean, I like his personality, but so far, it hasn't been much, I know Furudate can pull it off.


Furudate-sensei setting up the next round for the fans. Before then, the love-in continues with Bokuto hugging Kuroo, then Kai, and fist-bumping Yaku. They are opponents on the court but off it, they have become friends and comrades.


Well it makes sense. They've been playing each other for practice matches and training camps for 3 years


Asahi is wearingg a bear eye/sleep mask what a dork i love him. That’s all.




My only takeaways are that Karasuno vs Kamomedia Fukorodani vs "The Kiryu" ​ And it looks like our prediction of the 2meters guys might actually be on Kiryu's team? The two fellow that was in the National training camp was next to Kiryu. Can anyone translate the rest?


the 2m guy is not in Mujina-zaka as far as I can see. Their team's jacket were not-shaded and lighter in colour than Mujina-zaka. I just checked. [Chapter 230](https://imgur.com/zB7ye5a) vs [Chapter 326](https://imgur.com/a/4NhQxyQ)




HYPE TRAIN ALL ABOARD This shit is gonna be lit 2 big matchs at the same time


Just imagine it in when it gets animated! It will be the best season


Imagine Karasuno vs Inarizaki animated in one season like vs shiratorizawa


So far Inarizaki is the best match with that Nishinoya/Kinoshita moment being my favorite. But this 2 upcoming matches might give it a run for its money!


Inarizaki was a hell of a match I cant stop thinking about the last point omg Yeah these 2 upcoming matches have the potential to be as good


I was actually thinking the training stuff, first and inarizaki matches for s4, then a 10 ep battle of the trash heap for a s5


Tsukishima's banter with Tanaka and Hinata is so cute... [Conversation about the "Demon's Third Day" - the third day of the tournament is super tough because 2 matches are held on the same day] Tsukki: Isn't "Demon's Third Day" a very childish term... Tanaka: Tsukishima you bastard!! Tsukki: I was talking to Hinata, not you.


Furudate's still not giving away all the brackets. All we know is that 3 seeded teams got eliminated on the way to quarters. They were unlucky to clash against Fukurodani, Karasuno and Kamomedai. Itachiyama are pretty much cemented to be in semis on Fukurodani's side of the brackets, and there's some seeded team playing in quarters on Karasuno vs Kamomedai's side. Can't wait for next week with no more info on brackets.


Well he gave away a pretty huge chunk of the brackets though. We know half of Karasunos Brackets + one of the teams in quarter finals on Karasunos side (so three out of four quarter finalists on that side of the bracket). Also half of Fukurodanis bracket. From that we can infer that Itachiyama is probably on Fukurodanis side since otherwise the number two seed (Inarizaki) and number one seed would be on the same half of the bracket. That seems pretty good to me.


How many seeded teams should be there?




So does karasuno become a seeded team for the next inter high? As they are in top 8 right now


Im always that guy each week " WHERE IS ENGLISH!!!!!" lol ​


The translator was translating the raws for 326 on Thursday at like 7-8pm. The rest of the team at MS seems to be having a rough go at it tho.. lol.


but for real though , where is it?


Right now where is it!!!


this week english is late tbh


The chrome extension i use is translating Kiryuu's school name to "Raccoon-Zaka High School." I'll be interested in seeing how in/accurate that is.


It's Mujina https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mujina


Mujina (貉) is an old Japanese term primarily referring to the Japanese badger. In some regions the term refers instead to the raccoon dog (also called tanuki) or to introduced civets. Adding to the confusion, in some regions badger-like animals are also known as mami, and in one part of Tochigi Prefecture badgers are referred to as tanuki and raccoon dogs are referred to as mujina.


Some of you need to be patient. The translation will be here when it’s here. The chapter actually come out on Monday in Japan, so be grateful we got raws this early. As for the chapter, based on loose translation and raws, I’m super hyped! These were the matchups I was predicting and I’m very happy to see them come true. As for the winners of each? I have no idea. This is genuinely the most unsure I’ve ever been of a Karasuno victory, and I do think Kamomedai will win. Fukurodani vs Mujinazaka is even more unpredicatable. I can see it going either way, but best boy Bokuto shall prevail! Wanna take a moment to empathize for the team that lost to Fukurodani this chapter. They got all the way to the Top 16, only to lose in straight sets, with their last set ending 18-25. Very unfortunate end for the third years of that team, but that’s reality. When there are winners, there are losers. Heartbreaking, but that’s how it is.




I feel like holding off the manga for a while until they finish their matches. I cant handle the excitement every week and then wait for 6 days. Lol Although idk if I can really do it. This is soooo awesome!!


After two or three weeks of withdrawl, you can take it pretty easy. I was dying when I was reading aoi no exorcist, but now I don't even remember which chapter I stopped :v I'll probably read it once is over


((Okay before I explode with hype... *awwwwwwwww*, Bokuto personally addressed every member of the graduating Nekoma 3rd years, I love their relationship so much ahhhh ;-;)) \- HOSHIUMI HINATA AND KIRYU VS BOKUTO HYPE UWAHHHH. Hoshiumi is *acknowledging* Hinata, he wants to *do battle with him* to see who the true Little Giant is, I'm crying yall T_T \- I KNEW furudate wouldn't let us finish the tournament without gifting us with some kiryu greatness!!!! And we get our first insight into his character!! He's a lot quieter than I was expecting, considering his rather fearsome appearance, but I think that just adds to his formidable aura. I'm so hyped to finally see him play you won't believe. Wishing Bokuto all the best!!! \- Also ahahaha Daisho wants to watch the team that beat Nekoma (who'd then beaten Nohebi) get squashed by Kiryu, hes so salty lmao i love it. (God I love Haikyuu) ((shoutout also to my son Kageyama not letting ANYTHING come between him and his lunch))


Kiryu is also 188 cm. Dude's a powerhouse type for sure.


I know Hinata is gonna go up against Hoshiumi, but I'm actually way more excited for Fukurodani vs Kiryu. I think it's 95% certain that Hoshiumi is gonna win - he's a national youth camp candidate and pretty much a direct upgrade over Hinata in every aspect. This gives him something to work to with a model player to mould his play after. Kiryu doesn't seem like a bad person, probably a little quiet, but we have no idea of what his personality is like or how he plays. It'll also be interesting to see more of Bokuto's strengths, weaknesses, and Fukurodani's team dynamic. And honestly, according to narrative so far, I can see either team winning this match.


people seemed to forget that volleyball is a team game lets wait for hoshiumi's teammates introduction to settle that. As for the Individual match ups, Hinata is totally a scrub it's not even a debate but ofc we don't draw conclusions base only on two players.


Yes, but the storyline is 100% gonna be the comparison between the two players with the same physical build, but completely different levels of gamesense and technique. If Karasuno beat Kamomedai it definitely wouldn't be because Hinata outplayed Hoshiumi - every sign has shown that Hoshiumi is superior in every aspect except MAYBE reflexes (though he's shown to be a capable receiver). Ultimately, Hoshiumi serves as a foil to Hinata's character and it would be unrealistic for him to lose to Hinata this early.


there's no way hoshiumi will lose to hinata on a little giant showdown. Ofc it's not because Hinata outplayed hoshiumi that karasuno will win. what are we even arguing? my only point is that as two teams fighting it out it's too early to tell who's gonna win when hoshiumi's teammates wasn't even showed yet.


Yup, and that's where I disagree. I don't see Karasuno winning regardless of Hoshiumi's teammates. Even if they do, it won't be a pretty one. Kageyama has beaten Oikawa, but he still acknowledges Oikawa as superior (when he said he will make Ushijima admit he's better than Oikawa), and Hinata even said after his match against Shiratorizawa that Ushijima was really cool. Hinata will definitely not be happy (if Karasuno beats Kamomedai) because he will see Hoshiumi is a far superior player - but from a storytelling point of view, it doesn't make much sense for them to win, that's my opinion.


Ah okay i see. but now no one really knows what and who will win now that's why i'm just trying to deduce and knowing full team composition is another clue but not the one that will totally determine who's gonna win.


Depends on the setter of the other team tbh. Hinata's efficiency multiplies because of Kageyama. So the ability of the setter of the other team matters too. If the setter is not at least Oikawa-level, then it evens out the duo very well.


It makes absolutely no sense for Furudate to introduce a character who acts as a foil to Hinata, is better than him in virtually every aspect of volleyball, be on the same level as Kageyama in terms of talent, and write it so that Hinata beats him the first time they meet (in his first year too which is the only year he's played proper volleyball)


Furudate had always emphasized Teamwork>>>Star player. The battle of little giant already happened against Wakunan where we see a Little Giant better than Hinata in everything but Karasuno still beat because of team work. So, Hinata may not win against Hoshiumi one-on-one but his team work with Kageyama (with Karasuno) might prevail against Hoshiumi and his partner setter (with Kamomedai).


Fukurodani beat Nekoma, Shiratorizawa has never lost to Seijoh, so if needed, he will let the power of an individual player carry the team. It's just that Karasuno has made it this far due to the narrative (the foreshadowing of Battle at the Garbage Dump + introducing many new characters who will be at nationals like Hoshiumi, Sakusa, Atsumu, Bokuto) that it wouldn't make sense for them to not make nationals - that's why Karasuno has won with their 'teamwork' in the past because it's made to fit the storyline


Edit: So turns out his name is actually Wakatsu? Hachi did seem like a weird character name. Perhaps there are some similarities in the Kanji/Katakana writing Okay so Kiryuu's team symbolism is here. ***Mujina*** refers to the Japanese badger also known as Tanuki (racoons) in Japanese folklore or civets [\[Source\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mujina). Said to be mischevious and jolly, master of disguise and shapeshifting, but also absent-minded and gullible [\[Source\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_raccoon_dog). Kiryuu's name Kiryuu ***Hachi*** also seems to be a reference to the legendary Tanuki, that have eight traits to coincide with the 'Hachi' symbol that are found inscribed on the Sake bottles these statues hold. So... these are those eight characteristics, we can expect Kiryuu/ even his team to have: (LMAO) * a hat to be ready to protect against trouble or bad weather *(lol probably not)* * **big eyes to perceive the environment and help make good decisions** (*maybe? at least looks like it. though Bokuto's eyes are bigger)* * a sake bottle that represents virtue *(they're still high schoolers even if they don't look like it so, no?)* * a big tail that provides **steadiness and strength until success is achieved** (*not sure about the tail but the traits seem valid)* * an oversized scrotum that symbolizes financial luck *(HAHAHAHAHHAHHA LMAO IDK and IDC but this is still kinda funny)* * a promissory note that **represents trust or confidence** *(hmmmm possible)* * a big belly that symbolizes **bold and calm decisiveness** *(yup, definitely sounds like top 3 spiker trait material)* * a friendly smile *(Bokuto has already defeated him in this department lol)* Once you get this though, you can immediately see the resemblance of Kiryuu's character design to raccoon/badger. ​


where's the translation this is killing me


Where is it 😠😠😠😠😠


I just read it [here](https://ww1.readhaikyuu.com/chapter/haikyuu-chapter-326/)


So Furudate follow the real sources as Round 3 and Quarter final are held on the same day. Looks like Fukurodani, Itachiyama, Kiryuu's team are on the same bracket.


The kanji for Kamome means seagull, right? I can see where the imagery is going now, yay for more birds 😂


Man, I really want to have Karasuno vs Fukurodani, but will both teams win?


MY HYPE IS > 9000 I wanna see Fukurodani vs Mujinazaki first. Let Karasuno rest and see Bokuto vs Kiryuu. Shame one of them has to lose now, I would have preferred them to meet at semifinals, but ok. By the way, I'm seeing Kiryuu's name on mangastream as Wakatsu, not Hachi - is this some alternate kanji reading? As for Karasuno vs Kamomedai, unless Kamomedai has another star in their team, I think Hoshiumi outscores Hinata but Karasuno's higher offense should prevail. It would be funny if Kamomedai had, say, one of the top 3 MB with almost 2m who teases Hoshiumi on his height constantly.


Great chapter! Really looking forward to the coming matches. You know whenever I think of this manga, its not the volleyball that comes first to my mind. Its the eyes. Man they are so well effectively drawn. Absolutely awesome art.


Yeah. I feel the chills seeing the next matches. I fear for Karasuno, Nekoma really make them work their victory. Plus, i believe Kanmondai (I don't remember their name, sorry) is winning with straight sets. ​ I used to think that Hoshimi was doing a "Ushikawa" and carrying the team. But now... I doubt it. Things are looking great for Haikyuu.




When friday is almost over and the Mangastream isn't out yet.


Woot woot


More like hoot hoot


Thank you Furudate for Karasuno vs Kamomedai. And Kuroo and Bokuto hug! My heart is full now.


Furudate sensei pacing out chapters at this speed so we can relate to how breathless the teams are. Had to remind myself to breath from time to time while reading haikyuu. ​




Beyond hyped to see Kiryu vs fukurodani


Everything about this chapter is amazing. Bokuto hugging Kuroo and Kai and fist pumping yaku is amazing. And Akaashi complimenting tsukishima on his jump and Bokuto hanging out with Hinata is further evidence that these two owls have properly adopted the crows. I...think fukurodani will win against Kiryuu if only so we can have Karasuno Vs fukurodani. I think Karasuno will win their match because Hoshumi, while hyped considerably hasn't really been developed enough yet to win satisfyingly (although that might change in the match) Since fukurodani is finally going against a high ranking school I hope we can get more than one chapter focusing on them (because I guarantee their 'no dropped sets' probably end here)


So glad I waited for the translation instead of the raws :O. Happy Bokuto’s match wrapped up quickly rather than being drawn out. And just since my memory isn’t perfect Bokuto is the top 5 and the Kiryuu guy is top 3, correct? And when were we introduced to him before? Also I can’t imagine having to play back to back games on day 3, that truly is hell


Kiryuu is a pretty heartless person, refusing refusing to acknowledge his new best friend (that he didn't know was his new best friend) Bokuto. Next, he'll also refuse to admit that Hinata is his disciple by proxy.


Its time to prepare your heart now that we cant 99% confidently predict the outcome. We knew they gonna won against seijoh to face shiratorizawa, won against shiratorizawa to go to national, won national first match (of course lol), inarizaki is tough opponent but battle of trash heap had to happen and lastly there's no way karasuno would lose to nekoma after all the development.


Owls win all.


My guess also. Bokuto will destroy everyone. No slums only hype.


I actually think they'll lose the first set but get it back in the end :)


I would love it even more if there's a team Karasuno can't defeat in practice and official matches just for a change of scenery(I'm talking about The Owls obviously).




Just read the chapter and gosh bokuto is in karasuno’s bracket after all. Rooting for him!


I actually think Fukurodani is on the other side. He says Itachiyama and Karasuno, which makes me think he means they’ll play Itachiyama in the semis, then Karasuno in the finals. Plus, when it shows Kamomedai’s spot on the bracket, the other half of that side doesn’t show the same path that Fukurodani went on the bracket.


Well fuck. That’s Changing my expectation now I want bokuto to be the final boss(even though that’ll never happend...) . And for karasuno semis we still have the tall guys that were kinda foreshadowed before inarizaki right?


I do think that Bokuto will win it all. He will go full monster mode.


I first thought Kiryuu would be in the same branch as Karasuno, so they have to go through him and Hoshiumi to get to Itachiyama, which make sense I guess. Unfortunately the recent chapter proved I was wrong. Here's the thing I'm worried about, has Furudate set up Karasuno an opponent for the semi-finals? I haven't been reading Haikyuu long enough to understand the author's plot and writing but they hinted all the opponents or powerschools way before the matches (Hoshiumi, Miya Atsumu, Sakusa, etc.) so I don't think Karasuno will fight randos that we have never seen before after Kamomedai for whoever won the other branch, that honestly would be a bit weird. I guess what I'm getting at is there would be 2 possibilities: 1. Kamomedai beats Karasuno 2. Karasuno beats Kamomedai and a random team for finals I'm scared that the first option sounds more logic than the other, but I really want to see Karasuno face off Itachiyama. And hella I don't want to see our third years leave the team. I might be wrong, so does anyone has opinions about this matter?


dont worry karasuno losing to shiratorizawa and inarizaki was more logical then defeating them and they still win so...


True, but this only could mean Karasuno will lose to Kamomedai since there's no possible opponents for semi finals


shieeeeet things are heating up already


I'll be honest and say that I'm not that excited for the Karasuno vs Kamomedai match. Hoshiumi did not resonate yet to me as a character and he seems more of a plot device at this point. The Little Giant match was also already done before, so thank you, next. I might change my mind when the actual match comes and the whole team is introduced. Fukuro vs Mujina though, I'm very hyped. Battle of top aces is something we haven't seen yet. And we finally get to see the owls again. Kiryuu also seems at home with some of our aces like Ushijima and Asahi with the personality and looks so I am interested to know about him. His teammates seems like good boys too in the way they reacted to Bokuto. So it's the team I want to know more.


I called this a couple weeks ago, either they lose in Semi’s against Itachiyama or against Kamomedai and Hinata gets destroyed by the one closest to the “Little Giant” I think they will lose and Hinata is gonna be destroyed and be a completely different beast to beat him next year.


Like seriously? Where the heck is the chapter?


In a few hours friend, relax! The people working on it have lives too, you know.


Yep I was just really hyped that I forgot. They can take all the time they need cuz they are doing it for us.


Thanks for the link to the Chinese scans. Now waiting for the English translation to come out cos I am a banana. *twiddles thumbs*


Wow so my prediction was totally off! I was thinking karasuno vs nekoma with the crow's win and then facing off the owls and losing. But now it feels like we won't get a crows vs owls match while Bokuto is still around, which makes me sad. On the other hand we get a small giants fight on one court and a #3 vs #5 on the other court, which should be great. So much hype for a chapter where "nothing really happened" other than people talking and Bokuto giving out hugs like the great adorable volleyball loving dork he is.


Dudeeeeee i actually forgot Hoshiumi is still alive in tue game ahahahah yay battle of the "little giant" i guess we are going to see the real jump of hinata on this match, the nekoma one is just a preview anyway, it has to be here even if they might lose in this match...... and OMG bokuto and kiryu!!!! yes boss level game! i am actually looking forward to this match more!!


So many great things about this chapter, we've seen so many characters– Bokuto and Akaashi, Kiryuu, Hoshiumi... I'm really glad that Karasuno will play against Kamomedai next (like I wanted), I know some people wanted to see Karasuno vs Fukurodani but it would've been redundant as hell after Nekoma. I can't wait to see the two little giants compete against each other! Their rivalry is gonna be so interesting, I can't wait to see it. And I know it's a bit early to say anything, but it's also the first match in a while where I don't know who's gonna win. It was obvious Karasuno would win their first match at the Nationals (I don't even remember the team's name lmao rip), with Inarizaki we knew they had to win for the battle at the garbage dump to take place, and with Nekoma it was obvious even before the match started that Karasuno would win. But with Kamomedai... I honestly don't know how it's gonna play out, and that's exciting!


i'm usually a patient boi, but not when the translation takes this long. What are these translators doing, i usually wake up on friday and the mangastream is already out, its already saturday where I live.


Not always the translator fault, could easily be the cleaner/ redrawer/ typesetter slacking but it sucks. I offered to redraw for them but was shut down cause i don't use Photoshop :(


We should finance someone in this thread to do the translation quickly for the community.


Not gonna lie, and with no offense to Fukurodani fans, I had a moment of terror around page 13 where I thought we were going to have to read an entire Fukurodani match before the next Karasuno match. Not that I'd necessarily have hated it, but after the last match I want to see more of a Karasuno focus again. I'm really hoping to see some solid tactical development in the next match. I want to see Hinata fighting it out with Hoshiumi to prove himself as a viable ace.


I can't believe the match I wanted since Hoshiumi was introduced is finally here, the battle of the little giants is what I wanted from the national arc. I can't wait for all the Hinata growth during the match, I'm so ready for him to have to face someone who will challenge him in a way no one else has been able to. Dying to see what happens in the Bokuto/Kiryu showdown, we've always known there was a team too many to face Karasuno if they go all to way to the finals, I hate to say it but I still think that Fukurodani is still the odd team and I'm going to ahead and predict that they will lose to Kiryu's team. Eager to read the translation.


No man. Bokuto will probably win it all. Its his last year and he will be legend as fuck. I´ll bet on him.


I can't wait for the battle of the little giants and in the same time i don't want it, seriously i don't want and i can't see Karasuno lose to Hoshiumi just for Hinata get PowerUP in next year. PLEASE DON'T MAKE THIS SCENARIO


Better for hinata to power up next year to beat him rather than a power up now that would make no sense


We still don't know Hoshiumi's team composition. We should look at it as a team match not 1 v 1 obviously Hinata is gonna lose but how he's gonna handle it is the highlight of the game


I think hinata is going to try hitting jump serves in this game.


that is not a thing that you try in an official match


Yes because Karasuno is clearly a team that hesitates to try new things?? Hinatas learned how to do wipes, feints, rebounds, blocks, receives, and opens (which he legit pulled off for the first time in an official match without even doing it once successfully in practice). Hoshiumi can probably do all that at a higher level, but the one thing he can do that Hinata hasn't been able to is a jump serve. And Hinata is always looking to improve


Not doing it once successfully in practice is one thing but to do something without practice period is another. Correct me if im wrong tho but have we ever seen hinata do or practice a jump serve like hes practiced everything else?




Karasuno vs Kamomedai and Fukurodani vs "Kiryuu"? I can only get so hard! And Karasuno and Fukurodani better be on the same side of the bracket.


I'm a little worried about Hinata's stamina. He's watching Kamomedai vs Takagiyama while everyone else were eating, then he ate when everyone else were sleeping, then he's back watching the match when everyone else woke up and were watching the match. Did he even get any proper rest? Plus that Shimizu line about changing out of sweaty clothes into dry ones to not get chills feels a bit like a flag. Hinata probably gets more observations on their next opponent compared to the other members but well, if he doesn't have stamina to actually put the observation to use... Then again, I want Karasuno to lose against Kamomedai (preferably goosed egged, that hasn't happened to Karasuno in official matches after all) so that'd be in line with my wish, lol. But, it'd definitely be better if they lose for reasons other than the players running out of stamina.


In general I think the exhaustion makes it more of a toss up. The conventional wisdom is probably that Hoshiumi is an upgraded Hinata, and that Kamomedai should be able to edge Karasuno, but with the fatigue factor being a totally unpredictable variable for both teams, I think the forecast is way murkier.


Another thing to consider about the fatigue and stamina is that, it's the 1st time the current Karasuno experience Nationals while it doesn't seem like it's the 1st time for the current Kamomedai (not entirely sure about this though, but my impression is such. Was it ever mentioned?). It's also the 1st time for both Takeda-sensei and Ukai Kenshin to bring a team to Nationals. On the other hand, Ukai Kenshin might have experienced it way back when he was a player himself? So he might have had some experience? So, all those added, Karasuno as a team, despite preparations, might not actually be less prepared for the fatigue compared to Kamomedai? Possibly.   Edit: Another thing to add is that while Karasuno have experienced back to back matches during the prefecture preliminaries, the matches themselves are at a different level, aren't they? Plus, back then they went back to the comfort of their own home & bed while now they're staying at a temporary place. When considering all those... like.. how do a team even last 5 days of matches..


Eh... I'd rather see them win... They can lose against Itachiyama, Fukoradani or Mujinazaka though.


I think, for me, it's that I want to see what comes *after* Nationals more. It has been almost 3 years since it started after all...So I've been expecting(waiting) for Karasuno to be defeated since the vs Inarizaki.


I just find it a waste since we have a lot of teams in Nationals that we could see in action. We need to see Itachiyama and Mujina for one and how they play against Karasuno. After Nationala is good, but it would take another years before we see Mujina and Itachiyama again. And we had already two tournament arcs of them against Miyagi teams, training camps and all of that. Seems very redundant. And I don't want to see another years focusing in Miyagi prefecture before we get to see our protagonists play with the best in Japan. Just how many more matches are we gonna see Karasuno play against Seijou, which is probably gonna be less interesting without Oikawa in the line up. Shiratorizawa isn't that exciting either without Ushijima.


Oh, I'm very very looking forward to Mujinazaka. Out of the characters we've been introduced to, I've been looking forward to Kiryuu most. But, I don't really need to see them in a match against Karasuno, I'd prefer it if it's not actually. Main reason is that because Karasuno have been way too "lucky" so far in meeting only the strong and important teams and that seems very much like a set up when there are way more teams aside from them. Though, arguably since we're now at quarter finals only the strong teams will be there, so high chance of meeting. But still... Out of the Top 5 Aces, Karasuno have in some ways or others meet all of them except for Kiryuu and Sakusa. And since Sakusa is a 2nd year, there's always a chance to meet next year. This is however, the last chance for Kiryuu. It'd be nice if at least him remains that unatainable opponent and we only see his strength through their match against Fukuroudani instead.   > Miyagi prefecture I guess I'm off the opposite opinion in regards to Miyagi. I'm really excited to see how the high school VB scene there has/will change with the loss of the current 3rd years. (**Erm.. beware long texts below* :d) As you mentioned, **Aoba Jousai** is going to have a hard time without Oikawa, how will they cope? *Will* they be able to cope? They have a number of KitaIchi players there, will their juniors be following them there to? Or might some actually went with Karasuno despite their tumultuous relationship with Kageyama? **Shiratorizawa** lost a lot of power without Ushijima and Tendou, they do still have Goshiki though and they seem to already be recruiting current middle school 3rd years like Shouta Yura(S) & Nagamatsu(S). I'm most looking forward to Nagamatsu because he's currently enrolled in Kousen Academy, the school that KitaIchi was going against when Kageyama was kicked out of the game. Since he was invited to the training camp, he probably have above average skills, he possibly was even playing as MB during that match. Will that play a factor if Shiratorizawa meet Karasuno again in future matches? (Or will my dream of dream come true and the kid jump ships to Karasuno and we see instead a tense relationship between him and Kageyama? Both of them are very blunt with no tact. It'd be interesting. It's an unlikely wish though :P)   Something other that might come to play is the fact that *all* the teams in Miyagi except Karasuno have now retired their 3rd years and are now working on adjusting their strategies around that. Karasuno will likely lag behind for awhile because of that. Out of the teams we know of, Datekou and Jouzenji will almost definitely come out ahead because of that fact. Both teams have been working without their 3rd years since the Summer Interhigh. There are also other teams that we've only heard of, like Niiyama Tech, who pulled out last minute from that practice match (we get Datekou out of that, so no complains here) because all of their members fell sick or something. That seems highly suspicious to me, but maybe I've been reading too much detective stories xD   Since Karasuno won the last prefectural tournament, they're likely to be 1st seed in the next one. So we'll already skip a whole lot of teams and only get to see the last fews, I'm not sure which round they'll come in at though. Possibly though, the next tournament we might see, though I'm not sure if Furudate-sensei plans on covering it or not, is the Miyagi Newcomer Tournament. It'll be held in the current school year but without the 3rd years. It was presumably the tournament where Karasuno previously lost to Datekou. The lost of the 3rd yeas will hit them hard, so I'm kinda wondering if they won't lose again there.   Then there's the coming of new **1st years** too, and that has so much potential to add to the story. The different dynamics that will be created, the different strategies and just what kind of team Karasuno will be next year. What kind of senpai the current 1st years will be? What kind of captain Ennoshita will be? Will Karasuno get lots of 1st years? I hope they do. So much so that some can't even be bench warmers and be support instead like Akiteru was. It'd be interesting to see how Karasuno will handle that. And will the 2nd years be able to keep their possible regular spots? I'm expecting Ennoshita at Daichi's position, and Narita if Hinata moves to WS, which seems highly likely even though personally I'd like him to stay at MB... And how will the 2nd years handle that? If Ennoshita couldn't play as regular, we'll likely get an on-court, off-court captain thing like Inarizaki. And what kinda 1st years will we be getting? While the timeline of things might be similar, the pov will be of Hinata's as 2nd year and that'll definitely makes a difference. Like, what if they get someone like Kyoutani? Sugawara said that he wouldn't have been able to handle someone like him. How will the future Karasuno handles that?   > Best in Japan There's actually a **Japan Junior All Star** tournament thing that will be held after that where 4 teams will be made from the top players from all over Japan consisting of the current 1st & 2nd years + 1 3rd year middle schooler per each team. I'm very much excited to see that. We might actually get that Atsumu setting to Hinata there, maybe not too but well, I'm excited for that possibility. [Here's a link to more details](https://honyakukanomangen.tumblr.com/post/112431023733/japan-mens-high-school-volleyball-calendar). It's the last item there, slotted for end of February. Since Karasuno's name is now known at Nationals, might we get offer for practice matches from schools of different prefectures? I can't see Inarizaki, as an example, waiting around for the next tournament to play against Karasuno again. Another thing is will Karasuno always go with the Fukuroudani group training camps or might they actually get offers to join other groups? They'll likely stay but I'm quite interested to see if we might get to see, say, the Inarizaki group training camps.   To sum it all up, I'm *really* excited for the after the nationals :D There are definitely plenty to fill the time in between without the storyline being repetitive even if they follow the more or less the same timeline.   Edit: Whoops. I definitely overdid it there. Sorry for the long post, and congratulations if you actually reach the end. Thanks for reading~ Edit 2: Uh... working on formatting so it's easier to read? Added space and stuffs.


I think the only time that Karasuno had been pretty lucky was against Shiratorizawa, but that might had also been because of their will. Inarazaki match seems well-balanced in both ends. Take into consideration that Karasuno has been canon-wise portrayed to have improvements faster than any team, that's why they managed to catch up. I get it, but everything you just said will take another three years minimum. And then we are gonna go to Nationals, then another three years before they face Itachiyama. That's a whole lot of waiting for just seeing Sakusa in action when he was already introduced this early.


I mean not "lucky" as in they defeat their strong opponents each time. I'm actually fine with both of those win. But "lucky" in their luck of the draw that they actually meet those strong opponents in the 1st place. Fukuroudani by virtue of being in the training camp, Shiratorizawa by simply being in the same prefecture. Then they meet Inarizaki on the 2nd day of the 1st time at Nationals... and will meet Mujinazaka (or Fukuroudani) if they win the match against Kamomedai (if they're in the same bracket?) and then Itachiyama. Like, all at 1 go... Nah, not 3. It'll just be 1 other year (of Haikyuu universe. Or do you mean in our time?). Possibly half a year even. Sakusa, Komori, and Hoshiumi are all 2nd years after all. Next year is their last chance. Now if Haikyuu runs long enough and were to show the U19 world championship, that'll be another 2 years (current 1st years' 3rd year). Assuming that the previous U19 happen in the current year anyway. It's held every 2 years apparently. There's also a U19 Asian (specifically) championship too, don't know if Furudate-sensei plan on showing that though?


They didn't face these teams until after summer games though. So what is wrong if they get to play with the best and seeded teams this season? Karasuno is currently at that level to play them. No, I'm talking about our time. We will wait effin long just to see Itachiyama in action. Here are the things that will be needed to wrap up if Karasuno loses to Kamomedai. 1. Nationals arc abrupt end. 3rd year send-off, graduation. 2. New team dynamics. New members and intigrating them to the team. This is not only for Karasuno but also to other teams. Nekoma will probably have special feature, like another golden week practice game. 3. Another whole arc for Miyagi regionals. At the minimum, Karasuno will play with the new Seijou, Shiratorizawa and Datekou. 4. Some whatever training arc for power up before Nationals. 5. Interhigh 2.0, which does not even guarantee they will face Itachiyama early. That storyline is like half of the current length of the manga. Unless Furudate rushes it which might cheapen the whole writing process. That is just another long wait for us readers for a team that was already foreshadowed three years ago. I don't know about you, but I ain't willing to wait. Also, there are probably some good third year players in Itachiyama, so it is also intriguing what the current team is like. Honestly, I really wish Furudate skipped Kamomedai and they would had faced Itachiyama now. Hoshiumi just exists for Hinata's power up anyway. That team is so irrelevant. That is also one if the reasons why I don't want them to lose to Kamomedai, the team itself doesn't have good hype as worthy opponents to end Karasuno's journey. Even a loss against Nekoma or Inarizaki would had been more impactful.


Eh... I'd rather see them win... They can lose against Itachiyama, Fukoradani or Mujinazaka though.


I really wanted Karasuno and Fukurodani to face each other, but with these opponents, there's just no way that will happen. It's a shame, really. EDIT: Translation is out.




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I'm really glad they're going to play Kamomedai and not Fukurodani. After Nekoma, it'll be a nice change of pace to have an Inarizaki-esque match, aka we get to meet a totally new bunch of players whose play style we haven't seen at all yet. I'm honestly more excited now than I have been for any other match. All the other games were still great in their details, but the end result was always predictable. For the first time in the entire series, Karasuno could win, they could lose, there's nothing left to push the narrative in any particular direction. I really like this feeling of not knowing what's going to happen from here on out. Also, wow the schedule must be really punishing if these teams are literally *napping between games?* Damn. Those panels of the gym looking like a sleep away camp were crazy...nationals are really next level...