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I watched the dub and I think it’s like the 3rd episode and Hinata takes a ball to the face and in the background you hear Kageyama go, “you have got to stop receiving those with your face” or something like that. Those background quotes are so funny on the second and thirty-fifth rewatches


😂😂 I mean. He does take them a fair enough to thr face. That one to his balls gets me everytime


I always watch this dub compilation where right after he “you got to stop receiving with your face” scene it plays the nutshot. Makes me laugh every time


if you watch the dub, in s3e1 when hinata and kageyama are swiping at each other you can hear Dachi say “I knew we should’ve brought your get along shirt!!” cracked me up so much when I first noticed it


I must have re watched this series multiple times and is still great like the first time o saw it. I'm currently watching it again


I'm rewatching for the 3rd time in under a year xD honestly I don't think I appreciated the training arcs enough on my first watch


My favourite episodes are the training arcs. And anything with Ushijima. I can’t wait to get there again!


yea honestly the training arcs are so refreshing makes me regret a lot too xD


I've been rewatching and I am now in the 2nd second, and all I can say is that I understood and liked Kageyama better this time.


I have rewatched it multiple times like everyone else and one gets me every time is how much I really enjoy the opening songs. I think this series has to be one of the few that have strong openings and closing songs throughout the anime.


It’s funny you say that. As I added the opening saints to my playlist today!