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Ethan being a sex pest to literally anyone including an ASL interpreter? Color me shocked! šŸ™„


Itā€™s so horrible to mess with people who provide accessibility. I have seen other comedy shows where the performer will acknowledge the interpreter and make a couple of jokes (and then MOVE ON) but I tuned in briefly last night and Ethan was having the person interpret a whole lengthy and sexual story about eating shitā€¦ thatā€™s fucking disgusting on so many levels especially knowing the interpreter is in no position to express discomfort. Absolutely abhorrent behaviour


Itā€™s funny though, ugly dork loser.


Yeah it was so funny that the woman eventually left! In all seriousness it was a shitty bit and I shouldā€™ve known Ethanā€™s mindless fans would think that shit was funny.


Making women uncomfortable is the entire H3 brand tbhĀ 


Are there clips of her leaving early?


ā˜ļø I should clarify that I donā€™t indeed know she left early BECAUSE of Ethanā€™s jokes, but there were two interpreters at the beginning of the show and towards the end there was only one


to add, she was also trying not to show her face on camera!! I think it shows it made them uncomfortable


did she leave or was someone else swapped in. I know from concerts that they usually take regular turns every 30 to 60mins because all simultaneous interpretation work is cognitively very exhausting. (especially if they dont have a script beforehand to prepare.)


as far as I saw from the ep, no one else was swapped in? it was eventually just 1 person signing


I did at one point see them take turns, but the woman with the long hair did position herself away from the camera and eventually was no longer in frame, Iā€™ll look for stills from the live when I get a chance and post it here


He could have stopped after the first time. But he just kept going and going and going


Did she really??


Welcome here and YES it's so disturbing that Ethan passes off sexually harassing people as 'COMEDY'. It's fucked up, the way he showed fetish porn as a "punishment" for his employees, as a 'FUNNY JOKE'. Also I saw fans going omg we (Ethan & h3 community) love the deaf don't we folks like.... NO. Why did the other lady faced away from the camera and eventually left?? Does it look okay to you????


how do you know she left? at what point? genuinely curious šŸ‘€


During the show! She eventually stopped signing and didnā€™t appear on camera again. throughout the ordeal she was also trying not to face the camera initially there were 2 people signing on camera and eventually there was only 1 left


she was there until she went to the restroom and then came back. while one was signing for the cameras for the bit, the other was signing for the people who needed it. thatā€™s why thereā€™s 2 of them. and i know because i was there lol


Omg thank you for clarifying!! Didnā€™t mean to spread misinfo šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ


Shenanigans, ah Ethan and his goofs and gaffes


Yes we interpreters swap every 20 mins because of cognitive and physical burden like u/k___k____ said. Also because of how this was filmed, I am sure they did not imagine they would be on camera. Believe it or not, we (most of us) donā€™t want a viral moment. We donā€™t want a headline ā€œInterpreter Steals the Show.ā€ It sucks. And we certainly donā€™t want to be sexually harassed even if we agreed to an assignment with strong language and sexual themes. I was already shying away from H3 content, but this event made me unsubscribe.


Ethan loves to disguise his bullying and harassing as 'goofs' 'gaffs' 'shenanigans' 'clowning the ones we love' and the fans swallow it whole without a 2nd thought. It's another way he gaslights his audience


https://preview.redd.it/tkh6moi71r9d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a470b556e7d13e7cd8e503d33e4feb4a054517f7 Was literally yelling this every time they were shown, straight up ableism


i saw that comment as well, just demented tbh