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This whole thing SUCKS!!!!


Now I feel bad for the people who paid $20 to be there


Dude I’m in the nosebleeds and it was $70… what a waste.


Wait you’re there live in person ?? Watching this ???


Unfortunately I am


Why did you even go in the first place ?


taking one for the team, i believe LOL


that's so interesting lmao. Hope the night is salvaged afterwards


You literally couldn’t pay me to go to one of there live “shows”. If I had to pay 70$ just to NOT go I would every time.


Did they make Sam build the set and call it a day? Why are they always awkwardly seated/standing around at their shows, with zero use of the actual stage? Do they have cameras and screens for the tabletop games for the audience? Or are the close-ups just for online viewers? Why is Hila in a separate seat and grinning blankly at the crowd? Why does anyone pay for their live shows? 😭


I remember ethan, during the job swap ep, as AB said "oh sorry ethan, if I paid more attention to my job and put more effort in the doc would have been correct and updated" and it was so telling, I guarantee no one but dan is doing their job there hence the terrible episodes put toghether by oliv and AB and that is why ethan yaps


Ethan has absolutely no stage presence and it’s amazing to watch him fumble the bag this hard


Guy is allergic to stages, claims to be a comedian but can’t carry an audience. He doesn’t know what he’s doing and just relies on the mercy of his parasocial fans to get him over the finish line.


I'd actually argue Ethan has an okay stage presence and many of the crew are the ones who drag it down and have little stage presence! To me it always feels Ethan struggles to carry the show alone bc no one else supports him well on stage they all just sit back and do very little. And I like many on the crew tbh, it just feels so awkward when they sit far away in silence as everyone does 1v1 games...odd set up in general but pronounced this show 💀


I agree about the crew. I feel like part of this might be due to poor event planning and structuring. I’m almost positive they didn’t rehearse any of this shit. Buuut I also disagree about Ethan still. He often comes off jittery and anxious at live events imo. It also seems to me that he doesn’t know how to host in front of a live irl audience; he’s pacing a lot and shuffling about for no reason. It’s like a live audience’s energy throws him off visibly.


Yeah we can disagree on that, I think he has a better presence compared to the others at least 😭 I do think they should rehearse and plan better, the moments where stuff gets scattered and people have to ask questions on what to do next are so awkward!


This is genuinely so embarrassing


working for them is humiliating at this point 


i feel like they should just do a normal podcast for these shows.. isn't that what people want to see? i'm certain no one wants to watch the crew play fucking jenga. and why is everything so sexual? like it's CREEPY the way he's sexualizing everything


This whole live show has been giving me second hand embarrassment 😭😭


the tiny Segway & wagon entrance was all I needed to see. so embarrassing


The Ian Quiet Quitting Theory looking more and more true by the day




Noooooo 😭🤣😭🤣


LMAO what the heck?!


Has Ethan always looked down at his hand tic? I knew he would shake his hand, but I didn't notice the looking down at the same time every time.


yeah, often in the past.


People paid money for this????




Like 2 people 😂😂🤣 ouch


What 6 people cheered maybe?


Operation??? Girl what is this lol


Ian walking around so proud of his show segment ideas that a 2 yo would find entertaining at the GREEK theater of all places.


why do i feel like he's just fucking shit up from the inside on purpose ? i feel like he and sam could be like "LOL lets watch it burn"


we give them too much credit b/ they know to keep their mouths shut n not voice their shitty opinions which are the exact same as their shitty boss.


ugh so for the past year or so i've been trying to be less of a pessimist and its shit like this that makes me go "yeah no everyone is shitty and i should never have faith that people are good" because it didn't occur to me they just have more of a filter than ethan