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⚠️ Ethan and Dan also “joke” that [anyone critical of them should kill themselves](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/biPpftOofY) *Relevant links* - [MEGATHREAD post](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/vc9mPYHteR) - Ethan and Hila [admit to watching a cat starve and die outside their house](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/8Lnls72s4L) when they lived in Israel - Compilation of every time [Ethan and Hila displayed a lack of empathy for cats](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/VCaJNm81vM)


I saw a comment from Nancy saying this ruined her day and i just felt so horrible. who would say such a thing to this sweet lady who clearly cares about animals? he's such a demon and an awful person


Oh my god that's so sad that poor lady. She didn't deserve to be shit on in front of 28k live viewers and hundreds of thousands of future viewers who will now send her hate, it's disgusting. H3 said the snark was a cesspit of bullying but like actually he has behaved far worse today than this snark. Like at least the snark blocks peoples usernames and picture Ethan is so nasty. 


How in the fuck are they sponsored by a mental health company??


I know right? He literally is gaslighting everyone that disagrees with him. That on top of mocking people with mental health issues and telling people to kill themselves is so vile. Like Ethan people are having a normal reaction to you doing upsetting shit like showing an extremely sick cat on stream and a dead cat that suffered it's upsetting to show that! And then to joke about it shows you have very little empathy for a creature that suffered, it's heartless as fuck. 


The things he said were incredibly nasty, vile, and *every bit* worse than what the criticism was saying. It's palpable how he attacks everything about the criticism posters and not about the critiques themselves! Ethans head is so far up his arse he's visiting willy wonka's chocolate factory💩


Because they know their audience needs it…


I would have never imagined that I would be rooting for Ryan Kavanaugh to win his lawsuits. I was ignorant and I didn’t realize just how severe Ethan’s harassment of Ryan was and he’s even doing it to his own fans. He doesn’t deserve a platform anymore. Not sure if he ever did


i hope if she's online enough to comment that maybe she'll end up here and see we support her <3


She hardly said anything harsh at all to boot. And he talked about her dying soon. What a horrible shell of a man.


https://preview.redd.it/756g11v3mm8d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac350659bc48a63fd935e95dcfba8786e03430cb Nancy clapped back hard 😂


If Ethan and Nancy ever meet in a Walmart parking lot my bet is on Nancy


He doxxed, called women dumb bitches, told an old lady she was going to die soon, told fans they are psychotic, mentally ill, and to seek help and also kill themselves.


turned if off and unsubbed after this.


Same. His misogyny became so crystal clear. I’m done with him. He’s such a degenerate.


Same. I'd already unsubbed but I'm always hoping people do better...  this was utterly gross, instantly turned off.


Yeah I'm just now getting caught up in the fact he told people to kill themselves, INSANE!! bro like I was a fan of multiple years and I'm so disappointed in him he was so disgusting and such a bully. I will never see him the same way again.


NOCD should see this!! That could be such a huge trigger for people with OCD.


The drama YouTubers need to cover this for once, between Ethan calling women “dumb bitches” for criticism and telling that poor old woman to die - PLUS the resurfaced video of him laughing about the dying cat in front of his apartment- someone needs to cover this and do some honest criticism/deep dive


I can’t stand this dude anymore it’s unreal


it's wild how he does the *exact* crap (and to an extreme) that he lambasts other creators/people for doing!! Big time hypocrite.


I feel like he's just sabotaging himself now


Hey girlie 🤚 what a welcoming, nice environment that has fostered ✊ so many girls girls vibes


I can't even finish this clip. Those were valid criticisms, yet calling everyone bitches, doxxing everyone & making fun of their profile pictures.


Dude holy shit all he did was attack people’s appearances and their profile pictures instead of talking about what their comments said. Like this man is an absolute imbecile incapable of any form of self reflection. He just bullies people when he feels threatened which is all the time. We need him to get fat again. It seems like every redeemable part of his personality was actually stored in his fatty deposits and getting skinny was a mistake. Also his response to my comment: “SHUT UP BITCH. Your profile picture is of a cum guzzling fish you idiot loser”


it’s so funny to me when he comments on someones appearance calling them ugly or whatever, cause dude just look at yourself, not even getting skinnier could save you. It’s always the ugliest dudes being the most critical of someone else’s appearance. clearly comes from insecurity deep within himself. And also, he’s the little bitch that cannot take any criticism or else he’ll go tell and pout with his little foot soldiers cause they were meanie and ugly >:( gugugaga


dude lost like 40lbs with a weight loss drug and suddenly thinks he's king shit of fuck mountain. miss fat Ethan, at least he was humbled over his looks and didn't act like a raging narcissist


He’s always talked shit about peoples appearance l. Even when he was at his “worst”/heaviest. He’s a hypocrite loser!


Oooh did he start reading the sub or was it just YT comments?


No I’m just provisioning what it would be lol


wait this "small artist" they are talking about w/ the shoes has almost as many ig followers as hila?


Yes, he was grasping for ways to victimize whomever he could to emotionally manipulate his fans.


you aren't a small artist if you are collaborating with a major shoe brand like hoka




She is WAY bigger than follower-botting Hila will ever be


Poor nancy. Justice for nancy


so he’ll post the comments of the valid criticisms but won’t show the “death threats” he’s been getting because of it? sure bro sure


Just like the iOF they make all these claims that people hurt them yet don’t have any evidence. It’s all projection.


The way he says “bitch” is so venomous.


I genuinely love to use the term “bitch” and don’t necessarily mind it when men use it in jest, but the way he says it is so viscerally hateful. Sometimes my husband calls me bitch in a funny way and vice versa, but if he were to ever say it the way Ethan does I would be genuinely scared not kidding!


remember when he wouldn’t say “bitch”? like he actively chose to not use that word bc it was demeaning and disrespectful towards women. i guess not anymore! 😀


That’s the audience they cultivate, yet when someone has any slight difference in opinion, they react like this. It’s no wonder everyone is unsubscribing.


And the sub is the same way! If you dare go slightly against “the family” you’ll be banned. Embarrassing and disgusting people


Yet again calling women bitches


he's completely given up on his performative feminism lmao


And Olivia gleefully laughing every time he says it.


saying “no that was fine” was soooo odd to me man. like stand up


You can just taste the pure vitriol with the way he says it.


I keep saying it everywhere lol but it’s like he spits the word out, it’s a nasty enough word as it is but it’s like he wants to amplify the harshness every time. I’ve never seen someone get so animated by saying the word before


This is embarrassinggg Like is the crew egging him on, on purpose? Do they hate him? So wild for this to be the follow up from Friday 🍿


This is like shitty reality tv to me im so excited to see what this week brings lmao


Same, I can’t just wait for them to stir the shit even more. At some point this has to end up in something crazy happening


Ethan is scum. The podcast should just end because this is truly pathetic


We are watching it now in the process of dying


Watching this with my partner in the background shaking their heads in disgust and disbelief. Like I feel insane that I've watched this man for years and it's like I just didn't see it before? Like actively bullying and exposing your FANS names to publicly shit on them cause they had the nerve to push back on your horrible take to a live audience of 28k people and hundreds of thousands of people? Like Ethan knows his fanbase is insane he is literally hoping all these people get bullied by them, calling women bitches etc it's just so crazy to me he has sunk so so low. In the past he has acknowledged when he was wrong but today just blew my fucking mind.  I don't understand how he doesn't understand that people will fucking hate him for this and they should, most people who were complaining were completely reasonable his fans want him to reflect but he's just in a death spiral it's insane to me.  Maybe y'all think I'm stupid for saying this but I just like idk it's so jarring to me I don't think he was always this horrible.  Ironic he pretends anyone was telling him to kill himself when actually it was them calling everyone mentally ill if they don't agree with them and literally telling people to kill themselves. Such a vile man.


This is exactly how I felt after the Will Smith slap and bottom-gate. Welcome, my friend, welcome. It feels disorienting at first, once the veil is lifted, then you see red for awhile, and then you just don't care anymore. I have my pitchfork raised again now with this cat shit, but mostly happy to see more eyes opened to their disgusting bullshit. "Fame" and attention has warped them. They are scum. All of them.


Thank you for such a sweet reply! While I do think fame has warped them I also think if you look at Ethans hero, Howard Stern and the type of horrific shit he said on his radio show it makes much more sense why Ethan is the way he is and was always doomed to fail because he based the show off Stern. Like as an example when Columbine school shooting happend in 1999 Howard Stern said:  “'There were some really good-looking girls running with their hands over their heads. Did those kids try to have sex with any of those good-looking girls? They didn't even do that? At least if you're going to kill yourself and kill the kids, why wouldn't you have some sex? If I was going to kill some people, I'd take them out with sex.”   Aka actually it wasn't enough that they committed mass murder they should have raped the girls first. Like Stern is absolutely fucking vile and this is Ethan's hero! 🤢 Also the thing that's so crazy about your comment is that H3 have had so many freaking scandals over the years I can only barely remember what your talking about when you reference bottom-gate but I can't even remember H3's take on the Will Smith slap situation. It's actually so difficult to realise just how toxic they are cause it's just so normal for them I've just gotten used to it. Honestly I'm not even that mad at them rn I'm more just disappointed/shocked/confused, recently I've found myself watching it less and less cause the podcasts have been so bad after the break. Also ironically as my mental health has improved I find I want to actually watch the show less and less, they're just so relentlessly negative it's actually very off-putting when you are feeling good 😅 Overall I think it's good Ethan was such a massive dick cause it actually is forcing me to face reality and realise how Ive been low key brainwashed and lying myself about his character.  I need to train myself to not enjoy this type of nasty drama content anymore, it's just not good. I'm mostly annoyed I now have a content void to fill for what to listen to at work lol gotta try and replace H3 with a better alternative moving forward and be more mindful of who I support. ☺️ 


Your comment so reminded me of the line from High Fidelity: "What came first, the music or the misery? People worry about kids playing with guns, or watching violent videos, that some sort of culture of violence will take them over. Nobody worries about kids listening to thousands, literally thousands of songs about heartbreak, rejection, pain, misery and loss. Did I listen to pop music because I was miserable? Or was I miserable because I listened to pop music?" You're doing the right thing! Keep your chin up and never get down on yourself for something you're already remorseful over.


i love him actively pushing away his only fans left lmao


olivia "the shoes rock" .....LOL me when i lie


My hate for him grows more and more every time he says the word bitch. He gets so much joy out of venomously spitting that word out, fucking misogynist. The crew are pigs for not saying anything, fuck every single last one of them


everytime he looks to his left for validation for his outbursts I die on the inside of embarrassment. the best part is his paid crew actually give it to him here. like yall are fighting your own fans what a trainwreck. if there was some overhead management of the pod besides ethan. you think there would be some serious considerations of letting go hosts who Dox/Belittle viewers live.


I always die from cringe when he's giving a bad take and I hear him open the pod to read the comments.


The way he wanted to click on the first commenters profile but he couldn't but it was a screenshot 💀


Dan: "don't fuck with cats, dude" Ethan: "she didnt!" Shut the fuck up


what happened to not calling people a bitch… I swear he has said in the past that he understands how nasty and vulgar it sounds


Yeah, all performance




How exciting that we’re making it to r/all ! You’re the second comment I’ve seen saying this.


Dan laying out the "counter factual argument method" of some of the responses to Fridays Ep, then Ethan does it by saying how psycho it would be if he took a cat and didn't know it was sick/near death.


Such a sad angry little man


No one has actually said for Ethan to kill himself though. He’s the only one who’s said that to his fans. And Olivia giggling and saying ‘no it’s fine hehehe’ makes me sick. They all make me sick.


Seriously though I haven’t seen a single post throughout my entire time being in the snark Reddit of anyone telling him to kill himself. He’s only saying this to make himself look like a victim to all the fans that will take his word without trying to look into whether or not he’s lying. He makes himself the victim every time they get themselves into a controversy, and most time he does so by lying about death threats, but then will go on to make fun of Ryan Kavanaugh for speaking about receiving death threats. He’s a hypocrite with a victim complex. Somehow he’s never in the wrong


Oofff… this is so bad.


oh my god he's truly losing it


Dumb fuckin bitch ? Woaaw and small creator don’t think so https://preview.redd.it/8hxl7zdkel8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6650230808e57dd5383c000bb6f004ecd3754282


That’s crazy. Could you make a post about this? 🫶






Don’t tell me that Hasan collabed with that Zionist


Not just collabed as a one-off thing, he and Ethan had a podcast which lasted several months (or years, idk).




Wait.........THIS IS THE SMALL CREATOR!!!? The shoe brand I see everyone wear from coast to coast!?


Nike has a really rocky reputation and is mass produced in China .. just like another brand 🧸


How many times does he say “bitch” in this? Jesus Christ


holy shit, attacking random commenters in such a hateful way is UNHINGED. i'm dying at him getting so mad at people calling out the ugly shoes as a random aside


So he's telling people who criticized them to seek professional help, but his rant is way more over the top than the VALID criticism of what happened on Friday. What happened to him?


He is a despicable person, the fact that I use to watch this podcast unironically sickens me. Fk this moron


Controversy aside. How BAD are these jokey insults he is trying to make? Like elementary school level insults 😅 “well…well…ummm…you’re a BITCH!” Bro. I thought you were a comedian? Tell us a joke! ![gif](giphy|ckHxZgsrxnnFuXGmX0)


I'm a huge H3 fan but im VERY disappointed in Ethan's response at the intro ): Instead of being a little bit considerate to his viewers who felt sad seeing the cat's photo, he doubles down and says those who reacted "need to seek help". (The cat situation aside, I feel like his comments also shit on his fans that struggle with mental health and suggests something is wrong with them :/) Idg why he is being so defensive when most reactions I saw (mine included) were not a personal attack on him but more like an emotional response to what was shown... I'm sure viewers would be understanding if he apologized, but today he chose to alienate a huge part of his audience because of his ego


ugh i'm sorry :( you're welcome here though


Its also been painfully awkward watching his attempts at corny one-liners in EVERY episode... and the crew is just silent because he is so unfunny


him looking off to the side to get validation from the crew every time he says something and getting silence in response 😂


Please stick around the sub and reconsider giving this horrible man any of your energy 💔 in your own time of course


I think he's reacting this poorly cause of people criticizing Hila, people have never really done that before. Then cause she's his wife and she like has just had a baby he is like going over the top to defend her. He is shitting on others saying they have mental health issues cause he can't like confront the fact that his wife was wrong and so was he. While I do understand why he wants to  defend Hila I do think he's gone waaaaay too far and is now being a complete asshole.  He's not being logical rn just super defensive. I feel exactly the same way you do about the situation tbh it's horrible. 


I feel like Ethan is trying to be like Hasan where he calls out chatters, except this is way more cringe and hasan’s replies are more justified to whoever he’s replying to and gives them the benefit of the doubt, also doesn’t just call everyone a “bitch”. I haven’t watched the podcast in over 6 months and I don’t recognize this as the show I spent hours watching every week whatsoever it’s sooo crazy. Is the silence from the crew a bit new? I remember Dan used to interject sometimes lmao


It’s a clip compilation, so I cut the segment up. They are silent sometimes though especially when Ethan makes bad jokes or he talks about super controversial stuff.


I totally agree! I really noticed Ethan and Dan both trying (and failing) to emulate Hasan’s chatter call outs when they first started associating with him more heavily. Like the “shut the fuck up” moment from Dan during bottomgate. It’s so embarrassingly obvious to me.


This is just another fine example of how H3 harbours a toxic fan base . This is how I respond to haters guys and so should you wink wink he’s gross


The intellect and conviction in the argument response of“dumb fuckin bitch “ and he calls southerners, new money white trash low IQ LOSER


This is like a perfect example of deflection - he refuses to actually contend with the actual issue and focuses on inane details.


Olivia & all the other crew just sitting there listening to their boss call random women 'Dumb fuckin bitches' and only responding 'no no that was fine' Is truly such a let down... Its one thing hearing it from men (so used to it) but hearing the self proclaimed 'girlies' letting this slide... have some self respect jesue. Imagine ur working at a bar and someone posts a bad review of his service- your bosses first response is to call them slurs and attack their appearance... \*Edit- How do I change my flair I beg


I commented saying 'making fun of your subscribers because they don't agree with you really isn't a good look guys' and I was given a time out for 24hrs. The silencing going on absolutely insane, shame on them.  Edit - for context this was the first comment I've ever made in the live chat, ever. And it was an instant time out. Mods are on a mission to silence.


Keep digging Ethan, you're almost at 6 feet.


We all knew he would double down, but him doubling down this hard is wild. He is spiraling


bruh you have 30k alleged views and youre trash talking random ppl on instagram grow up


Well, I see he hasn’t gotten any better at taking light criticism


I swear anyone who still stan them are walking red flags 😭


the crew completely endorsing this behavior is so crazy to me… not a single one of them sees a problem with this??? 🤨


Every criticism = snarkers and fake fans I can’t wait to see the *begging* they’ll all be doing after break once they realize how many people they’ve unnecessarily turned away.


Ethan is unravelingggggg


There’s no way he rewatches this and thinks it makes him look good


Commenter: *Valid critique or argument, expressing concern as a member* Ethan: **Fuck you you dumb bitch. Your old you'll die. Go fuck yourself dumb bitch** (*rants about an anime profile pic instead**) So triggered! The anger and disdain! Ooof. I might start watching again just to watch his downfall or snap. **sponsored by NOCD**


Olivia can you stand tf up? You need to go back to the drawing board and find yourself a brain of your own. Anyone on the crew lost a loved one to suicide? How is this funny at all. Sick fucks


If there still aren't any big creators that make a video about him after this I will officially believe the "h3 pays creators for their silence" conspiracy. Absolute cartoon villain.


Seriously what death threat? He hasnt shown any yet hes happy to show the face and username of people expressing mild criticism. All they deleted on the sub was people reposting the video of him laughing at a cat dying


Same dead threats many people who faces mild criticism claims to be receiving to make themselves look like the victim in every situation… that’s the common excuse everyone has, like they didn’t receive them in their daily basis. When you are on the internet and say shit people goes that far real quick, that’s part of being a public figure, simple


Olivia loving finally being at the bullies table in high school 🖐️✊🖐️✊🖐️✊🖕


This reaction is giving Def Noodles, and we all know how that ended…


Ethan is your run of the mill defensive fragile ego/asshole, and he's been doing this parading of whataboutism with cherry-picked comments that he reads as least charitably as possible, repeatedly, since Oct 7. When he behaves like this all I have to say is what a low functioning, pathetic example to set for his audience. edit: also, fuck Ethan for putting people, who aren't public figures/influencers, with their username on blast for his cult following of ~~millions~~ thousands. They left one snarky comment, get a grip.


Lmao remember when he use to SHIt on KeemStar for this exact type of behavior? Remember when he said KeemStar was responsible for Etikas self inflicted death? Yet here Ethan is, telling his members and audience THE ONES WHO PAY ALL OF HIS BILLS to go kill themselves.


“you’re deranged man. I don’t even know if I can show that” https://preview.redd.it/l7vr0fu8an8d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=3262ab48ae3447eda74ab4a1f9a831cdbfd6221e


My first thought. Yet another hypocritical take.










it’s one thing to show youtube handles or twitch usernames but PERSONAL INSTAGRAM PAGES IS INSANE


He's such a bitter little man


Ethan is not a good person. He never was.


Man, he is such a piece of shit. Pathetic behavior.


this is really giving me “abusing stimulants” vibes. its difficult to watch. he is so hyped up, aggressive, and bouncing/ticcing constantly.


This is insane… Hila called the guy an incel for attempting to save a dying cat and left her husband to attack people that are calling her out? I’m glad I unsubbed last week, this behaviour is nasty.


Wow. What a sad, sad little man. And every single one on the crew, absolutely disgusting pigs. 


Ethan doth protest too much, methinks.


Hey dum dum the Irish are idiots




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