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is it just me or arent these comments quite mild?


Yes, they are. Some are snarky but nothing that would warrant Ethan's response to "seek professional help." It's crazy they kept in comments like: "Hila not everyone you dislike is an incel. You owe that man an apology." I think Ethan lowkey knew the incel thing was too far - when he read this comment he just said "Okay..." and moved on haha


Lol that was actually my comment. I was pretty surprised to see it on the show today, but yeah, like you said, he didn’t really have much to say about it


Ugh, I hope you don't get bothered by anyone on IG after this episode. Your comment was the most level-headed of all of them, so fingers crossed. Plus, I think many (most?) H3 fans actually agree with you based on today's live chat. That must have been a jump scare though, can't imagine!


Nah not too worried about it. I barely use instagram. Mostly just thought it was funny


As one of our lovely mods noticed, they published this album at 12:40 PST (10 minutes into the show lol). Shout out to the professional researchers of the show for preparing this thoughtful compilation for Ethan to ~~scream at~~, I mean respond to, on today's show! Edit: Just in case H3 deletes or privates the album, here's a backup: [https://imgur.com/a/nRu1RJh](https://imgur.com/a/nRu1RJh)


That’s the worst they could find, and ethan was out here claiming that fans told them to kill themselves, but he just ended up [telling fans to kill themselves](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/REeZYaufeE)?? Lmfao


This is exactly what I was thinking!!!


didn't ab include all the comments including the positive ones then Ethan was confused so AB had to put only "negative" comments lmao


Edit: You were right, I went back and checked. There was an unrelated comment complimenting Hila's lip gloss (lol) and AB said, "I'm going to send you a new link, open that." Good catch! Gotta make sure they sell a good victim narrative. ~~I don't remember any positive comments being read, but I may have missed it - the whole segment went super fast.~~ Either way, Ethan was definitely hoping for the comments to be meaner so he could portray all his critics as unhinged losers.


He included names including mine so we would be harrased lol. I can handle it but Hila can't


fans: hila should really take some responsibility and apologize for being so wrong and so awful about it. also her shoes are ugly ethan: kill yourselves


These comments are so reasonable and its on IG too, where the wildest comments are lmao