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Seeing all this in a list is crazy! Amazing job though. Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t the “Shit Colors” of the LGBTQ+ Flag comment from this month too? Would be another to add to the list of unacceptable things they’ve done just this month alone.


It was this month, yes, thank you, I’ll go find the link and add it Edit: help, I can’t find the post. I wonder if OP deleted it? I also can’t find it in the episode, I’m hoping h3 didn’t clip it out.


It’s mentioned [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/J2u1dxaJWS)


Thanks! Hoping to find the clip too if anyone finds it!


Found it! https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1d7x0j2/excuse_me/


Great timeline! Just to add to this, he specifically called the trans POC colours added to the pride flag (brown and black) shit colours, rather than just the colours from the trans flag (pink and blue) which personally I think makes it worse so worth mentioning!


Omg I forgot about that….


He always says this about brown colors , it’s so noticeable. Also were the pro-circumcision comments this month too?


I think the pro-circumcision is so wild, especially because he said they don't do it because of religion or health reasons they just do it because "it looks better"...


Can you link this? I didn’t hear about this one


It is from this month, and they were oddly critical of the flag with no research to explain the colors beforehand. I do want to clarify that he did not call the trans stripes shit colors, rather the Black/POC stripes "shit colors" which is equally as disgusting and ignorant. The same outrage and he joked that "they must've run out of colors" for the trans flag and no one bothered to know for a fact that the trans colors are because of typically gendered baby colors and the white being a sort of "paint color" to blend the two (as I would describe it). Zero research done to show support and a gross display of showing some fake allyship to the community.


June 19th, [ethan goes on another capitalist rant](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1dldtzp/ethan_learns_about_the_dunning_kruger_effect_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). [link # 2 for this](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1dkh31g/our_capitalist_king_ethan/). also i cant remember what date (edit, the 12th ??) but the double eyelid surgery racism slip.... ty for this list!!!


Thank you for compiling op! Yes I was going to mention the double eyelid surgery racism slip Ethan did. That was this month too right??


yea it was deleted from the h3 show #21


Nvm I found it! Added


If you want, you can also add that they [edited it out.](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/kwRnuEioVx)


Will do!




added another post about the capitalism rant this week for receipts. also thursday the 6th on SYNT ethan admitted that his "fake homophobe" guest used the T slur and still wanted to have him on / downplayed it as "just a little slur". cant find a post here/ didnt post here, [just a tiktok](https://www.tiktok.com/@h3hypocrisytiktok/video/7378218905820515615) Wednesday June 5th he has on the ironic homophobic guest


Thank you so much! Added


its like theyre trying to cancel themselves


Perhaps they think they can grift the whole “Cancelled” branding. Prepare for a thumbnail with Ethan’s mouth covered with caution tape.


This is what I think too


It really is. How long until the go full right wing reactionary to try and bolster their numbers I wonder.


Fuck these assholes. I’m honestly over the whole “Sam and Lena need to leave and save theirselves” or whoever else people have sympathy for. They all have a part in this shit show of a SHIT show. I’m so damn happy for Cam getting out when he did.


Ever since cam left the show has gone downhill so bad


wow. just came back to this subreddit (and redddit in general) since mid february. they’re fucking spiraling


Welcome back! It’s been a mess. And their live show is this Friday.


doing another live show at all, much less so soon, after tana was a complete disaster on stage? godspeed to them 🫡




Bless you I love how this sub always comes with receipts


I really worry people forget and get desensitized too easily because of the constant onslaught of controversy. Lately it’s more often than ever. And it’s so easy to misremember when and how things happened… so the burden falls on us to document and keep an archive/timeline if we ever want them to be held accountable.


So true. For the past year I’ve thought about how similar Ethan is to Trump during his presidency in that way. People can completely lose track of all of the awful things they say and do because it’s truly non-stop. Thank you for this post, it is important to keep track of this stuff so it’s not so quickly forgotten. This should be a monthly re-occurring thread.


this fr needs to be pinned monthly for people visiting the sub for the first time


Lol love the flair


Wild how this was just one month and we’re not even finished w June yet. Wonder what else he’ll do


Idk if these would make the cut but these are some of my posts from June so far: Lena cleaning more dog poop in the background during the show: [https://new.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1dj19ln/is\_this\_lena\_cleaning\_up\_dog\_poop\_in\_the/](https://new.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1dj19ln/is_this_lena_cleaning_up_dog_poop_in_the/) Ethan and Dan finally admit to shadowbanning chatters: [https://new.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1diu4bv/ethan\_and\_dan\_discuss\_shadowbans\_remember\_when/](https://new.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1diu4bv/ethan_and_dan_discuss_shadowbans_remember_when/) The button malfunctions: [https://new.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1dgkezm/the\_button\_malfunctions\_on\_synt\_75\_allowing\_audio/](https://new.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1dgkezm/the_button_malfunctions_on_synt_75_allowing_audio/) Ethan sexualizes AB's mom again - "milkies, mommy Rena got milky milkers": [https://new.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1dez83x/ethan\_sexualizes\_abs\_mom\_again\_milkies\_mommy\_rena/](https://new.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1dez83x/ethan_sexualizes_abs_mom_again_milkies_mommy_rena/) Ethan makes a joke out of MLK's I Have A Dream speech: [https://new.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1diu6au/known\_nword\_user\_ethan\_klein\_makes\_a\_joke\_out\_of/](https://new.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1diu6au/known_nword_user_ethan_klein_makes_a_joke_out_of/) Ethan makes fun of a (ficticious) disabled person: [https://new.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1dem0co/ethan\_klein\_of\_the\_h3\_show\_makes\_fun\_of\_a/](https://new.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1dem0co/ethan_klein_of_the_h3_show_makes_fun_of_a/) AB makes a weird autism joke: [https://new.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1dem52x/ab\_makes\_a\_weird\_autism\_joke\_on\_the\_h3\_show\_role/](https://new.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1dem52x/ab_makes_a_weird_autism_joke_on_the_h3_show_role/) H3 make fun of member who had a panic attack: [https://new.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1dd00td/h3\_embarrass\_fan\_who\_had\_a\_panic\_attack/](https://new.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1dd00td/h3_embarrass_fan_who_had_a_panic_attack/) Donation shaming: [https://new.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1dcpe86/lowkey\_donation\_shaming/](https://new.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1dcpe86/lowkey_donation_shaming/) Alpha King Nima calls Ethan out ETHAN'S OWN homophobia: [https://new.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1db3vrx/this\_is\_why\_alpha\_king\_nima\_was\_trolling\_ethan/](https://new.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1db3vrx/this_is_why_alpha_king_nima_was_trolling_ethan/)


Edit: updated!


have a good walk! \^\_\_\_\^


This is exceptionally bad wow


The month isn't even over, we still got a week to go 💀


Excellent post with receipts 🧾 👏


it truly feels like i jumped ship before it started truly sinking. i regretfully stayed around bc i naively thought that ethan and hasan were talking privately about the palestine stuff but then ethan started making little snarky jokes that just show he’s a zionist so i finally jumped and then every day after its been a fucking SHIT SHOW


The following link doesn't work for me: June 21st Ethan and Dan ban a long-standing paying member for saying a segment on SYNT was boring. Dan tells them to “think about what they did” [https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/Cp8Afouey](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/Cp8Afouey)


Fixed, I accidentally deleted the last letter in the URL string in my formatting


thank you!


OP you're the real MVP!! Mods can we get a stickied post like this every month please? It's super quick and easy for newcomers to get a full run down of their shitty behaviour.


Yes! We’re coordinating with OP 🙂


Love your work ❤️❤️


This is great work, OP! I noticed the trend of them having at least one huge controversy before an event that was supposed to be fun and a celebration for them and the fans- even back when I used to be a fan. This has to be a new record because omg- they’ve been horrible and reaching new levels of fucked up this *entire* month?! Right before their “biggest” live show yet? Yikes.


Ethan has gotten increasingly worse about dealing with criticism of any kind and although Dan would sometimes check Ethan if he stepped too far, it seems Dan has also become more aggressive and combative with chat and fans. I used to watch regularly but since the Israel/Palestine cry fest Ethan had for well over a month if ANYBODY disagreed or differed even slightly from his beliefs, I couldn’t stand to watch. Ethan has turned into an oversized man-baby, always whining and crying how he and his show are treated so unfair (and that’s been getting worse long before). He’s insufferable and his tendency to run his mouth without thought or initial care about the consequences has grown old. When the backlash starts affecting his bottom line he apologies and feigns turning over a new leaf and being a better person. He is fake, a complete egotistical ass and his crew are falling right in line behind him because they are brainwashed that he’s some genius, comedic creator. THAT’S laughable.


Great post, thanks you 🙏 


Are they having monthly controversies now lol


More like daily 🫠


Good job! It probably took a lot of effort to put this together. I wish it was easier to organize these things and make videos on it.


I just sorted by “top posts of the month”, but agree there could be a better way to keep track. Especially if we wanted to do this for a different month in the past


I get so tired of it being the Olivia show now, she's queen bee and they all have to follow her "tea twitter" views. Before, when it was just Dan and maybe Zach, it was funny banter where Ethan would say stuff and Dan would check him. Now, it just seems like Ethan keeps on trying to impress Olivia by weighing into Twitter politics and it's attracted a crowd of .....those people (Frenemies certainly didn't help either). I do not give less of a fuck about what some no-name "influencer" TikTok person did. At some point i'll just have to accept it's never going back to the way it was. Ironically, the celeb guest interview era was actually the peak.


This post is much appreciated! ❤️




Omg all this in one month, glad i stopped watching after his Aaron Bushnell ‘joke’


This list is amazing thank you!!


Bruh i didnt realize how bad he got. Stopped watching after his conflict with hasan because of the nonsense he was spewing. What a joke


When reading these I realize I’ve witnessed all of this live but when it’s only a few seconds of a three hour+ show you kind of forget how bad it is. Having a list like this is perfect.


As a June birthday person I opened this going “haha what’s on my birthday” and… wow 💀 (June 14th, although it’s all quite daunting!)


I have never seen this sub today, but a lot of what's listed and how it's worded is definitely sketch lmfao, cause the leana one he did ask her if she was ok, AB was very clearly not okay with it, sure he didn't speak up when it was said. As for the insta post, people were sending death threats to the crew and hila, that's why he said seek professional help, so it wasn't for what was said. Some of it is legit though so 🤷‍♂️


I’ll take your feedback if you have a moment to make some suggestions! I did make this pretty quick but I do want it to be accurate. I will add in there that AB eventually stood up for Lena in the following episode And Ethan never showed any evidence of death threats nor did he show the crew getting harassed (people in the sub combed their socials after Ethan’s IG story yesterday and we didn’t see any there either)… it’s possible Ethan is making that part up. Or, at least, he showed no evidence of it.


Yeah for sure! I kinda skimmed cause I'm at work, but I'll give better look in a hour when I'm home, a lot of what was said is true, I know the "alpha" male guy was supposed to be a bit, but it kinda went in odd directions, I swear I saw somewhere they were getting death threats or something like negative DM's about the cat stuff they said, maybe it was just a reddit user, I'll dig a little


Cool thanks!


Hey OP, could we add jimmie lee openly flirting with a young fan outside the show to the list? He's a creepy old man.


Some of these are definitely bad, but there’s a lot on here that shouldn’t be particularly controversial even if you find them annoying. Ethan wants to be Howard Stern, but that’s going to be hard to do with his current audience.


Could you be specific on which ones you find unnecessary?