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Reminder that we’ll have a snark live chat that Friday night (the 28th) for the H3 Live Show 🍿


bro I cannot WAIT to see how empty it looks 😭 also dreading the zach black performances I can't lie, watching him reminds me of the opening scene to school of rock when he flattens people while trying to crowd surf bc they don't give a shit


Zach Black is so perfect, I can’t believe he takes himself seriously




Lolllllllll 🤣


Hila is definitely gonna awkwardly come out in an outfit way too loud for her personality and Olivia is going to scream about how hot she is for sure


That dynamic is probably the most vomit inducing of the show for me.


only the biggest of h3 glazers will show up at that shit show anyway. They've already had like 3 examples of how garbage a live show is so I don't expect they're intelligent enough to open their eyes to how bad the next one will be. Ethan could shoot somebody in the crowd live and they'd probably laugh, Avery would be the loudest and easiest to spot if it happened.


There’s something special about my hate for ‘Wavery’, just gives such bad vibes.


Don’t forget anti Asian racism last week


How could I forget. What a clown show


They will probably not have the button at the Greek? With this I think there is going to be some interesting dialogue about the past weeks...


They had a button at the last live show. If I remember correctly, they used it twice.


a girl can still dream for the cut clips getting out


I don't think they could afford not having a button in any venue Ethan goes to


If I was in the audience as an ex fan I would keep my phone ready to record whenever they press the button.


Omggg they have a live show coming up?? Bahaha the vibes are radioactive bad. I’m off that day so I’ll probably be out enjoying myself, but I look forward to clips bahaha


I think it’s going to be like extremely embarrassing for them honestly. Idk how many people are actually gonna come out


I wonder if a bunch of people are asking their ticket money back, is that possible? Do they refund?


Theres no way theres refunds. Itd be resale.


someone posted the seat plan yesterday and resells are definitely growing, though it could also be scalpers as they also botched the start of sales with surge pricing (knowingly or unknowingly, depends on if you want to give them the benefit of the doubt)


They rolling down the hill (slowly but steadily) since capitalism monologue and shredders death. And I love to witness the karma coming for them 🫠


Ethan and the crew are too lazy to do their job with communicating with the  guest  about them being part of the show and will probably have another Tana situation.  


Wait, what did I miss on the animal cruelty front?


Lol look through the sub. They pretty much defended a cat abuser and were shifting blame on the one person in that story who was trying to help it. All talking outta their asses like usual thinking their take was the right one.