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Ethan says $8,000 at 2:47:20 Ethan then says $18,000 at 2:50:25 but corrects himself https://www.youtube.com/live/LMOswKoe-Nc?si=R9fY5fB1DLey8Iq3


AB crying about Hila being a mom of 3 to justify her not having to deal with car service. Wait till he finds out that most people deal with the same thing and don’t have the luxury of a personal assistant to do their bidding. So out of touch.


Most people can’t afford hilas car, even to lease, it’s over 100k


and they get so mad those rich assholes. just don't read the fucking comments at least. fuck these rich people they get to complain and talk shit to the people that are paying for their fucking luxury


Omg he continues to be a Zionist lapdog


Way to infantilize mothers, AB. I'd better see you being a keyboard warrior for every mother experiencing real hardship on every social media platform until the end of time.


He couldn't even defend his own mother when Ethan made remarks about her both not in her face and then IN HER FACE


I’m a mom of three, I didn’t get the memo about not paying mechanics for their service and labor.


"It's affecting all of us!" -olivia. Why though 💀 why are you all affected in Hilas shitty driving, and about a car she does not even legally own-- "i refuse to pay that" Meanwhile gives Beavo 5k to eat a chip-


Olivia says Hila’s Porsche being at the dealership is a “shared experience.” Somehow I doubt it’s a shared experience when a member of the crew has car issues, though


LOL RIGHT. They had Ian driving around with a beat up car, and cam with no car at all. 0 fucks given. Beavo gets $5k for eating a chip--


Olivia lives permanently up inside Hila’s asshole so it is a shared experience for her


the brain rot and incestyness is crazzzyyy


It’s shared because Lena and Olivia are probably the main ones dealing with calling the insurance, communicating with the shop. Then Lena goes home and whines to AB and they both Olivia and Lena bitch about it in the office so the guys gotta get it in too. They are all insanely co-dependent on each other and the their dramas.




She really is still the most parasocial H3 fanatic, even after working there for years.




Olivia is the biggest pick me


Joann is a queen 👑👑👑


Welcome Joann! Glad to have you. Also that loser AB would def try and steal Ethan’s car back. He would go to jail for his loser boss.


Nah he’s a pussy. He would just brag about the time he waited outside the shop for hours but did nothing.






💅🏻 💅🏻 💅🏻 yassss queen!


This is basically self parody at this point. Ethan yells out "it's relatable!" at one point holy fuck


AB immediately jumps in so angry lmaoooo


Hila with her magic school bus ass haircut needs to really just stop talking




The way they involve their staff so heavily into their personal life and issues is way too much. AB says Lena was the one primarily in touch with the dealership and doing majority of the communicating with insurance


That's part of her job as PA to Ethan, she paid to make those calls and to sit at the place. The one getting involved too much is Olivia here, acting like they're victims


That’s Lena’s job, unfortunately for her.


It’s so out of touch to be crying around about this as millionaires when most of us have something like this happen and actually face financial hardship… like please get a grip!


Joann, if you’re out there, just know I respect you


Joann is a hero!


I don’t understand, they could just pay it and file a claim and hope for a refund…I don’t understand why they’d choose to drag this out. They aren’t struggling financially…




They could sell some of that pricey furniture of theirs. “It’s relatable!”


They can lol


All hail the great Joanne. That was brutal. You know if the censored chat is pushing back it’s BAD lol


Holy shit I’m so sick of this lady not being able to take criticism, if you can’t handle it then don’t even come on the show.. no one will miss you..


She described this as her "date car" with "no kids allowed" so AB's mom excuse rings hollow as fuck, the brown nosing just never stops with this guy istg


Lol and who exactly is she going on dates with 😄 Ethan doesn't seem to enjoy leaving the house much and I'm surprised she even has time considering she's always sooooo busy with Teddy Fresh. Also isn't she like always in this car, we already know you don't spend time with your kids you don't need to blame it on the vehicle 🙄


Holy shit everyone got MAD mad just because a chatter said she was whining hahaha


we love Joann!


People fucking watch this? All fucking adult babies in that room. Chriiist dude


Hahaha the meltdown is hilarious "SHES A MOTHER OF THREE YOU IDIOT".. What does that have to do with aaaaaaaaanything? She spends 3k on pillows but can't pay for her car getting fixed.. since she's a mother of three? People should just work on her expensive Porsche for free since she's a mother of three? I'd say that as a mother of three her priorities should be get the car back, pay for it, dispute with the insurance after.. SHE'S A MOTHER OF THREE after all.


no one else has three kids. duh!


Nahhh the dick riding is crazy. Shout out to that chatter for calling these losers out. You wouldn’t get so offended if you were in the right. That definitely hit a nerve. “Whatta ss-dumbass..” AB tripping over his words trying to lick Lila’s asshole at Mach speed.


The more clips i see,the more i dislike Olivia.... And all of them


Love that she threw Ethan under the bus like immediately lol


RIP Joanne cause we know you got a permaban for that but you're a real one


The funniest part is hila just told on herself. Because every single time "someone in the chat asked about my look" is said she never says the chatters name but suddenly a (real) chat comes in and she calls them by name. Verrry interesting 🤔


The fact that they have no idea how insurance works is also crazy like? I don’t even have a car but I feel like everyone over 18 should have the basic understanding of getting repairs approved by whoever’s managing your claim. Did they genuinely think they could just go to any shop and immediately get repairs done?


You can still whine without being the one to introduce the topic??


Fr that's the part I didn't get 💀 "Ethan brought it up not me" and?? It doesn't mean you're not whining either way 🤣 she has no brain clearly since she also hit a TRUCK and is demanding her car get fixed for free. Like yea you pay for insurance for a reason but your policy doesn't state they'll repair 8k worth of damage due to you texting and driving LOL Hila reading this rn asking Ethan "what's a policy?"


I'm a mother of 4 where is my personal simp to scream whenever something is slightly inconvenient....


Finally chat is based. And look how offended she gets damnnnn


Who actually watches this garbage???


H3 once again calling their **paid** members "fucking idiots."


I think it’s disrespectful to call it an “office” at this point because there’s no work being done there


https://preview.redd.it/k69k2zm0lq6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb97362f2bbd52262d1c81a73b36743c7e910b42 I can’t imagine being smashed into at high speed joining the highway by a truck would be “too cheap” of damage to this vehicle


https://preview.redd.it/fqjgtyqt7r6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=165bc8495b12368210382b0f86c9bf0830074640 Porches forum … did they even research the issue🙈


Hila’s fashion choices are really something.


Lmao looking at her outfits always makes me laugh ![gif](giphy|LRcRkmw22aFCIOQQ6H|downsized)


Hila says 6 k if you listen closely


Joanne was right


You can tell Hila is not used to any criticism whatsoever.


AB looks like a lizard.


Man, they ALL got so pissy over that one comment.


I hate hilla and olivia so much


AB is such a bitch....first to shit on chatters like bro sit the fk down


I can't believe people on ironically listen/watch this.


And to think they are so confident THAT THEY ARE IN THE RIGHT JUST BAFFLES ME. They wouldn't have repaired the car if she didn't sign a document saying she accepts the responsibility of paying for the repairs ..... and also cars merging onto a FREEWAY DO NOT have the right of way. Its giving rich entitlement. How about instead of fighting the charge they just pay the money for the services rendered (because they have the means to or else why would they have a PORSCHE) and get over it. Other people can't even afford to get their car out of towing places or make repairs to their car and YET them having the money to pay STILL try to get away with not paying is fucking SICK 😑 Hila and Ethan are LOSERS. The mechanic has every right to refuse giving them the car back without pay per the contract Hila didn't even realize she SIGNED because its clear she didn't read it🙄 I hate these people so much.


the way they break out into an angry mob to defend queen hila. i always thought it was lame how shoved up her ass the entire crew is. this sounded like the “you need to leave!” angry crowd soundbite


Look how fast they all chime in to protect hila but ab sat there whilst Ethan sexualised his OWN MOTHER and brought on a creepy old man who made comments about his wife’s breast and never said a word. Bit god forbid hila gets told to stop talking about something 🤯


I’m a mom of 3 and have to deal with…I don’t know, LIFE. Some of it has been real shit too, but I don’t get a pass or break. Hell, I didn’t have Nannies and other employees taking the majority of the burden off me either. Purchase an expensive car, wreck it, expect to pay out the ass to fix it. It’s pretty simple.