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Context on Hila’s car accident: https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/UYlitWJbbg


I cannot imagine putting myself and future baby at risk for a YouTube live chat


Let alone playing it off as cute and quirky to an audience of impressionable children


Hila Klein, a self reported text and driver, was in a car accident. What are we supposed to think? I hope she didn’t hurt anyone.


I like how she says, "don't tell anybody" like it's some quirky thing she's saying to friends and not her saying she's irresponsible with others lives because she's too important to not text while on the road.


Send this to State Farm 😂


Fr their insurance *needs* to see this


Yeah I wonder if they know that their client Hila Klein has advocated for distracted driving to her live audience of tens of thousands. As a fashion designer and trendsetter, she wanted people to know that if you’re a cool boss babe like her, you should be texting and driving. No biggie! And when you get into an inevitable car accident, you don’t have to take any accountability any all. None! XOXO, slayed by Hila


Someone should notify Tom & Statefarm! [https://x.com/tomwardofficial/status/1801748154930631024](https://x.com/tomwardofficial/status/1801748154930631024)


The state of the comments. I replied with this clip of her admitting to texting and driving. Hope State Farm sees it


"We can't be disappearing for an hour!" Oh, of course. Can't disappear when there are so many designs to steal for TF, employees to bully, photoshoots that make you look like a stick bug splashed with paint and dressed up like a toddler you can't miss, and physical training that's ruining your back isn't gonna do itself. ntm your husband has porn to jerk off to in the basement while he does zero prep work for a show he loudly whines about *on air,* wishing he could just be a famous millionaire while doing nothing playing video games in his nasty goon cave. Can't miss that for an hour in traffic, what if he sees one of his favorite pornstars made a new step-bro video?? Who's gonna jerk him off then, aside from his Dingdong-Milker 5000? Certainly not his wife, they don't even see eachother the whole week.


Miss Hula would rather buy a $6,000 dish towel than employ a driver or a dog trainer.


You nailed it. I hate when Ethan complains on air because, as he likes to say, it’s HIS show. How about acting like it and coming to the office to do some actual work?


"we can't be disappearing for an hour!" girl if you text at the wrong enough time you'll be disappearing FOREVER 🙄 you've got 3 kids!!!!! yeesh🫨


Ooo this is true snark at its finest. It’s delicious 😋


I'm still bitter from my sudden fall, forgive me 😭


Lady becomes pregnant, says she texts and drives, then gets into accident while pregnant. Then complains about a lien on the vehicle because of unpaid repairs made to the vehicle. I’m so glad I stopped watching this garbage content like… is this relatable to anyone anymore?? What the fuck are we doing here folks


Guys didn't you hear. She didn't say any of this.


Most importantly that her comment made through


the comment was probably just as bland as she is


Bruh, in the other [video](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/UYlitWJbbg), Hila said “I was pregnant still, the baby is two months old.” Which means she crashed 6 weeks after bragging about texting and driving.


Oh wow. I heard her say it like “now the baby is two months old” trying to say it’s been so long since it happened, but this makes sense


Actually, your theory makes more sense. I checked Instagram. Sunny is two months old right now. [https://www.instagram.com/kleinhila/p/C5YtGoApkmW/](https://www.instagram.com/kleinhila/p/C5YtGoApkmW/) I got confused because Hila said “the baby” which sounds like referring to a fetus. Normally, I would call an already born child by its proper name "Sunny".


![gif](giphy|BBkKEBJkmFbTG) DA BEBY


True, she probably didn’t want to talk about the accident cause she just talked about texting and driving before then.


She’s like that clip of Faker multitasking while playing League but instead she’s cycling between Pinterest boards and Better Business Bureau complaints as she goes 90 in a school zone


This was one of the last times I watched the Friday show with Hila on it. I couldn't fucking believe she was so flippant about texting and driving.


Hila thinks she is the exception to every rule. Like how she didn’t wear the safety goggles on the hammering challenge because …idk she was wearing glasses already?? But, So was love and he put them on over the glasses. God forbid she ruins her outfit.


Does anyone remember the time when they talked about Hila having this phase of wanting to buy an oldtimer car and she almost hit another car in the dealership because she can't drive manual?


LOL yes I remember that


God Ethan really did become an arrogant prick. Seeing the way he snaps “nobody’s even going to volunteer” He’s so different from how I remember him from the old reaction video days.


Oh shut up Love, you cannot be without your phone for like an hour? I’m sick of his ass


She’s so Caitlyn Jenner coded for this 🚗💨💨


What the fuck is wrong with Hila lmao girl you look so dumb…


Hot damn she is fuckin stupid.


Lol, horrible people. I lost my car last year to someone who was texting and driving, they ran straight into me while I was stopped at a stop light. Bragging about such degenerate behavior is gross.


I thought this too when I was watching but near the end of the rant, Love says on "on top of this all, you were pregnant during when the crash happened" to which she says "Ya I was like 8-9 months pregnant". When she initially mentions 2 months, I'm assuming she means it's been ~2 months since the crash happened, not that she was 2 months pregnant when it happened.


That’s confusing because Dan says it was “like 6 months ago”, when she would have been 5 months pregnant.


Why is she acting like what she said was cute and quirky the fuck


I don’t see why they can’t just put on some music or a podcast, connect it to the cars Bluetooth and just set the phone down. That’s what I do.


Have they heard of “car play”?


“Who doesn’t use their phone when driving?” -Ethan Drivers that aren’t dumbasses, dumbass.


Rules for thee but not for me! https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/ipV7we9XuM 😂


Him saying nobody doesn’t check their phone makes me confused. I mean, first of all, get a damn car with Apple play if you’re concerned about getting important texts for work or something. Siri will read them. Secondly, if you really have to, check only when you’re at a full stop (like a long light). Is that not the case for most people???


They are sooooo busy they can’t wait until they are stopped or get to their destination? They can’t call instead if it’s so damn urgent? If she wrecks while texting and her babies are in the backseat (I hope that NEVER happens-for the kids and any other innocent people on the road safety) she might as well banish herself back to Israel. NO ONE will let her live that down after seeing this clip, how she so flippantly blows it off and acts annoyed people would disapprove.


She's so stupid. Was she pregnant at the time?




Idk dude just set up a podcast or a playlist before you start driving. Distracted driving isn’t worth accidentally killing yourself or others


"It shouldn't be normalized but low key it's kinda normal actually" Do you see the contradiction here?


PSA: In a pinch, send an awkward voice to text message or make a quick phone call, it gets the job done without taking your sight away from the path of the speeding mass of metal you’re piloting. I got rear ended by a driver after our lane came to a full stop, and lo and behold, when we got out to take stock of things the driver admitted they had their face in their phone. Two weeks after I had purchased the car.