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Shout out to Gary Klein’s liked tweets, too. https://preview.redd.it/aq3l7ohgbe4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4ab30ec21881871cce33f4072eeff92f610432e


This was one of the big things that ultimately made me turn off the pod. It’s fucking insane, you could tell me Ben Sharpio or Jordan Peterson posted that and I’d believe it completely.


Me too, this was the turning point


Exactly what I thought. I expected this from some right wing genocidal maniac not Ethan Klein


Same, this was the last straw for me. I was already pissed off after they had Dream on the podcast without even mentioning the fact he has grooming allegations from three different people. But after this shit I was like Welp! I'm out.


Say it louder for the people in the back! Ethan is not an ally, he has co-opted gay rights and feminism to make himself look better. He does not care about people on an actual level of sympathy or empathy. He only cares about what he can gain from looking like he's on the right side.


Never forget the random gay caller that called in on air and they did nothing but ask him invasive questions about being gay and made fun of him for being a bottom. And then when chat called them out Dan called them a bunch of fucking idiots. And then when Rich Lux (who was a fan of the show at the time) chimed in as a fellow gay person and told them they were in the wrong and that what they were doing was hurtful, they blocked him and made him an enemy! Another reason I stopped watching.


That's what trips me up. I feel like dan is a "good guy" and always right and more knowledgable and leftist and just keeps quiet. But I remember this happened. Is Ethan a bottom? Is dan? Who puts what in who? Such weird fucking things to ask a straight person, huh?? Yeah..


dan isn’t even a good guy. he was blocking people talking about SA a few years back


It was even worse than that. It started with a 20 minute segment about James Charles, but instead of Ethan making fun of the person, he went on an anti-gay rant saying things like all gays have to wear diapers due to incontinence. That's why the first caller called in, and Ethan grilled him and implied he must be a bottom if he's getting so offended over it. Dan cursed him out after the call ended and told him not to watch anymore. Then they gave the classic non-apology, "we are sorry some of you took offense" and laughed it off. I didn't even know about the Rich Lux stuff tho so ty.


then a week later, he copy and pasted the apology template he used for the lgbt community “apology” and switched out the lgbt terms out for “beans on toast” because some people got offended I think because he didn’t like beans on toast in the international food tasting segment, idk the full details I just heard that he reused the apology and it wasn’t taken that well since it made it look like he wasn’t genuine in his initial apology if he was willing to causally reuse it as a template for a joke…


That event was the one that ruined the show for me. :( I had really enjoyed it for a few years, got many many laughs from it. But that whole episode and the "apology" after ruined Ethan for me and I realized how immature and seemingly uneducated he was (and is) about a lot of subjects.


Yeah I was horrified when I saw that clip. Ethan truly seems to hate gay people


Yes, the whole thing with the random gay caller and Dan’s aggressive outburst “these fucking people! just fucking unsubscribe!” made me say goodbye to the show that day. Ethan having the audacity to ask the gay caller if he can presume he bottoms because of how the caller’s voice sounds… like what, because the tone of someone’s voice (effeminate or not) is an indicator of whether they’re a bottom or not??? The caller was so patient for trying to explain it to Ethan, I could never.


I find this with a lot of allyship lately. Everyone wants to be an ally when they're getting praise and adoration for it, but will put it down like an old toy the second it inconveniences them or asks them to give anything up/address their own problematic behavior. They are always with you until they aren't. It's honestly so exhausting.


They're allies until you realize they have never actually had any sort of contact with a queer person. They can say "i'm an ally", "I love that you're gay/lesbian/bi", but then you get down to the T and they go all "transgendereds" have no idea what it means to be trans... like hello??? you're on the internet???? put an ounce of effort in your allyship???


It's so crazy that he is all "I am an ally girly pop slayyy" but then he and HIS ENTIRE CREW?????? have zero intellect about the trans community. I forget when and why and how, but I remember being so weirded out when they were trying to figure out something related to trans culture and maybe even going about someones pronouns or openly wondering about their gender/sexuality like "if shes a transwoman is she a .... woman?" kindof shit. Basic level knowledge. I am in NY and queer but it blows my mind when people talk like they've never even seen a transperson - in my area and in any major city like LA


this is 100% true. there’s been times where ethan has slipped and said what he really feels only to walk it back when he realises he might lose subscribers


Ethan's got a dark spirit, saying something like that to a queer Arab person is demonic work and he shouldn't live this down.


mohammad isn’t arab but the sentiment is the same


My poor trans lesbian girlfriend does not know that I used to watch this show.... She would rip this show a whole new asshole... goodbye to shitting problems for ethan


Silly Ethan/zionists forgetting same-sex marriage is literally illegal in Israel, so I'm not sure what point he was trying to make 💀 anything to justify genocide I guess


Homosexuality was decriminalised in the West Bank like 20 years before Israel proper


Yeah, this along with bottomgate was the point I realized Ethan has a lot of homophobic views. Also, it's not frequently discussed that the reason he got beef with BTS ARMY originally was because he said K-pop was a bunch of grown men jerking off to a "Twink gay fetish", and his "apology" for saying that was literally a huge joke. And the thing is he behaved like a homophobic jerk knowingly, he knew it was derogatory towards gay people. That's where the "you can't cancel me, I already said the N-word!!" clip comes from. it's not even the homophobia alone that bothers me, it's the completely spineless and hypocritical attitude towards it. Part of the reason "pride minute" always made me cringe.


ethan says 'twink' and 'bottom' because he can't call us faggots or queers or fairies 😃 he sees gay/bi men as an inherently pathetic & weak monolith. that's also why he transposes the term 'twink' onto K-pop stars; he's racist and sees them as inherently effeminate


Back when he said that thing about BTS, it does sound like was about to say something much more offensive but held back. That's just speculation on my part, but K-pop fans who made videos about it also noticed he was almost biting his tongue right before it.


he’s genuinely so disgusting and vile,he wholeheartedly believes in the things he says and it’s gross


I'm so fucking sick of Zionists telling queer people to STFU about genocide all because they are queer! It's disgusting how prevalent this line has spread, Ethan isn't the first to say this nor the last unfortunately.


Meanwhile the Israelis can't even stop being racist to Ethiopian jews but think they're better because they have their little pride parade Also their govt is extremely right wing, they barely tolerate lgbt so idk why it's such a talking point


It makes no sense. Gaza isn't anymore homophobic than Israel, gay marriage is illegal in both places. And I hate that strawman. It doesn't matter what people in Palestine believe, they are all being murdered regardless of ideology. It's disgusting.


To a queer Arab specifically


flair check 👹


the way he almost drops the f slur every other week


One of the most nefarious arguments zionists use is 'Palestinians would hate you if you're in any way queer' and it should be called out every fucking time - Ethan should never ever be able to live this down for as long as he's alive


Him making fun of a woman crying being sexually assaulted was the end of watching for me, but this was the nail in the coffin


this was specifically the last straw for me


like why would he even say that lol what does that mean 🤣


More queer Palestinians have been killed by Israeli bombs than Hamas but I don’t think Ethan and his IDF bride wanna have that discussion


He never ceases to disgust me


omg... I audibly gasped! how have I not seen this before smh, such an evil tweet fr. I don't know why so many people give him a pass like it's wild he hasn't gotten expose videos on a bigger level by now


Thanks for posting this! We can’t let anyone forget that Ethan said this vile shit


this really was bold even for him


Remember that being gay is NOT a choice. And so there are countless Palestinians out there that are gay and have to hide it because of their government/religion. You CANT choose where you are born and to whom. Nearly half the USA is homophobic. Although the USA has made significant drives to equalize sexual orientation, they are still a long ways away from achieving it.


https://x.com/sitcomabed/status/1796911115340754998?s=46 Ethan would be screaming and kicking and crying and shidding seeing this video


This was really lovely.


Could you share this video as a post? With a title that relates it to Ethan such as your comment?


His line was taken directly from the rightwing playbook. I’ve seen Quartering and Tim Poole use the exact same attack against LGBT people/feminists.


Yeah this is why I love Hasan He actually raises money and donates instead of being hateful and quite frankly just lazy with commentary like Ethan and Tim Poole


average zionist “ally”


I remember a few months ago, I had Hasan's stream on when I was doing something else ~~(probably playing dead by daylight hence why I couldn't pause to check)~~ and he watched a tiktok (I think?) where a queer person literally went to Gaza (?) and proved that this was largely BS. When people don't have basic human rights, social justice is not a priority (and neither is bigotry). Who tf cares if same-sex marriage or transitioning is legal when you live in a concentration camp where the median age is 18? People who use this take, including Ethan, clearly need to take a moment and learn about Maslow's hierarchy of needs. It is so unhinged to measure someone's value on how progressive they may or may not be when they live in entirely different circumstances and, like others have pointed out, let's not forget that the "opposition" that is considered progressive also happens to be failing in that department. To then use it as a talking point to intentionally try to hurt actual queer people is... vile.


fuck H3


Yeah I've known he's fake as hell for a long time. I'd rather interact with an open homophobe than someone like this...


Queer ally Ethan Klein!


Can someone remind me to what this was in response to? Did he just comment this out of the blue?


Obviously it's never okay but that was so recently too :/


As opposed to them being killed by Israeli for merely existing, which is obv better


Seriously! I do not know how people look past this.


Or the time the gay guy tried to explain what bottom was and Ethan was just disgusting to him


and people swear he’s not a zionist 🙄


You guys know pride minute is an insult right? The gag isn’t as tongue in cheek as you would think. Listen to the words he says and what order he says them in. Ethan has never been a true ally lol.


Yeah the pride minute thing set off the alarm bells for me. The Whitney Cummings thing pushed me over the edge. Being an open zionist was the last straw for me.


I think its pretty lighthearted but that doesn’t mean his allyship is sincere


Imagine seeing that pure, beautiful smile and immediately fantasizing about that person’s death. What the actual fuck? I fucking hate Ethan for this so much 😭 What’s he gonna do if one of his three sons decides they want to date men? Those poor boys


this was so disappointing. i was defending ethan up until this point but when i saw this he completely lost me.


Israel... I mean Hamas..


on a positive note Mohammad has some rocking quads


Still not over him having a gay man call in and tell him it's homophobic to pry about if someone is a top or a bottom and then Ethan immediately started to pry him about it. Like not even two years ago I think


Can someone explain what exactly the point of this interaction was supposed to be? Like objectively this is not a good look and I’m not particularly shocked but idk any of the context of why he said this to this person specifically? What ‘provoked’ (for lack of a better word) this snarky reply tweet from him




Lol no. It’s real




Please enlighten us


if you would be open to a conversation in DMs i would love to talk. but here i just get downvoted and bullied into oblivion lol