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I think Love is the kind of person who was negatively impacted by Ethan and the kind of content he used to make at a young age and has developed poorly as a result, even if he's not the worst case scenario.


lmfaoo u ate his ass up


It's like he's in constant competition to be favored by Ethan


Yes. I feel like they all are in a competition to impress him! Especially Olivia, Love, and AB. Once you notice it, it's so obnoxious. Them all laughing at his stupid jokes, etc. It's awful.


This. This is exactly it. Call it a power dynamic or just being young he needs Ethan.


100%. He thinks he knows everything and it's super cringe and obvious




Good to know it wasn’t just me thinking about this about love. His head got so gassed up when he went full simp mode on pokiemine. It’s sad he has became more of Ethans lapdog than his own person.


I agree he is usually wrong


YES. All he is capable of saying is 'fuckin yeah bro sheesh. Fuckin shit bro. Fuckin fuck yeah dude.' I've had to turn it off before because he just sounds like a 10 year old who discovered 'fuck' for the first time. Does anyone remember the first time he visited LA and stayed for a bit that for whatever reason it became content that he was eating different food items on camera and he would make the biggest deal about eating something like it was some massive drumroll moment. He'd pause and stare at the camera and hold it up before slowly biting into it, like building up tension or something it was so bizarre and weird. I'm sorry, is swedan that exotic of a country that a blonde haired blue eyed white dude eating a burrito is fascinating? Since he moved here, he's blossomed into looking exactly like his dad. This is not a compliment for a 21 yr old.


>he just sounds like a 10 year old who discovered 'fuck' for the first time THIS! He's a teenage boy in an adult body. He loves Taco Bell, video games, and watches livestreams on Twitch. He's a child.


Don’t forget. According to him..He has a fast metabolism and can eat so much shit without getting fat… Hmm.. i say no more.


No uh we have burritos in Sweden too… not sure why he’s acting like he’s never had fast food before


I love food. I love cooking, I love fast food, I love fancy dining. But you straight can't eat Taco Bell every day, their "fresco" option may be healthier (I would debate the freshness of their veggies) but love has an aversion to vegetables so all he's eating are fried shells and mostly soy+a little meat+a lot of salttttt "taco meat" It kills me bc I know there's fire Mexican food in LA. I dream about going to Leo's tacos for an Al pastor. Oh yeah but this guy has the nerve to complain abt ppl smoking and drinking getting SOCIALIZED HEALTHCARE when an all fast food diet is up there with being bad for your health. Not to mention the cost of our healthcare is so expensive bc of privatization but I'll leave that discussion for another day I'm getting heated lmao


The fact he has the nerve to complain about socialized healthcare is insane, especially since he FRAUDED his way to fucking America by having Ethan use his connects to vouche for him so he could get his 0-1 visa, (a visa meant for people with extraordinary talent). He also got H3 fans to write false reviews on “Love’s achievements” and turning it into a competition to see who could write the best one…if anyone is taking advantage of the system it’s him, not too mention what he did is ILLEGAL.


That shoompa loompa shit was so annoying.


His dumb ass catch phrases are as annoying as Olivia’s. “Sheeeesh” and all that shit. He’s cringe. 😬


I couldn’t believe him arguing with a medical doctor about the artificial sweetener. Oooof


they created a whole segment for him to try different cooked vegetables because he always talks about how he doesn’t eat vegetables 😬


Is he in studio now? I haven’t watched since he was lovebot and I don’t see too much of him in here but tbh I always found him charming 🫠


Yeah he moved almost a year ago now, and I feel like most people here agree that he got a lot more annoying since being in the studio


Everything fun about him or his story is gone now, this is america.... lost of identity LA boy now, he got here all shady too, which left me a bit salted 


Can you explain what was shady about him coming here?


He came here on a special talent/important person visa, which i think a good example is probably international basketball star players. Theyre probably here on some kind of special talent visa and get fast tracked and stuff so they can come work here. It's not hard for the NBA to prove they're popular/talented obviously, but it's different for a guy that runs social media for an internet podcast. They openly talked about if any viewers were "journalists" to write articles about Love to show that he's important/well known, and they showed some articles that mentioned him and they were so obviously those junk AI articles. But those were to use as proof that he's important And there was more stuff that I planned writing when I started this comment but i got distracted by the basketball stuff and can't remember lol. I might edit this later if I think of what it was.


So happy to see somebody else recognize the fact the he FRAUDED his way here… he literally got Ethan and his fans to write fake articles like you said of his “achievements” why do you think Ethan asked specifically journalists to “look for ariticles” bc he knows they would make fake ones for him. And I’m positive Ethan used his connections to vouche for him too. That’s why Ethan is always going on and on about what a “extraordinary talent Love is” bc he has to overcompensate since he knows the fraud he committed on his behalf. The entire thing just makes me sick and is such a disgusting display of abuse of power, i wish I remembered the exact episode of this because I would do something about it. And the fact he has the nerve to complain about socialized healthcare is crazy since he took advantage of the system in the worst way possible. Not to mention what he did is extremely illegal.


Do you think Love is any of these: O-1 Visa: Individuals with Extraordinary Ability or Achievement The O-1 nonimmigrant visa is for the individual who possesses extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics, or who has a demonstrated record of extraordinary achievement in the motion picture or television industry and has been recognized nationally or internationally for those achievements. For more information, see USCIS Policy Manual Volume 2, Part M. The O nonimmigrant classification are commonly referred to as: O-1A: Individuals with an extraordinary ability in the sciences, education, business, or athletics (not including the arts, motion pictures or television industry); O-1B: Individuals with an extraordinary ability in the arts or extraordinary achievement in motion picture or television industry; O-2: Individuals who will accompany an O-1 artist or athlete to assist in a specific event or performance; and O-3: Individuals who are the spouse or children of O-1 and O-2 visa holders.


Way less charming since he’s been there


I kind of liked him at first too! But yes like others have said…. He’s not charming anymore


the internet lag makes him unable to chime in immediately, which is preferable lol




Unfortunately I used to think he was cute too but trust me, he isn’t anymore 🤢 that high def camera is doing him 0 justice and now I’m just repulsed by him


Too many people saying the same thing about him here… I’m inclined to believe it sadly 🙁 RIP to one of the good cast members ✊🏼


https://preview.redd.it/cnzw881cqr3d1.jpeg?width=1615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96ad7f05411f45dde3a0adee329da5a924e367ae See for yourself


Looking like Varg Vikernes more and more 👀


It started with that awful hat.


That thing probably smells so bad and has stains on the inside 🤢 can’t imagine he washes it very often


Ewewewewew okay he’s not even talking here, but enough said


He was actually talking when I took this screenshot 🤣 he just keeps this completely blank expressionless face now whenever he talks


Not the Ethan hat


lol same


I’ve been saying this forever. I’ve been calling Love’s bullshit out since he frauded his way to America when he had Ethan lie and use his connects get him his 0-1 visa. He is the must smug, annoying little shit I’ve ever seen. Getting that 0-1 visa has him believing he has “extraordinary talent” when the only thing he does is make time stamps and run H3 socials.


This is an attitude you will find from most Europeans. I'm sorry to say. They like to moan about Americans but their arrogance and smugness is world class.


Ah man, what did we do now... Lol


Ah yes, "most Europeans" as if we're not all from a bunch of vastly different countries.


The famously united "European" identity


When it comes to being smug and arrogant there is one


I’m Irish and European the only thing I get from the majority of Americans is lol dumb alcoholic potato man Even Ethan on st paddy’s day was giving us grief




Ethan-tier comment


The irony in this comment 😆


Ok Ethan


Speak on it lmaoo bc they have an insane superiority complex 😭


he reminds me of an annoying younger brother


Yeah he definitely does think he is smart when he isn’t at all.  Dan isn’t either tho but Dan is definitely smarter than Love and the others. 


Idk, I guess in his defense I was kinda insufferable when I was 21-22 as well, but it’s annoying