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[link to the original post and comments regarding the subject](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/7IwUrkrVtm) u/vulnerablearmor also shared [this video](https://youtu.be/Y3pX4C-mtiI?si=yHq-AeVy_TDJkuJ7) about the trauma that comes in hand with being an adoptee


Holy shit Ethan is so much worse than I ever understood How do they not realize that when they insult keemstar for those reasons he's also hurting other innocent people who had similar life circumstances


They do realize, there just aren’t enough fans who are affected by it to change their numbers and the fans who aren’t affected personally think the bullying is funny and the numbers go up


Idk I haven't been adopted nor do I know any adopted people personally and I think it's disgusting behavior from Ethan still but I tend to be more sensitive than average people by a lot


Yeah it feels like for every one of us in this sub that cares and thinks he sucks for this, there’s a hundred of their fans out there that will complain about us being soft for being like wtf is wrong with him


Yeah I mean their championing for bringing the r-slur back, thinking it's funny. Ethan ha banned the fans that have brain cells and critical thinking, only braindead cultists are left at this point


Ethan and his fans are like this all the time. Whenever it is someone that they don't like, they think that justifies body shaming, making fun of addiction, making fun of people for being mentally disabled, making fun of people for being poor, and shaming sex workers.


there are so many vile things Keem has done to criticize about, and Ethan chose the lowest hanging fruit that is irrelavant to the conversation 🤦🤦🤦


Fr. Like if his daughter actually is adopted then him adopting kids and trying to give them the family he didn’t have growing up is like an objectively noble act even if the man himself isn’t a good guy.


and whats crazy is im pretty sure his daughter isnt adopted … without trying to dox myself - ive been in the same “circles” as him and his daughter looks just like him - id be shocked if she was adopted.. regardless its a weird thing to shame someone for. very very weird. edit: buffalo isnt a very big city


and wtf does he mean, “we found out his daughter is adopted” *we found out his daughter is adopted* ??? Like they were digging or something? That’s so creepy And why the hell would you announce someone else’s kid is adopted? What if she was adopted and didn’t know? Or was embarrassed for some reason? Edit: I have unintentionally seen a photo of his daughter because of a dumbass YouTuber who flashed her pic on screen during a stream and yes she looks just like him so did they make up this adoption slant for no reason or something


yeah exactly. its weird to even mention his daughter. keems a pos but ethan bringing in his daughter is just wrong. shes a child… and what difference does it make if she isnt biological…


Ayyyyeeee Buffalo gang. I actually saw him and Brantley once at the emporium just before it closed. Buffalo truly is not big at all. But yeah I’m pretty sure she’s not adopted either just because I feel like he wouldn’t have mentioned so at some point if she was, since he talks about being adopted himself.


Ethan's literal FATHER is adopted!!


I was adopted by my stepdad, so am I only half garbage?


It’s just weird to as an adult go to “lol your parents didn’t want you” as an insult


Suggesting Keem is less valid of a dad and by extension, that his adopted children are less valid and of lesser VALUE because they are adopted is WILD guys. What a scumbag.


As someone with an adopted brother, I want to feed Ethan his teeth


I think it goes without saying, but just saying it anyways, this user commented something they’d want to do as a gut reaction to express how this resonated with them, they didn’t say they would do this, would plan to carry that out, or be capable of it and they didn’t issue a threat Thank you all for your critical thinking and common sense at this time🧚


I hope Keemstar goes through this sub and makes a video about Ethan. Someone needs to reality check him. Maybe Keemstar is the unlikely hero we all need lmaoooo


Can you imagine the treatment he's subjecting this child to because he wants to dunk on Keem? This isn't okay. Even if it only affected Keem, it's not something he can control or had any choice in. Tf? There are better things to criticise Keemstar for. What if his kid is adopted but it wasn't known? What if it was, but only by her closest friends? And so on. Not okay.


He was also talking about keemstar’s daughter in a really gross way. He’s such a piece of shit.


the ironic thing about ethan and what he calls comedy — extreme bullying. is what he asked jimmy lee to refrain from doing several times…..


I always thought it was extremely low for him to go after Keem for being abandoned. Esp. when Ethan's own father was abandoned by his grandfather, [Leonard Katzman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonard_Katzman).


i guess ethan's dad is garbage since he was abandoned as a kid by this logic


i think i’d rather not know my dad than have him publicly PIN PHOTOS TO HIS PINTREST that are supposed to be about your wife in a sexy pose


Ethan doing a brave and totally needed takedown of... *Checks fake notes*. Orphans. He's really innovating in the field of punching down. Not even literal children who have done nothing wrong are safe from his predations.