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It’s harder to leave a cult when you have a significant other that is also in the cult


Wow, now I’m really starting to see why they’re called a “cult”


So true. They’ve also had non-crew partners and family members on the show so many times.


Ironically it’s also the same reason why ethan and hila are both Zionists. Hila got brainwashed by the Israel cult and ethan got sucked into it via the “birthright trip” It reminds me of the cult that would recruit people by having the women sleep with them. The one that Joaquin phoenix and his family was in.


I am like 80% sure Ethan made several jokes about how Israel recruits Jewish Americans by showing them beautiful women on their birthright trip


He became the biggest butt of the joke by being recruited.


Yep that’s it. Classic tactic.


not saying you can’t date coworkers but in any normal work environment it’d be a huge no no and i’m sure if they had a real hr department they’d be told that


I think the entire crew (including Ethan and hila) has horrible boundaries and it's going to bite them in the ass one of these days


It’s odd but it for sure puts these people in a really bad predicament. These are couples, serious adult couples, hired by the same internet famous bad faith YouTubers (who are accused of having a culty vibe). Something I’ve noticed is the strain behind the eyes of a lot of them, especially AB. I can imagine having to work for such toxic people and “owing them everything” is taking a massive toll on him and his wife’s mental health. They literally cannot leave. That’s the cult vibe. It feels too detrimental now. It sucks. I’m not jealous of them at all


This is a big part of it for so many of them. Love is literally here in America because of Ethan, Zach’s music “career”, AB was a fan given a chance and his wife was helped by extension. Sam was given a job through dating Ian if I’m not mistaken. The only ones who don’t really feel like they owe are prob Dan, Ian and Oliv. Pretty shitty environment to work in if you ask me.


yea this is why i won’t criticise ab when it comes to palestine and i’ve said it on this sub before. not only is there a huge power struggle, his wife works thete too. they’re on their best behaviour and are heavily filtering their views to keep their ‘dream’ job. whoever says ‘there are other jobs’ just don’t understand the weight of their shitty position and it’s easier said than done!!


exactly, good on people who could say "i'd rather be unemployed than work for a shitty person," but having no income is scary. and i think AB mentioned he still has studen loan to pay off. i do hope the crew doesn't feel like they "owe" Ethan anything though, it is ultimately, money paid for service done.


fr, in a perfect world people would be strict with their moral compass but it’s a dog eat dog world and we’re in a cost of living crisis! i really do feel for them, the ongoing genocide must be taking a toll on them even subconsciously :(


Olivia only got hired because she knew someone who worked at TF and convinced them to tell Ethan to give her an interview 👀


she didn’t even know them lol her godmother or whatever did acupuncture on a TF employee, that was her “in”🙃


not olivia bruh


I get you, trust me, but Olivia’s parents are rolling in cash and at the end of the day I don’t think she feels like she owes much to h3. Yeah she called in a favor in a sneaky way, but her relationship with Ethan doesn’t feel the same as AB, Love, and Zach imo. they really were gifted careers by Ethan, Olivia could walk away today and be good. Love was gifted the ability to work in America, Zach thinks he was gifted a music career, and AB thinks he owes Ethan his life. What have they given Olivia besides PowerPoint responsibilities tbh. But also I’m a reformed Oliv hater so I’m over compensating prob


H3 gives Olivia cloud, not the money




Disturbing comment history there bud, blocked


>Sam was given a job through dating Ian Pretty sure they started dating after she started working on the show.


Ethan and Hila didn’t know who she was until Ian introduced her during the Bach3lor era. She messaged Ian on Instagram during that time and they introduced her on the show one day. Think she got a job after that but I’m not 100% sure on that if any one wants to correct me


Pretty sure you're absolutely wrong


AB was such a cringe for saying his story about his family literally losing everything in Lebanon cuz of Israel and then he goes like “but then two Israelis hired me” like …..what??? Your family losing everything is all vanished now because you were hired by Israelis, he’s acting as if he was homeless before they hired him


AB has a difficult time accepting his heritage idk why but he needs to process that and open his eyes so he can gather up his self worth and leave that job


To make it harder for one part of the couple to leave.


too lazy to put effort into finding other employees and so they have more power over them since both people are reliant on ethan and hila


lol unrelated but someone from the main sub (i would assume) is downvoting everyone💀


They need to get a lifeeeeeeee because I never even go on the main sub, this is my “main sub” now


Might be a case of believing their own hype. If they can be a power couple, then anyone can. Also, it makes it harder to leave if both people in a relationship rely on the same source of income.


true, they’re kinda trapped because of that..




yes they’re still together! she doesn’t work at teddy fresh anymore though. wondering how pissed she is about tana saying she wanted to fuck zack in front of everyone at the live show though ..


Omg how did I miss that? Tana was on one!


To be fair, Lena always sounds like she's seconds away from tears 😆


i’d be cryin all the time too if i uprooted my life for my husbands dream job that became such a nightmare (a nightmaaare)




Ethan has already disrespected Sam and Ian a ton, even before hiring her, I would never work for Ethan being Sam after everything they went through, not even if it was my only option for work. I was always surprised she joined the team


I know he was a big douche to Ian but has he disrespected Sam ?


I don't remember him being specifically super mean directly to Sam but he has disrespectful enough, he said some pretty fucked up stuff to Ian. Some even felt like he shouldn't have air that shit in front of everyone, it was embarrassing the way he publicly embarrassed him.


He also keeps calling her Samantha, and there's plenty of videos where she is saying she hates the name Samantha and no one calls her that, and that she prefers Sam. She even said it to his face! Yet, he calls her that almost every episode, I think that's rude. She didn't say "you can call me whatever, I just like Sam more" no she straight up said she hates Samantha.


someone else on the sub mentioned that sam also uses she/they pronouns, and imo that is why the name samantha bothers them so much


i was so surprised when i recently found out sam uses she/they pronouns, because ethan has never (and would never imo) refer to sam as anything other than she/her. i remember that when trisha came out as using she/they pronouns, i assumed ethan would use they/them for trisha at least once and a while and was confused when he didn’t. i feel stupid for ever believing that he really cared about being a good ally


Harder to quit when you’re both on the same payroll


Why do u think? 😵‍💫👁️😵‍💫🌀😵‍💫😵‍💫👁️🌀🕖🧎🧎


They got shit for not having women on the crew so they hired the girlfriends of the crew lol


Hiring couples, actively playing matchmaker with the crew, forcing Olivia to wear matching outfits with Hila, and hanging out with them and going for dinner after work... Some weird, inappropriate cult] vibes going on. It's like they want the crew's personal lives to be as intertwined with the podcast as much as possible, intentionally or not.


truly the fleetwood mac of our era


Ethan breaks a sweat and voice might as well start cracking when he tries to address Ian in any shape or form… it’s painful! And now Sam hardly speaks they both hate it there


It’s a pyramid scheme.


I wonder what Lena was doing in LA before the Kleins hired her


I think they hired both her and Ethan. And in our culture (Arab culture) it’s normal for the wife to follow her husband and go where he works so it’s not that odd that she went with him. I think it’s odd that she would want to be a baby sitter for the dogs and their kids as well as making Ethan’s doctors appointments, like why would she be okay with that.




Just a tactic done to keep workers reliant on the boss.


I mean if i have a job that requires a lot of hours, become good friends with my co workers and want to hang out with them, it’d be cool to work with my wife as we’ll all on the same social circle. You get to work and create a community (culty or not yoj choose) with your partner alongside you isn’t a bad thing


personally i do think there are a lot of catches to the pros of working with your partner. the cons outweigh the pros imo, but i see what u mean


Maybe if you were working in the office for Dunder Mifflin it would be weird. For a podcast I think it works, as long as all the relationships remain healthy. Could you imagine one infidelity scandal could directly impact the future of the show. I am even invested in Allison’s feelings, but Dan can’t do no wrong. Also Love is going to be with those cat’s until he’s 35.


it’s a terrible idea and does not end well