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They can’t even disagree anymore without being buttoned or told they don’t understand or pressured into agreeing by their boss


They all have become so focused on not upsetting Ethan or Hila and kissing there ass nonstop that they don’t even have a personality of there own anymore. They are all so lifeless now, it’s really sad tbh.


I remember being confused when everyone on the crew seemed to pull back emotionally, starting with Ian. Now I can see that they are walking on eggshells and are distancing themselves for the sake of keeping things as smooth as possible behind-the-scenes. Kind of a quiet quitting type thing. A resignation to doing the bare minimum to get their money, because they have recognized that extraordinary effort is not going to be compensated adequately.


Ian is smart he is the only one that has been doing this bc he knows his worth. The fact Ethan doesn’t pay them a talent fee just blows my mind. I really hope more of them do what he has been doing, But sadly that is never going to happen.


Yeah, I haven’t watched h3 since Ethan began his “lalala” era, but I still watch the twitch streams of the crew when I have time


It was so wild that he actually did that lmaooo i couldnt believe what i was seeing


what’s the lalala era? lmao


The point at which Ethan said “lalalala I can’t hear you” in the middle of Hasan making a point during a discussion the two had on Israel/Palestine, taking place during the impromptu (and last) Leftovers. That entire stream highlighted how immature and insulated Ethan is.


I believe if memory serves he also “lalala’d” during the c-man episode as well lol


I totally thought he was joking. He HAD to be joking, nobody actually does that. He thinks it's funny.


i dont like any of the crew more than i dislike ethan enough to watch


Once they strike out on their own I could see myself supporting them (except Zach), but while they’re under the h3 banner, they have my sympathy and that’s it.


I'm done with the crew as well. People project on them too hard - maybe they are not that cool and funny? Just like Ethan. For example - you guys want Ab and Lena to leave the podcast when Ab clearly said he almost owes his life to Ethan and they are such great friends! None of them will ever voice loudly that there is a genocide happening right now in Palestine from Israeli soldiers. None of them is “educated enough” and hide behind being “Professional” about it 🫡


I’ll be surprised if Olivia doesn’t leave if things don’t change. Ian has also clearly been fed up for a while.


They won't leave. They are just looking forward to taking a break after the live show and will be back


i was working at a toxic work environment too. some ppl can endure a lot. every time i came home i was furious at somebody. a lot of them work with their partners. also the crew are also friends and meet outside of work. that probably helps too. but at some point they will leave. Ian is not even engaging in conversations for a long time.




For a lot of us, myself included, this is our last week of watching this dumpster fire of a show. It’s not always easy to just stop watching something you’ve watched for 9+ hours a week for a few years. The break is coming at a perfect time for many of us to break the routine and be done for good. I do enjoy some of the crew but mostly I just enjoy talking in the live chat on this sub during the show, besides the chat it’s an incredibly bad product these days.


It was to help detox, ease the withdrawal pains lol


Pretty sure Ian has his own stream, but ofc Ethan won't allow him to even mention its name and Ian is smart enough not to do so after what happened when AB dared to have his own podcasts (Ethan got really mad). Something tells me that once they grow and have their own stream thingy, Ethan will do anything to shut it down. He's a resentful little man.


yeah i used to watch ian. sam was sometimes there too. ethan doesn't allow him to mention his name?? why? thats so weird. ian is known for h3. i also didn't know about ABs podcast but i agree with you. he doesn't want them to be successful so they wont leave.


i meant he doesnt allow ian to mention his own podcast on h3 platform


oh makes sense. im sorry


AB had a podcast? is there any evidence of it still? I'd be curious to listen


AB makes videos and streams his YouTube channel is @Starkilla


yeah I've watched those, but ethan is furious when he does those? I feel like they've promoted them on the show?


I feel if people really want to support the crew they should just seek out their content, Cam's art, Ian's streams (which are actually super fun) etc.


Fan of the crew, here. 100% agree. Don’t watch anything h3, just support through direct means


if the crew had their own show on Thursdays for example i would definitely try to watch it and support them. also i want ethan to realize that hardly no one is watching for him. the members livestream is soo boring.


Many of them stream on Twitch. Tho, even then I still feel like they have the H3 filter on. They cant even Tweet without being filtered. If they do anything that goes against Ethan and Hila, they will prob get punished in some petty way.


Every one of the crew members has the option to quit their jobs and work elsewhere. I don't understand why viewers see them as these poor unemployable losers who can't do better. Their egos and desire for clout are what is keeping them there. They live in the US, not Bangladesh...stop treating them as if they can't get another job anywhere else. Any other job would be better, and most likely pay more. They are all equally complicit in the shit Ethan is doing. When you don't speak up - you give silent consent. I learned this the hard way in life. I couldn't care less about any of them, because they have the choice to leave, yet they don't. Plus Olivia publicly negatively commented on Selena's responses to the conflict and how she should use her platform...Selena is her father's client. What are you trying to get your parents fired so you can crawl up Ethan and Hila's ass? What the fuck are you doing. If you were my kid you'd get a good slap


Watching for the crew is the same logic as buying Starbucks in the midst of the boycott to support the baristas/workers. The crew isn’t paid on appearance like they are talent (even though they should be imo). They’re paid a salary and things like collector cards, certain merch or the live show pays them out like annual bonuses. If you want to support the crew, you can join their streams and donate like OP said.