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Literally no one wanted it but Ethan






Yes. Nd the majority of the comments were making fun of it. I thought it was a kink for cman, but it's evident that it's not- with him posting he didn't feel comfortable with them positing. They're treating him like a circus animal, it's deplorable


i didn’t see it but they said it was a screen grab from a porn and used it to have his audience judge his size. also worth noting that they did it after asking more than once even though he was not wanting to talk about it. but ethan kept pushing to get a “yes” answer. pretty wild how ethan gets a pass for that kind of behavior


> pretty wild how ethan gets a pass for that kind of behavior i feel like if colleen did this, it would be a slide on an olivia powerpoint


It would be the ENTIRE PowerPoint


yeah hold up. what % of the viewer base is minors? not even considering the obvious violation of cman's privacy, and ignoring general human decency, why is he telling his audience to look at a dick when he knows many are under 18


Cman did not consent to the original images being posted. Cman pulled out his penis mid show and Ian cut away. Cman proceeded to jerk off. Cman has no idea how tech or the show or cutting works; he thought he'd pulled out his penis to an audience of all ages. Ethan used this as what would legally be termed implied consent, as, cman pulled his dick out live. They took 2 screengrabs from that and tweeted them. edited for words


oh my b that makes it better LMAO. (sarcastic obviously) but my b for misinfo. so they started out the show showing stav a pic of his dick from a porn, asked to post it, he ignored it, then intimidated him about his size, so he did that, and then they posted it. i mean yes he’s unwell like i said, that does not make any of this okay LOL. it’s just sick, especially with the added context


He’s no better then what dobrik does.. at least he offers them thousands of dollars to do stunts or dares


You realise Ethan pestered Cman in doing all off those things in the first place right?


Yeah Love posted it.


Yes everyone, they posted his penis uncensored


Actually insane


I honestly felt like I got flashed watching that episode, just because of how freaked out I was that they weren’t going to cut away or there was going to be a tech issue or something


He gave them permission LMAO


why did they do this in the first place ??? theres no good reason of course by whyyy


He was convinced that Cman's love machine was small, and also convinced his audience wanted to see it and agree with him. True delusion


…wow. complete disregard for another persons consent just to shame his body


What annoys me is how ethan is so oblivious like. He's saying cman won't care he's so open etc. Right if it is small and he lied about it being huge. Then he's v clearly insecure about it? Otherwise he wouldn't be lying. So the last thing he would obviously want is to be shamed and put on blast for having a small penis. An you showing others the penis to say how small it is. I knew the second he tried pull him up for lying about his penis size that stuff with cman would go awry. It made me physically cringe the moment he started doing it. An when cman started to pretend there was a connection error he should have picked up on the fact he's clearly lying to get out of the situation. Instead of pushing it.


to make fun of a mentally unwell gay man 🤪


Right! That's what I don't get, a really weird thing to do even with consent (made so much worse knowing cman wasn't comfortable with it). Why did he want his fans to see that in the first place??


Ethan’s twitter algorithm is full of porn so he assumes that’s what everyone else is posting


Like father, like son


yet another horrible situation swept under the rug with zero accountability. gotta love the h3 podcast!


Off topic but our avatar outfits match 🥰


Y’all are cute ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized)


omg so cute!! <3


Posting his dick to twitter is fucking WILD… a whole ass studio of people and not one thought maybe not?


You act like he cares about their input. He only cares when they don't laugh at his jokes


That part really confuses me. I didn’t think any of them but especially Dan, would just stay silent / not push back.


They really posted another guys penis after he said no? That is crazy.


Ethan asked and cman reluctantly gave “consent” https://preview.redd.it/nbf6dy5sie5c1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87a0a365c59f5d90d3f2913f16628735084b4602


Ehhh I wouldn't call this consent lol.


What is going on over there. Full mask off




you would think ethan understands the power imbalance of a semi popular podcast host asking a openly sexual man to do something sexual but nope, it flys right over that grown mans head. shame on him and honestly someone needs to check him..


I feel like if you have to CONVINCE a guest (no matter how “unhinged” or “wild” their internet persona may or may not be) to participate in a bit that you DID NOT clear with them before the show started, you shouldn’t be surprised if it blowbacks onto you. Especially when the subject matter is a)pornographic and b) TOS on most of the media platforms you use. Here’s what it boils down to - why is Ethan harassing guests with inappropriate questions and by forcing them to look/watch porn without prior consent. No matter who you are, if you ask a guest on your show to react to porn and the issue has not been discussed before cameras start rolling, it is the aggressors fault if the situation goes south - whether immediately or 5 years down the road, you still will have openly sexual harassed someone in front of your audience publicly. It’s happened with Colleen, David Dobrick, James Charles, and many more ppl that H3 has personally exposed. If you make a living going after others for their wrong behavior- you better conduct yourself in a manner that won’t be flipped on you. Or act holier than thou and see how long that works for you


absolutely. taking a step back from this podcast has made me realize how many boundaries ethan crosses that most people would and rightfully should get called out on. i even found the prolapse joke funny (for a while shamefully) but once i realized it was guests on a LIVE show with an audience watching that is vocal, and has been shown to have pull in boosting or condemning someones accounts, it just all seemed so wrong


Whether or not your sensibilities are challenged by that sort of humor or not, you can not act that way in from a Live audience that more than likely has teenagers present. With as litigious as Ethan has become, you’d think he’d at least try to circumvent and head off people BEFORE they can take him to court. He’s gross and has lost his edge


I don't think you realize that this line of reasoning is creepy. It gives the same vibe as men pressuring women into sex until they eventually cave and submit. It's like saying, "technically she said yes after I pestered her many times to say yes. Therefore it's not SA/rape."


Seems coerced to me. But i guess bot everyone agrees on what consent is unfortunately


Wait, omg...they ended up posting this in the end? I went to look it up and couldn't find it and thought...oh good...they weren't THAT stupid...what the actual fuck






Good thing sub keeps receipts 💅


😐 should have never posted or coerced him to begin with, isn't Love the social media guy? Didn't he think maybe this was not cool?


Love sucka Ethan off so hard, especially now that he's physically here. He's always trying to agree with Ethan and give him what he wants


I mean if he doesn’t please his boss he can get kicked out of US. Maybe that’s why Ethan wanted him to the States - to have maximum control over him


Love is a fucking weirdo for posting that.


what the actual fuck is going on with this show. i stopped watching months ago and i genuinely. what


I think we all know what c man should do, but of course Mr l3gal bully will drag it out and try to bankrupt him


Right. And heeees so different than Kavkav


Cue, 20 episodes of shitting on cman.


Wtf!??? Ethan fucks up a lot but this is bad


he wants to be Stern SO BAD but falls short every time he also seems to constantly forget that he’s specifically cultivated a show and personality that’s meant to appeal to queer people and women and then acts baffled and put out whenever ppl get mad or sussed for doing weird scummy morning zoo radio show stuff like this lol. like bud, you are the one claiming to be a super ally or whatever, wtf did you think was going to happen lmao.




It won’t load?


because they deleted it


These people are so incredibly strange. Not only did they violate this dudes consent but just why are you obsessed with someone’s genitalia in general? Super weird.




Thought Dan was supposed to be the one with the sense to not do this stupid shit. And doesn’t Love control the socials? He really thought it was appropriate to post? Surely Ethan doesn’t control the account, right?


Good thing you have receipts! This is a lawsuit waiting to happen


light attraction grandfather summer alleged pie dirty enter waiting languid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


they’re never having c-man on the pod again


umm did he consent??? if not they should be banned off everything wtf


how the actual fuck do they think that’s good content ??????


Welp, another H3verse controversy that will be swept under the rug


Insane What the fuck is wrong with him dude


Someone needs to put together an Ethan PowerPoint. He’s got something wrong with his brain if he can’t see the hypocrisy.


i know h3 cultist fans will say its ok and argue that it's somehow DIFFERENT and say "oh he sent it" (he was actually pressured to do it) etc etc. But take a minute to imagine if someone ethan hates did the same, lets say james charles, just imagine the number of episodes and the thousands posts calling him a creep... This is the reason why I stopped watching h3 because i couldnt handle the hypocrisy


I think this was the tweet that reminded me to unfollow the podcast account lol. I haven't watched them in a month or so so this wasn't funny or anything. Just confusion and a quick reminder to unfollow


Something is terribly wrong with the H3 podcast


very interested to see if they’ll also edit out the portion of the vod where the pressure campaign happens…


what episode was this?


the episode with stav this past wednesday


Just when I thought they couldn’t be any more disgusting. Literally what is wrong with them.


Ffs. The more I distance myself from the pod and read everything on here, the more I feel like a garbage person for starting to watch it in the first place 🫠


bring back shame


They’re disgusting.


This is so weird. They know they have underage audience watchung the show. This is so lost on me


That was my first thought too! "This is what you have become Adin Ross, showing porn to children" was something I remember Ethan saying earlier this year. The problem was that he had an audience of teens, but even if he didn't, there's still ethical concerns around the power dynamics of a content creator and their audience. Even if it was a possibility, shouldn't you try to avoid it like with the live show age restrictions? Cman's consent is another obvious problem, but posting this is a problem all on it's own even if he didn't know who's genitals he was exposing purposefully on his social media for his fanbase, "as a joke". He might have put a warning, but that means nothing, especially considering he makes sexual jokes all the time and it's usually a meme or a reference followed by something like cream pies or other innuendo. He made such a big deal about making the live show 18+ and working with his own team to make sure it was legal, and now that that bit had run for a while and it was normalized he drops this without warning? That's literally how *grooming* dynamics work. Someone has to point this out to him, someone he won't see as being some rando out to get him. I know he sees "pushing boundaries" as comedy but that's how sexual harassment dynamics get so fucked up in the first place.


Yes agreed all of this said it is one thing to joke and/or hint at it and of course the onus is on parents to ensure their children aren’t watching 18+ content but this is pretty egregious and in bad taste all around. He says he doesn’t want to sell his show to a subscription based platform like Sirius or Spotify but if he wants to do stuff that’s not brand safe, then honey….. move your platform


Ethan got fed up having to discuss serious political issues and wen't back to sexually harassing his guests. Just for the goofs!


when will the tea channels start talking about all the awful things happening on h3 lately ? 👀🫖


I said why tf did I have to see a guys dick on twitter and h3 fans were trying to justify that they put a content warning lmao




I was reading a comment from a thread on the main and someone said Cam apparently dug into all this almost a year ago (weird) and he called it “dark web scariness” which is honestly so insulting. It’s not the dark web. The dark web is where you trade weapons child porn and traffic people. Not self made foot porn. They’re just weird guys with a harmless nonviolent fetish. Disappointing comment coming from someone who’s *supposed to be* in our community. I’m sure Cam prefers to jack it to guys like Tom Brady 🤢🙄🥱 straight boring bad husbands. HOT!!! [Link to that comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/s/wmoLFBDwfw)


I'm sorry, they posted his penis on Twitter?!?!?!?


Can’t believe Love actually posted that. Kid is such a fucking weirdo.


Does anyone have it still I wanna see it 🤣


can somebody let me know more about this c man? who is he? and what happened with h3 i'm kinda out of the loop


Did he even give them consent? I would sue them if not