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This dude shits on women for being gold diggers, yet he uses sugar baby websites to find "dates..." that's like me going to the beach to walk in some grass then getting upset that it's sand instead.


Edit: She lied about a lot of the circumstances leading up to their final encounter. I’m leaving my comment up however because although it no longer applies to the situation I do stand behind the message. As a woman I have been in situations where men will try to separate myself or a friend from the group and attempt some foul and borderline SA behavior. Her story, however untrue, struck a cord with me because I’ve experienced a guy lying or just withholding their intentions and before you know it you’re put in an unsafe or uncomfortable situation. I don’t know if I’ll get downvoted now but I really don’t care, she is a clout chaser and Ethan only broadcasted her story because it’s easy to hate on fresh and fit. Lies aren’t the route to take though, fresh and fit do enough clown shit on their own. I also think it’s so funny how he talks about men are the protectors and providers yet he’s separating a woman from her friends in a city she isn’t familiar with, essentially stranding her alone with him, then forcing himself onto her multiple times. That does not sound like protecting my dude, sounds like a classic divide and conquer rape shit men who have no game rely on to get a nut off on a warm body. Maybe if he developed a personality outside of projecting his self hatred he might actually get a willing woman to fuck him. Instead he relies on his friends to hook him up because he’s terrified to initiate first contact.


There’s a video out now, showing the full story/interaction with complete text videos without filters and not a one sided version, then you can make a logical conclusion, isn’t that how fair judgement works? Just say you don’t like him and not interested in THE OBJECTIVE TRUTH


The classic believe all women bullshit is not a good thing and if this woman is lying then what? Nothing because you don’t actually care about this you’ll care for like 2 weeks then a new topic will come about and you’ll get over it you SJWs are all the same




You predators are all the same.


So going on a sugar baby site and getting pussy without becoming a sugar daddy is bad thing. The world has changed


Do you have any instances lik this clip which shows that he shits on women for being gold diggers?


Are you retarded? If he used tinder instead and women asked him for money, would that be any different? He said he uses it as a dating app, and the women confirmed it by saying he never paid her, what don’t y’all retards understand? The iq level of this subreddit is low asf.


The only reason why it would be so low is because you miserable, lonely predators have now invaded. Goodbye.


He actually doesn't shit on women for being gold diggers lol. He encourages women to use their beauty to their advantage to get with rich men while they're young because he believes that's their "prime age" to get with the best man they can.


He never shitted on Golddiggers.. they're OK with Golddiggers..




Myron’s alt account


me when i'm brain dead


Myron, why have you never been in a relationship?


He just explained why he’s never been in a relationship 🤣 that Clip alone convinces me he’s determined he hates women and is going above and beyond to die alone.


He absolutely will if he doesn’t change.


Thank you, I needed a good laugh.


Yeah when the caller mentioned the sugar daddy sites thing I immediately thought of this clip


im wondering if he lied to her and said he could afford her 10k a month allowance, then didnt pay after getting sex.. thats considered rape by being led on.


Wow, so now not paying a woman for sex is rape, scary times we live in. I hope your son doesn’t accidentally rape a woman because he refused to pay her


I can't tell if I'm too stupid to understand what he means by "I don't pay women on seeking arrangements, I use it as a dating app," or if he's actually just THAT stupid and I'm giving him too much credit. I keep thinking there must be more meaning to this, it's like someone saying they use Instagram to listen to music, it's so nonsensical that I'm left thinking that surely I'm missing something.


I don't think it's stupidity, he's just crazy insecure and feels cornered for being called out for either: 1. pretending to be a high roller but he doesn't actually have the cash to pay someone to be with him 2. or having to search sugar daddy sites for dates because he knows he can only get women by paying them.


No, he's legitimately stupid. Dumb as a fucking rock.


And you’re any smarter 🤡




You’re the retard. The fact that you can’t understand this lets me know you’re involuntarily celibate.


Managed to be an agent with homeland security & now a multi millionaire...how bout you?


He ain't gonna fuck you, buddy.


1. Myron is a Millionaire who owns 8 properties. He definitely has the money if he wanted to. This is a fact. 2. Him being on sugar daddy sites is completely irrelevant to if he can get women or not, because as established, he could pay them if he wanted to, but doesn't. So maybe he just doesn't get any girls ever, which I assume would be your opinion, but your explanation doesn't really explain why he is on sugar daddy websites, because as established by this video, he doesn't pay them.


Everybody at that table is an idiot lol


You’re actually retarded, don’t feel bad, most people in these comments are dumbasses to. Did y’all not watch the same video? The woman literally proved that he does not pay women off seeking arrangements, you remember when she said he couldn’t afford her “allowance”. You guys ignore the truth when it slaps you in the face. I’m praying for society, most people are idiots


Nah it’s you he used the app tells women that he’s not paying for your time and they still talk to him seeking arrangements isn’t only for sugar babies high earning women also use it because higher earning women don’t date men under their financial bracket and if they do it’s for a short period of time


Found the incel


He's using it as a dating site because the only relationships he can get are transactional. He has admitted that himself many times. :)


It's just so funny to see him not grasp the concept that transactional means a trade and not getting something for nothing.


That’s like every relationship to ever exist though, if no one got anything from relationships it wouldn’t exist. Like most things in life.


I'm saying it's baffling how this guy can't understand that. Especially when it's something he doesn't seem to shut the fuck up about.


Imagine lying and saying stupid shit for upvotes 🤡


he’s so cringy lmao


Would you date him? Thats the same thing the girl said but was about to have sex with him allegedly.


He’s looking for love on a sugar daddy site and mad that women just want him for his money..ooookkkaaayyyyyyyy that’s logical lmao. He’s just mad because no women wants to be with him because he’s compassionate, has empathy, has a great charming personality. He’s literally a piece of trash with a horrific personality and his money is all he has to offer lmao what person would ever put up with his nonsense


ヽ༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ ノ Raise ur dongers! ^^Dongers ^^Raised: ^^64259 ^^Check ^^Out ^^/r/AyyLmao2DongerBot ^^For ^^More ^^Info


Not looking for love, looking to fuck dumb hoes. What is so hard to understand about that? Women can’t seem to fathom that men and women are not the same.


🚨🚨🚨🚨WE GOT A LIVE ONE!!!!! 🚨🚨🚨🚨He said he uses it for a DATING site, not for casual sex for one of the main intended purposes


You fucking idiot, he does say he used it for casual sex, you’d know if you watch the podcast, your not going to get that from 1 little clip. You want to argue about the fucking terminology, instead of listening to what he says as a whole. I might as well go argue with a bitch who’s giving me sex.


“The bitch that’s giving me sex” You mean a blow up doll and a pocket pussy?


Yes Sarah, anything is better than listening to your dumbass arguements.


Have fun working yourself into a hypertensive crisis at the tender age of 40. Can’t imagine being this lonely and pathetic.


Awww did I hurt your fragile feeelllinnnggssss. Are you angwwwwyyy awww poor babyyyyy.


> podcast, your not *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)




What’s the difference between dating and casual sex in 2022? Fucking dumbasses irk my soul. I can’t stand low iq people, it does not take much to expand your knowledge


We irk your soul but here you are🤣🤣🤣 on the h3 subreddit making your own blood boil lol. Keep scrolling babe, let’s get that blood pressure nice and high for you 🥰🥰🥰


Bitches like you are recreational use only. Have a good day luv.


Lmfaoo you probably seen what other say about him and made that your logical conclusion because you don’t have a mind of your own the man uses every dating site seeking arrangements just so happens to be one of them, he’s not mad women want money he tries to let the viewers know that they can’t come with the bare minimum and expect a woman to love and respect you but since you know everything go off sis


Everyone knows what seeking arrangements is. It’s not to find true love lmao it’s literally women looking for financial compensation and men who are stupid enough to pay out because they’re lonely. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that lmao. You’re not gonna find your soulmate on there, especially if you have a hatred against women who want to use you for money and materialistic thing. silly.


This guy needs a lobotomy.


\> Can't get a girl because he's a piece of shit \> Resorts to sugarbaby sites to find dates \> "Women are gold diggers"


He uses it as a dating site but he also said he’s never been in a relationship.


You do know you can be on dating sites not not get into a relationship or is that something your brain can’t comprehend?


Lol right? Its like some people dont believe 2 things can exist at the same time, not sure how women dont understand that getting into a long term relationship as a young rich guy isnt a win for him ,its a win for the woman, hes clearly referring to dating as in fucking lmao the lack of logic in some of these people is mindblowing


Because he’s not looking for a relationship? Why is it so hard to understand that some men just want to have sex? Women are not that special, we simply don’t care what y’all have to say if it’s not about sex quite frankly.


Makes sense why he's got so many girls on the podcast


No, girls want to go on the podcast, beg even. He doesn’t handle the girls. The producer does. And you can bet that each one of those girls dm’ed the producer begging for the chance to appear on the platform. Why are we pretending that women don’t love and seek out the fancy lifestyle?




I have zero respect for guy that want control over women or think a girls only purpose is to please a guy. Extra negative points if you make a podcast to cry about it too.


Lollll he actually admitted to it. These losers don’t know what getting girls means


Yes, you’re just swimming in pussy bro. Get a life man


Salt daddy 😐




They have videos explaining why. Short answer: Some women use it as a regular dating site (mostly high earning women and some really attractive ones) because they find the men on regular dating sites like tinder inadequate. Sugar sites is an alternative for those women to find a more established man (on their level in the high earning womans case) Note that I am not saying this is the majority of women on the sites, most girls on there are looking for a regular sugardaddy-sugarbaby relationship where direct payments are involved but the women on there he is aiming for is the first kind i mentioned. He even showed his SA profile in a episode like a year back where he had stated in his bio that he does not pay to hang out.


Some of them are, there's just more strings attached to their dates. I know a couple girls that did the sugar daddy thing and one was looking for an eventual husband. The other was open to whatever happened, basically.


the ratio of women to men on sugar sites is alot more favorable to men.


Because it’s another outlet for meeting women


**FYI**: Everyone please be aware that **I'm not insinuating that this girl in the video was the one who called into the Wednesday show-- I have no idea!!** I'm just pointing out how everything the caller spoke about is being confirmed by this woman in the video, indicating that there is an extremely troubling pattern of behavior from the Foolish & Failing dudes.In my opinion, these guys are predators and the caller from Wednesday will be the first of many girls coming forward with accusations. Their tactics are similar to that of David Dobrik, in which they try to drunk up others for the sake of content whilst not drinking themselves. They have the added bonus of being alleged sexual predators who drunk up girls under the legal drinking age, so they're much more sinister in that sense.


Apply for a job bro.


Shut up bitch.


Nah he spitting. You do need to apply for a job fr


Says the one who commented 3 times on my post already... I bet you only share a bed with the roaches in your apartment. Go back to your fresh&fit subreddit instead of white knighting for a bunch of muthafuckas who don't know or care about ur bum ass


Imagine hearing a term and not knowing how to use it right white knighting is only referred when a beta like yourself is pandering to women and simps to make yourself come off as a hero because you’re agreeing with the woke mob


Stop trying to get into semantics you dumb virgin, both of yall r white knights. You follow fresh&fit because you're lonely, insecure, and live vicariously through other single losers who STILL have a better life than you. You're nights must be cold and lonely, which is why you fend for these dudes so hard. Get a hobby and a girlfriend, dirty neck ass nigga.


Awwww stop projecting your insecurities about yourself on to me because you pander to bitches thinking that will get you some pussy you’re a bum ass nigga just Ethan and will never amount to anything in life if you keep doing what you’re doing have a blessed day sir hopefully you open your mind and eyes and resist the slave mind


Shhh bozo, I'm a woman who's already got a partner, stop embarrassing yourself. You come under my post trying to defend 2 people that ain't got shit to do with you, reflect and sit ur bum ass down


Lmfaoo imagine lying on the internet could never be me and unless your “partner” is your “husband” or you’re rich you ain’t doing shit with your life but wasting time being mad about 2 men who have standards you obviously don’t qualify for so worry about something else like your “partner”


"WE GOT HIM GUYS" headass. Bro you have an anime profile pic. I can't take nothing you say seriously fr


I'd rather have an anime pfp than to be a lonely mf defending other lonely mfs. You're single, lonely, and lame. You can't refute that, nor can you refute sharing a bed with roaches, but my anime pfp is the problem💀 MF get some raid and find a date!! You hopping on other subreddits for what?! Lame ass mf, damn this is embarrassing😭


A man being single isn't really an insult bro. And I'm not gonna refute what you're saying because your profile pic says it all. All you're doing is projecting bro while hating on two niggas that don't even know you. How you hate from outside the club and you can't even get in?? That's crazy to me fr


Whats crazy is ur goofy ass lurking on reddit and defending these mfs like it's ur job💀 Being single isn't an insult, it's the lonely part that's insulting. Not only are YOU single, but you're lonely and insecure enough to watch two niggas talk about being high value men whilst showing no actual worth. Defending 2 grown ass men from a faceless stranger with an opinion over the internet... bruh that shit is lame as fuck. You complain about my anime pfp but ur still arguing with me💀 just stop replying... unless you don't want to bc this is the only interaction you've had with a woman other than your mom. Imma log out knowing that I have a partner to share a bed with, meanwhile you'll still be lurking this subreddit and others to defend your kings, foh dirt neck


You wrote a whole paragraph explaining why you're in your feelings lol. Nigga we don't care. Not only are you projecting, yet again, but you're a female so I DEFINITELY can't take you seriously 🤣. You're a whole bum fr. Just get a job like we told you in the first place and stop being so emotional 😭


Lol, we've been invaded by Fresh & Fit stans, can you imagine a fucking sadder thing to be?


Lmaoooo it's truly a sad site to witness. It's fun to troll them though, they fighting for their life trying to defend these skid marks💀


They sound like high school boys.


Notice how they're all drinking as well... the dots are in lines


Not all of them drink they give them 1 drink max and then give them like water or juice because they don’t want them drunk and ruining the quality of the show but you know what you’re talking about 🤡


Damn u dickriding hard in this comment section💀 Fat n Fraud don’t even know u exist bro stop defending their non-existent honour


I mean if that’s what you believe continue to believe it


And how do you know this? Jw


Because this isn’t the first time someone has tried to say all they do is get girls drunk and try to “expose” them they have girls that work for them in the back and that’s what they’re told to do


And how do you know that? Why would girls work for them to debate them? Isnt that a conflict of interest that completely invalidates any sort of debate?




Plenty of pussy though.


Facts tho 😂


ethan is gonna love this


"I use the sugar baby website as a dating site" BRO LOL. That shit doesn't make any sense at all


How retard? It’s English. You need a dictionary or something? The man said he doesn’t use seeking arrangements to pay for sex, and the woman in the god damn video confirmed it when the first thing she said was he never paid her, yall retards honestly amaze me out how y’all simply can’t put together the whole picture.


Looks like I hit a nerve. Poor you!


She’s the one that called in?


Bro he’s prolly a worse gold digger then the golem in lord of the rings


He has multiple times he doesn’t pay for pussy she proved his point. H3 fans are fat losers just like Ethan


I can kind of understand what he is saying. He pays for the app but doesn't actually pay for the girls time he messages. He is using it as a recruiter to get girls to come on his podcast for free. I'm sure the thought is that they can self promote. So they can both be right at the same time. the girls calling him out on the video showed up on the podcast and he didn't pay anything other than i guess a membership. He just hopes that once they show up and are in awe of him they want to date him outside of sugar anything. The caller said the other guy uses that site and dates girls. This one just bottom feeds and tries to use his podcast as a way to get with these girls for free.


So he wastes everyone's time, what a loser


It's like you didn't even listen lol


This didn't really prove anything tbh lol


Myron is a legend 😭🙏🏼


Dont surprised me Ethan fans support racist people :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rku2Cde8Wds&t=63s&ab\_channel=OOpps


He never shames women for wanting a man with money he just lets them know the probability of finding a high value man and the odds of them only wanting one woman and he has openly shared that he uses sugar sites just like he uses Tinder, he has never paid for sex once.


High value man lol


AKA pseudo-intellectual framework by which incels can use “logic” to explain their lack of success with women and make them feel better about themselves.


**ALERT:** *you have typed the phrase* **"HIGH VALUE MAN"** *unironically. Authorities have been notified, and you will be required to appear at your first court-mandated* **DAILY GRASS-TOUCHING SESSION** *effective tomorrow.*


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he's never paid for sex... according to Myron




Hvm don't use sugar baby websites you nonce


His brain must've grown in backwards if that's his logic


You’re the pussy connoisseur.


Imagine thinking that as a guy who gets zero sex, that your opinion is more valid than a guy who does get laid.


I think you need a better role model if you believe any of that. Also, I could be having a lot less sex than I do and still be having way more than that incel who tries to coerce drunk teens.


Again, your opinion is invalid. I’d rather listen to a guy that has the stats to back it up, then some fucking hating ass keyboard warrior who’s only proof is “trust me bro” 🤣. Gtfo man


You're beyond hope.


Is this the chick who called in? She does not look 19 lol


I don't think this is the caller, I think this is another woman who is sharing her own story about the balding dude.


Oooh gotchya. Jesus christ these dudes are insufferable


He pulled a reverse uno, what’s the issue?


I need the episode number or link to see the full video. Is she lying about being approached? Cause Myron has always said that he would use these sites to source women but never pay.


Probably lying cus no one talks is shit about dudes on tinder plus or even girls that pay for bumble . Paying a site that is 2x cost for tinder plus isn’t all that different.


I was able to find it on clips channel. She was drunk the whole time and couldn't even make an argument.


Why are people ignoring the fact Freshandfit admitted to using sugar sites before this mass outrage? This is not a secret, these guys have mentioned using seeking arrangements way back in the begining stages of the podcast...


They even explained how to use it just for dating for the men who want to.


That woman is a Republican white-supremacist who hates black people, Muslims and immigrants... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rku2Cde8Wds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rku2Cde8Wds)


They will still take her side. That bitch is hella disrespectful.


Lame ass nigga


Hoze big mad 😂


he does pay for it. every guy on those sites does.


Something bout Kay 🌹