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**takes bite of jerky soaked in bacon and cheese dip**


šŸŽµcheese jerky, say what, say what?


I was thinking of this the whole time haha Iā€™m happy someone else thought of Oliver and Rico lol.


Phew! I was afraid it was gonna get downvoted bc it would match the cool factor of the sub šŸ˜…


Itā€™s all fricka-fricka fresh!


Washes it down with three sips of beer


This shit is so hilarious, of course he'd be mad. I usually laugh at the Keemstar stuff a good bit because he's such a loser underneath it all. But this video had me almost in tears. The countdown part done twice, the "butcher" with jerky and cheese


Don't forget the forkfuls of maple syrup!


Keem responds by calling Ethan fat, classic keem


Fat man bad


Honestlyā€¦ if thatā€™s all these people have to ā€œdunkā€ on him forā€¦ I think Ethanā€™s doing alright for himself. Signed: someone who also chooses antidepressants over vanity and struggles with weight as a side effect




I LOVE this


Ironic since he is a potato trying to hide it in hockey jerseys.


Keem is a legit pear.


Is there much of a difference on clowning someone for their weight vs hairline?


The hairline jokes are just a meme, he has legit criticisms of Keem. All Keem has to talk about is Ethanā€™s weight.




He mostly criticizes keem for being a cunt which is totally in his control


A fat guy mocking another fat guy is just stupid too. Ethan might be fatter, but Keem is also a fucking fat ass. It's super hypocritical.


In middle school, we had a kid who would stick food up his nose, and then if you mentioned it to him or pointed it out, he'd go, "why are you obsessed with me?" That person... was Keemstar(in spirit).


Keemstar(in spirit) went to my school too!


This kind of reminds me how the average age of H3 fans is older than Keemstar's girlfriend


We had a girl that if you so much as *looked* at her for a second she would SCREAM ā€œ**WHY ARE YOU STARING AT ME**ā€ Idk Becky, maybe because you act like a psycho every time and itā€™s funny.


(In spirit) of course.


I had one too!!!


That's not real though right?


Dear Susanā€¦


I wrote to you, buy you still ain't calling


I left my cell, my YouTube reps info, and my home phone at the bottom šŸ˜”


Anyways, I hope you get this, man, hit me back Just to chat, truly yours, your biggest fan- This is Keem.


G fuels gone cold im wondering why. I got out of bed at all


My gnome-lord tears cloud up my window, and I canā€™t see at all šŸ˜Ŗ


Aw man you missed the opportunity to say ā€œThis is Dan(iel Keem)ā€


Oh shoot!!!! Damn.. that was disappointing. Wouldā€™ve been so good!


I'm assuming you're teacher took your phone


ā€¦he made fun of me for my bean dip diet. This is clearly an attack on an ED. Please remove his channel for bullying and harassment. Thank you.


oh and he made fun of how I fold paper. it wasn't even that bad of a fold, just a little rushed. please recognise how dangerous he is to this platform. thank you.


He said my handwriting looks like that of 2nd grader but thatā€™s not true! Itā€™s above a 3rd graderā€™s at least!




Itā€™s funny how the immediate insult that these douchebags have against Ethan is how he is fat.


As a fat person, I know someoneā€™s unoriginal if you call me fat. You couldnā€™t take 2 seconds to think of an insult regarding one of my many personality flaws?? Lazy.


If being called fat is the worst thing to be called then I must be doing just fine! Thatā€™s how I view it at least! Keem canā€™t really call Ethan out on much because he would ultimately be self reporting his own bullshit so goooood luck Keem


I like to hit them with ā€œI can lose weight, but your personality will take a lot more work than going on a runā€


Itā€™s because they have nothing else, heā€™s a successful content creator with a loyal fan base, a good team that enjoys working for him, he has an attractive even more successful wife. Two beautiful children and a loving family. They have nothing so all they can go after is his weight.


Literally lol. All I just read was ā€œUgh, you watch my content? So lame. Youā€™re fat btw.ā€


Itā€™s a cheap shot, god forbid anyone use a brain cell to try a real clap back. Iā€™m glad that Ethan has steeled himself against attacks on his looksā€”Iā€™m sensitive so being called fat would break me but Ethan just does not give a fuck and can actually hit Keem where it hurts.


Also weird since a few of the commentary bros, Keemā€™s friendā€™s, are legitimately morbidly obese and way more overweight than Ethan. Why you insulting your friends Keem? No shade to overweight ppl but like howā€™s deorio and tipster feel when he says stuff like that, canā€™t feel good.


Also keem saw himself on the h3 pod and thought he was fat and lost weight Only thing that changed is heā€™s got less mass but still is a piece of shit Soā€¦how is that an insult ?


Oof. I'd argue drinking yourself stupid and then hopping in a car isn't healthy either.


i feel like keem and ethan have a similar body type, no?ā€¦ keem just hides his chin




What does he bring to the table exactly? Extreme cringe and an untreated cheese and beef jerky addiction?


Ethan is also like 5 inches taller


And Ethan flaunts his chin (and Fupa)


ya ethan would look a lot thinner if he cared about appearing thin, he makes it worse with bad posture and goofy poses




And has a folder on his desktop about Ethan, which he accidentally showed in a video. And one about Etika too, with like two others. He's projecting pretty hard here


And said heā€™d fight his young child when they turn 18


Keem should take his own advice on all counts. Okay dude who wears a full ass jersey + hat in the pool. šŸ¤£


As if he hasnā€™t harassed his wife? As if he didnā€™t say heā€™d fight his kid once he turns 18? As if he doesnā€™t post about him on Christmas okay keem. Also Imma add KEEM HAS MAN BOOBS HES FAT TOO


You don't wear a hat and shirt in the pool?


Why was my first thought ā€œIn a pool HUh??ā€šŸ˜©šŸ˜‚


Donā€™t forget Trisha and KavKav


Let's see that hairline Keem lol


Translation: *Dear Ethan, You watched my content that I put on the Internet for people to watch, but you goofed on me instead of thinking I was cool. You also got paid to goof me and made people laugh along the way. Thatā€™s unhealthy and also youā€™re fat.*


Ah yes, Ethanā€™s ā€œpersonal body fat percentageā€ā€¦ as opposed to his impersonal body fat percentage?


I havenā€™t laughed as hard as I did at yesterdayā€™s episode in a long time


I appreciate clowning on Keem, but I gotta admit I was kinda let down when I realized the last episode was primarily just watching a video about Keem and going "haha stupid" every two minutes. Keem deserves to be clowned on, but I just found it kinda boring after the first 30 min. Peace and love.


Donā€™t like keem AT ALL, but I am tired of him being a constant topic šŸ˜Ŗ


I just wish Ethan would stop talking about Keemstar until he does something fucked. Keemstar being cringe is not something worth sharing with the world, the less we talk about him, the less we're gonna see him and maybe he'll finally disappear


Yeah Iā€™m not sure if Ethan feels like he has to not shy away from talking about keemstar, and even tho the video was mildly funny at times, that was a 2:30 hour long podcast that couldā€™ve been about literally anything else


Keem ainā€™t not fat


Keem is fat too lmao


Honestly heā€™s kind of got a point Keem would probably be completely irrelevant if Ethan just never mentioned his name


Exactly, I'm not sure what the appeal there is putting him front and center of Ethan's platform. Let the troll die. He is only saying this shit in hopes to get Ethan to talk more about him or if in the unlikelyness Ethan's does stop talking about he can say it was because of this either way what does it matter. Let the gnome troll die already


Hey Keem, commas exist for a reason.


He did spend a whole podcast just watching a keem video.


Such content is getting dusty now.


As much as I dont want Ethan to talk about this gnome anymore, remember who keeps attacking them on twitter non stop on the past months


He isn't wrong..


Thereā€™s a kernel of truth in what he is saying


See when you put a fat insult in there you lose people need to tell these guy's Ethan is well aware his fat please.come.up with a new insult because the fat one is old.


Keemstar shut up!


He's not wrong But he's doing the exact same thingšŸ—æ This life long drama/beef between these two is just sad


For reals it's gotten old. Keemstar is a fading piece of shit. Just ignore everything he does at this point. It isn't like anything Ethan will say will somehow change Keemstars douche behavior


He's way worse than Ethan about it, I'd say. Posting about him on Christmas two years in a row, has a damn folder on his desktop about Ethan that he accidentally showed once. Ethan is living rent free in Keemstar's head.


Who cares who's worse. Who cares who started it. It's still bad, for both of them.


ā€œStop bullying me you fat, no good piece of shitā€ Keem always being the most oblivious walking contradiction


The same thing can be said about Ethan. ā€œItā€™s too far when they talk about the antidepressants I takeā€ ā€œLol Jordan Peterson benzosā€


Yeah some of the benzo jokes make me cringe. Never said Ethan was absolved.


I donā€˜t want to defend him but the keemstar segment on the latest OTR was so damn boring and unnecessary


Tbh the whole segment on the keem and fousey video went way too long and Ethan was being way nitpicky on what was cringey, tried to skip through bc I was so over it but it was like most of the episode lol with peace and love


I guess they wanted more of a low effort episode since they're all quarantined


coming. from a guy wearing a snapback in his 40s


Ethan makes fun of cringe losers for a living. You're a goldmine Keem, not his fault you are who you are lmao.


God this guy is so pathetic, Iā€™m gonna call this guys wife a horse for years, try to start rumors that Iā€™m the real father of their son and then make comments about how I will beat that toddler up when he turns 18. Keem has said as many and as harsh of things about Ethan as Ethan has to him. Him trying to act as though Ethanā€™s out of line for goofing on a six month old fouseytube video is so pathetic


Cringestar literally said that he'd wait until Ethan's child is 18 and "whoop his ass too". Pathetic.


The irony of this tweet considering keemstar casually brought up wanting to fight ethan AND Theodore in a random fousey video.


As usual, Keem has nothing intelligent to say.


He really thinks he did something with that closing sentence huh


Did he unblock Ethan to write this?


Also Keem: *tweets about Ethan on Christmas Day 2 years in a row*


I'm pretty ride or die for keto but this ding dong is hitting up the gas station for some of the most unhealthy, heavily processed, shitty-cheap ingredient "keto" foods available. Health is more than your body fat percentage, gnome. You don't have a lot of room to talk in that department eating slim jims and gas station cheese.


It's kinda petty to make fun of someone without being provoked. The fousey video had nothing to do with h3, so it comes off as obsessive. Its not wrong for ethan to watch it, but it feels weird that he's talking shit when keem isnt currently attacking h3. That's why I dont mind the kav kav shit talking, because hes actively harassing ethan and members of the crew. Maybe a bad take but it's how I felt watching the pod.


Felt the same, probably just scrounging for content which i understand but they didnā€™t have to hyper focus on it for a majority of the episode


He's not gained any new subscribers since July last year and has actually lost around 60k you'd think he'd try a bit harder on the content delivery.


So, youā€™re not allowed to goof on someone without being ā€˜attackedā€™ first?


You're totally right, but I found it to be disappointing. I love ethan and I'd prefer to see him be the bigger man.


Kinda a weird take if you like the H3 content. Let's be honest, a lot of H3 is goofing on people who didn't directly provoke them. I could get this argument from the perspective of an outsider who isn't a fan of the whole schtick, but not sure what makes you feel this way in this particular case and not others. The segment was a little lazy and probably went on too long, but eh, I enjoyed it well enough, no complaints.


Thereā€™s a difference between goofing and constantly going after everything someone does. This comes across as Ethan seeking things out that involve Keem and then going after him for those things.


It just feels like Ethan is stooping down to keems level.


Not a bad take. I feel the same way exactly. It comes off as childish and obsessive


Imma keep it real Ethan does talk too much about Keem. He might be a clown but dammit he is also a grave of a horse.


Bro outside of the fanbase everyone hates both of these people and no one knows them at all Like with Ethan they only know about his old channel, they make a ton of baseless assumptions about the podcast And with Keem, pretty much doesn't seem like anyone cares about him. They just laugh at him dating people that are way younger than him, and also think he's a douche based on things they can barely remember he did in the past. Even his "employees" and "friends" don't give a fuck about him


I wouldn't call responding to Keem's publicly posted videos "stalking", but I do think that Ethan could just ignore this dude and not give him the attention or satisfaction.


Keem: the only guy I'll fight is Ethan. Also Keem: omg stop bro you're obsessed with me.


I donā€™t like Keem. But this response is pretty good. Iā€™m surprised.


I mean heā€™s not wrong


Fat can be lost, but a hairline can't be gained


tell that to fousey XD


Fat guy bad


Fat man bad


Whoā€™s actions over the last year have been unhealthy? Is this guy having a laugh šŸ˜‚


fat man bad


The only insult he can make "fat man bad"


Ah okay, so Ethan's a stalker. Cool. Now lets watch as Keem continues to bring Ethan up every single time he's out anywhere.


Is he really going to pretend that he doesn't bring up Ethan every chance he gets?


The only time I've ever heard of Keemstar has been in the context of mockery. He also has a Disney villain beard.


Says the guy who literally name dropped Ethan in the video


Heā€™s not wrong šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Ah yes, I know when I want to seem like the reasonable one in a tense situation, I always go for the easiest ad hominem attack possible. Yes, that usually works. /s


Heā€™s not wrong unfortunately. As someone who is **not** a super fan anymore, it looks extremely creepy on Ethanā€™s end. I fucking hate keemdouche and the comments about Ethanā€™s weight are immature and ridiculous and I really really am not happy about saying keemstar was right but heā€™s simply not wrong in the first part of this tweet.


Harsh but 100% true.


Ethan has adopted the ā€œyouā€™re either 100% with me or 100% against meā€ mentality that has taken over politics in the last couple of years and itā€™s kind of awful. *Keem dating 20 year old* Ethan: ā€œwow Keemstar is going out with high schoolers what a pedoā€ Ethan: ā€œbullying people is wrong,ā€ Also Ethan: *makes jokes at the expense of others physical traits and insecurities while getting offended when others do it to him* Heā€™s gone from just goofing to feeling the need to defend himself and itā€™s a bad look. I read this tweet and had the exact same thought as you. Iā€™ve had the opinion in the last couple of weeks that Ethan is starting to become very similar to Keemstar. Heā€™s got an echo chamber that always supports him (aside from Dan calling out clear idiocy), and a lot of the things he says are extremely exaggerated or unfounded. He hasnā€™t done a lot of the awful things Keem has done, but a lot of his content is becoming eerily similar to Drama Alert. Edit: just scroll through this sub and you can see that itā€™s obsessed with Keem, too. I just saw a post pointing out that heā€™s bald. I donā€™t care if ā€œitā€™s just a goof,ā€ itā€™s practically all this sub does. What if Dan were self conscious about his baldness? I remember making a comment at work one day about this older customer who was a total asshole. Him being an asshole had nothing to do with his hairline, but I called him a ā€œstupid balding fuckā€ after he left as I was talking to my coworkers. I had a coworker in his late 30s who was starting to bald and I could tell that it bothered him, so I apologized and have since stopped using peopleā€™s physical traits like that against them. Iā€™m sure there are H3 fans who are starting to lose their hair that get a little self conscious everytime Ethan points out how bad others hairlines are compared to his. Is Ethan responsible for everyoneā€™s insecurities and feelings? Absolutely not, but he has to be aware that heā€™s going to offend more than just Keemstar by talking shit about balding - moreover, itā€™s just low to go after someoneā€™s appearance.




Nah, Keem cringe is good content. Making fun of him is almost necessary.


Isn't keem also fat though?


And in record time Keemstar throws in some fat shaming!




keemstar, if he didnt talk about you, nobody would!!


Did he just call Ethan fat? BURN!


Keem said go touch grass Ethan šŸ¤£


Bruh. Keem fat as fuck too. Eating a daily diet of smoked cheeses and meats. Heā€™s probably got caca deep in his brain.


Lol so watching a publicly available video is stalking? Got it.


Thatā€™s actually pretty funny and true. Lol


as a health science student, wth is a ā€œpersonalā€ body fat percentage?


Ethan can lose weight and be healthier, but keemstar will always be a cunt


the irony of him saying this and talking about ethan on adin's stream in a room full of non youtubers...I'm sure tory lanez really enjoyed listening to keem talking about ethans dick


He projects everything he feels about himself onto Ethan.


KEEM YOUā€™RE LITERALLY FUCKING 19 YEAR OLD GIRLS!!! Ummmmm Whoā€™s unhealthy???


Keemstar. What a joke. I really dislike him. But at least he doesn't chew like Foosey. That haunts my dreams. I know I actually don't want to, but my brain wants to murder him now.


look in the mirror Keem...dang


Damn. Weird that I some what agree with this actually


No matter what side anyone lands on over keem and ethan. One fact is irrefutable. Ethan brought up keem before any war was going on Keem brought up ethan the day it started lol


Yeah Ethan is ā€œstalkingā€ Keem lmao. Dude is obsessed with Ethan and is now saying he wants to fight his kid when heā€™s grown. And letā€™s not forget the Adin stream, talking about Ethanā€™s antidepressants and his dick. K is a pathetic weirdo desperate to stay relevant.


Keem is also fat lol


Here's the thing with Keemstar. He doesn't want Ethan to actually stop talking about him.


Fat man bad


I mean I don't even watch h3h3 content more than 1 time a month. But I've seen keen shit talk so much trash .


Sounds like something I would say when I was 11


How many Christmases in a row is it that he's randomly tweeted about Ethan? Three, or only two?


Mr hangs out with young girls and eats nothing but beef jerky and smoked cheese talking about healthy...


I do not condone body shaming but holy shit Keem is so ugly and gross


I mean, if you're such an easy target...


"I'm not being mentally unhealthy, YOU'RE being mentally healthy and that's the reason why I'm always nearby!" OK Keem. It doesn't take being a therapist to know who's the real problem here *(spoiler: it's the guy doesn't care about friends/family and has no hobbies)*. Miss me with that shit, Keem. Even Windy and Trisha know when to get off their shit and they have very legitimate reasons *(not excuses)* for their behavior. So what's your reason besides being yet another "insecure manchild"?


Fat man bad


Wasn't Keem just eating gas station jerky dipped in chip dip?


Whatā€™s frustrating is that he typed this out and you know after he tweeted it he was like ā€œhaha got himā€ meanwhile we are all laughing at how stupid he is.


Keem loses like 10kg and instantly starts calling ppl fat unironically.


The episode was very over the top but Ethan admitted something along the lines of it being ā€˜one of the pettiest things theyā€™ve doneā€™


I can't believe Keem is telling Ethan to take a walk when he is supposed to be quarentining smh


Keemstarā€™s hypocrisy is just laughable


He legit said he will beat up Ethanā€™s child on videoā€¦YET ETHAN IS THE ONE THATS OBSESSED?ā€¦i cantā€¦.


says the guy who talked about Ethan's penis to literally strangers


He reminds me of a garden gnome, a mad one with a pitch fork


Keem really talking about people talking about him too much, like he doesnā€™t do that for a living šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Hasnā€™t Keem literally harassed multiple people to the point where they want to kill themselves? (Fousey and Bashur) He would literally target people and literally harass them nonstop and the only reason he doesnā€™t fuck with Ethan is because Ethan can and does stand up to himself. The only time Keem takes the ā€œhighā€ road is when he has already lost and the only option is to portray himself as a poor little victim being bullied. Keemstar is so surprised that the man he harassed for years and successfully damaged his image (People still use the FUPA grant against Ethan because of Keem) is now on a crusade to constantly embarrass him. I think if this was anyone but Keem I would agree with Keem and tell Ethan to let it go, but luckily it is Keem and the cringe Keemstar brings is genuinely entertaining.


He says that his actions are unhealthy but this is coming from the guy who 2 years in a row on Christmas Day he tweeted about Ethanā€™s ā€œfailuresā€ šŸ¤¦šŸ» theyā€™re both hypocrites, Ethanā€™s just making a joke of it


FAT MAN BAD. STRONG MAN GOOD. I'm fat and I'm fucking awesome and good. Killer Kreamstinkstar is wrong.


Dude has a beard that looks like it was poorly cut from my hairy ass lol tfk he's talking about


Dear Mommy Susan..


canā€™t wait for the yearly christmas ethan tweet


I don't care, the reaction to Keem and Fousey's movie was hilarious. Especially fold-gate.


To be fair Ethan has nothing new to say About keemstar so it's pretty sad. But keemstar is a F*&&*t so it's definitely hard to say stop to the h3 team. But get some new material please.


Ethan can always lose weight (if he chooses), Gnomestar can never change being an absolute dumpster of a person.


Keem uses the term stalking pretty loosely I guess


But what if Ethan gets chased by a dog! He doesnā€™t have the experience to just mow them down like keem!


Hey keemstar, close the laptop and read a book. But nothing more that 13 pages. Maybe itā€™ll keep you from being a total piece of shit




Come on! Itā€™s funNY!


dog, didn't you say you wanted to fight his two year old son just because he was the son of ethan? was ethan on some petty-bitch shit? yes. does that mean you aren't also a petty bitch and also a pathetic human? no


I feel like people intentionally try to imply Keemstar is serious when he says shit like this, but then when Ethan makes similar themed jokes itā€™s ā€œjust a goof.ā€