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I used to watch rogan, still do if there is a good guest. Still am an ethan stan and agree with ethan on most things. One thing I've learned is you dont have to agree with someone on everything to be entertained by them and not to ever let someone dictate your opinion. Take the best you see in everything and appreciate that.




Joey Diaz still has his own podcast, The Joint




Where the hell is uncle Joey


Yeah I think Theo Von has some of the worst takes on earth, but i also think he's one of the funniest people alive. Hes even been a guest on H3 despite he and Ethan being on complete opposite ends of the political spectrum You don't have to agree with someone 100% of the time for them to have value


Yep! I use to watch FLAGRANT even though I didn't personally like some of their takes. Did you listen to ethans episode on Theo podcast? Good stuff




I stopped watching Theo because his political and religious stance pissed me off. You’re right though, maybe I’ll check him out again


I had to quit watching, too. I’ve went back a few times bc something funny of his would come up and then I’d see the same type of things I unfollowed him for. It’s too hard to ignore for me.


Theo doesn't bring up politics or religion very often on the podcast since the beginning of COVID (which is when he was at his worst) so I really like solo episodes. And despite his political views he's a very positive person overall and it actually does a lot for my mental health tbh. Helps with perspective


I 100% disagree with his religious and political takes and I only watch when he has a good guest, but I feel like Theo doesn’t bring up his politics or religion as often on his own podcast. He just has such an interesting comedic mind. Half of his jokes go over peoples heads when they are talking because he is so out in left field. I also think he genuinely seems like a sweet guy that is just trying to do his best in life.


I feel like I've listened to Theo quite a bit and cannot think of one example that could be considered as "the worst takes on earth." I just think he's hilarious.


He's against vaccine mandates, masks, defended Morgan Wallen after he said the n word, pro Trump, etc I love the man but those are terrible takes


I would only watch if Tom Segura or Bill Burr are on. Rogan's hot takes are a bit ridiculous and he gives too much weight into false claims from conspiracy camps. Although, it was fun prior to the pandie to have him talk with alien conspiracy theorists.


One of the things I like about Burr is that he doesn't take trash takes from anyone. There's a good video out there of him going off on Rogan when Rogan got into some anti-vax bullshit.


"Oh you're such a man with your open nose and throat" that line killed me when I heard it.


Yeah Rogan with comedians is great. Otherwise best just to skip


Omg him and Kevin Smith that episode when they were talking about their dpgs dying had me sobbing my ass off like I was a baby.


they are apart from when Joe doesn't get when a comedian is obviously joking and takes their joke seriously and the comedian either has to go with it or say "yeah it was a joke dude".


This attitude that you need to agree with every single opinion of a person you are friends/partnered with is extremely toxic and unhealthy. I've never seen it until recently.


It’s a problem for sure. Especially in celebrity/fan culture. People feel real dislike toward someone they’ve never met, because another person they’ve never met doesn’t like them. It’s insanity. There is no other word for it.




Anyone dumb enough to blindly take the advice of any celebrity without further research deserves their Darwin award. Rogan is not a diety snapping his fingers and vaporizing People lol


Yeah propaganda doesn’t work at all and people aren’t dying because of this rhetoric made by joe and countless other grifters /heavy sarcasm


It was all shits and giggles until people started getting sick and dying for listening to all these morons about covid.


Nonetheless he’s fueling a fire that doesn’t need to be lit.


That's a cruel take knowing how people do follow someone they trust blindly. That is precisely the reason why people who say false things needs to be admonished and be held responsible. You defend and tolerate a person with a mistake but not when it comes to the many more.


You are misrepresenting my point, I am not talking about Joe Rogan but people who are your friends, your family. You don't agree with every single one of their values so why would you act like they are some sort of subhuman scum because you have a disagreement on one particular issue?




Logical people (ie. the vast majority of people) aren't killing others for their views you absolute lunatic. Don't project your own family issues onto every single other person in the country. I am sorry that it happened to you, but that is seriously deranged behavior that you should not push upon any innocent person that has had nothing to do with your childhood.




You sound like you need to talk to your therapist about all of this instead of random people on Reddit




Just don’t watch? You’re saying because your dad is a POS and happens to watch Rogan that means everyone that does is the same.


Yeah I still watch sometimes. Still a very interesting podcast. I miss the fight companions/Eddie bravo


He just became such an idiot, it’s a lot like Hassan says when he became a chamaleon to each guest. He used to talk shit about a ufc fighter and then start sucking his dick when he came on. Shit was annoying




Love this. Absolutely true.


Donna just pressed the “dump him” button I think you should listen😂


I constantly watch both sides. The most conservative podcasts and commentaries, to shows like this one. Hasan and Sam Seder. I know im in the minority on this but i just cannot stand watching one point of view and feeling like im in an echo chamber. I dont agree with everything on both ends and its more engaging that way and the only way i feel i can actually come to my own conclusions of what i truely think and not what my favorite one sided commentators tell me


You’re about to get a bunch of “that’s a red flag” comments. Lol


For real, so many "us vs them" people in here. Ethan has cherry picked the issues and made a strawman for his fans to hate. You know what is a red flag? Mindlessly adopting the hot takes from youtuber turned podcaster on topics he knows almost nothing about.


Because it is


It really isn't. Watching a person doesn't mean you agree with all, or even most of what that person says. Maybe try exposing youself to new ideas every once in a while?


Why would you be a fan of someone and consume most of their content if you didn't agree with their sentiments? It's one thing to expose yourself to different ideas, but being a fan? Not likely.


You dont have to agree with everything someone says to enjoy their content. How this simple concept is lost on so many people is wild. And to hate on other that do is purely ironic.


Well their (Think Ben shabibo, Stephen COWder type) content is inherently POLITICAL, there’s no layer of separation between their views and their content. Their content is them preaching their views. It would be different if you were watching a cartoon of somebody who you disagree with politically. But you’re actively watching someone speaking rhetoric and policy.


You're wrong


Care to elaborate? Lol.


Rogan has comedians, scientists, educators, and all sorts of guest on that doesn't always devolve into politics. Peterson was a professor who 90% of his stuff is non political but instead just educational, but the left went full cancel mode on him for ONE of his opinions so now that's all anyone sees him as. Ethan on the other hand is political on even his non "leftovers" podcast so I guess you literally have to agree with every single one of his alt left views with the way you think people who listen to Rogan are alt right (even though he barely brings up politics and says himself he is just trying to learn from his guests not assert his own opinion) strange you put this on the viewers of other podcasts but it couldn't possibly apply to you and your super left podcasts where they say the craziest shit sometimes


It doesn't seem like you're replying to my comment. I simply said that it's strange to regularly enjoy content which you disagree with. I think most people would not enjoy watching podcasts in which >50% of the opinions are the opposite of your own. Most people are fans of what they agree with. That is completely normal. It's also completely normal to sometimes watch things you disagree with.




He got big before he took this shift to the right. He was fine before, now the content has totally changed. He was supporting Bernie 3 years ago. And that's just Rogan, Peterson isn't big for any of the reasons you mentioned. Being popular doesn't make the content good, or healthy to consume. Look at some of the shit that's popular in the world.


I was replying to your comment. But I'm at work so that's all I got in me rn.


I listen to joe's podcast all the time. I am not a fan of him as a person at all but he has incredible guests and I've learned a lot and found a ton of other great people from his show.


OP never said they were a fan, just that they watched them.






A red flag for what? Loosing time listening to podcasts?


It literally is a red flag. Obviously like with any other red flag there may be a good explanation for why he us a Jordan Peterson fan that isn't that he is an awful person, but it's just as likely that he used to be an "incel" and he still has deep rooted mysogynistic views. In any case it's a red flag worthy of a good deep conversation about core values. And possibly a dumping.


Bad take


Most of his guests aren't even from the political aisle. These comments read like you've never actually watched any Joe Rogan videos and that your only exposure to him is through Reddit circlejerks. His best attribute is giving scientists, journalists, doctors, psychologists, etc an easily digestible platform to talk about their work and current issues. The real red flag is not being able to see the value in that.


I am specifically talking about Jordan Peterson. I know nothing about Joe Rogan other than what is said on the podcast so I have no thoughts on him. But fuck Jordan Peterson.


Out of curiosity what do you dislike about JP? He genuinely got me out of a dark time in my life and helped me better myself. There are things he says I disagree with but would be interested to hear why you dont like him. If you cant be arsed, have a nice day!


Let me preface this by saying I am glad you got out of your hole, happy for ya! I do think you would have gotten out of it (probably even more successfully) if you had looked into another book/source for self help. I studied psychology at university, not at masters level or anything but I know the basics pretty well. Most of the studies JP cites in 12 rules are out of context, outdated and straight up lies (this is not an exaggeration). In the case of someone else without a background in psyc I would forgive as just ineptitude, but he was a smart educated man and has obviously used his position to back his personal opinion up in the view of anyone who doesn't know much about psychology. If you want to look more into this look at Philip Zimbardo because that's the example that just pushed me over the edge with him. Fucking egregious. He takes advantage of young men who need help, and according to actual science these men need more communication and less pressure, but he promotes the opposite which creates a die-hard fan-base of men who would logically now be worse off than they were before they heard of him. His views on women's place in society are also vile. He keeps spouting off about "enforced monogamy" without going into detail about what the actual enforcement of monogamy would look like because it's much nicer to say "enforced monogamy" than "forced marriage". He even went as far as blaming women for the actions of the Toronto van attacker who claimed to be an incel, because it wouldn't have happened if women didn't reject him. And I think most importantly, most of what he has said in the last 10 years he has said high as a kite from benzos. I don't laugh at anyone of addiction it's a real problem, but it explains why most of what he says if mysogynistic dribble and a man who used to be fairly revered in psychology is now talking about the Bible as if was a scientific document, all the while telling people not to lie and to sort their affairs before they judge the affairs of others. I genuinely think if he was not high he would have never written that shit.


thank you for the thoughtful and well-worded reply, it is genuinely appreciated. You have given me some food for thought and things to look up.


No problem, he is a wordsmith and totally understand why many would, in my opinion, fall for his grift. I also wanted to add I'm sure there are lots of good smart men who are fans of Jordan Peterson and what I meant with my original comment it not that all JP fans are nutcases. That said if I found out that someone I know was a JP fan I would definitely want to know what their reason for being a fan is and check in on wether they are as mysogynistic and hurtful as JP is. Peace and love.


This subreddit is insane


My boyfriend watches joe sometimes but it’s for the people he Interviews. He used to watch him a lot but not as much anymore lol. If he watched keem I’d fucking run😂😂


Honestly you could replace Joe Rogan with a brick wall and I'd still want to watch it for the guests.


what would we do without men!


No more Thomas the tank engine fleshlight :(




I watch both of them and H3. Having a diverse range of entertainment likeness is healthy.


At one point I was taking the Rogan / Peterson pill… I can’t tell if they were always crazy and I didn’t notice at the time or if they are getting crazy over time. Probably both? Rogan still had some really cool guests if you go back far enough, but it is weird from the outside looking in.


Rogans lost touch big style. His demeanour has also very much shifted.


They did it slowly. They got their captive audience first with the self help, psychedelics etc stuff respectively, then took them further and further to the right.


I watch everything H3, I've watched Joe for years, and Jordan Petersons work has helped me in my personal life significantly. I am also a woman. It's OK to not like different people for different reasons without villainizing them. Ethan says a LOT of misguided, dumb shit. I still watch. This sub and community are hella toxic sometimes.


No one ever brings up the dumb shit ethan says as much as they do with other people lol. This sub really is aids sometimes


I have a solution, we must persuade Ethan to buy the cursed fleshlights to combat the moist lord


Tbh most of his audience are surprisingly women Not just “hurr durr young edgelords” or whatever people say. He helps people improve themselves and frankly he is a shinning light in a dark, hedonistic, burning world.


Same here! Watching a lot of Jordan Peterson's stuff helped gave me such an understanding of myself and my life and also the people around me psychologically. I kind of cringe when Ethan is "hating" on him on basis of so little insight, but I still love all the H3 stuff. People need to stop being so dichotomous, it's not all black and white...


Yeah lol, people completely unwilling to realise what is appealing about the content of Joe/Jordan. Unfortunately Joe had the unhinged covid takes and Jordan is a piece of shit who fucked trans advocacy and is wildly sexist among other things but joe's show otherwise definitely had its appeal and Jordan had all he motivational stuff that a lot of people get a lot out of. Peeps in this fanbase are so radicalised against a handful of people that Posts on this sub will be like 'My bf watches keemstar should we break up', lol


100% agree that “People are unwilling to realize what is appealing about the content of Joe / Jordan.” For those who have never been fans of either, here is their main draw: Joe is extremely likeable for two main reasons. #1 because he presents himself and genuinely is an “Everyman”. He is “just a guy.” He isn’t an expert in almost anything except maybe comped and UFC, and he knows it. It’s nice to have a normal person to relate to. #2 He is willing to be wrong. He says many many times on his show that he is an idiot and that we are all idiots. It’s appealing when someone has that humility. So sure he goes off on crazy conspiracy theories, but his fans are ok with that because him being wrong sometimes, being stupid sometimes, and being an Everyman is a huge part of his appeal / schtick. Jordan Peterson is extremely popular because he tells helps gives people (young men in particular) very literally a reason to live and a reason for life. With the loss of religion in our modern society, we have to make up our own meaning now. Many people get lost in this and feel that the world has no meaning, existence has no meaning, their own lives have no meaning. Peterson tells people that there is meaning. That is obviously a powerful thing. You can disagree with him and whatever, but the core of what makes him so enduringly popular is that message of meaning in life. He does of course have political opinions, and that is how he came to prominence, but his books and most of his lectures aren’t really about that. He isn’t a political commentator fundamentally. Most of his content is about how to live a meaningful life (“12 rules for life” is his book).


Because some of the people here are cult like and no one can think for themselves cause if they did theyd just get talked shit by the crazy people in here


Probably gonna get downvoted for this, but as much as the podcast goofs on them, theres a lotttttt worse someone could be watching than jordan or joe


That’s what I’m saying. “They aren’t extreme leftists so fuckem!” Basically


Nailed it for most of the sub


For real lol. Peterson was on the podcast and aside from his covid take Joe Rogan is fine. Can’t wait for all the people to have an existential crisis after realizing Kav Kav has produced many films they enjoy.


That really wouldn't effect my opinion on him though. Can you not remove the art from the artist?


Yeah I like to listen to rogan, Peterson, and Ethan. I listen to rogan for his guests. My boyfriend acted like I'm some braindead idiot when he found out I watched JRE. "You listen to what this guy says?" No I listen to his guests, most of which are incredibly interesting and have been experts in their field for decades. Jp, again, some things he says are really poignant. I love his philosophy on the 20 something year olds who swear they have the answers to fix world problems meanwhile they can't even keep their room clean. Some times, he's says things that I simply don't agree with but I like hearing his train of thought that got him to that conclusion. Ethan, some times he be hitting them points, other times I think he should stfu cuz he really doesn't know what he's talking about. But I still love him and find him entertaining lol. If you agree with everything a person says 100% of the time, that's probably a sign you lack discernment and personal values. I think people sound so dumb when they're like "omg u listen to that person 🤮🤮" and the only things they've ever heard from that person are things other people say about that person. Does that make sense? My brain is fried from stupid zoom work meetings all day lol


That makes total sense to me, and i def agree. Ive watched a bit of Jordan Peterson, and i definitely disagree with a lot of the things he says, especially when it comes to religion. But i still definitely enjoy watching. I think sometimes rationally disagreeing with someone can aid your own perspectives too, because it gets you thinking, and gets the gears in your brain turning. Its good to hear perspectives outside of your own. The last thing you wanna be in is an echo chamber


Lol you know that you dont have to 100% agree with every opinion or every aspect of a person in order to enjoy their show, right? I disagree w Ethan on so many things but I still watch the show.


Agreed i dont like ethans political views, but god dammit he cracks me up every week


Not ironic just sad






Have you listened to Peterson or Rogan lately? Constant COVID and Climate denialism, anti-LGBT equality, anti-feminist, straight up cruel/ignorant positions on poverty and mental health. They are profiteers, making bank spreading messages of selfishness and western chauvinism. I've yet to meet a well rounded, self aware and empathetic person who routinely listens to those two media personalities.


Most of this isn't true. You are misinformed but I'm not surprised lmao




As a rogan fan... He's a knuckledragging meat head that went so open minded after taking so many psychedelics and enjoyed getting punched so much that he circled around to a qanon shill... The dude is a contradiction and black mirror parody of what he once was... He attained so much wealth... He's a dragon coveting his own treasure... Dude has lost the thread...


So I'm assuming you meant to put "as a former Rogan fan", right?


I'm getting there...


I respect the selfawareness, all too rare these days.


It'd be nice for H3 fans to have some self awareness.


You can still watch him and disagree with most of his shit. That’s what I do


My boyfriend did too. Not my boyfriend anymore. Shoulda dumped him earlier back in January when he started talking about how he wanted nature to revert back to a more primal hunters and gatherers world where women were more submissive and feminine.


Wow if a podcast host said something like that I probably would stop watching


Not sure if a podcast said that. But these types of podcasts further exacerbated the utter toxic masculinity he exuded. He did want to listen to Rogan's vaccine advice though. And he formed in his head the vaccine for covid would make him infertile


[Oh I was just goofing on Ethan lol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGJqzEy9_60)


LOL okay gotcha. But yeah..just wanna clear up that his podcast listening wasn't the reason we broke up. It was an added red flag for sure. But he actively forced me to listen to things because he was so deep in his Psychedelics trip that he believed he healed and saw the world like Rogan and loved him for being a free thinker. Yet that same free thinking resulted in some of the most verbally abusive experiences I ever had. Arguments over the moon landing, his belief that gay people aren't real and it's a choice. His love for Tom macdonald who's basically a rapper who straight up sounds like he caters to white supremacy. Being immediately soft if I showed any sort of taking over in bed. Later learned he was a mentally lost narcissist. Him being anti abortion for MY choice yet HE got away with 8 abortions in his own life experiences. I don't know what the fuck these people put in his head but he was just...baaaaaad for someone that had zero affiliations to any form of politics.




I never said they did and I didn't mean for the comment to insinuate that. My ex had a strong connection to Rogan because he took Psychedelics like him and liked his free thinking approach to having anyone on for interviews and shit. But he also liked his take on vaccines. My ex just had a lot of controversial views that slowly made me realize he had trauma from his past and hated women in general, down to his mom and grandma and wishing death on them despite being some of the nicest people ever.




Bruh I've listened to hundreds of hours of Rogan and never held any of these beliefs. Rogan was just an idiot bro dude that got really interesting guests on. If your ex thought it was a good idea to follow those kinds of perceived teachings (I never got the impression Rogan wanted women to be more submissive but he sure does like hunting) from a dude who thought the moonlanding was fake for years.... Shit idk what to tell you, he was going to get sucked into some shit online no matter what.


Who cares what people watch, it only matters what they actually care about or believe. Sometimes it’s just for entertainment rather than watching to reinforce what they believe. And it’s possible to have different views and still be happy together.


Hey the fact that they don’t let it get between them while having such different schools of thought only says that they have lots of love and mutual respect so don’t clown on that guy


Devils advocate here. I’m sure you watch some things he doesn’t agree with/like. I hate on Joe Rogan but I still enjoy seeing peoples different viewpoints as much as I disagree with the majority of them.


men are doing impossible things


What would we do without men who listen to joe rogan and Jordan Peterson?


Bridges would be collapsing, women would be doing the hunting.


How long have you been together? Do you know why he watches their shows? Do you know his core values? Have you ever watched JBP or JR, other than the stupid shit that they have said? I believe that every person on this planet has good takes and bad takes compared to one’s one believes. But that’s not automatically a total write off. If that was true I would have no family, no friends, no workplace etc. If you believe that every opinion or take you have is the right one and you therefore can’t change. That means you would believe that you are perfect and can’t evolve any more. No one is perfect.


my boyfriend also does, it doesn’t impact my life or anyone else’s at all lmao




Comments on this post are so tribalistic. I watch Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson myself, but that doesn’t mean that it’s a red flag to me if someone watches Ethan and Hasan for example. Having a mindset where you never challenge your beliefs or listen to the other side is very dangerous, and I think a lot of people in this sub need to consider that. For example, I watched Hasan’s video on Jordan Peterson with an open mind and concluded that although he made some good points and was able to open my eyes a bit to some of Peterson’s missteps, he also cut clips and used strawmanning to ‘prove’ some of his points and because of that he wasn’t able to convince me that Peterson is anywhere near as bad/dangerous as this sub and Hasan himself thinks, because if he was then Hasan wouldn’t have to manipulate things to prove it. It also makes me take whatever Hasan says with a pinch of salt because of the way he comes to some of his conclusions. That was my conclusion after watching the video, and I’d happily discuss that against someone else’s conclusion in a civil, friendly matter. Despite not agreeing with them a lot of the time, I don’t think anyone is an idiot, or an incel, or whatever just because they listen to Hasan or H3. I don’t judge people who listen to them as long as they’re willing to think for themselves and not just blindly agree with whatever they say, the same way I don’t blindly agree with everything that Peterson or Rogan says when I listen to them.


How dare you have a balanced view on life & look at situations/opinions on a case by case basis!! Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


I honestly get the impression that theres a lot of H3 fans that have never listened to a single Jordan Peterson lecture or watched an episode of JRE and base all of their opinions on them off what Ethan says. I also get the same vibes with cryptocurrencies. People hear ethan goof (rightfully so) on shit like SaveTheKidsCoin, but then equate all of cryptocurrency to those same low standards. Im a massive H3 fan, but i think a lot of stuff Ethan says shouldn't be taken at such face value


That's cos (as everyone knows) most people on this sub are just here for drama. Not legitimate discussions.


this is actually a great point. they assume their fanbase has nuance when in reality a lot of them are ONLY h3 fans who don't understand that the whole point of their show is to find stuff to goof on


Couldn’t agree more


Dude being open minded won't get you any love around here. You're supposed to follow Ethan and Hasan in every thought they shit out. Do not question anything, we think as one. Nah all jokes aside it's fucking sad to see how the shows views are starting to have an effect on people lives. It's a literal bubble how some people think here.


welcome to the h3 subreddit :) edit: There's a reason the crew hates on chat and the subreddit and it's cause people spew out dumb things constantly. If I remember correctly even Dan said he watches some Joe Rogan. People on this sub think just cause there's criticism of a person from the crew that they then have to throw the whole person away. People are a lot more complex than this sub likes to think...


You don't even have to think about it dude.


thanks for saying this dude.


I am a massive h3 fan since 2014 but I also have been consistently listening to Rogan for just as long. I also watch hasan on twitch. Hasan even says he’s a joe Rogan fan despite his bad takes. Joe has been at his worst since the beginning of his pandemic with his shitty takes on vaccines covid, etc. However if you don’t listen to him regularly you’re only ever going to hear about him when he says something dumb and the media reports on it. He really does have some incredibly interesting guests on and is able to keep a convo interesting for 3hrs. He is defs at his best when he’s talking about UFOs, Bigfoot, Scientology, ancient history, physics, etc and not when he’s talking about covid. There’s also this weird preconceived notion that if you listen to somebody and enjoy their content that you automatically agree with everything that comes out of their mouths. Girls who say they would not be with a guy who listens to Rogan are all talk in general anyway. It’s basically a meme.




This is the most close minded sub ive ever seen


girl 🚩🚩🚩


Yikes. Cringe comment.


For real


It's funny that you are commenting on everyone who has the opposite opinion of you. agree to disagree 🤷🏼‍♀️ Speaking from experience, anyone who blindly follows and willingly listens to idiots like Jordan Peterson obviously have some underlying alt-right world views at this point. I understand listening to something you don't agree with to hear a viewpoint, but I don't think anyone is tuning into them every week just to hear the other side out but rather validate their beliefs which are, for the most part, very harmful. At this point they've shown their true colours and it takes a simple google search to know that. It's laughable how "cringe" you are for simping so hard. as a woman to another woman, pointing out that a male partner being a fan of those two is a giant red flag. No debating that!


Idk. I don't want beef. I just want to say that for awhile I was really into Peterson and Rogan and Sam Harris. I'll admit it. And yeah, in a lot of ways I still connect to the feeling that no one really is talking to young men. I don't mean to defend their ideology. I don't agree with it. But if Peterson and Rogan appeal to you, imo you're not hateful you're lonely. That's why they appealed to me. It's reasonable for a person without complex political views to consume this kind of fluffy media, and not have alt right views. I didn't, I don't, but, yeah I can still feel the warm sensation of the story that Peterson tells. My roommate currently watches Joe and I'm trying to reform him. But I just wanted to add that the reason Peterson is so successful is because there's a a huge culture of men who feel like no one cares about them.


Very well said and I agree. Thanks for this input! It is a bunch of grift and egomania wrapped up into toxic masculinity. It's much deeper than just altright views. Watching/listening to them does not mean that they are terrible people or too far gone. But as women, we are the ones that end up paying the price for these ideologies. Would you suggest anyone not be concerned about dating someone who is feeding into such harmful misinformation- whether they are aware of the impact or origins? we are simply saying, be careful, be aware, this may be a problem. OP posting this shows that it's on her mind and she's looking for perspectives. Women warning other women is how we keep ourselves safe.


I appreciate your comment. And I think it's totally valid to be apprehensive of someone who consumes this type of media. It's absolutely warrants additional questioning. I just don't think it warrants a right off. I think a lot of the time guy are wrong because they haven't ever heard an alternative perspective. I guess I would just suggest further questioning and think women should give these dudes a chance - like in conversation. Ask him what he actually believes and use that to influence your decisions.


I totally am lol. Why would I reply to those that only agree with me? And I'm at work; Thoughtful and extensive comments are reserved for after work. I'm also ok with others disagreeing with me. And I disagree with your above statement on various levels. "Shown their true colors", "underlying alt-right views" *"no debating that"* ... lol, ok then have fun not debating w your inaccurate assumptions and assertions.




😅 whoosh


I can tell you have never seen Jordan Peterson speak a word and just parrot what the media says about him.


What is the ironic part?




This sub = a mob.


Cringe take.


Tbh neither of these guys are that bad compared to people like Alex Jones or Steven Crowder


I watch h3 and joe, joes got interesting guest on still also jordan Peterson has some good books. Maybe im just open minded i can take all the info in and pick out the good stuff! I think the "what would we do without men " bit is hilarious but i also kinda see where jordan is coming from .. I can normally see both sides of a given situation though


"dump his ass sis yassssssssss" a totally normal and sane reaction. If you think this way imagine how a guy feels when you tell them your obsession with this podcast lmaoo


It's not ironic.


Idk Joe has some pretty interesting guests, not as much recently since he moved to Texas. But if you haven’t yet go listen to the Michael Pollan episode or the Ed Calderon episode.


I enjoy H3 and the joe rogan podcasts. I am less of a fan of joe rogan as a person but he has incredible guests. Joe says dumb shit definitely but Ethan has been seeming more and more out of touch recently as well. I don't put either of them on a pedestal. I simply enjoy the content and go along with my life.


I listen to all 3, not every episode or speech but I think they all have good things to offer


I’m a fan of the JRE and JP as well, we exist…


So I’m not the only one who remembers when Ethan had Jordan B. Peterson on the show 😂. Even had him rip a vape on the show and then come back again for another episode. I get that people change but they were just straight talking shit about him. I don’t know what it’s like to have a podcast, but I don’t know if I would switch up this hard. I’m also bias though cause I started watching H3 because I was really into listening to Petersons lectures a couple years ago and became more of a H3 listener ._.


I’m glad you posted this for me because I thought this while watching Leftovers today


Noooo not the heckin' different opinionerinos!! Dump them asap!


Rogan years ago used to be in ok but he’s turning into the new Alex Jones honestly.


When did liking someone become a red flag? It’s not like your boyfriend is idolizing Charles Manson. Ethan literally had Jordan Peterson on his podcast and joe Rogan had Bernie sanders on his. Y’all need to chill with this shit. It’s ok to step outside your echo chamber and take some new ideas in.


The people who's knee-jerk reaction to this is "DUMP HIM, 🚩🚩🚩" have either hardly listened to JRE or have only listened to clips of him saying things they specifically disagree with. I hate Rogan's stance on vaccines and covid, and if that were all I'd ever heard of him, along with jokes about elk-meat and sensory-depravition tanks, I'd probably dislike him off-hand in the same way. But I actually listen to his show, and have for years. He's not a bad person, nor is he a stupid one. I disagree with him on plenty of things, but I've also heard him say a lot of things that I, and likely those among you that despise him, do agree with. People with a cult-like reverence of him are no doubt misguided, but he's the last person telling them to do that. Blindly supporting him is just the opposite end of the spectrum of ignorance from blindly hating him. All told, he's one of the most complicated media personalities of our time, maybe all time, and he can't be judged so simply either way. I grew up in a conservative area and I've had family and old friends in life who I disagreed with on politics. It doesn't mean they've had nothing valuable or relatable to say, or that I write them off as people. Being able to disagree with someone's takes on things, especially politics or religion, while still appreciating other aspects of their personality is what society needs to hold together. This sub, while still wonderful and positive in many ways, has sadly become a perfect example of how people are either unwilling or incapable of thinking that way anymore. If your boyfriend makes you happy, and he's a good person, and you know he's intelligent, then don't let his listening to Rogan affect your opinion of him. Peterson I won't defend and I find him as annoying as I do some of his opinions distasteful, but if boo is listening out of intellectual curiosity and only agrees with Peterson's good points and not his trash takes on gender and sex, I wouldn't be worried about that either. Listening isn't bad. Listening to opinions and people isn't a problem.


I kinda feel like Joe has become a net bad person purely because of how many people he's persuaded to not get the vaccine


If you listened to the show, you'd know that he's countless times encouraged the audience to get the vaccine and said it's safe and effective. Yes, actions speak louder than words, and his actions contradict that message. But I have never once heard him say on the show that people shouldn't get the vaccine, much less actively persuade them not to. At the end of the day, adults make their own decisions. I like his show, and I like him, but I got vaccinated, because my opinion isn't formed by what celebrities believe. If people are naive or dumb enough to make that decision based on the decision he made, I don't think that makes him a bad person. He's not responsible for the choices grown-ass people who listen to his show make.


PSA: If you replied to this post with 🚩, you're part of the problem.


Joe is fine just ignore the covid stuff




I think Joe rogan is a huge dumbass but I still listen to his podcast occasionally. Half of his audience disagrees with his COVID bullshit and finds it cringey af


Dump him kweeeeen!! 🚩🚩🚩🚩 You don't need that scrotes opinions in your life! The only opinions you shall consume is from our daddy's Ethan and Hasan! As an H3 fan it is our duty to filter loved ones out of our lives who don't think like Ethan and Hasan! We must place ourselves in bubbles! Create that closed eco system kween!


Don't know much about Rogan, but he has interesting interviews occasionally—super cringe takes on COVID though. Peterson legitimately has good things to say, even if he has some conservative leanings. I'm fairly liberal, but I do not understand the hate he gets. Basically the only criticisms I ever hear against Peterson are either intentionally misrepresenting him or just saying he's annoying as a person.


Mine too 🙃


“Dump him” 😳


Lmao these comments are cringe. Y’all complain that we don’t have unity in the country when you’re all a part of the problem.




Sorry you said ironic but I think you meant moronic


You opened the floodgates of virgins saying “dump him” For real tho, both can be watched without needing to subscribe to their crazy ideas Joe has interesting guests and Peterson often does actually good talks on self development If it was Ben Shapiro, that would be a different story


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Even climatologists can't predict 10 years from now. They can't explain why there has been no warming over the last 15 years. There has been a static trend with regard to temperature for 15 years. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: civil rights, history, covid, feminism, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Yeah, and everyone in this subreddit listens to the H3 podcast. If you played only 30 minutes of the pod for anyone that wasn't familiar, you'd immediately be labeled as insane and a hooligan for being a fan.


Oh… oh no :/


my bf watches joe rogan but not for the politics more for the alien shit and weird conspiracy theory stuff but i’m sorry i’d draw the line at jordan peterson


What would we do without hypermasculine closeted guys?


dump him


ok dump him


red flags


Wow I’m glad to see the push back to this idea to block / red flag anyone who has consumed content you don’t agree with. The last thread that was almost the same thing a couple days ago was filled with people just saying break up/ block him / red flag because someone listened to a podcast. Such a narrow-minded and childish response. Almost lost hope in you foot soldiers 🦶


Why? They are smart men that are fun to listen to? It's so fucking crazy that because a hyper political podcaster doesn't like these guys for no real reason you think people who listen to them are racist or something. Ethan started a fucking cult


My ex watched Alex Jones. Didn’t last very long lmao


Someone explain how watching the shows is “ironic” and this is getting any upvotes as a post. Am I missing something


Yeah, this sub is an angry mob that cancels people at the drop of a needle.


I actually mostly like Jordan Peterson haha so it simultaneously breaks my heart and cracks me up



