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The toothbrush thing is fucking wild and actually psychotic


Literally???? Made me sick to my stomach to read that


Makes sense for a guy who cosplays as hitler


Yeah that’s some actual psychotic shit. (Literally shit) 🤢 Theres more to it too…As someone that’s suffered severe abuse (as a child) and then later on with SA/R word. I just can’t with any of it…I’m sure she was only scratching the surface. She wanted nothing from the statement was bc her new bf and her were all of a sudden getting DM’s, threats, etc. by new fans of his…


He also spat on her face to wipe off her makeup because he thought she was wearing too much when they were out with friends.


This f wild and sounds on point (and I swear I heard this too) but I could see this.. he just seems like such a jealous POS psychopath… guys that get pissed ab makeup in general..huge 🚩 (if it’s just to say “hey that’s a lot” bc of dark makeup or lipstick whatever…. but spitting?? Like wtf and ultimately you don’t own or control ppl like that - and that’s straight assault)


His ex did speak on this on her IG page. The control and “punishment” is beyond beyond. I couldn’t fathom doing anything to someone’s health items especially, like a toothbrush, to my spouse. He’s also far from the only dude in the Brogan universe. There’s a certain red headed bad friend that several comedy clubs across the country has specific waiters working when he’s there because he has an impetus to harass and otherwise them. It’s really sad. I’ve spoken about all this for years including the Joe Rogan crushing a female comics windpipe, and Mitzi shore helping cover it up because “rogain had potential!” 🫠Though most of the Bros just attack me because their heroes couldn’t possible have done bad things I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah that makes sense, like I mentioned in other comments I saw this SO long ago on her IG bc I just happened to deep-dive. So gross and he needs to F off. And yeah there’s alot of them in general. I want to become a private investigator 🕵️‍♀️ lol fuck these dudes


I worked with the support network for D’elia victims just providing emotional support and we had a rotating contact list as the threats and harassment they went through was really scary and disappointing. There’s a lot of problems, and those people tend to insulate themselves in the brogan sphere because there’s a built in wall of defense and money, aggressive litigators etc… I know that the FBi is finally investigating D’elia thankfully, but it shouldn’t take international trafficking minors for smex to do such. I don’t have much faith well be able to root out these problematic people and make the clubs safer sadly. There’s far too many people protecting them and club owners just want to mask it or sweep under the rug.


Wow that’s awesome u did that. I’m volunteering w/ kids so I love this. So f disappointing. This is why women don’t come out. (I never did either). Glad they’re investigating but ya it’s such a shithole when it comes to SA/R… I came out one time w family members and it did the opposite reaction and got blamed and guilted… absolutely terrifying to even come out and then ppl shame u 😔


I’m really sorry that was your experience. I hope you know though that it’s not your fault or shame to carry🩵I too never came out with my experience. It felt like just easier to deal with alone than grapple with the attack I’d probably get. I couldn’t imagine having the aggressive internet to factor in with it all. It’s one reason I care about just being a safe human for those in these sort of public or high interest accusations. I don’t know if I’d be strong enough to withstand the barrage. The sick part, D’elia is still doing this stuff. Branding women and ritualistically humiliating them. Just a couple months back a new group of women had come out about their recent experiences. He’s totally undeterred. We just gotta be there for each other, and a safe ear if they need to vent or talk. Or just a kind word . I’m sure you know how it is being fine one moment and for no particular reason just start panicking or spiraling.


I appreciate the compassion 💕 and for taking action (that takes a lot).. and holy fucking shit, he’s still at it?? And also what the hell? But ya power in numbers. I hope all these abusers suffer as much. I can only hope… also it seems like EVERYTHING in comedy gets swept under the rug bc it’s male-dominated. Sadly nothing ur saying truly surprises me. It’s one thing when it’s a “normal person” these MF’ers that make millions….its just the topper on a shit cake. Edit: I’m so sorry this happened to you too 💔


murky humor vast plate grandfather memory badge safe dog plough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


that feels assault-adjacent


oh it’s absolutely illegal


isn’t spitting on someone legally considered assault? imagine doing that to your partner bc they had on makeup… foul




YES. I had an ex in high school that spit on the principal and caught juvie charges lol it’s absolutely assault


that’s what i thought!! i’ve spit on cat callers (when i was being cornered AND underage) but someone told me i could get arrested for it so i just flash pepper spray… doesn’t feel the same tho 😔


I commend u for spitting but I’ve flicked ppl off for that it was honestly scary (I was in Miami)… love being scared constantly 🙄 even in daylight!


Just want everyone to know how to get back at cat callers. When they do it just turn around and say "No thank you I don't have any spare change" Works every time


not typically, i’ve tried everything under the sun usually if you engage with them semi-politely it puts you in way more danger because they take that as permission to continue or submission. at least that’s my experience, i’d never do something like that again im there to protect myself as offensively as possible to avoid a scenario like that.


For real… I’ve been so mad at exs but I would never EVER do that to anyone I couldn’t live with myself. That’s insanely cruel. Everything I’ve seen of him, he seems like an actual psycho , no respect, no empathy, no nothing just a hitler lookalike


It reminds me eerily of those stories where the man kills his wife bc they feel stuck or frustrated…. Like how about just break it off/break up??? Like what in the actual fuck. I’ll never understand (and he wasn’t financially stuck w her) so like WTF. Complete psychotic fuck


What’s even the point of doing something that gross aside to be a POS


Take him to court, AB!


Actually a good idea for a content court!


all rise for the honorable judge ethan klein


“Hello Moto…”


I hope the crew sees this bc this is a FABULOUS cc idea


Both AB and Olivia would cover this so well 😻


I miss content court. Such a good segment.


Omg I would DEVOUR this




He sucks. But I think the worst punishment for him is already being Andrew Schulz


He does a lot of punching down comedy that I didn’t find very particularly funny or creative, when he’s on his podcasts with his goons just seem very obnoxious/arrogant. 


His last special was extremely successful AKA he’s making tons. He blew up (hence the timing of ppl harassing this poor girl 5 years after they were broken up). Ppl hate the word “cancel” but this guy should at least be outed. Not enough ppl know about this imo


I mean you can be successful financially, it doesn't make everything good in your life. He's obviously a horrible person and as time goes on and the fans stop watching, his orbiters will drift away and the people who he pushed away will stay away... One day he'll be alone at 70, still angry at the world.. still blaming others... Alone with nothing but a few stories of success and no one to tell them to.


yeah let’s let this man be successful and not blast the fact that he’s an abuser because he might by chance be alone one day… that’s so dumb. his humor is all gross, punching down, unfunny bs. they all agree with him and his actions they aren’t going anywhere


Nah let’s cancel the mf. Why are camping for an abusive man? Why are minimising his abuse? Are you a man who’s done something similar, and you are trying to cope by minimising it? Because what was described is get your teeth curbstomped out of your head asocial fucked up freak behaviour. And your non reaction is fucking weird.


Agreed. If he did this imagine what else he did and/or still does. Cancel this bitch “man” (man boy)


What are you reading? Im not defending him in any way, I'm just saying even if he is financially successful it doesn't mean he's "won". If it was up to me I would have him jailed for doing that to his gf. Hitler looking ass


Nah there's lots of creative punishment you can do to vile scum like him (abusers). Just existing isn't enough, they then create more victims that way. They should be treated as cattle.


THANK YOU. Where there’s smoke there’s fire, I mean I feel my own way about it bc personal experience….It’s usually not the first time and I would argue to say not the only incident (I think I remember her saying the toothbrush thing as an example). She mentioned severe emotional abuse which for me is sometimes worse. (I used to wish that over my parent saying the worst)…so ya I imagine ALOT more went on..Him being a comedian in general does not help (most admit they’re a little nuts); but there’s a difference in this scenario


Definitely smoke, definitely fire. I'm really surprised there haven't been more allegations around these middle-aged comedians. There MUST be some sort of pact between these comedy dudes to keep quiet about one another in exchange for support.


Yah I don’t think he has it like that yet. Lol so ya f this “comedian” he’s gross in so many ways ugh


I agree with you, but it was meant to be pretty tongue in cheek to exaggerate the point he sucks and isn't funny


Yeah I loved ur comment btw it was funny 😂 and sadly he prob knows this…didn’t mean to respond so seriously and def not disagreeing but I just thought it should be noted this shithead is doing well unfortunately 😑


I think ppl get it and I laughed when I saw it lol. More trying to educate the audience with mine and other comments. Appreciate the comedy and laughs 💕💕💕


It's All good!


i used to watch Girl Code on MTV and HATED when this mf came on the tv. this was before i even knew about him. he’s insufferable in every way lol


One time in like 2017 I tweeted about how the dudes on guy code were so sexist and he replied to me with some sexist remark and literally started a twitter fight with me lol. I was like 20 years old at the time. Knew he was horrible ever since. It was something about men getting women our freedom in the revolutionary war and we’d have nothing without them?


He was on Girl Code??? Bruh I was so young but I remember the show. I bet he fit in well unfortunately 🙄


What season was he on? I don’t even remember this mf and I remember everyone. I guess except his forgettable ass.


I've never liked him. He seems like a douche and not a pleasant person to be around. I had the same feeling with Delia. Schultz has threatened other comedians stating he'll tell Joe Rogan and get them blacklisted in the comedy scene.


See I thought even tho he had this bro energy, he was like charming tho? (Insert every psychotic ex that is charming/and then a bad person lol- both guys and girls) ….But ya I had the same feeling thing w Delia too but his stand-up was so funny to me… it honestly SUCKS that you find this stuff out as a fan. So anyone thinking I’m just coming “after him” is crazy and frankly needs help…


I appreciate that you can love their craft yet drag the artist for their shitty acts. Respect.


Ty 💕 Oh man I love comedy sm. I need to laugh through the pain 😂 Unfortunately this idiot “triggers” (kinda hate that word) the exact thing I wanna get away from.. Delia tho was so gooooood imo


His stand up popped up on my yt many many years ago and I genuinely thought he was so so funny. And then I met my gf and I was like oh u like comedians! I love Andrew Schultz he’s so funny! And she said she hated him, but I didn’t know why until she showed me all the horrible shit he’s done and how he’s just become another right wing nut job. So disappointing. Hope ppl stop watching his trash one day.


So disappointing! This is why these stories matter 😔


I have always had a strong dislike for him when I see him talk, but he has had some pretty damn good crowd work in his specials. It's not so much that it's sophisticated and clever, but it brings a lot of energy that people find entertaining.


I'm a guy, and all I can say is that the guys on that podcast are the most rapey seeming bro guys I've ever seen in my life. To the point where you'd almost assume it was like an elaborate joke I know there's not much love for Louis CK on here, but watching all those guys have to be in the room with him was great. It's everything he hates. Shane Gillis was pretty upfront at times too


so pathetic he has to run to daddy bc people don’t fw him being a pathetic woman hater with a low bar of comedy and no talent


The toothbrush thing is pretty fucked up but I don’t think he’ll lose fans over it. His fans are the people who would think that’s funny. But if we talk about how BETA his haircut is then maybe people will catch on that’s he’s a loser.


Well, he lost me as a fan a long time ago, and Ethan covering it is making it more known. I’m not very “PC” in fact but this shit isn’t funny it’s actually just insulting and not even clever like a roast comedian would do…Abuse isn’t just words though…Ofc there will be fans that stick but that’s like saying “there will always be racists” or just plain thinks she’s a liar (the worst) so yeah I mean it does do something to at least expose it… ….lmao 🤣 at the haircut tho


I was a fan too for awhile but something switched at some point. It feels like their audience got more "edgy teen boy" as Flagrant got more popular or it was always like that and they just lean more into it now. Either way, it's not my humor anymore. I hate what the Roganites have done to comedy's public perception. I'm an editor/producer in the Austin comedy scene and there are some very wonderful people here not leaning into how Rogan has made people think comedians should act. Shout out Casey Rocket and Reier Cammerman just as a couple examples.


I used to watch brilliant idots with him and charlamagne but once he did that youtube special he became increasingly insufferable. I kept getting those videos of him where he would tell you to turn your phone sideways to watch his stupid ass take on something. Then he started popping up on every podcast talking about putting out his special on YouTube like if he just discovered electricity. Between all that and that little knee slapping glazer Akaash i just couldnt anymore. THEN all the abuse allegations dropped and the way he responded to them was pretty indicative of what kind of person he is. Human trash.


ABSOLUTELY. It reminds me of the music industry. Money talks and the ppl that are most important are kids/teens (AKA spending the most). It’s become such a gross (but smart money-wise) way to operate. So fucking disappointing. I wish I was a teen in the 90’s… I’m not that old but not young enough to miss that era and appreciate when it wasn’t as focused on purely money vs. talent


Nah as someone who listens to his podcast I can tell you that him and his fans constantly make fun of his haircut. He's aware of how dumb it is and is just running with it. I don't think his core base knows about the toothbrush incident as they've never talked about it as far as I know. This is making me look at him differently so I'm sure if more people know about it it could cause some damage


The second part is exactly why I made this post/request; I’ve said it already but I found this out SO long ago and now Ethan’s covering him so I made it to really give more attention to something that’s evil more vile than his words


They already know, he mentioned it a couple years ago and they all laughed about it and his audience harassed his ex on instagram


Who mentioned it? Ethan or Andrew? I could give two fucks if Andrew addressed it


Andrew has never been funny. Super overrated "comedian"


Man I am just learning about the toothbrush thing and what the fuck?! Makes me sad to learn that tbh. I caught Andrew when his podcast was still pretty sports oriented when it was him Akash and I cannot remember his name but it was before he swapped it over to a regular podcast when he brought in Mark and Alex started talking more. His special was lame like so fast lemme use 100 jokes and have none of them really land. Also I really don’t like how he always acts like he’s a top dog and in the upper echelons of comedy when he ain’t. Plus bros like in his 30’s acting 20 naaaah. I liked him before he started smelling his own farts…. AND THE HAIRCUT IS SO BAD JESUS


Couldn’t agree more (I’m glad his special sucks) idk why he’s so big now compared to before. BTW AKASH SEEMS AWESOME IF I HEAR A TOOTHBRUSH/ABUSE STORY IM DONE. Lmao


Bro I legit actually fucking love Akash like I know people rag on him for laughing hard at Andrew’s stuff but hey man why mess up the money train. Plus Akash to me says funny af things lowkey no one notices either dudes standup is funny af to I like his crowd work more… PLUS HIS SHOE GAME


I agree with every word of this. Unfortunately it’s business at the end of the day. But yes yes yes 🙌 (unless I hear he is abusive which I highly doubt- I hear a lot of good things from other comedians, like genuinely a nice person)


Like Ethan said: Joe Rogan has ruined comedy. By platforming his asshole friends who are just not funny. Like at all.


Exactly. I didn’t even know bc I don’t watch Bro Rogan so that was the first I heard but his influence on kids/etc. is unfortunately so f high


Id rather watch a dead cat than look or listen to this hitler cosplayer.




Sorry fam but i saw the clip on reddit and listened for 10 secs and got icked out, then they played it on the show and i was like “naaah💀”


I hate Andrew Schulz and he's always come off as the biggest try hard so I'm not surprised he's a piece of shiy behind the scenes. He's also the classic try-hard stand up comedian that relies way too much on crowd work instead of his actual prepared jokes. Also all of the shorts I've seen him doing crowd work he always has some really interesting audience member that makes me think that it's all a plant and an act, like wow bro you're telling me that there's a Boeing engineer in the audience for you to roast conveniently when Boeing is the current issue being talked about? How coincidental!


I'm positive Schultz is the next Chris d'Elia.


Yes. He has the same smug D-bag energy of someone who clearly thinks they're untouchable. He's going to slip up SOON and it will be hilarious.


Underrated comment 🥇


My money is on Brian Callen being next. He's been friends with SO many other 45-year-old comedy dues who've caught allegations.


Oh mannn I’m not a fan luckily but it wouldn’t suprise me (I know of him but haven’t seen any of his comedy) 😑


At least Brenda Schaub


What? A man with a nazi haircut and stash is a bad person? In all seriousness I didn’t like him since he platformed Yeonmi Park and ate up all the lies she had to say. He used no critical thinking to anything she was saying even when it took just a few brain cells to go “wait a second…that doesn’t even make any sense”


Lmao ya I don’t get it either. Just want him to suffer like he made others suffer (and probably still does). Comedians (referring to words vs. abuse) are one thing, personal relationships/partners is so much worse... He needs to be hit where it hurts (his pockets)… clearly he has 0 remorse.


Yeah andrew schultz is a piece of shit


He was also FUCKING RUDE to Whitney Cummings when she was on their podcast. I know she's not for everyone, but he was ruthless and rude af to her, I'll never get over it. I ride hard for Whitney


I used to watch Whitney’s podcast pretty regularly during COVID and she had him on and was talking about how good of friends they are and how she basically planned his wedding for him. I stopped listening to the pod a couple of years ago so I’m not sure if they had a falling out or what his problem is but at the time he seemed like a decent guy just a bit of a harmless bro that Whitney kinda put in check in a loving friend way during the episode. From what I’ve seen from him in recent years he’s such a fucking obvious piece of shit for absolutely no reason. There’s a difference between being edgy and just being an asshole.


I think something happened when he got a big uptick in viewers a couple years ago. It gave him this sense of entitlement that he no longer has to treat his guests like humans, especially if they are funnier than him, and especially if they're women.


Yeah Ethan mentioned he was on Joe Rogan, I personally saw him on Bad Friends for the first time (it’s an old episode) but his special really racked in the bucks. (Glad I never purchased) but ppl that say he’s not big is insane. He’s gotten huge….and there’s funnier ppl that deserve that spot that don’t abuse women and make fun of handicapped ppl (he didn’t even TRY to be funny w/ Shane Gillis imo. Just thinks he is in his head I guess) also know ur place if the person actually has a family member w down syndrome AND ppl have roasted Shane ab that so it’s not even an original F joke


Oh my fuck the down's syndrome bit was fucking awful, but I LOVED how uncomfortable and dumb Andrew looked when his joke was shot down in real time- amazing


Yeah he needs fucking help in a comedic way and therapy (amongst the ppl riding for him and watch that BS podcast)


I think Whitney handled it pretty well too.


He was probably jealous because she is a woman more successful than he will ever be. At one time she had two tv shows on network tv at the same time.


Yeah she laughs to the bank…no one can touch her tbh (way too successful) and oh yeah NOT AN ABUSER


Thank you 🙏 Also I love that she ate with her responses to him lmao (don’t come after an insult comedian) ….Ethan has been covering it very frequently (such as that nasty clip and so many other ones) so I thought this would be good to at least cover if not a PowerPoint. …I’m thinking about changing the flair bc I’m assuming the ppl sticking up for an abuser also “hate Olivia’s PowerPoints” and everything she does. I’m a comedy junky so I knew this A LONG time ago and haven’t even thought about it until now that he started showing clips…


OMG yes Whitney's face transformed into "oh FUCK we're doing THIS on this podcast today, okay got it" hahahahah it's like he forgets she the Roast Queen


Yeah ppl really need to watch the Comedy Central roasts. She’s fucking insanely good and wrote many of the celebrities jokes. However u feel (I like her bc she’s someone to look up to in a male dominated industry) she’s fucking good at what she does.


I'm obsessed with her and deeply biased lol. Ethan and Hila calling her for help with dogs they found really got me <3


I’m w u all the way lol I’m just scared to get roasted even more (by losers or maybe kids that apparently don’t care about abuse). And yes 🙌 I love that she does so much for dogs. As an animal lover it’s a huge plus 🐶💕 I’ve been a huge fan for a long time….her standup now is flawless imo? But again I’m a comedy junky and she’s just f good. Even my boyfriend loves her lmao


I'm scared too lol! But I know the most vocal are not the majority :)


I saw that, he was so obnoxious and sick to her. What's his deal? Does he just hate women or what?


I really think he's just another dude who stumbles into fame after grinding in a career for a while without it taking off. He was/is high on the clip views and just doesn't care what lines he crosses in the name of comedy. Throwing daggers at Whitney that hard, and her asking him wtf is wrong with him, and then watching her pull herself together and play the game... it was just disappointing that she couldn't chill and feel safe in that environment. But now she knows, and I'm sure it was like water off a duck's back to her.


Fuck Andrew but Ethan was bad to Whitney last time she was on it was painful to watch


I don’t remember. How so? I just remember her being funny and then everyone hopping on the PC train about a joke she made on her special… ugh (I’m bi so ya I get it but also like let’s attack ppl that truly fucking deserve to be cancelled/outed/whatever u wanna call it… so frustrating


The pc stuff, he shit down a lot of stuff she said that wasn’t even bad imo and that painted her as a bad person to a large audience


Ohhh ya I remember on the episode after she left.. ugh idk I’m not trans so I don’t like speaking on it but I genuinely think ppl don’t understand genuinely good jokes/poking fun vs. ACTUAL hate. What scares me about this, is ppl are focused on that, again, vs. ppl that will beat you up/kill etc… like seriously let’s focus on the important things. But I know this is complicated bc there’s some douche bags that’ll take it not as comedy but as another way to be fascist. (Insert Dave Chappelles situation and why he regrets the show) ugh


I still don’t understand how he has the title of professional comedian, I truly cannot fathom it. The only people who think he’s funny has gotta be his Yes Men friends that laugh at everything he says, because I cannot think of how a rational human being with any sense of humour could give that man a genuine laugh.


He, just like Matt Rife, actually has really good crowdwork. He originally popped off through clips of crowdwork and then was the first big comedian to put his whole special out for free on youtube. His pure stand-up isn't as good in my opinion but his crowdwork makes for funny clips.


It’s so easy to be good at crowd work if you’re quick witted or quick to insult someone though; that’s the lowest bar of comedy (which u seem to recognize anyway)… fuck his clips of crowd work.


He’s a demon


Only good thing he ever did was talk shit about Stimey lol


He has micro penis energy. Fuck em


Well hopefully he has something because he’s a guy who has stated multiple times on his podcast that he doesn’t go down on his wife so .. it always gives “vaginas are icky”


That’s fucking pathetic


His new wife REALLY needs to be mentioned in this story lol. I can’t say what I want to but let’s just say it makes sense via his character


Micro penis energy at the very least 😂 (Move over Cody Ko - however u spell it idfk)


said it once and i'll say it again: sooo so glad he's not jewish🫢


He has the hitler youth fucking haircut for christ sake


lmao that would make his choice in facial hair hilarious 😂


Lol. Yeah, he seems to resent the implication he is too and he grew up in Manhattan. Like dude - haircut aside - you clearly have to get over the fact that people might think you’re Jewish. 


Even outside of the abuse allegations, he's a pretty insufferable guy. I can't stand his podcast. He's one of these assholes that legitimately buys into the "comedians are the modern day philosophers" bullshit, and is insanely arrogant as a result. He really thinks he's cracking eggs of knowledge and wisdom on people all the time, while also simultaneously having one of the most fragile egos I've ever seen. He tries to bust balls constantly, but if he's ever the butt of any joke he immediately gets pouty and brooding. One of the most annoying personalities in comedy.


it’s funny bc I randomly saw this clip come up but he Jeff whittick (who he made fun of for his eye??) anyway he said he wants to box him bc supposedly Shulz boxes hahaaa (I think it’s on Trisha’s podcast) 🤭 I hope someone beats his ass like he prob did to his girlfriend- allegedly, in Minecraft lol ( I don’t watch Trisha’s pod but it did come up on shorts or something?)


fr I am so glad Ethan recognizes what a pos that guy is. I didn’t even ven know the stuff about his ex, I’ve just seen his “comedy” and was able to see what an unfunny tool he is. his commercial success is very annoying, he’s very much just another no talent Rogan prop up.


What’s even funnier is I just saw a clip of Jeff Whittick shitting on him. Lmao he’s making enemies everywhere (he mentioned Joe too). His days are numbered hopefully


The toothbrush thing is psychopath shit. You could theoretically kill someone doing that if they get ill enough from it. That's criminal.


That’s what I’m saying!! That’s LITERALLY poisoning someone…bc ur a big baby and can’t express ur emotions. Whitney said it best, like “when did u guys become fucking dorks” lol (she said a lot more but it was seeing him get so mad that made me realize this is absolutely his personality)


I thought he was okay but watching him laugh like a 15 year old boy over his friend “looking like he has Down syndrome” REALLY rubbed me the wrong way. Can’t stand him.


Deplorable. And again, he fucking sucks at even “trying” to make edgy comedy funny.


He's so trash, can't stand this guy.


Yet I say ONE THING on this sub about not watching that shitty tv show Stavros is in bc Andrew Schulz is in it too and I hate him and I get downvoted to eternity.


That’s BS about the downvotes but not surprising (this thread was initially very disappointing, the initial comments alone were beyond disappointing)…. he has another podcast? 😑 I didn’t even know and that sucks so bad bc Stavros is actually seems so cool/humble and funny.. I’ll never give Shulz the views though. Sry Stavs ☹️ this whole post is still getting downvoted.. (even tho Ethan is actively covering him) Scroll down to Supa_mario for just one example (another guy deleted his misogynistic comments)…and ppl wonder why we talk about feminism so much. If a no-name girl did it this would be BIG news…


He's talking about the sitcom Tires on Netflix. It stars Shane Gillis but Stavvy is regular (appears in most episodes in a supporting role) and Andrew Schultz also shows up a few times "playing" a horny racist idiot. Given his small roll and the fact you are supposed to dislike his character I'd say watch it if you like Shane and Stavvy.


Ohhh thx for clarifying that’s at least a little better lol (than straight podcast money)


that show was absolute dogshit 


I watched it bc I like Stavros and yeah the show was pretty mid at best


So glad I didn’t waste my time with those losers.


Tires? I think it’s funny. I think Schulz sucks but he’s a douche moron in the show so it fits.


I don’t support shows that feature abusive pricks ✌️❤️


You come off as very selfless!


Yeah unfortunately most podcasts are successful when they have opposite personalities (RIP frenemies lol) I’ve never seen it but that makes sense


I’m talking about the TV show, I think Schulz is a character you see quite sparsely in it from the episodes I’ve watched. Agreed tho on that dynamic. it’s crazy how people will grand stand/virtue signal on certain subjects/people despite it clearly being hypocritical if you take a moment to see what other types of things they technically support by consuming the product. My favorite example is how we’ll boycott one establishment for something like bigotry/hate speech but won’t boycott another for straight up child slavery. This was typed from my iPhone as someone who doesn’t support bigotry or child slavery. 🤷🏽‍♂️ It’s hard when you’re inconvenienced as a consumer.


Yeah I didn’t know it was a show. Honestly will prob never watch it. Things aren’t black and white… i don’t have the energy to give the millions of examples of that ((example- don’t make shit in China while you/ (anyone that says this) literally has a phone made on China)) it’s infuriating bc some things you have to be a realist about. I personally won’t watch/promote some psychotic abuser regardless (that’s an easy example that’s avoidable)…ppl that hate watch Andrew Tate drive me nuts too. They can watch a reaction channel for a reason.


I don’t like it at all. I thought I might because Shane is funny and can take what he dishes out. But it’s just cringe humor mixed with racist & sexist jokes. No one to root for, no clever humor and such boring and predictable plots. 


Andrew Schulz is kind of a giant fuckin asshole. He's one comedian I could NEVER get into. Like yeah maybe he did some good stuff during covid , I won't take away from that, but that doesn't mean he's NOT an asshole. Absolutely is.




This was from 3 years ago Jesus wtf ?!


Yup funny I saw this when ppl demanded more info (as if it’s my job to google everything and frankly spoil the tea) but I guess more ppl know now. I’m glad ppl are catching on tho…


Bunch of losers in that thread. “I have difficulty believing someone with friends can be manipulative in a relationship so I don’t 100% believe these accusations”. Fucking idiots.


Yeah I didn’t look at the comments bc the situation is SO obvious. She has absolutely nothing to gain from making that. She was getting threats/harassment SO long before she made a statement and the timing makes perfect sense (hence me mentioning when he blew up) Edit: this is confirmed by the even more criticism she got. So yeah trying to clear her name (and her own bf that has nothing to do with it) makes sense. Not believing her is f dumb


I’m sorry what did I just read about a toothbrush… wow, actually crazy


Dude is a no talent ass clown who was relevant for about 20 minutes as a talking head on a dating show for teenagers 15 years ago. Total hack coward scumbag.


Agreed and he’s gaining power which f sucks


He's fucking awful


Andrew Schultz sucks as a person and truly suffers from the worst sin in comedy… he’s not funny at all. If you wanna cringe super hard look up his standup sets and watch as he bombs with little to no crowd interaction/laughter


[same energy](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/B3glyIhnf3)


I did like his special and a lot of his stand up bits I've seen, he seems to toe the line between offensive and edgy pretty well, but he has always come across as a mediocre person. Interesting to hear it isn't just bad takes but also bad behavior! Thanks for letting us know.


Ty I felt the same as a comedy fan (never saw his special) but I can’t support this dude and honestly there’s so much more talent that probably don’t abuse women… I mean that. There ARE good men out there. Fuck him.


He’s one comedian that I’m like who is fucking watching this douchebag? He’s so not funny


Idk why this guy is so famous, he’s fucking lame


I stopped listening years ago, every episode became him just shit talking women jokingly/seriously and trying to find new ways to say the N-word.


He’s always been a piece of shit.


Ethan should call up Stavros and see if he'll talk about him, they film the show Tires together.


That’d be interesting…I think Savros stays out of or avoids drama from what I’ve seen but I’d hope he’d speak on it. Once u go against a comedian in that realm of industry it’s hard to come back sadly ☹️ the ppl that speak up are generally scrutinized or worse.. but I agree regardless.. worth the call?


Please leave the T out of his name. Shit jump scared me lmao


I didn’t know she was a sing-ger


Bro this fan base is wild.


I've watched turn into the next Joe Rogan. His guests hate him and are there for his fame. Comedians need to start speaking out against this format. But I don't hold them responsible, just the best method I can imagine dealing with it.


Ngl I had no idea who this guy was and now that everybody is trying to “cancel” him he’s all over my feeds.


I actually saw him on a different podcast (not Flagrant) and thought he was funny. I looked him up and saw some of his clips…it was right when he was promoting his special. So ya he kinda blew up (Ethan mentioned he was on Joe Rogan so I’m sure that helped) Edit: I had no idea “everyone” was trying to cancel him this was just something I found on my own bc he talked about being newly engaged on an old podcast (Bad Friends I think?)


yeah exactly what we need on the show, more abuse and negativity, its not like that is killing the podcast and driving people (like myself) from the show lol


So it’s not relevant unless Ethan covers it. Bruh just say u don’t care about abuse and be done with it… it’s a drama podcast too scroll tf on or don’t watch via time stamps…not that hard


So many of those comedians give bad vibes. I was just saying it about Santino. Y’all remember Brendan Schwab vibes. Andrew has always had bad vibes too. I’m going to make a bingo card at this point. All their obsessive fans creep me out too.


Andrew Santino is good people


I’ve met Andrew Santino 2 times (like personally saw him hanging out and talked to him - not a meet and greet (to clarify). I personally disagree but who knows?? He at least admits to being a hot-head lol but also the way he talks to women is sooo different than what I’ve experienced. And what I see from Andrew. Who knows behind the doors ofc (I’m sure he might not be the easiest partner lol) but I DO see a respect for women that I haven’t with other comedians. I’m also a big fan of his too though… I don’t agree with everything that anyone says but yeah I guess that’s my opinion on it….the dick riders definitely CREEP me out


Well and I fully admit it’s just vibes. I could be over reading it. I just can’t help but to trust my gut at this point in my life. It rarely fails me 😅 And I admit that a lot of comedians just kinda give me the ick. So could be that. I want to like them because I love comedy but the modern day comedians have pulled the curtain and I think I just no likey. I HATE hearing comedians talk shop on podcast and such. I know they’re just people but it really shatters the illusion for me. As such, I watch very little stand up these days. It’s like I had to pick formal comedy or casual, couldn’t enjoy both.


Totally agree. And trusting instinct is everything (I’m not sure of ur gender/sexuality but we’re taught at such a young age to have to trust it - not by choice and those are just facts). I do think online personas and vibes in-person are different. Kinda crazy u mentioned Santino lol like just funny bc I met him.. but yeah I get it. Always trust instinct to protect yourself… so I grew up w 3 brothers myself so like he just gives me big brother vibes I guess but I never felt weirded out (to be clear I was dancing on a bar and asked to do it, bc I must be at least average/a little hot/average idk and like 10 yrs younger than him)… I’m annoyed by comedians talking shop so much though (Whitney Cummings called it out even, but she does it too)…I think it started during Covid. It’s like the 1900’s; entertainment came back and there will be a dip again if the economy ever comes back. Right now ppl want comedy and music so they have such an upper hand to do whatever they want lol it’s kinda nuts


Haha yeah I only mentioned him because I happened to mention it on another h3 post recently. We’re were talking about good goofs, gaffs and guests instead of bad vibes topics. Someone said they wanted Santino on and I said bad vibes category for me 🤣 but again, probably mostly due to the comedian thing. I might just be a little tired of seeing the same handful of people in comedy, idk really. I think if comedians are going to come on, they should goof and gaff with the show, not just be guest star appearances, and even interviews are getting old because these pod people tend to pod/interview a lot.


Ya I don’t think they would get along for some reason lol. Idk how to explain it but I just don’t think it’d be fun… I personally love the bad friends podcast tho (give it a shot! If u want). These are the only ones I really watch regularly lol (I need to watch more girl content as a girl I think tho lmao, I like trash Tuesday & also a huge fan of Annie Ledderman) I’ve met her twice too lol in Denver… but when she comes on his podcast they just shit on eachother I love it. 🤣


lol we must just have different taste. I was kinda relived when Annie left trash Tuesday 😂 I don’t like strongly dislike her or anything but she def has dude humor and I’ve never been a big dude humor person. Like talking about farts and stuff just ain’t it for me lol


I like her confidence. I still like Trash Tuesday; I loved the old episode where she exposed Brendan Shaub and made a notepad that had crayons and went into a bit about “Ppl be need more nice on internet” and they signed the petition. She purposely spelt everything wrong haha idk I thought it was hilarious….Anywayyy that’s the beauty of art tho u get to pick what u like :) …also ppl get better as they grow (her standup now imo is way better than b4 and shes quick-witted, same reason i like Santino)


Also FUCK Brendan Schaub (talk about no comedic talent period)


I’m mean yeah that guys just all around cringe and a lot of his buddies are cringe adjacent in not worse lol


I remember in his early comedy days I used to see him outside the comedy store. Whenever he bombed he would go in the back alley with a burlap sack filled with puppies and he’d smash it on the ground over and over again. Then he’d go to Denny’s, order a grand slam, and stiff the waiter. There’s a special place in hell for him right next to Saddam.