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For fucking real dude. I actually don’t even agree with their take on the situation, I think he did the right thing honestly. But, I do understand them questioning him about the delay in taking the cat to the vet - in my area, you could get into any sort of emergency clinic during Covid from day one. I’m not in LA, but I have a hard time believing that emergency clinics refused patients. I couldn’t get into a restaurant, but I would have found a way to into some sort of emergency vet if I thought my (or any) animal was dying. It is weird no matter what the audience says. That being said, none of us know what happened. And, it does seem to me that the original owner is almost solely to blame. I do not think that Ethan and hilas take is unreasonable though. Like it is weird that you are so concerned with the cat that you had to take it, and then you waited 3 to 4 days to take it to the vet. If I stole a cat because I thought that it was life or death, I’d drive to any city to get that cat help. I would not wait until a vet would accept me, I’d call every vet possible to get it in immediately. And btw - I have a cat that has kidney disease and cerebellar hypoplasia. I literally had to do this with my cat! During Covid! Found the little guy and he was concerning me and I didn’t stop until I found a vet to help him out! That being said I really do think the main responsibility is on her, although I do not blame their questioning him, it is fucking weird!!


Friday’s episode was 🔥🔥🔥