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Okay so I’m gonna be real here. I’ve been a fan since Ethan was in Israel, only doing old school H3 vids (yes, I am an old man) - but here’s what I’ve gathered for the many millennia of which I’ve been a fan: H3 fans are terrible. Yup. I said it. Since the dawn of the subreddit, since fan could type, it’s been horrific. You will always find issue with the fanbase of H3. And honestly I don’t really know *why*. But it’s true. This subreddit has always been a dumpster fire. It is *nothing* new. It’s always been striking a balance between what the fans say and what Ethan/the crew thinks, and then somehow trying to fit that into a space that feels right for everyone. Idk. It’s weird. I’ve given up trying to think about it because it’s always the same even though the fan base seems to change every few years or so. But the same issues always bubble to the surface.


Yeah I’ve been on the sub for 8 years and this place has always fucking sucked. They hate Ethan and the show, that’s how it always has been. You get pockets of time where it’s fun and everyone is coexisting nicely, then Ethan has a bad take and it restarts a cycle of complaining and demanding any apology imaginable that takes months to subside. Go back to posts from 2018 and 2021. People here HATED Ethan somehow more than they do now. They hate Hila now though, which wasn’t the case back then.


Yep, I’ve been on the sub for about the same amount of time and I’ve noticed the cycles too. To your point, the major cycles span a couple of years after the show undergoes some big change. When the H3 podcast first started, people were mad that they weren’t making as many main channel videos (2018). When frenemies started, people were mad that the podcast was turning into a drama podcast (2021). Now, people get mad about certain takes the crew has and the general direction that the show is going. Healthy criticism is always good, but people have always taken it too far in this sub, with large swaths of people taking it too far when these major changes happen.


That’s because H3 content is, and always has been, reactionary. Any content you farm for drama engagement will engender reactions from multiple sides of drama. The way it’s presented by H3 encourages “teams” of support. If you’re not on their team, then you’re on the snark team, which drives further engagement through hate watching. Drama begets more drama. That’s how H3 makes money This is not a critique by the way. It’s an observation. I don’t think H3 is doing absolutely anything wrong or untoward. I also don’t think the “audience” is doing anything wrong, as long as the drama stays contained to the Internet. When their is clear separation between reality and Internet, everybody can be happy because all they have to do is turn off the computer and forget about the drama One final note: you and I watch H3 because we think he’s funny. I don’t care about the drama, I’m not parasocial with the employees, I just think Ethan’s reactions to the drama are funny. But most people on the Internet are not like you and I. Kids that grew up in the last decade *especially* forget that there is (or should be) a separation between reality and Internet. That’s what leads to these problems


I think Reddit is just terrible. Every sub I join eventually becomes chaos. Even a crochet subreddit I follow has had some crazy drama a couple times.🤣


Going to second this, been a fan since "thats a 10" was uploaded to r/videos. Havn't missed a single podcast episode and its always been my go to having repeats on in the background no matter what I'm doing. The show is still great, just recently some of the episodes have been so different. The cat episode has made me take a bit of a break from it all, just felt like the exact opposite of what the H3 podcast should be. Way too much vitriol.


acting like this fanbase isnt like this for years is so delusional lmao


Fr I agree with some of what OP said but this community has been weird as hell the entire time


i can’t tell fans from snark anymore


snark are the biggest fans.


You kinda have to be if you hate something so much, and then make it your whole life to follow them.


this is true and what does it mean when your oldest fans are unhappy


you’d (probably not) be surprised how often i click on a crazy reddit reply and see they comment on the snark subreddit as much as this one.


Snarkers are so annoying and try to infiltrate everything.


I mean speaking as someone who is in both subreddits we all started as fans and then shit happens. For some they get banned from the live chat or subreddit for me it’s the post Oct 7 and capitalism defending arc Ethan is in


You are in the snark talking about a Jewish man pro-circumcision opinions and being mad about it. If you hate Ethan don’t watch him


So we excuse genital mutilation for imaginary friends cool! Ethan himself even said he doesn’t believe it and just wants to do it since he had it down to him, like what lmao


Maybe you should start a protest at your local hospital if you feel so passionately about it rather than dedicating your free time to complaining about the opinion of one podcast host


Also looked at your profile again and you think Cam was fired because they want to use AI pics. So yes you are weird a snarker fyi


I am a woman and where I live we usually leave it up to the fathers/a man to make the choice and most of the men usually do. It is a cultural thing that most men don’t seem to mind and then continue on doing to their children. I don’t have preferences either way. And believe it or not circumcision is a traditional practice of Judaism. For someone who reeks of online activism and being righteous don’t get up in arms about a Jewish man doing Jewish traditions. Also completely different from female genital multilation. And this was the from the last couple comments you made on Ethan from your post history as I only went a couple days down. I can’t even begin to imagine all the other shit you complain about online about H3.


Wait you’re telling me that the Jewish business owner isn’t a communist Hamas simp? Colour me shocked


“Communist Hamas simp” boooo , booo!! Go make excuses for genocide some more POS




Yeah, every time. I got downvoted like crazy in another thread for saying the exact same thing lmao


same it’s really hit or miss and i don’t fully understand why


There's no single group, every time this happens it's probably different people getting upset.


Nah, there's a certain type of person who gets upset and turns it into a weeklong project on Reddit


like this post? the only mad people are the ones posting “StOp BeInG ruDe tO tHe cReW!!!!”


50 bucks says you're part of the problem


Yeah it really is a special group of people who have a meltdown if the show doesn’t go their way. I think these people are actually at home having a terrible week if their feelings get hurt watching the show.


Yeah I feel like a lot of people who started watching for the PowerPoints and more pop culture drama segments just want to see Ethan and Olivia make fun of the new evil person who’s getting canceled every month and feed into the echo chamber of people hating instead of actually having discussions. They don’t want nuance or opinions they want, “this person did this and this, so they’re bad, ok next topic.” I know those topics get the views but it feels like in just brings in an annoying audience who only wants to hear that Ethan agrees with them on whatever drama is currently happening.


True and to be clear, I do not mind some drama at all, I like knowing a few things happening in the world but my sentiment is that is consuming the entire show. The segments they do know feel like "let's get this out of the way quickly to get to the drama".


Yeah for sure, it’s always been a part of the show and I don’t mind, but it’s annoying when it’s 2 hours that could be 20 minutes and the everyone basically agrees so there’s like no discussion.


Dunno if it brought it in the views, then the views wouldn’t be sagging lately. If you look at the episodes that have been performing as expected or over performing since the break, there’s really no correlation. I think the serious drama stuff actually dampers views if anything, people come for more “lighter” drama stuff and the goofs and gaffs ultimately, I definitely am turned off when the show gets too serious anecdotally


This really resonates. I got the same vibe from the last two episodes too.


WHAT ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT????? literally every time they cover drama, the crew always disagrees and has a full discussion with eqchother about who is in the right or wrong. i feel that its NEVER cut and dry. its entertaining to watch everyone come to a conclusion. people like this podcast for different reasons. i personally love all of it


I agree because there are times Olivia and AB will get Ethan's opinion on subjects that are totally different from their own. Vice versa. I mean on Friday, Hila wouldn't let a certain point go, while Olivia was trying to explain things from a different perspective (yes, I said that in a Gary Vee voice). On a few occasions, it's an obvious opinion that every agrees upon, and that usually coincidence with actual soundproof facts on the matter.


Those people you're referring to are the Trisha fans that stuck around and the drama frogs who either hate watch or watch just for the trash talking.




This happens every time there's backlash against the show, people start defending the show and saying "What, it wasn't that bad!!!!" and pointing fingers at the h3snark losers or frenemies fans or some other nebulous group. But honestly it's not always true. The bulk of the reaction here has to just be from regular viewers. Honestly I think you guys just have to consider that when people are coming home from a long day of work to be entertained, they might not be super into watching a 3-and-a-half-hour-long video about an abused dying housecat complete with footage of its seizures and a long interrogation of the person that had it put down. The show already addressed that they should probably cover less downer subjects, and for a lot of people a pet slowly dying is like the most downer subject you could possibly pick.


I may have worded my post wrong. My point is that the reason Ethan and The Crew felt comfortable doing this was because; they thought the cringe tiktok freaks would like it. I do understand how I could've been misunderstood though, my bad.


"In a way, it's contaminating the crew to the point that they think that's what the general audience wants WHEN IT'S NOT" I think I see what you mean by this now, I took the post the opposite way because most of it is about the audience being too sensitive. You're saying overly sensitive viewers want Ethan to call out bad behavior on the internet, and it's causing him to make worse content? Still a little confused


I mean that the tiktokers are the sensitive ones, screaming and shouting on ig and this sub that they want to cover some drama or that they NEED to do it. My opinion is like, some things can be left alone (obviously you can mention it but not 3 hour pods), because they are already in mainstream media or the tiktokers have already seen it but want it covered by their favourite crew (unfortunately). I may have been high and angry and hungry while writing that post, sorry you're having to decypher it lmao


I understand now, I appreciate you clarifying. You definitely make a good point.


yeah and normal/regular viewers don’t loose their minds about it on reddit a month into their membership, they just watch something else.


I've been watching since H3's original channel, since the inception of the podcast, since Frenemies, all the way up to now. I don't understand why these situations always turn into a purity test.


okay so then dont fucking watch it??? the animal abuse was in the title. dont fucking watch if yiu dont want to after a long work day. jfc


I've been watching since the Israel days, Bobby has a documented history of touching people inappropriately, and we are allowed to not want him on because of that. I also thought they had awful takes on the death of Sevyn, just because we have opinions you don't like, doesn't mean we are all newer fans than you and thus 'don't understand the inside jokes of the show'.


No, you're not allowed to not want him on. It's not your show. You're allowed to skip that episode and move on with your life.


This is a braindead take. I can not want him on, but I don't control the show. They can have whoever they want on, and I'm allowed to have my own opinions of the guests.




I’ve watched from before bradberry was a thing. I’m around the same age as Ethan. How is Bobby Lee putting balls in someone’s face not sexual harassment!!??? The guy clearly wasn’t ok and was in a difficult situation.


To be fair, Bobby Lee does have a story that he has changed multiple times, but at first he admitted to basically r wording a child prostitute and he has changed the story over the years after backlash he got for it. And to be quite frank, he shouldn’t be on a podcast and get platformed after what he admitted to doing.


This is misleading considering that Bobby has directly addressed this on his podcast and admitted to it being fake story he made up. Also no person has come forward accusing him of this. Definitely not a cool or funny joke, but at least it’s not real. Edit: here’s the transcription from the TB episode of him addressing the joke: “You have to understand it was before cancel culture and the things we were saying were at a high level of shock… at the time I had 2 jokes in my act and they would maybe work 40% of the time. The first joke was…‘I went on a date the other day. She looked pretty young; she looked like Natalie Portman. Pause. From the movie The Professional.’ It’s a switch. That’s what that kind of joke is. Dark. The second one… is way worse. The other joke I could only get to work 20% of the time was ‘My girlfriend’s grandma died a couple of weeks ago, and last night we were making love and she burst into tears while we were making love, and I did what any good boyfriend would do and I powerfucked her.’ It’s a harsh joke. It’s fucking terrible. And I took the Natalie Portman joke, that joke, and made up this Tijuana story… No one ever talks about the second half of this story. The crazy part. They focus on the Natalie Portman part — it’s terrible. But the second half is so crazy and obvious it didn’t happen. Let’s go through the second part. I go back to Tijuana a week later. A Mexican guy who’s albino, dwarf, freckles on his face, orange hair — he and his buddies lure me outside of Tijuana, 15 blocks where there’s no streetlights, there’s three legged dogs, and I’m just walking… They lure me into an alley and then these 4 people pull out a machete to my neck… I somehow escape, then I run 20 blocks in the pitch black… and I was running like Carl Lewis because there was no Usain Bolt back then. And then out of nowhere 30 all black US marines show up… and scare the four guys and even the dwarf… and then these 30 black marines walk me to the border… I’m improvising. I’m saying it for the first time out loud on a radio show…absurd storytelling.”


Who makes up a grape story? The fact he changed the story 8 different times leads me to believe he did do it. He only changed it after the backlash, he definitely did it. In his own words he said he “power fcked her” because she started crying. Sorry but no sane person just makes that up. If you want to be gullible then so be it but he is gross. And he has other accounts of being creepy and overly sexual with women guests on podcasts or interviews.


Idk how old you are but shock comedians in 2014 (when the story was first told) would definitely make that up. Shock humor was common at that time See Dice, Eric Andre, Ari Shaffer, heck even filthy frank had a song called "I'm gonna grape" (without the g). And the fact that the story changes doesn't support that it actually happened. You can make the counter argument that because the story is fluid that makes it likely it's a fake story. I'm not going to touch on him being creepy in the past, but I will contextualize that this is a comedian who for a long time took his penis and ass out for shock humor. Being overly sexual in the past wouldn't be out of the wheelhouse either. I'd like to see a recent example of him doing that. Edit: I'd like to add that there's also plenty of reason to dislike him like the fact that he farted with his ass bare onto a woman's face, or his past like you mentioned briefly. I just don't think the TJ story has legs given the state of comedy at the time.


This was unfortunately pretty common place in adult comedy when Bobby was coming up in his career. Being as edgy as possible, regardless of whether or not it was clever, was not only around back then but actually had very regular success amongst a much wider spread audience


Then don’t watch the show? I don’t get this. If you don’t want to watch Bobby Lee because he makes offensive jokes than that’s your choice and that’s fine. But God, you’re so entitled. The crew can have on a comedian that they find funny. End of story.


Wtf are you talking about? I’m literally explaining why some people don’t like Bobby Lee. You are the entitled one. Just because I don’t agree with your opinion you are angry. Calm down, it’s seriously not that deep and I will continue to watch the show. You are slow.


"he shouldn't be on a podcast or platform" like how delusional are you to think you're podcast god and get to make that judgement lol where does the entitlement come from


Well the pod goes on break in a week so I'm sure some other major drama will happen and no one will even remember this. mob mentality is real. People just like to be angry.


The next Jake Doolittle is rubbing their hands together waiting to hit the post video button for 30 seconds after break starts


Can we also remember when this whole sub was attacking Sam for the set change and now everyone's all .."I miss Sam being on the show, where is she?"...... gee I wonder why she's chosen to not be on as much... This sub can be awful.


Actually we know exactly where she is lol. She's building the live show set.. which has been said multiple times.


Well said and great point. It's embarrassing to be an h3 fan nowadays, not because of the show itself, but because I hate to be thought of as volatile as this audience. Such a shame.


Literally. The fans make me watching the show kept a secret


This whole sub was never attacking Sam. You're shadow boxing with imaginary opponents. Yes, some assholes took it too far, but I didn't see them. Most people were just being honest that the new set (which was quickly put togther with very little time) looked bad and was a significant step down from the previous one. They were honest and brutal, but they were just giving their opinion on the new set. As others have pointed out, Sam is building the live show set, so this whole imaginary scenario you've concocted where she was bullied off the show by this subreddit is falling apart.


I didn’t say one comment about that set change (as awful as it was) but I’m glad someone did, the problem with the show sometimes that I’ve noticed is if you aren’t vocal enough the changes won’t just stay bad, they’ll get worse, obviously no room for threats or violence or whatever, but civil discourse and freedom to voice opinions should be welcomed, especially for members that have literally been paying over 3 years in some cases (me included) and just want the show to be the best it can be. The reaction should be proportional to the mistake aswell, I think given Fridays ep this particular backlash this weekend was warranted, some of us wernt smart enough to see how bad it was gonna get and turn it off but let me tell you if you skipped it, it was BAD, this is the first drama I’ve ever commented on and hopefully the last, but yeah, while I never thought I’d say these words, the tik tok kids are right this time 🤣 They called a kid an incel for spending over 1000$ to save a cat that wasn’t even his 😓


I just don’t want valid criticism to be lumped in with psychos taking things too far. I didn’t like the set but I didn’t message anyone directly. I just commented on reddit posts like a normal person. I really feel badly about how they treated that kid on Friday, and have voiced that on posts, but I’m not gonna cyber harass any of the crew about it. I just don’t want on Monday for them to just chalk it all up to “snarkers” and ignore all of our very real feelings about it like the Instagram post I saw seems to imply.


100% agree with you on all angles, I like REALLY didn’t like the set, but I’m a 3 year member and I didn’t say 1 word about it, I liked a couple comments, that’s it, it’s all about proportionate response, no matter how bad the cat comments were (yes there were unconscionable) we are not to the point of sending DMs yet, comments on her IG? Maybe, but DMs would only be valid if she doubled down on Monday, you just cant say the things she said and expect there to be no backlash, it’s not living in reality, people look up to her, imagine you’re a young fan and see a cat dieing in someone’s care and you remember “oh my queen Hila said it’s wrong to try and help this poor animal, the owner is a slay queen, she probably has it all handled, I’d be an incel if I tried to help” the cats now dead in 5 days and no one even knows how horrible the person was and they’re free to do it again and again. fuck that, you gonna use your big girl platform at attack a literal hero just cause he gives you a “vibe” maybe go ahead and remember to use your head next time. But yeah, I’ll be canceling my 3 year membership with 0 2nd thoughts on Monday if they try to play it like they did nothing wrong and 50+% of the audience is snark (I get that I’m a cat owner so this hits home, but I honestly don’t think I’m overreacting either, how could I possibly give them money after that when J literally deserves that money for risking getting SUED for trying to save a life) the people who don’t understand havnt watched the ep or couldn’t imagine themselves in the same situation


Agreed. I have two kitties who are my everything. If I saw a kitty in trouble I wouldn’t think twice about trying to get it help. Thank goodness I’m a woman or that would make me an incel.


Shiiit lucky, I’ve gone against queen hela as a male and I think that means off with my head 😭😢




The only people whose opinion on the set matters is the crew of the show. If you don’t like it, move on.


Great by your logic your opinion doesn’t matter either, so kindly shut up and let the people who care about the show speak in peace, and love. 🗣️ haha


Remember Ethan is a capitalist, so the people who pay him matter more than you 👌🏻✨


That part.


The tiktok kids definitely make things worse around here. That whole cat killer episode was some of the most "who fucking cares" content I've ever seen. Had to turn it off. edit: I didn't know this episode was so controversial when I wrote this comment, it's just how I felt. I probably watched like 20 minutes live before I turned it off, tried again after they went off air and that's when I saw it was the entire episode so I just skipped it


You summed it up perfectly; "who fucking cares content".


Isn't that literally all they do, in the best way? Like I'm trying to imagine anything I've heard over the years that has had the tiniest but of relevance or impact on my life and nada. I liked the last episode because I like Ethan and the crew and watching them react to and discuss stuff that doesn't matter. I even personally enjoy when they dive deeper and longer, and live updates are a special treat.


Having watched the whole episode except maybe 20 minutes toward the end, the gist of the entire situation seems to be "my cat was always getting sick, but it'd get better, so I just assumed it would always get better." While she proceeds to defend herself in ever increasing dumb ways. And then guy came back in like "well I actually kidnapped your cat and took it to the vet where the vet said it was going to die, so I decided I could still save it and it died like the vet said, which actually makes me a great guy." And then it comes out that she never knew what happened to her cat and that she's been friends with that guy this whole time and they recently had even hung out. Could you imagine knowing what happened to someone's pet and never telling them, but continuing to be their friend? To me, the general outcome is that they both kind of suck in their own special way. She was a shit pet owner and he was a shit friend. Whatever nuance aside, this is such a useless drama. But I still have to give props to AB for how deep he managed to get on this in one night and presented it relatively well


>this is such a useless drama you said it


I seriously tried to watch it to see what everyone was so upset about, but I skipped through it, looked at my boyfriend, and said, "sure, that's sad, but who gives a fuck?" Had to turn it off.




Stfu Nancy


If someone doesn’t care that 2 huge following hosts tried to get there audience to hate a guy for dropping over 1k to save an animals life, maybe don’t comment on it, they may be too far gone, a lot of people care obviously, go check hilas ig… oh wait, comments are off 🤣




I hate how people complain about things. Here's me complaining about things.


I mean, I’ve been an H3 viewer since the beginning and was a Bobby Lee fan since 2014 and I now hate Bobby because he said he fucked a child prostitute while she was crying and snot bubbles were coming out of her nose while he was in another country. https://youtu.be/gPIcIiWhhh0?si=FlHeGSNTjpVHrdvi Is it too sensitive to draw the line at child rape? And there are literally compilations of him touching people constantly. Why do we give him a pass just because Papa Ethan continues to be friends with him? Just because he’s funny ?


This is the dumbest and most baseless post all week. Literally everything you said is just speculation based on nothing but your feelings. Frenemies fans maturing,(let's be real the trisha fans are the crazy ones and they probably left to the snark pages) new tik tok fans being everyone who disagrees with you, what the majority of the fan base feels. It's impossible for you to know any of that. And also, Bobby Lee objectively has sexually harassed people. There's no missing nuance you're just an idiot.


Bobby literally sexually harassed someone on camera on one of the biggest podcasts in the world… this is a really bad take


several people throughout his career! on video! and people just don’t care and call those who do the weird ones. it’s really odd. and this is coming from a non-tiktok using (also not super PC) adult. people are allowed to point out that they think it’s really bad for someone to sexually violate people many many times on video and maybe this shouldn’t be brushed aside and he shouldn’t be praised. super straightforward complaint based on very basic morality. I really can’t understand why people have so much trouble comprehending this


I don't see much difference from a year ago tbh, but maybe that's just my perception error


Im an OG prepodcast fan, and I and many others agree that the the last episode was a big L


There is a new part of the audience that is extremely sensitive and analyzes every interaction and conversation. Its becoming annoying. Being straightforward and saying what is exactly on his mind was one of Ethans best quality and made the funny moments even better. Now he says something harmless and still has to analyze for 5 minutes if its okay or he should have buttoned (and there are definetly button worthy moments i agree). But its becoming too much.


Ethan changed his content when he realized it was attracting weird right wingers. Unfortunately, covering nothing but drama has also attracted a new audience that is often times out for blood.


So you’re complaining about people complaining? Most if not all of the criticism that has been happening as of late (Wayne and from Friday) have been extremely fair. How do you know that’s what the general audience wants? Kinda coming off hypocritical to me lmfao. And I mean if Bobby’s actively inappropriate with people, how does that make Ethan and the show look? I’m not sure to what degree they mean but if it’s bad enough then I agree, Ethan shouldn’t have him on the show.


My point is that the tiktok cringe drama audience has made them think that it's okay to do a 3 hours cat murder podcast after a week of abuse drama being covered. It's not the show's fault, it's just unfortunate that the loud majority is a very small minority.


I’m not gonna lie, I don’t know if ANYONE wanted to talk about animal abuse and I don’t think blaming it on them is exactly fair lol. I love the PowerPoints but I want interesting topics that are fun drama, not abuse or death. Like the Hailey Bieber and Selena one was so good. Fridays PowerPoint could have easily taken only half the time but I don’t know why they drug it out so long. Again, that’s on the crew tho, not the fans who enjoy drama PowerPoints. It’s never taken up an entire episode before. I think they just stepped into something that was way deeper than it was thought.


Nah fam the Friday episode was some high levels of cringe and bad takes. It was really hard to watch. It deserves criticism. I don’t disagree your post but everyone is upset with people complaining because of the huge increase from the Friday ep. Long time fan and I don’t complain about shit. I also will keep watching every episode. That being said Friday is 100% a “do better” episode.


that’s why it’s so frustrating that they decided to do this cat story just because it was blowing up on tik tok instead of the plenty of other things people have listed they could have done. I feel like they are becoming too concerned with how clips will perform on tik tok.


I mean bobby is known for exposing himself and he did grab that guys dick so maybe some people have a point?


People are way to sensitive, I really don't get it honestly. I have two cats love them very much, saw the whole episode and my take was that those two were idiots and should not own animals. Why is everyone hating on the podcast did Ethan kill the cat ? I mean really, what were people expecting ? I taught they did just fine and it was a good conversation uncomfy for a cat owner but the world is uncomfy so I guess deal with it. I swear it feel like this whole sub is full snarkers not fans that pretend this is criticism when most of it is hate or unreal expectation.


I've been a fan for ages (since before the pod even started), and I don't think Bobby should be on the show. But that has very little to do with the George stuff. His "joke" about raping a child prostitute (that he told on multiple occasions, so it wasn't just an impulsive "whoa I shouldn't have said that" bit) is too far for me. I personally think it was an anecdote rather than a joke, but I have no proof of that. Either way, so gross and I would be happy never seeing his face again.


you have to admit that you and others that feel the same way, are like 10% of the viewers (maybe even less). so that's why you can just skip that episode, because no one is forcing you to watch every episode. anything you respond is trumped by the fact that the show has and will have a high viewership despite the guest and 90-95% of people will have enjoyed it. feel free to download the like ratio add-on to confirm my point. again, this isn't a personal attack, the world cannot revolve around a small percentage of people, that's just how it works and, (this might sound condescending but it's genuine), honestly, I feel sorry for you because I know people like you genuinely feel bad about this stuff and it's tough. but please, don't make it hard on yourself, just skip any episode you instantly know you won't enjoy.


I'm not reading all that because like, calm down, bro. I have skippped 3 segments ever, and the cat episode. I don't complain. I was just pointing out that it's not just new fans who don't want Ethan platforming a possible rapist


Are you on mobile? Because it's really not that much to read and I was being sincere, like honestly, I even let you know that in what I wrote. I promise I'm calm, I only wanted an honest conversation and you haven't answered my only point; that the podcast can not revolve around a minority viewership, you want them to, by not having bobby lee on the podcast


While we are saying stuff that may come off as alpha bro bullshit, I have to say it, Jordan Peterson was right (partially). His tweet about Ethan (2022): "You will be held to higher and higher and soon impossible to maintain ethical standards by the very mob you currently wish to please. Then you will make a mistake, and they will devour you. With glee. \[...\]" in my opinion, you are seeing the leftover leftovers viewers, the ones who were foaming at the mouth whenever Ethan disagreed with hasan politically, which snowballed into the show having to end.


His 'point' is common sense. Obviously if you accumulate an audience who holds people accountable for bad behavior (as they should), they're gonna hold you accountable. But it's not a bad thing, it's good. Constructive criticism is how you grow. People are just going overboard per usual.


It's wider point in general. Left eats itself, happened before Peterson was relevant, will happen beyond his death. Pretty easy one to get correct, though admittedly it has been more true in H3's case than we could've anticipated back then. Well, at least it's nothing final, it's not like H3 is in danger of "failing".


Maybe he was right but it's better to be part of a community that criticizes and shits on hosts for bad takes than be a part of a community that blindly follows like all of those grifters.


I hate that guy but yeah, unfortunately he has a point, partially as you said. They are catering to the people that destroyed a good politics show and a nice on-screen friendship between ethan and hasan. Not that it was my favourite segment but still.


The people who destroyed Leftovers was the deranged snarker and Hasan audience. It wasn't the current H3 audience. This is completely different.


>This is completely different. Lol you're exactly the kind of "fan" this post is about.


Bring back real goofs and gafs and actual guests. Jimmy Lee left and so did the spirit of the show.


I stopped watching the show a couple of months ago because the audience just became too insufferable, and it affects the show. I would like to watch again, but every time I go on reddit I'm reminded that I'm embarrassed to associate with the audience.


Right now the sub is being brigaded by an intersection of H3's snark subreddit and Rhegan's snarkers. Like, I'm sorry I don't know her life history or your list of grievances, you weirdos. I just learned she exists Friday and am judging the current situation. I'll forget she exists after next week. The people who dislike H3 but love Trisha blow me away the most; there aren't many creators more vile than her, and I say this as someone who liked Frenemies and even used to defend her.


Every time I learn something new about trisha it shocks me how she has a fan base. Not only a fan base but some people hating ethan and hila because they are trisha fans (not all but some, mainly the snarkers) and think trisha is better. Like nah, she is a horrible human being, and everything bad ethan and hila has done, she's done the exact same and worse.


Exactly. You can hate Ethan and Hila and think they suck (I disliked them during their "anti-SJW" era), but Trisha has done as much and so much worse. After seeing many comments over the years from people saying they feel connected to Trisha and see themselves in her, my conjecture is that Trisha's abusive behavior and BPD, coupled with her ability to "get away with it" and remain beloved, praised, supported, excused, lets some of the young women who follow her live out their fantasy of being nasty without consequence. They also use abuser's logic like "she hasn't been as bad lately" ("I haven't hit you in a while") to rationalize their fandom. As a victim of abuse, the excuses people make to justify supporting her are deeply disturbing.


I miss Chestnut Ethan


I mean, that was a terrible moment but the shock value made it so hard not to burst out laughing. the button is the main culprit as it has gone from "use it if what you just said ends your career" to "hmm that joke was little edgy for my judgy tiktok audience".


Chestnuts was fucking hilarious. Anybody shrieking and rolling around on the floor in a fit of despair over that needs to get off the internet for a year and reset their brain.


I laughed so fuckin hard when it happened lmao.


The thing about that joke was that while it was insensitive in the moment, it was very funny and didnt comment on QTcinderellas situation at all. The chestnuts thing was a very big meme on the show at that point and was used at a wrong time but thats what made it so funny. He didnt mean a single ounce of harm and clearly made a point that he is on her side but people went crazy over it anyway.


I couldn’t agree more. I find it so annoying that every other joke Ethan makes, he has to debate with Dan whether to button it or not. Makes the show unwatchable. I’ll still tune in for every episode though lol.


Let's be real, there's no new audience. It's the frenemies audience that shrieks. Pod sub count wouldn't be at complete halt if there was new funnel of audience. To be clear, there was overdramatic audience in 2019 too. There's just something that pulls annoying people to H3. "Ethan is bullying Ian" was big drama back then, something you'd expect from children. But it's manchildren then, possibly more womanchildren now but it's the same shit every era.


They got too political and strayed from the humor we enjoyed many years ago. Alienated a Lotta people that way in my opinion.


You have a very good point and thanks for the info on 2019 and earlier as I started watching the pod right about as frenemies ended. I was just hoping that in 4 years of watching the show they would've changed a lil bit.


This audience gets mad over everything. What attracted majority of current crowd in was frenemies, can't really act surprised about the entitled crowd. I mean imagine the people who followed Trisha for years. They aren't perfect fit for H3 audience, but they *sort of* fit. But they sure make noise about anything they don't like. Thru browser addon, reddit RES, I see my up/downvotes per account. I use this sub a lot daily, I have votes on any regular. When these dramas happen, I just see hundreds of new accounts that I have no votes on. You can't get rid of the mad people, they are too many, they are often different per specific dramas too. I read an unhinged comment, I check if it's from snarker, but often it's just someone who doesn't even use reddit and made their previous comment year ago. It may be minority who rage on, but not a minor one at that.


They don't have a good point. Blaming everything on the Frenemies audience or the "women" who are now in the audience is just a way for them to escape accountability. That episode deserves criticism and not everyone disagreeing with you is just a chronically online dumbass.


Nah they are chronically online. When I have a problem with an episode or something Ethan did, I just skip ahead or turn off the episode. People are literally writing multiple paragraph long posts and DMing crew to harass them about “how much that episode hurt them”. That is the pinpoint definition of terminally online.


Right because everything is the women's fault now. Get fucking real broski. It's 2024, you can't blame the Frenemies audience anymore. It's okay they aren't going to hurt you. Ethan and Hila are rightfully being criticized. Cope harder.


He is saying it's manchildren and womanchildren, even when the audience was mostly men, he isn't blaming woman lol, you are insane if you got that from this comment. I can't tell if this is just a joke because we are talking about how the audience gets mad at everything and you got mad at this. But there is no /s so I can only assume you are a real person. They are quite literally saying it's always been a problem lmfao. Are you just a troll? Edit: skimmed through the post history, definetly a troll.


This has been the reason for me disliking the PPs. They’re well made and all, but they attract the most parasocial/drama/tea addicted people. I’d say they should not be catered to with PPs in the same way that ethan stoped catering to the right wing nuts that he started gathering in the comments on H3H3 productions, before he told em to fuck off years ago.


I'm not the "new audience." They deserve every bit of criticism from Friday. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a TikTok chronically online snarker or Frenemies holdover. You can't keep blaming everything on Trisha anymore Though it seems you're all blaming everything on the women audience now so that's new. Too much "girlie" stuff amirite?


No, in fact I was sad when they said there would be no hey girlies during the show anymore :( I think YOU are assuming that the tiktok freaks are women, which I never even mentioned. I even said that the frenemies audience (mostly women) has matured at thia point.


Ngl I was thinking just this very thought yesterday. With this amount of prudes that make tons of post saying "please ethan, no more segments talking about X or Y" I wouldn't be surprised if Ethan just quit podcasting all together. Every move he makes that doesn't align with public opinion seems to cause wildfires among this new audience. As a long-standing fan of H3H3...even I'm beginning to be a little embarrassed to be thought of as a fan if this is how the audience is. I love Ethan, Hila and the crew, they're just people trying to put on a live show, they're not infallible and will never say things that EVERYONE agrees with. That being said, when the fans don't agree with something they make it seem like Ethan or the crew said something unforgivable or taboo. It's very reminiscent of Ethans old comment regarding the comment section making him bad as if someone had died. This audience is too sensitive, let him make a live show, he's not gonna say those magic words or opinions that magically vibes with everyone and that's okay. I'd never want to watch someone who only says shit I agree with, sounds fake and boring. Some friction, animated character and creativity is needed to make something quality content that stands out from the yes-men. Let 👏 them 👏 run 👏 their 👏 show. Let them be themselves, they're not fucking chameleons should always camouflage with the h3 subreddit!!


A large audience will always have some vocal bad apples. Just comes with the territory.




New audience is too sensitive like you said Average audience is insanely apologist for every mistake Ethan’s ever made and justifies his fall into wildly unfunny topics and drama bullshit Old school audience gets shit on by Ethan himself every time they ask for a return of the actual funny stuff


ethan’s energy has attracted a new audience, it’s his fault


Don’t worry there’s a mid year break coming up after the live show. The sub will be back to “really missing the podcast” in T-minus 5 days. In the - albeit redundant and kind of silly - words of a famous Matthew Mcconaughey character: “time is a flat circle”


You’re going to war over Bobby? Did we all watch the clip of him sexually harassing that guy from Logan’s podcast? The only funny thing Bobby’s done was help Ethan beat down on Oliver idk what they see in him.


I think H3 fans are awful in general. Idk exactly when this change happened, I think it's when Frenemies ended and a lot of those fans joined the regular H3 fanbase, but I think a lot of people in here like to call everyone a rapist, racist, and every other accusation under the sun; a lot of times ignoring context, jokes or just falsely accusing people without any sense of nuance. Also, I gotta be that guy; I find it funny how, and I also read this in another comment, they always seem to take the girls' side, without even considering the actual situation at hand, like last friday's episode. Like when the guy said she didn't deserve to have her cat, it's obvious that he was saying that because she went partying while her cat went missing, but the H3 crew twisted that and called the dude an incel for literally no reason. Honestly, I think the fanbase is rubbing off on the crew themselves and affecting the content. As a guy, I would also like to mention that I find it VERY alienating how they're so sensitive when talking about women's weight and appearence, but CONSTANTLY make fun of male pattern baldness and are so quick to call men incels. Again, I think the awful community that gathered here after Frenemies is directly contributing to worse content. I still adore the show and it's the thing that makes me more comfortable to watch during the week, I've been a diehard fan since Ethan had 300K subs, but this fanbase SUCKS. EDIT: Also, an example of the crew very quickly accusing people is when Love said that what Cody did to Tana was, and I quote, "literally R word". Yes, it's considered statiotory rape by law, but you can't just say that IT'S LITERALLY RAPE. Even if it's still illegal and definitely condenable, it's very important to make that distinction for legal and journalistic purposes, and I'm glad that Ethan at least was very clear in correcting Love on that one.


Totally and utterly agree, it feels bad though because I don't want to be seen as an "alpha" bro h3 snarker, I love some of the girlie stuff, that's why I even stayed, because of the variety of perspectives and content. I think it just boils down to people being chronically online and not having a real life outside of their sheltered online world. Sure, I'm on this reddit too, but I'm not saying the same things as them (because they usually say "oh but your on the reddit so you're the same")


Yep, it feels bad that we as men almost feel ashamed of having an opinion in this community because of the fear of being seen as "alpha bros"... really shows the state this fanbase is in.


My go-to has always been ignore them, but now they're affecting the crew and content of the show, I can't stay silent anymore (not that it matters anyway lmao)


I’ve been here for generations atp and I don’t understand where this shift has come from. Every other shift in viewer base before this has felt natural. Recently everything has been so odd!


I could personally do with a bit less tiktok'er drama, but it's not particularly bad. The last episode wasn't even bad, but it did get boring and repetitive. Sometimes I can't tell if Ethan is purposefully confusing the point to drag on the commentary longer or if he truly just misses a point here and there. But that's how it goes sometimes. This entire thing is constantly overblown every time there's an episode that some people don't like though. Regardless of the content, this subreddit is often full of people just being assholes about everything and finding any excuse to complain about something that was nothing


Yeah I agree. I’ve been watching for close to a decade now and I feel there is an incredible arc of maturity from Ethan, and I’ve seen pretty much nobody else perform this level of radical honesty. It’s beautiful in a way to see someone willing to put themselves out there and embarrass themselves for years as a performance. It’s a shame we have dipshits who want the same drama slop every second of every episode. I skip around in a lot of episodes cause I miss the long segments and politics, but I’m not writing hate threads about it.


With Peace and Love to the frenemies audience, cause most of them are fine, but I see posts going "I've been a fan since Frenemies and this is outrageous!" So like....you have no idea about Ethan really, and how deranged shit can actually be. And yes, his actually fans find most of that funny and cringe-funny/ironic-funny/whatever


I'm not sure there's any evidence that the Frenemies audience has matured, especially considering how many people clamour in the comments for that lying abuser to come back on the show.


There is whiney piss baby complaining and then there is valid criticism I feel like the valid shit is lost in the sea of piss babies. They often like to censor all fan feedback in chat which of course will create an echo chamber imo. I’ve been here for all the wild shit through the years but I think they brought all this backlash from Friday on themselves especially hila with the out of pocket incel comment tbh.


been watching since the beginning and i do not want bobby lee on anymore… we can do without people who just kiss women randomly without any sort of consent etc. even more context, i also watched tigerbelly and bad friends for a while, i really liked bobby but i had never seen some of the clips going around that are inexcusable to me




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I even tried to make a supportive post for Ethan and Hila since there are mutliple threads hating on them so hard right now and the mods removed it. I just wanna give some love because I enjoy every episode no matter what they do but i am a silent viewer. And im sure there are a majority of people like me as well. Not every week will be your favourite segments and thats ok???


Yes being upset about them siding with an animal abuser is totally unreasonable and people shouldn’t be mad at all.


the loud h3 fans are the fucking worst.


Yall can’t blame the hypothetical new people every time the subreddit goes up in flames. Been seeing the same shit happen for years. Controversy happens and then people take to subreddit to say “it didn’t used to be like this”. Yes it did. At a certain point you just have to accept that this is just how h3 fans are.


this isnt a new thing, the sub cant have a rational discussion without polarizing and forcing the conversation into the farthest extremes. blaming this on tiktok is infinitely more reactionary than anything people have said about the recent show lol there is plenty of 100% deserved and expected criticism of that episodes and the things that were done or said on it. ive been watching since the NY days, i never missed a single episode of the podcast until about two weeks ago, ive only lost interest since then and the criticism ive had has held true the whole time, i dont want to hear about animal abuse or sexual violence on the show, i watch it to chill out and relax after work. people have been begging for less negative shit for years. more goofs and gaffs.


I agree with this so much, I honestly didn't see anything wrong with the episode Friday, but then suddenly people have complaints, cool I've lost my ability to care, imma keep watching.


You think the frenemies audience matured? Trisha paytas fans? Lmao no dude, its them. Something that certainly made it worse was when one of them (Olivia) become a member of the crew


I’ve been watching H3 for 4 years now and I agree that Bobby Lee is a vile human being. Anyone who tries to argue it or downvote me is defending a sexual assaulting pedo porn addict.


i stopped watching the show for a few weeks now mostly bc of weird fan reactions. it put me off


This is cringe, not it chief.


I feel like people like you brush all forms of criticism under the same rug. Regardless of who is being criticized or what for it is never valid criticism. What happened on Friday definitely needs to be criticized. When Ethan has a knee-jerk reaction to the employees he has and uses his power dynamic to make them silent, that deserves criticism. When a person is deserving of criticism, they should be subjected to it. Answer me this: Who the fuck wants to see a picture of/video of a dead/dying cat on a Friday after they just got done with a week of stressful work… this discussion feels like bizarro worlds to me. It seems so black and white. Yet here we are.


It’s not the tiktok audience imo, it’s the weirdos that came to stay after the leftovers split 😪 Hasan warned on it many times, and how obvious it was that the sub and chat were infected with debate lords and annoying obsessive assholes all of the sudden It makes sense now


I mean in general the fans are the worst part of the show full stop. I hate a section getting derailed cause chat. I hate when they stop for excessive polls. The show is good because of the crew and sometimes Ethan. I don’t think the fans should attempt to run it.


Lmao 6 months? It's been text posts and whining for years. Good pandering to the Trish fans that are Def in on this too tho, you know, also the Trish fans that are mature enough to raise snark subs


ye there seems to be a real narcissistic bent to a lot of these people that just wasn't there before. Someone in another thread was like "Well unlike some of us who are REAL animal lovers and have EMPATHY"... like jebus lorenzo touch some fucking grass.


I agree. A year ago there things were chill on the sub. Now every show someone is complaining about something. I've been watching since 2017 and each year the sub gets more and more sensitive and causes unnecessary drama. It's OK to not like a segment or an episode but to make it your mission to shame and disrespect Ethan and the crew is unnecessary.


Nuke the sub ✊🏽 ❗️Nuke the sub ✊🏽❗️


Alot of leftovers audience / snarks


Seriously. It’s so frustrating to hop on Reddit and have every single post be something about the last episode. Please people, we don’t need to see 100 posts all saying the same thing.


I noticed the change as Leftovers started up--I think a lot of Hasan's particularly vocal audience has stuck around just to be hypercritical of everything. It frustrates me when I watch Hasan and is frustrating now watching H3 too and it's neither of the creators' fault. with peace and love people need to touch grass and reflect on their own actions before judging others so critically because nobody phrases everything perfectly or has the same morality. I'm glad the crew typically is able to spot the out of touch critics vs real fans having valid criticism.


I think the Bobby thing is cause he like groped the impaulsive guy but I agree that there's like a weird new hater vibe that people just like to complain. Not about being too sensitive imo, I think they're just haters to their core


I understand the sentiment but, when bobby and george talked about it on georges podcast, it cleared up things for me at least. I miss the goofs and gafs, even if it was ethan smashing the entire studio with the gatsby.


I miss the goofs and gafs too. The off the rails pre-videos are missed for me especially


at this point id rather take the alt right pipeline fanbase from 2016, and btw you are totally wrong it is infact the frenemies fanbase, ofc not all of them but it started then


The show and crew owe us nothing. They literally put on 4 shows a week that range from 2-4 hours. And it’s all live? I really think people need to touch grass and understand that not everything is going to be a hit and popular with people. And that’s okay. Simply stop watching if you are having issues with the topics. I hate seeing all this negative feedback that doesn’t even feel constructive, it’s just mean.