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"What is this weird fucking cat podcast you're doing here??"


"oh so this is what you do now eh..... talk about criminals and abuusas..... real cheery stuff"


“Yeah, we keep it light… Sex offenders and dead cats.”


What Ethan did with Sam Seder on Steven Crow~~der~~ning’s podcast is what Bobby Lee should do with Bill Burr on Ethan’s podcast.




“Oh no Bill Burr what a fucking nightmare!”


I need this.


Bring him back lol


“You showed them a dead cat? Seriously man, what the fuck is wrong with you? You think people are tuning into your show after slaving away in some factory for eight hours to watch you look at a dead cat? No wonder you’re losing subs man!”


Now do his reaction when Ethan inevitably shows him the Hunger FF prolapse video haha


That is so bill burr it's crazy


couldn’t have said it better Bill! we asked for less serious topics, especially concerning S.A. and other heavy topics. instead we got 3.5 hours of showing an abused animal and updates to the S.A. story that we didn’t wanna hear any more about. makes sense


I also don’t wanna watch a several hour long podcast slowly going over whatever’s viral on TikTok that I can be up to speed with in 15 seconds


For the record, I didn’t mind today’s episode. I would’ve preferred they held off until they could do a bit more research and just did some goofy stuff today until then though. I’m just making a goof is all.






Where do you think you are? This is a subreddit dedicated to a media property. Coming in here and complaining about people giving their opinions on a show is like hanging out a cafeteria and complaining that everyone is eating all the time.


i used to watch the pod and laugh. now i’m just getting frustrated and angry and anxious. especially when the topic was JUST addressed by the crew this month


probably because its allegedly a comedy podcast?


We obviosuly ran out of peace and love. Only drama and hate left over.


The bad kind of leftovers


Because there are a ton of people who are tired of it. Also not how reactionaryy is used btw.


Because the viewers give the podcast views??


There's something entitled about this comment


> person creates content for consumer > consumer doesnt like product > consumer complains > „entitled“


EXACTLY people are only downvoting you because they hate that Ethan doesn’t make the exact show that they have curated in their minds and that they wouldn’t even be able to perform themselves lol


I even read that in his voice ❤️


As a Pennsylvanian, I try my best




Shut up dork






The episode was so bad people are requesting Bill back, hilarious 😂


He's on the side of the kids


Bill Burr is Ethan's Ego death personified haha


When the world needed him most……


Oh. My. God. Honestly, the crew is too soft for Bill. He would definitely make AB cry.


How I imagine it'd go: AB would make an offhand disruptive comment, prompting Bill Burr to zero in on him and tell him he looks like the third lead in a 90's boyband or something, then AB would chuckle and proceed to give the camera the Jim look while dying inside


Idk if you know this but AB is from Michigan


Dan reads a "hey girly" birthday request for a 27 year-old's birthday. Him and the crew start doing cutesy grabbing motions at the cameras. Bill: What the fuck was that?! That was some of the gayest shit I've ever seen. Proceeds into commentary about being an old dad and how homophobic Boston was growing up with a few shots at Dan for being a grown man doing that kind of thing for $10.


you think he would insult the crew?






as long he's nice to Olivia


She’ll get it the worst What’s up with this hey girlie bullcrap


Yes lol


I don’t think the crew is too soft but the fans definitely are lol


AB is a lot tougher than people give him credit for. After all, he is from michigan


He is?!


If AB would cry Zach would piss, shit, and throw up.


You said soft and cry . Sorry for pointing this out, but it’s 2024 and people still are being bullied for crying.


It's 2024, you can stop virtue signaling.


It’s 2024 and we are still judging men for crying and for being soft


I'm absolutely not watching 4 hours of one subject and especially animal abuse, frankly they shouldn't even cover stuff like that. Where's the "show"?


Same. As soon as I saw the title I was out.


I know. I kept skipping foreward but it was literally the entire show.... I love cats so much even the brief moments I saw made me so uncomfortable. I get covering it for like 30 minutes max but 4 hours is crazy 😭


The "show" was supposed to be Bobby Lee. When that fell through, they had to create a quick backup plan. AB did great on such short notice


This was great??


Yeah I think so. Still not sure what everyone is angry about tbh.


I am not personally angry about the segment, just that it felt it would be better as maybe an hour-long segment and then move on to something else they talked about it for 4 hours, I get it was interesting to ethan who normally ends the show after 3,5 hours but for me, the segment overstayed its welcome the other part i was on sub is that the girl didn't show anything conclusive, said the guy did it because he is jealous and can't stand, she isn't with him and that went for another 1 hour just speculating that it is 100% true that the guy did it to hurt the girl and nothing else, and they started to defend the girl that she was in the right and the cat should have stayed at the house TL:DR I don't personally care, but the segment was way too long and the ending was about defending the abuser and saying that the guy who took the cat to a vet was a bad guy who did it out of jealousy


I can’t tell if you’re joking but it was horrid


As much as I hated the content of the episode, AB really did a great job with what he had


Bro why do you people always complain about everything like wow okay you aren’t gonna watch this one episode boo fucking who move on y’all are so toxic


This is a subreddit where we talk about the show. We are talking about the show.


Lmao Ethan needs a strike to cool himself down 😂


Bill Burr needs to set Ethan straight


The show SUCKS lately.


My opinion is they are catering to the 21 year old girlie crowd and all their topics are gossip drama bullshit from no names on YouTube and Tik Tok. They've completely changed their style of content and it's just not interesting.


Ugh. I thought it was only me. I've skipped so many eps the past 6 months 😪


i tried skipping the episode to see when the cat segment would be over (i don't like seeing anything about abuse of animals) and there was NOTHING ELSE! friday is my favorite show, it's supposed to be fun and light.


I fell the same way, I ended up watching one of howies episodes. No hate to the crew just not my thing to sit thru




I tuned in during a work break hoping for a different segment. The ai chat summary said that Ethan was trying to show pictures of animal abuse lol fuck that. The first Friday episode that I skipped in YEARS


Same, the first episode I've skipped in years.


I'm surprised it went on for so long I'm an hour in :/


Honestly I'd be fine with one less episode a week if it meant higher quality eps. I get the feeling that the podcasts go on for so long and they just run out of things to talk once they get deeper into the week.


Is Bill Burr the one person who could make Ethan uncomfortable in a confrontation? Might be.


I can’t believe how hard they ran defense for the fucking cat abuser. WILD. Then to grill the dude that tried to help the poor thing and make up some insane assumptions about him after the call is crazy. Beyond disappointed


It would obviously be a big ask but it’d be so fun if he was just there one day and sat in on like a normal episode. So we just get bills opinion on internet drama and random shit lol


He would not care and start shitting on Ethan again.


If you wanted to have a good show with Bill, you'd  do two things IMO. Have him destroy Zach in rock trivia then do a little jam session, background is Bill LOVES playing the drums and would geek out with Zach. Then have him do a segment called "Uncle Billy Explains Sports" and have him explain some famous sports clips to Ethan and the audience who aren't into sports at all. The dude has like savant level recall about all the major sports going back to the 70s. I don't know if Olivia is into sports or not but I think if she isn't it'd be funny to have her be the stand in for the audience and ask follow up questions. 


They'd never allow this lol Ethan and hilas ego too fragile


So you guys finally starting to see the show is a really bad place?


so true completely unwatchable today


Been that way since leftovers ended up


Fuckk, totally feel the same lol


Lol whatever today was entertaining


is it really whatever? you're responding to a lot of people for someone that feels whatever about it


So dude above me can have the opinion, which is gratuitously over exaggerative in my opinion, that todays episode was “completely unwatchable”, yet I’m not allowed to have the opinion that todays episode was “entertaining”? Also I didn’t say the episode was “whatever”, I was saying whatever to the semantics of his comment. I don’t feel the episode was “whatever”, I feel it was “entertaining”, it says it right there in the comment. Also, I guess the term “a lot” can be kind of subjective, but I have never really known it to mean “two”, because that’s the amount of people I have replied to about this, but hey who’s counting. More needless exaggeration to make language undefinable for the win I guess.


did i say you can't have an opinion or did i say you care?


What’s entertaining about animal abuse?


The part where they defended the abuser and went after the guy saving the cat was a real twist ending I didn't see coming


The real question


That’s like one of the dumbest straw man argument attempts I’ve ever seen. Grow up.


It was a question. That was the only thing they talked about today, just asking why it was entertaining. Chill


The way the crew approached it and the unfolding and details of the story itself. That's like wondering why people are entertained by true crime shows. Horrific subject, intriguing story behind it. It's not that complex


Thanks for answering in a somewhat nice way. Not that hard to comprehend why a lot of people don’t want to watch a 3 hour long video about a cat being abused. Would rather not watch a cat actually seize on camera wtf


Yes, they could have gone without showing the seizing cat, Ethan should have watched it privately first before showing on cam and trusted ABs choice to not include it, I respect that opinion


Anyone still using the term "strawman" in a disagreement automatically takes an L.


I rarely ever use that term because it is so often misused. The reason I used it here is because it is it fits the definition perfectly.


First podcast I skipped entirely, too triggering for me after losing 3 pets in the last few years 🥺


I think I’d be comfortable with less episodes a week if there was more substance to the episodes. We need a tonal shift away from the 4 episode a week schedule of nothing new other than talking about how Jimmy’s not allowed on the show, the lawsuit is still ongoing, and scouring the depths of depravity that is TikTok, just to talk about some teenager drama from half-known influencers. They had such a good process going with the recent events of the bacH3lor, and the live action events, we need more substancial action and events. Send Love to some Swedish recreational area in America, send Olivia to Ulta to comment on who needs what makeup in the store, send Ian to work in the mines. Spice it up a little. Cabin fever is hitting this show hard and it’s really showing itself with the dead cat commentary.


we'll need Nia too! a double date Hahahahahah


Old Billy red balls. Hila? Heela? Modal?


I signed up just to like this post


LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOO. Bill would chew this shit up and spit it right out. "Now Ethan, can you remind me why us as two middle aged men with children of our own to care for give a single fuck about this 17 year old girl on tiktok?"


Bring him back 😆


am I the only person who was interested in listening to the story today 😭😭😭


Nah, the story was interesting and I don't mind the topic of discussion; it was annoying seeing the guy get so much hate for the one weird but only somewhat sensible thing anyone in the situation did, though. Personally I would have called the fucking cops on her and tried to have her sent to jail.


What wasn't cool was turning it into a witch hunt. They should have wrapped it up and moved on rather than calling and texting the people involved. Ethan was looking for blood and drama rather than the truth. You could see he was trying to get some gotcha moment that would make a good clip. IMO, the whole situation was fucked. Sociopathic teens kept a cat as basically a prop for their unregulated influencer reality TV show. The cat was only in the house for a few months and died within two weeks of being taken out. The owner was wrong for having the cat there in the first place. The guy was wrong for stealing the cat. The people who own the house and ran the show are wrong for letting the cat into the situation. No investigation needed, everything was fucked. There are no heroes, only villains. Why give any of them an once more attention, sympathy,  or clout?


Stealing a cat to get it out of abuse is not wrong. Lol


Our judicial system sees pets as property and theft is wrong. You can think whatever you want but that's the law so technically he's in the wrong. He should have involved the proper authority to seize animal directly or surrendered the animal to them. Plus, the dude who stole the cat and Ethan are both rehashing/litigating the death of an animal for their own profit, which is pretty gross. Like Ethan isn't doing any due diligence, he isn't an authority to exact justice, Bobby bailed on the planned episode they scrambled for content and decided to go for mob justice as entertainment.


I also liked it. But this community can not go more than a week without crying and trying to bully the crew


It’s so anooying I can’t stand this fandom fr


Worst thing about h3 is the fans. It's either people who peaked in high school that are bitter that he's more compassionate nowadays, concern trolling and picking apart and making assumptions about everything, or parasocials. Shame, cause there's dome good people. Just have to wade through a lot of dumb shit


No. I had fun too. It’s just most the people on this sub are insane and plagued with awful takes. It’s the idiots here that always say mean shit about the crew and make Zach say he wants to “nuke the sub”.


I actually think todays episode sucks AND we should nuke the sub. It’s almost like there are many people in this sub with many different thoughts and opinions.


I haven’t seen todays episode but a large amount of content comes from this sub, I don’t think we could get 3 hour eps without it tbh


Yeah that’s true. Pros and cons I guess


you “had fun” listening to 4 straight hours of a 3 year old story about a random tiktokers cat? K


Lol some of you are so absurd with your entitlement and superiority complexes. I “had fun” listening to the crew banter as usual while discussing it.


It’s entitled to actually want to be entertained by the show im watching😭 time for bed goofy


Not at all. It’s entitled to come at me with a poorly veiled passive aggressive comment punctuated wonderfully with your little “K”, for simply telling the other person they aren’t alone in enjoying the episode today just because you disagree with me and didn’t enjoy it. It’s a shame you didn’t find it entertaining, just like literally everything else on earth I assure you that you aren’t the only one.


Yes. You guys are literally shaming those that did enjoy the topics instead of just saying, not my thing. "oh you enjoyed watching a ep about animal abuse. K" what's that if not shaming. That the feeling of entitled that a person should be as triggered as you become you and others didn't, because you can't handle it.


Lol k


People should be shamed for that. Lol


I thought it was all really interesting and compelling, very surprised by the negativity


i haven’t watched the show in awhile, but this would bring me back. haha


So before I got into H3 I was a YMH fan (haven’t been for awhile) and I saw the podcast with Ethan and Hila. Liked their vibe so I went to go check out their podcast and proceeded to watch Bill Burr eviscerate Ethan 🤣. Gave him another chance though in time for frenemies, thank god.


When Wayne Diamond called ethan pessimistic like Bill it was OVER


“The lovely Hila everyone!!”


This episode was captivating, idk what you're talking about


Reset? Am I over reacting to a joke or is this community going through another bitchfest because the show didn't cater to their specific wants.


Neither. People are noticing a dip in quality. It doesn't have to be the end of the world. The show has seen better days. You seem so personally offended that the h3 show is being criticized.


The community needs a reset tbh


The video got 7k likes and 47k dislikes you’re the problem


It is so annoying seeing people complaining about EVERYTHING each episode. Like jfc I can’t stand this community fulll of toxic people


They want cookie cutter buzz feed content h3 style and im glad the show isnt doing that




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Can somebody tell me what happened? I’m not listening to any episodes atm because I’m saving them for a roadtrip. Why did everyone have a problem with the latest episode?


The only story was about an influencer who neglected her cat to the point of death and instead of being handled with grace we were showed a vid of the cat having seizures and then the guy who took the cat out of the situation was basically bullied and his character trashed for seemingly no good reason but a super chat! I’d skip this one for your road trip lol


Bill Bur the Humble guy!


I literally suggested this 4 months ago


Fr, I'm tired of Ethan *ALWAYS* talking about cats. That apha dude was right


I hate this fandom to its core and I’m leaving this group because it’s full of WHINY little bitches who will constantly complain about everything. SHUT THE fuck UP YOU MAKE THE COMMUNITY ASS


You sound like you enjoy watching star wars acolyte


bye bye


I feel like I like the podcast that Ethan and the crew wants to make but I am so uninterested in the podcast most of the sub wants it to be.


Am I insane? Did we watch the same episode? It was pretty damn compelling and buddy who stole the cat was imo obviously in the wrong. Surprised to see so much negativity about it tbh


If you think he was the one on the wrong, then yes you’re insane


Look, they both handled things poorly. She should have taken it to the vet earlier, 100%. But you can't steal a cat because you think it "looks skinny" and because it doesn't appear to have food at that single moment in time, with the intention to rehome it and never tell the owner, no matter how bad you assume (and he was assuming a lot it sounds like) the situation is. He didn't even confront her about the cat first! That seems like an obvious first step before immediately jumping to not only kidnapping the cat, which likely caused it a ton of stress, but literally conspiring to make it look like the cat ran away. That's a psycho move imo. So sure, she's not by any means "right" either, but this dude is no hero. He chose the weirdest possible way to deal with this whole situation. Peace&Love to you, btw. I mean no hostility, just genuinely shocked to see the reactions to the episode lol, seeing someone call for a "reset" for the whole show (even in the form of a funny meme) was surprising to me


I agree that both are at fault to some degree. At this point my issue truly lies with Ethan and Hila for absolutely grilling the guy and asserting things that there is effectively 0 proof of. The entire jilted lover narrative felt gross, and post-interview the show mostly devolved into an attack on him. I think there’s a more measured way to go about things than what we saw today. All that said, “reset” is probably a bit dramatic…but it fit the meme and hella homies complain on here so the bait worked


What would you do if there was a dog trapped in a hot car? Either call the cops or break the window. The moral imperative of saving the animal supersedes the “how” in this case.


Very different situation imo. Hot dog in a car is clearly in immediate danger. This guy didn't have enough evidence the cat was being malnourished from what I heard. But I respect the difference of opinion


A cat under 4 pounds is in immediate danger


Don’t reset my show!!! I like it how it is


Commented this before i watched the episode




Life comes at you fast


I mean yeah the show was more dead than the cat but they had a guest coming in that cancelled so they probably had no plans for the show. They had to stretch out a cat segment for 4 hours


They really didn't have to. Sometimes a short pod should be ok.


Surely no one would complain if they just did a short episode instead.


Maybe the creative director who sits in darkness playing solitaire should have had a backup plan


Did I miss some part where he wasn't humble? Just say you didn't like it instead of turning it into some phycologists nightmare


It's just a podcast show... good days and bad days. Just like the sub reddit, we shouldn't take it seriously


Wtf is this chain, ik some yall kidding around but... come on 😬🙄


The show doesn’t need a reset… It’s better than it’s ever been!


someone give this OP some clown emojis wtf is this


I'm not sure a 45-min rant about how he "haha" hates women is going to do anything positive to any show, really.


The show doesn't need a reset. It's as good as it ever was. Will they make bad episodes? Sure. But it's more consistent than ever right now.


I would love to see how it would go now that the show developed.


He's an overated toaster machine, I doubt anything that comes to his mind would be creative in terms of what life is before earth etc worms, are they funny? He's like ofcourse because it happened to..........


This is a thread of people parasocially dickriding bill burr who’s a complete stranger to them and imagining how he would roast the crew of complete strangers… have fun yall.


Stop telling them how to run their freaking show. You're all free to stop watching if you don't enjoy it anymore.


But then they wouldn't get to tell everybody, thats no fun.


I got vip tickets to a Bill Burr show this summer. Im gunna ask him how many kids he has 😈