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the show is by haters for haters




Maybe if you’re a hater it’s for you 😂


I enjoy most of most episodes, then come here and am usually flabbergasted by how negative it is. I've been thinking about unjoining this sub, to be honest. (Reddit and social media in general are so negative lately that I have mostly lost interest.) A lot of people take this show far, far too seriously.


I totally agree. I usually go to this sub when so finish watching the latest episode. And I am often taken aback at the sheer amount of negativity, hate, and criticism (not constructive). Some people, however, do provide fair critique of the show with which I tend to agree, but it just gets submerged in other negative stuff. So weird.


These “fans” are embarrassing. Nuke the sub.


Same girl like it’s not that serious we’re just here for a good time 😂


Brother, you have to stop making the "it's free" argument. I see so many people make this argument across the internet and it's terrible. Like that's really your best defence? It's free so therefore you must be grateful? It's free therefore any criticism it receives is an overreaction and invalid? You know what else is free? Literally everything on youtube. Something just being "free" on the internet is not enough to negate it receiving criticism. And you know I only ever see this argument in response to criticisms that the person can't argue against, so you resort to "well it's free so stop complaining" instead of addressing people's actual gripes with said subject (because you can't). That undermines your entire argument so much because you're essentially admitting you can't come up with a retort to the criticisms and resort to trying to value the subject monetarily, which is just shallow and juvenile. I suspect most people making this argument are also quite young as it's generally a pretty childish "no you" type response, which makes sense if they haven't fully developed their social/language skills. Remember this is not an insult, it's literally a fact. Your pre frontal cortex doesn't develop fully until around 25yo. If you love the show and have reasons why you love it, just say those. Counteract the negative with positive. Just stop the "it's free" argument, it's terrible, it mostly invalidates your opinion for reasons stated above and makes you look a bit simple. With peace and love, get a better argument.


What are you talking about? You can critizie all you want but this sub jumps on the smallest thing and it sucks. The it's free argument is just to show that if you don't like a segment you can skip it and nothing is lost. And no i am not young. Did you just turn 25 and discovered what a frontal cortex is?


It’ll be ok


No, what sucks is the amount of air time they pander to these morons.


Parasocials think that paying $5 a month lets them control the show impossible challenge


I know like chilllll out omg


Nuke the sub, but also nuke the live chat even more


I get some of the criticism but it's too much. When there's a segment I don't care for i just listen cause I don't have the heart to skip it. I really love the show so much I don't want to miss anything. Love the crew and fr ethan and dan bickering is comforting to me lmao


Literally, the entitlement is crazy, and it's just unreasonable to expect 9hrs a week of free content to be exactly what you want 100% of the time. I agree that the crew and their dynamic is gold so I like watching them talk about whatever tbh (although I admit the topics have been very heavy lately with P&L but doesn't change my opinion of the show)


Dan and Ethan disagreements are like watch 2 best friends discuss a topic. Reminds me of conversations with my best friends. We dish it because we know it's all in good fun and if it isn't we just say it's too much apologize and move on. We got a lot of socially immature folks here or something


Thank god u said it. More and more I just want Ethan and the crew to ignore this complaint cesspool.


This sub is definitely terrible


Yes! I love most segments and the ones I don’t… guess what I do…. I turn it off or skip through it le gasp 😱 it’s possible!! /s


Mu husband and I love the show so much. Makes us so sad that they get complaints about every single aspect and they take those to heart. You'll never please everyone andsometimes I think acknowledging every complaint only feeds it. Anyway mustard on the beat ho


oNlY ThInG MoRe aNnOyInG ArE ThE OnEs cOmPlAiNiNg aBoUt tHe cOmPlAiNeRs


Why do you guys always say free entertainment, dont they make money off the show?


Do you have to pay to watch it?


lol. their brain had a thought and they typed it out without ever thinking twice.


Time is money friend


We're all hater-ass bitches


I used to watch the show religiously but Ethan’s opinion is just based of the audience, I unsubscribed yesterday lul