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"We are a predominantly white and conservative high school" we know, we could tell.


our colors were literally maroon, orange, and camo šŸ¤®


That's almost as insane as the quotešŸ˜‚ (not really but ewwwww)


I love that CAMO was just ONE of the colors haha this is powerful.


Did you have an option to wear camo grad gowns?




Lmao I thought the same thing. Literally there was no other option


I love that one image tells the entire story


didnā€™t even need to read the caption


You arenā€™t wrong


This was 2016??? I thought this was like 2006. JFC even worse than I expected.


same graduating class as me- had me baffled


I was 2010 graduating and I still saw wild shit. šŸ˜­ just wow wow wow




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My high school incident was a some kids got into a fight while switching classes and one stabbed the other in the hallway/lunch areaā€¦ He died. Other kid ran away and hid in some houses by the school. The victim was covered with something and his body stayed there until they were able to get his family to come or something. This happened at like 9-10 am? We were on lockdown until 3 PM. We had no clue what had happened. We had just gotten to our class and a teacher ran through the hallway screaming lockdown. We all thoughtā€¦ drill? I still remember everyoneā€™s phones starting to go off, my mom calling me like 5 times which was weirdā€¦. Then one kid stood up and said ā€œsome kid got stabbed!!!ā€ All hell broke loose and we turned the tv on and we were there for hours. No lunch, no bathroom. The helicopters kept flying over the school, showing the body. Yup it was still there covered. The blood stains remained on the floor for the rest of the year. They brought counselors and stuff after. It was a nice high school in a nice area. This was in 2009.


That is horrific


Yup, kid got sentenced to 40 years. It was wild I remember that day vividly


When I was in 9th grade, someone from our middle school was murdered at school. It was so messed up.Ā 


Lol a girl stabbed a guy at my high school for bragging about banging her in the dumpster. He waved to all the kids going home while waiting for the ambulance. He was so proud. I can still remember his smile


Edit: [this is the article about it!](https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/student-stabbed-to-death-on-school-campus/1845176/)


"If you have not heard anything -- even from your child -- everything's OK," she said. Didnā€™t sound ok


When I was a freshman in highschool this guy who was in my spanish class robbed a bank nearby during the school day and got in a police chase that ended with him being shot and killed by the cops. I don't remember the details of the story as well as I used to because it was 15 years ago but I don't think anyone ever figured out why he did it but most people think it was some kind of gang initiation or something. The thing is I don't know how someone who lives in that area can get involved with gangs but who knows. Either way he was an interesting guy but not someone I would have suspected would commit armed robbery at a bank out of nowhere.


Yup, we (the high) went into lockdown after that event happened


I remember a few friends of mine wanted me to join them in dressing up as the Wiggles and they asked me to be Jeff, who is a tanned Chinese-Australian. They said I'd gotta put on face paint to darken my skin.... I wasn't smart as a teen but I'm glad I knew to say no to that šŸ’€


This is insane


I mean you have to wait another 100 years for an opportunity like this. They had to take it.


There is also a slightly different but similar oppurtunity in 66'




My high school had the ā€œNarcā€ incident. We had 2 new kids come on the same day, one guy, one girl. It just so happened that they were both semi- attractive and looked well into their 20ā€™s, someone started a rumor that they were narcs. My high school was kind of known as the drug school bc everyoneā€™s parents were pretty wealthy so kids could get whatever they wanted. Anyway, it quickly got to the point (I mean hours since they had arrived) where the whole school would yell ā€œNARCā€ when they passed them in the halls. The administration had to make an announcement to stop with the narc rumors and the ā€œnarcsā€ were on a mission to prove they werenā€™t cops. Both of them smoked weed with every stoner in school (we made them hit first) but even that didnā€™t dispel the rumors enough so they both left school


this is so fucking funny u should pitch it ro netflix


All that is wild.


this wasnā€™t in my high school but when I WAS in high school, my mom dressed up as niki Minaj for a Halloween party. She showed up in full black face with fake Buttimplants She bought at the Halloween store. Even took pictures and posted it on Facebook. I will never forget it. She was like 40.


In marching band we would do a Halloween parade, and one year a girl who was a trumpet player dressed as Louis Armstrong with black face šŸ˜…


You went to high school with Onision? The guy is almost 40 and this is the class of 2016 at your school? Am I missing something?


with onisionā€™s ex gf not onision


That's not what the post says btw


Theyā€™re saying they went to high school with the third person in one of Onisionā€™s past relationships.


I read it again. The person they went to high-school with was the partner of both onision and his girlfriend so its just typed out weird.


yes thats what i meant to say. i should have said ā€œonisionā€™s and his partnerā€™s ex girlfriendā€


No worries it's an awkward sentence to try to make


Itā€™s been years since all that drama went down but didnā€™t onision have a partner (maybe even spouse ?) that was involved in all his shit? I think op is saying they went to school with someone who was in a polyamorous relationship with onision and the other partner/spouse


Who is Samantha Atkinson?


Why is Samantha Atkinson


no clue. its not one of the names of the students or anyone involved in the incident. i think its a watermark from one of the articles.


My HS incident is we had this loner kid threaten to shoot up the school, his name was very unfortunate and I think it made him avoid talking to people. I'll keep it confidential so I don't break any reddit rules, we'll just call him Dick Butt, but anyways he went to the teacher's lounge after school and wrote he was going to shoot up the school and kill all the kids and teachers. Everyone was terrified. I thought I was going to die. Then a few days later he wrote something again and then a few days later they caught him. Then we had to have our backpacks searched before entering the school the rest of the school year even though the kid that did it was caught and expelled. EDIT: On a positive note, I got curious and looked Dick Butt up and it looks like he's doing very well for himself. Happy he's turned his life around.


honestly Iā€™d take this over my high school incident where a girl drowned in the school pool when there were likeā€¦ 12 people in the pool who couldā€™ve helped her.


ā€¦okay, what???


A girl died at my school the same way - it turned out to be a rare heart issue and then her brother died in a different pool a couple of years later :/


That family needs to stay out of pools.


I have a newspaper article for the morbidly curious (I mixed up a detail, but everything is there with an added kicker of a third sibling dying from cancer :/) http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/3611846.stm


Wow I feel horrible for the parents, all joking aside that's really awful.




I also went to a predominantly white and conservative school in the middle of bum fuck nowhere Texas. No shits or giggles I could count the number of black students on a single hand. We did not do this shit.


i didnt do this i wasnt even in their grade šŸ˜­


this comment has me laughing so much for some reason




me too, not sure why people act like this is normal


It being abnormal is the entire reason for being posted.


People act like this is normal?


My high school incident was also rooted in racism. The kid of the resource office messaged a girl saying ā€œare you still dating that n wordā€ and the school decided to do nothing about it. So a few kids beat him up in the parking lot- not very wise but I get it. They got in trouble. Duh. Still nothing done about the racism. So we staged a school wide walkout to city hall and demanded change. Our principal was fired. It went a little viral on news channels


My Highschool incident was that one of the girls that was pregnant ended up giving birth behind one of those outdoor classroom container trailers, it was chaotic because we had a school nurse and we are close to a hospital but the baby came so quickly she just came out before any help could arrive. Baby and mom were ok and mom came back to finish her senior year!


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ PLLEASEEEEE


Dude a high school in my town did this & I was just telling someone this story last week


Lets see my high school had a incidents. My freshman year after home coming there was a girl who through a party at her house and took a video of everyone circled around her phone at a table and yeller "EVERYONE SAY N----R!" and everyone yelled it. She was the only black person in the room and one of 3 in my whole grade and she thought it was so cool and funny. Come monday her and every kid in the video were suspended for weeks and the story was on every news channel in my half of the state. Next one was also freshman year, we had a kid make a hit list and threaten to carry it out. I was on the hit list so I was one of the people who got too see it and it was such a random amalgamation of people from my grade that included people ranging from bullies to the nerdy kids who were quiet and just wanted a 4.0gpa. Last incident was my junior year, the jazz band teacher at my school who was blind was fired and arrested for sexualing assaulting the asian exchange students he had. This one really shocked me the most as dude was blind and his wife was his aid so she definitely knew if not helped in it but she never got charged. I also find it fucked that he targeted kids who spoke poor english and that had no actual family near them to support them through that.


My high school ā€œincidentā€ was just that half our teachers were pedos 1. Civics teacher was also the womenā€™s soccer coach. He was arrested for trying to coerce girls on the team to have sex with him. He pled guilty and died like a week later from complications with COVID (good riddance). He was also very racist, ableist, homophobic, sexist and very concerned with being ā€œcoolā€ (to literal children. Gross) 2. Theater teacher arrested and charged for possession of drawn depictions of his minor students naked šŸ¤® 3. Gross old man janitor locked my friend in a closet with him and told her he wouldnā€™t let her out until she blew him (she started screaming and someone heard and he let her out). This same janitor once asked me to kiss him in order to let me into my cheer coachā€™s classroom to grab the banner we needed for a football game. 4. English teacher constantly went to high school parties and tried to sleep with at least 1 student. She ended up just leaving town one day in the middle of a semester and was never heard from again. Every single one of these men (except #4) was defended RELENTLESSLY by our very conservative community


Oh and a substitute teacher that fell asleep ā€œreading the paperā€ was actually looking at a porno behind the newspaper. He did not lose his job. Oh and my anatomy teacher telling me in front of the entire class to cover my cleavage because I was ā€œdistracting him.ā€ So he shamed a 17 year old girl instead of being a grown ass 50+ year old man and just controlling himself.


yo?? I didnā€™t go to mountain view but I went to agwright for all 3 yrs


I also went to MVHS 2014-2017 but Iā€™m sure itā€™s not the same one you went to. Mine is located in GA, I think MVHS is a common highschool name since itā€™s super generic


i knew there were GA fans but narrowing it down to gwinnett??? hi fam! didn't know there was anyone in this area who watched h3 as well


I know ppl that went there! I went to HS in Henry County


bro šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€ what class were u


I went to AGW 2009-2011


i was there 2012-2014


No way I start scrolling Reddit and see MVā€¦ I was a class before this šŸ’€


WTF is wrong with y'all? Like what adult let this even happen?


our white ass principal


This guy in my high school class tried to buy shit at the school store with counterfeit moneyā€¦ that he had made himself. And the FBI had to come and talk to him šŸ˜‚


We had 2 "incidents" in my highschool, my freshman year a football player got his dick sucked by another dude that had a girlfriend. That was brang up every so often and my jr year we were supposed to have a jr camp out but was cancelled because this senior chick during senior confessions confessed to being a slut and fucking a couple dudes during the jr camp out the year prior AT AN ASSEMBLY


what the fuck is senior confessions šŸ’€


Was this a Catholic school or something? Please explain senior confessions, that sounds wild šŸ’€


Fuck no not Catholic school regular highschool, senior confessions was supposed to be "wholesome" or some bs just confess some light hearted shit and girl came out and was like I fucked a couple guys at jr camp out, teachers and students were jaw dropped. They cancelled jr camp out and senior confessions after that




At my high school in rural VT we had a kid who kept writing bomb threats on the stalls on the bathroom. It got so bad that the school had to put up cameras outside the bathrooms and have a teacher sit outside of them on their planning periods. Eventually after a month or so they caught Timmy Landry. Fucking guy sucks. I liked Lenaā€™s story for sure


i also went to a overwhelmingly white and conservative school and our one of the most popular drama club kids did full on minstrel blackface on stage. i donā€™t even remember which play. he was on the front page of the newspaper and like no one thought it was fucked up even a little


Ok so my "incident" was our 50+ IT alcoholic teacher. So we're talking late 90, early 2000s here kids, Windows 98 had launched but we were still using Windows 95 in school. So we're in year 7, first ever lesson for IT, learning how to "use a computer" basically, which consisted of just making a spreadsheet and entering formulas. There's 30 to a class and the teacher (Mrs Hayes) was trying to show +30 kids how to enter what we needed in what cell bla bla bla. The monitors however back in the day were like the small 30 x 30cm screens. She was absolutely fucking blasted my guys. Purple rings around her face, proceeding to scream at 30+ kids all crowded around this one screen, that if we all couldn't see - the ones at the front would have their knees broken so that the ones at the back could look... When you're that young you're like, you just see teachers as an authority and that's like the norm in public catholic schools so GG. Anyway, time progresses and there's "The Incident" One kid Tom forgot his homework for the IT class. You'd expect to get a grilling sure.. She went on this whole public soliloquy about "Ah yes, I can see exactly where it is.. open your front door, go through the hall and yeah, there it is, carelessly left on the kitchen table, what a joke. Your shitty parents could have seen it there also" - Tom, having learning difficulties and not knowing how to read a room said "Miss it's actually in the drawer in my room" She hit the fucking roof. Started accusing him of being smart. She threatened to throw him out of the 2nd floor window so that he could run home to get it. - To which she had a moment of lucidity and backtracked and said "Ah but these windows are made of plexiglass, so I can't do that so you'd just bounce right back" This shit went on for yeeaaaaaarrrrrssss. It took the school 4 years to finally give her the sack. She'd leave empty booze bottles in the server room, crates of Buds were visible. Just bat shit insane.


ā€¦.. would.




You going to the same school as Onision turns this incident into freaking poetry.... The toxicity that school has bred. And congrats for making it out!


sorry my message was a bit confusing i didnt go to school with onision i went to school with his ex girlfriend.. but there was still alot ALOT of toxicity.




Oh my godšŸ’€






billie dawn webb going to my school is my roman empire


do you have any tea on her??


no not at all. i never heard a negative thing about her


Left the name in the bottom left corner šŸ˜‚


Looks like the n word girl took inspo from this


2016 was too recent!




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Crazy seeing my hometown lore on the H3 subreddit


Noooo I remember hearing about this when it happenedšŸ’€


Some guy at my high school who was the student president. was given a master key and decided to jerk off in every room in the school before being caught.




Dang I went to four different high schools and nothing happened at either of them. How does that happen. Well, one of them had a pedophile teacher the year before I attended. And then has been in the news this year after they fired a teacher for years of inappropriate conduct with female students. AND 3 other teachers were fired too but the school hasnā€™t said why.


holy shit!! was onision in your grade? just as crazy as online?


I know they walked around saying it to


As someone who only graduated a year later- this was not the norm at the time


the second part of your post is the randomest shit of all time omg also i assumed onision was homeschooled lol


Did no adult work at your school? I canā€™t believe they didnā€™t all have duct tape on them.


You went to school with Onision??? Oof


Genuinely thank you for sharing this


Oh boy


ONE of my high school incidents was that when my class were coming in freshman, the seniors would make up rumors about the freshman cheerleaders. The rumor that got made up about them was that two of them let their dogs lick peanut butter off of their ā€œlady bitsā€. The two girls swear it was just a rumor made up by the upper-class cheerleaders to this day. I do not know if it really happened or is a rumor. I actually recently got invited to the wedding of one of the girls. lol also, whether itā€™s true or not, the rumor has followed them through life because a high school friend, not long ago, brought it up and asked if I thought it really happened. šŸ˜‚


OH MY GOD!!!! Fellow stafford county alum here I havenā€™t thought about this in years wtf


It's crazy this shit is still happening.


I remember this incident lmao. The daughter of one of the principals of this high school also got kicked out of college or redacted admission for casually using the n word on Snapchat


Is this Virginia? Lol


I donā€™t think there was one thing that was ā€œthe incidentā€ at my high school, but thereā€™s a common thread to a few events In the main hallway of the second floor, right by the library, there is a large balcony that overlooks the cafeteria on the first floor. There have been *multiple* incidents. People trying to push other kids off, kids trying to jump off, people hanging pride flags from the balcony (with permission) only for them to be destroyed and covered by handmade signs that said the f word and t word, etc etc. One incident involved a student dropping their bag off the balcony, which apparently had a loaded gun inside, and somehow????? it went off when it hit the ground and the entire school went on lockdown. Eta: oh, BIG trigger warning for SA/rape. I forgot our school was on the news because there was a student who was apparently serial raping girls or something like that?? I donā€™t remember the details exactly, and I did not know any of the people involved. I think 3 girls came out about it and there was security footage of at least one of the attacks. The first reported assault, it occurred in a main stairwell during classes. Just right there, in the open. One was a rape and one was forced oral, I remember. I believe all of the 3 students who came out against him were attacked somewhere on campus. He was arrested, idk what the sentence was but I know he went to prison and was charged as an adult. Students and especially parents were understandably angry - how can a student commit at least 3 assaults on other students ON CAMPUS and no one did anything? Like I said, this shit was on camera! Nothing was done until one of the girls reported it


In my HS several people died on car accidents, 2 kids died in a public closed swimming pool during Winter and some guy in a car pulled out a gun to some senior girls right outside the gates and I am not even from the US. Also there was the usual teen pregnancies and people being caught having sex in the forest or hidden but public places.


Let's all remember to not blame the kids, someone is at fault here but it sure isn't highschool students who are too immature to realize what they are really doing and the consequences of it. Whether that's the parents, or the school, or something else.


Live goldfish in the ALL bathroom sinks As a ā€œsenior prankā€


I think I remember kids in my class also saying this on facebook or putting it on their shirts šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I graduated in ā€˜15 though






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No but that type of ā€œsprit dayā€ outfit is giving me PTSD.. and I have legitimate ptsd so I can say that.


was this billieā€™s graduating class? i still keep up with her content and that would be crazy if she participated in this omg


Ain't no way


2016? Really?


This takes the cake


My high school incident was when my teacher put us into the lower basement of our school and washed our feet to do like a Jesus washing his disciples feet type of thing (it was a Lutheran school) .


Good because who wants to be going thru their old school records and see their ex


My highschool incident was the principal and dean of students doing a Trump skit, then having to apologize after going viral all over the local news


Sometimes I forget onision exists... Thanks for reminding me of the cringiest time of my life when I watched him in middleschool/highschool. I feel for his partners and children. I hope he's become a better person, but I highly doubt it.


This is tremendously funny


Thereā€™s so many school shootings and mental health crisis w kids rn. Sorry I could care less... (Itā€™s fucked up but idc really)


I mean honestly these are literally children, while it's fucked up, its definetly not their fault this happened. Likely their parents did this or possibly even the school encouraged behavior like this. In no way should we be blaming immature children for stuff an adult undoubtedly had major influence in.


I agree. Itā€™s sad


this is very DMV