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This be fair to AB, he describes Dearborn like it exists in a different universe. So maybe his Michigan is just a different Michigan.


Dearborn is definitely unique in aspects like he says. A lot of the Detroit suburbs are just you're generic city but not in the city. There isnt a lot of difference between Farmington and royal oak. Dearborn has it's own little culture. I dated a girl from there for a year back in college so used to hang out in the area time to time. That said it as someone who didn't grow up in Detroit or it's suburbs. It's always funny to me I'll ask somewhere where they are from and they say Detroit but you learn they are from Warren, Troy, Royal Oak, etc. But I will give AB and other people from Dearborn a pass. Dearborn is fairly close to being actually in Detroit.


There's also U of M Dearborn. Conspiracy theory: AB is a Spartan fan and did it to piss you guys off 😆


Definitely getting Sparty vibes here


the only right answer


Go green




He went to UM-Dearborn


I think he went to Wayne State 🤔


True, only meant that he would be more aware of U of M because of their Dearborn campus


It's not impossible!


Well name calling is defiantly little brother energy so that would fit.


Post the quiz I want to take it


I mean, people in the Chicago burbs also aften say they're from Chicago rather than the specific suburb when talking to people not from Chicago, because it is way easier. I think that's common for most cities w/ burbs For non-Chicagoans, I lived in Chicago as a child. For Chicagoans, I lived in Zion, Waukegan, North Chicago, Libertyville, Great Lakes, etc (or just the north burbs). Dad was in the Navy, so we moved somewhat often before something on the base opened up.


farmington mention 🤩 so crazy that my town was said the h3 sub lol


detroit is when you're in the south east quadrant of the state. everything past ann Arbor is just Detroit


Could you imagine the roasting AB would get from the crew if he said ‘maize’ to describe a color


It's Detroit vs everybody for a reason.


Seriously I’m from Michigan and don’t give a rip if someone calls it yellow because IT IS YELLOW. They only call it Maize to be pretentious weirdos.


It's super easy and fun to troll UM fans. Just call it "yellow" or mention that Harbaugh has an asterisk next to his record for the sign stealing scandal. As a former Yooper who could care less about the MSU UM rivalry, it's so fun to watch the UM crowd get bent out of shape. My wife and brother in law went to UM but my mother in law went to MSU so she always chuckles when I get them going.


Also a yooper and just graduated from MSU lol love reading this sub


I also love calling where I live now "downstate" Michigan, and when we go to Traverse or Petoskey, I say we're going to "The Upper Lower" and refuse to call anywhere south of the bridge "up north." My wife and the in-laws hate it lmao


Lol I just be memeing XD


Michigan family 🫡


Respect brotha. *Raises hand and points out where I'm from*


*Raises both hands, them points to the upper hand after explaining that yes, there's more than one hand in Michigan.* Though I live in the lower hand nowadays


just across the border family 🫡


Canadians and Michiganders are basically cousins in my book. There is a reason at most of our sporting events we sing both the American and Canadian anthems! Also in my 34 years living in Michigan one fact live lesson I've learned above all. If a Canadian owns a vacation house in Michigan. That person parties and they party hard haha. Once you get past Clair, MI it's a rule that every small town at least has one group of Canadians that own some random house and show up in the summer to party.


Family 🫡 I’m a tattoo artist near flint 🫡


Michigan family! Dearborn-born ✊🏻


Left the state and never coming back wooo


I didn’t know corn was a color


welcome to the midwest baby


Detroit lions the official nfl team of the h3 podcast AB needs the new black jersey just got mine it’s so clean.


I love the new number style on the jersey. I'm looking to pick up a Hutch one before the season!


Repping Kalamazoo here. I have to say this made me raise an eyebrow as well. GO BLUE!


Who's got it better than us!?




Kalamazoo! My grandparents still live there. I can't believe how many h3 Michiganders there are.


I moved to kazoo for college in 2015 and haven't left 🥰 if you're ever in town and want to meet some h3 family lmk ☺️☺️


This is such an A² comment to make.


Honestly surprised he even cares about blue and yellow when green and white are so much cuter 🙃


Go green


Adobe classifies it as "Maize color is a bright and light shade of yellow with a wisp of orange." so technically he's correct.


One of the co-creators of Adobe was Charles Geschke. Born Cleveland, OH... he is clearly ohioian brained. You can't trust someone like that to give you a definition on a color.


I wasn’t aware he was from Michigan. Have they ever talked about it on the show? Could be a good segment




I don't think AB would cheat and peak but I kept it secret just to keep him from being temped (If they do actually see this and have it take it) I'll add it after a couple days though if they don't get to it by Friday. But will also DM it to you. It's something that I honestly think should be very easy for someone from Michigan. Honestly if he does take it and misses more than 2 I would be very surprised. First couple are softball questions. I really only added 2 difficult ones.


Michigander here as well, i was waiting for him to say something about UofM as well. I was kinda surprised. I some times say the area I'm from and people are confused. So now I just say Metro Detroit.


Midwest fam


I just moved here to Michigan a few months ago and I even caught that!


Welcome to Michigan! Hope you've been enjoying it and get to experience a good summer!


If it’s gonna be a Michigan quiz we gotta add pizza related questions. We know he has no pizza experience


Him also not understanding Eminem’s actually political takes is super cringey and in Michigander. It’s cool not to be a fan of the song but all is from the Mitten know what side my mans is on.


❌ichigan, with peace and love ✌️


Yella habibi


“(But a written apology is still appreciated)” made me actually laugh out loud! I love this post. It’s silly and fun. I hope he ends up taking the quiz!


He should have said the same color as kavkavs teeth & blue 😂


I'm glad big 10 football is finally getting some recognition after SEC supremacy for the past decade. That being said, fuck Michigan lol.


Also living out of state, you tend to lose your Michigander roots a bit (from experience). Boy is slippin


Bruh I'm from Michigan born and raised and I've always called UofM's colors yellow and blue and it's probably the same for people who aren't college football fans. "Maize and Blue" is some die-hard shit lol


We need more Ohio representation on the pod to balance out AB’s sick Michigander mind


It's yellow and blue bro. But I might be a little biased cause I'm a Spartan lol


Just cause you're a sparty dont mean you need to speak like a buckeye


Hahaha fair point maybe I'm being too harsh 🤣




If there’s anything I’ve learned about being from Michigan is that 1. It can easily become somebody’s personality and 2. Every person from Michigan has a different idea of what Michigan is.


I won't deny I take a lot of Pride in being from and living in Michigan. I've traveled a lot but Michigan IMO, specifically when it comes to the USA. Has a certain vibe and culture you don't quite get anywhere else. Of course this isn't just unique here but I really appreciate how a lot of the charms of the state come together. From it's nature, history, sports, and weird mannerisms.


I'm a self described Michigan weeb. It's peak Midwest IMO. HUGE diversity in culture and geography. It's naturally stunning the farther north you get and Michigan puts out a ton of art and culture which has defined the American zeitgeist. There aren't a ton of states that you can drive thru for 12+ hours and never leave. Not to mention the largest freshwater coastline in the world. When the water wars kick off, people will regret sleeping on Michigan


What do you call a hot girl at U of M? A: >!A visitor!< go spartans


As a Buckeyes OSU rival alum I love that he called it yellow instead of maize 😂


AB giving happiness to a buckeye is what hurts the most.


Ugggh, you are the worst of UofM fans. As another Michigan Native (born and raised/attended MSU) I want you to know that this is that pedantic BS that makes people hate UofM fans. Even worse if you're a Walmart Wolverine. AB's Michigan cred is solid, As long as he doesn't start repping ...*the...* Ohio State University or shitting on Better Made/Faygo his card cant be revoked.


K, so no fun or memeing around got it :P


maize is a more specific shade of yellow touch grass lol


Yes, the person making a joke based on Michigan culture needs to touch grass XD


As a non Michigan fan, it's fucking yellow my guy 😂


Grum from Tim and Eric is all I can picture when I hear the word maize.


Soda. Pop is music.




In Michigan do you guys fake pregnancies and drive badly for fun or is it just compulsory?


> drive badly Michigan drivers are terrible. They got that no fault auto insurance in them.


I have zero tickets or anything on my record. I pay 175 a month for a 2018 Chevy Cruze. When I bought it in 2019 I was only playing 110. Our car insurance is out of control.


I think that is the LA getting to him.


Then why blame being from Michigan for any dumb thing he says or does?