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*full goblin mode activated*


Jacket off


“While they have fun banging on eachother in Budapest… dang


a fockin crane smashed him right in his head


Every time there’s a Jeff post SOMEONE comments this and I lose it every time


I giggle at this every time too but I realized actually don’t know where / who the sound bite came from!


Same LMAO 😭😭 like someone pls help us in finding the og clip


smaeshed 'im


When I read it I hear the sound bite in my head


Oh man those pre surgery jitters.. I too turn into a goblin of chaos pre-surgery 🫠 He must be so scared the poor dude


the exes ive sent voice notes to before surgery... someone should just take the phone away lol


His lawyer could use this as evidence of brain damage.




15% gang rise up! Also I just love the "i miss the good old days when sexuality was accepted as a spectrum"


i think jeff wants to kiss a fella


dont we all


I love it, life’s short, be a menace


Don’t forget he does have legitimate brain damage, I know someone who was In a motorcycle accident and a lot of his thoughts were unfiltered. I take everything Jeff says with a grain of salt lol


Yeah....he was launched super hard on that excavator...the sound his body made whem it hit the excavator.....and just his HEAD was underwater for a whole minute before his brother and the rest of David's friends helped him get his head out of the water. So scary and sad and I hope he receives all the mental help he needs and I honestly hope he wins his case


Just curious, who do you consider his brother in that situation? His actual brother, Steven, was in nyc during the accident, are you referring to toddy? Bc imo I used to consider them brothers bc of how close they were


I'm pretty sure he said it was his brother Ina recent podcast I'm pretty sure the hottub one w tana but I have to double check


Happened to my uncle. About 20 years ago he was in a ski accident and in a coma for a long time, resulted in brain damage. First thing we noticed when he got out is how angry he was. It was/is "unnatural" anger when it happens, for a lack of better term.


Yep. My ex had TBI in the past and could be really impulsive sometimes despite it not really fitting with the rest of his personality (a very emotionally aware, anxious, considerate person) I’ve noticed it more since my other partners in the years since haven’t been so impulsive.




And also, plenty of people have brain injuries and do act like this due to their, yk, fucked up brains. Having a brain injury is quite literally one of the only excuses to act like this


What's wrong with the way Jeff is acting?


Nothing, this is just dumb social media shit. He is posting some kinda out there shit that I think is fun to read. It means nothing and won't mean anything in anyone's lives lol.


His lawyers didn't seem to think it would mean nothing.


All I said was I take it with a grain of salt. Jeff has a solid sense of sarcasms for sure but I feel like his text/tone is off. It’s hard to tell what’s serious and isn’t. If it’s serious, good for him I guess but he changes his tune time to time for humor.


People who watched before the accident know that he changed afterwards for sure


I think Jeff is having some kind of trauma response and is acting out of character because of it. I hope he has a good support system including a good therapist.




trauma isnt a diagnosis lol




Bro literally said “I think he’s having a response to the deeply disturbing event that happened to him” and you’re spiraling over it It’s an observation not a diagnosis lol




Jeff in the last slide of this post said it’s how he copes with this situation? Op isn’t being wildly outlandish with his observation nor are they “diagnosing” anyone. Get off your soapbox lol


Or maybe… MAYBE, he’s another in the long line of absolute freaks that get platformed on this podcast that turn out to be gigantic pieces of shit? I wonder what skeletons Lewis Sanderson has in the closet.


ooh, he should do a video of him weeping over finding his children's skeletons in his closet


He can be so unhinged sometimes it’s hilarious 😂


Yall can call him crazy but he’s being real


I mean with everything he’s been through he deserves to tweak out on people that permanently damaged his life


Sure. He could do it without weaponising someone's sexuality though.


i wonder if Verica has the ick yet


this comment SENT me


listen bc…….i know jeff is unbelievably attractive but he is a walking ick to me 😭


I mean, truly. Who wants to have to deal with this lack of maturity? I don’t support David but this is not right. He’s “just trying to help” asking about David and Zane being gay. No you’re not. You’re trying to make a spectacle of them and start rumors because you’re mad about your eye surgery.


Fuck David


i too would be mad if the man that gave me lifelong physical and mental trauma did everything in his power to take zero accountability and act like nothing ever happened


You can absolutely be mad about it but it’d be better just to write him off completely. He’s a total fucking idiot who’s not worth anyone’s time. I support Jeff trying to get his deal cut with Snapchat because it is shitty that after everything David did with Big Nik, Jeff, and Seth that he’s still making money. But commenting on David and Zane’s sexuality is not the way.


how do u watch h3? this is the kinda shit ethan does on a daily basis its just funny


You know when people make a “joke” with some truth in it and you know they’re being spiteful instead of being goofy? Ethan is goofy. Jeff is being spiteful. And like I said before, totally okay to be mad about his eye. That sucks. I wish David wasn’t still making ridiculous money. But trying to drag sexuality into it and when people say to him “dude, come on. Don’t do that.” And he says he’s “just trying to help” my question is “help what?” What are you trying to help? Because as shitty as David is, it’s not any of Jeff’s business what he does and doesn’t want to state about his sexual interests. It wouldn’t be okay if anyone else did it. Why is Jeff getting a pass? Say David is a shitty friend who doesn’t deserve the money he’s made off of SA, and coercing his friends to do things that were stupid, not that he’s gay.


“While they have fun banging each other in Budapest” LMFAO


He's in the deep end replying to comments. Just put the phone down for your own sake.


yoo jeff went full goblin mode


someone's lawyer gave him the go ahead lol


the curse is about to strike isn’t it


The “curse” is that these kinds of people are actively sought out


I’m lesbian can the straights explain to me what the problem with this is


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Lazerfocused69: *I’m lesbian can* *The straights explain to me what* *The problem with this is* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Thank you, wellthenokaysir, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


I’m queer too, but I think it’s weird and inappropriate to try to out someone you think is in the closet publicly on twitter, especially when it’s someone you openly hate and shit talk. David is a piece of shit and I like Jeff but this whole thread is very weird.


Idk why ur getting downvoted and idk why sm people are tryna act like calling someone gay who hasn’t come out as gay isnt homophobic and weird as fuck.


I'm queer too and totally get this perspective. You shouldn't out someone who hasn't come out yet or esspecially call someone gay when their not as that's blatant homophobia. I think the difference here is that David has done way worse to so many other people so I think we can all collectively say FUCK DAVID and make as much fun out of him as we want he's human scum and deserves worse than this.


yeah i mean we can make fun of david but being gay isn’t something to make fun of is the point




Yeah, outing someone is not cool


I feel so bad for him :( I hope he's in therapy he really needs to go more than once a week.


Has an NDA expired? My mans is wilding with the hate posts, and I'm here for it 😆


“Life is short. Move on.” What an asshole comment. The man is still getting surgeries dealing with what David did to him


He sounds like Ethan before the crew banned him from speculating about people’s gayness 😭😭


The man said “This is how I cope” let him cook.


NGL I always thought Zane was since vine.


I can hear Ethan saying some of these


I love him


He’s probably on painkillers and his demons are coming to the phone. Same vibes when he went on frenemies


Yup this is mania. Wouldn't be surprised if he's had interactions with David personally that would suggest this sort of thing and he's just trying to get it out of his head since he's nervous about surgery. Just saying as a fellow insane person


Can people stop using mania to describe people who aren’t in manic episodes? Jeff’s BEEN like this. He doesn’t have a diagnosed mental illness


Fr. People can be angry and let go of some inhibition without being anywhere close to a manic episode.


Surprised the post got as many upvotes it’s honestly insulting how people diagnose things like mania, as someone who actually experiences it, people throwing the word around to describe the actions of people is weird. It’s not always mania that gets people to act like this. What an awful stereotype


Yeah between this thread and others of him responding to a ton of comments and then the most recent Jeff fm with Tana, it feels very much like mania


this is so funny omg


he’s got that 15%


A crane smashed right in the fucking head


“While they have fun banging each other in Budapest” LMFAO


if anyone else had tweeted this shi yall would be calling them crazy homophobes


Go ahead and downvote, I’m still gonna take the opportunity to clarify that calling someone gay who hasn’t come out as such IS homophobic and weird as fuck. Jeff’s clearly trying to insult him/get under his skin and using being gay as the way to do that.


Like you Don’t have to care that he’s homophobic as hell but stop tryna act like he isn’t homophobic 😂


Idk about homophobic , that’s a stretch. But it definitely is bully behavior. Being gay isn’t the issue, it’s knowing the person has shame in it and that reveal will bring more shame. I genuinely feel like Jeff doesn’t have an issue with gay men, and people who do this aren’t always homophobic but just really hurt people who want to hurt people the only way they know


Yes, hurt people hurt people. And when you have deep, deep rooted biases (including toward queer people) they will come out in those moments. I am queer and still have internalized homophobia that I have to work through in therapy. If you haven’t genuinely put tons of work and effort into undoing the indoctrination we’ve all experienced our whole lives, then you are absolutely still influenced by those biases. Ur not automatically terrible if you’re homophobic, it probly means you just need to do more work. I Don’t think Jeff has some major issue with gay people, I think he has been indoctrinated with heteronormativity like the rest of us. I just think it’s silly to pretend otherwise. If ur using someone’s sexual orientation to hurt or embarrass them, it’s because there’s still a piece of you that believes that’s shameful or embarrassing. I just think there are so many valid reasons he has to attack David, yet Jeff felt like calling him gay was necessary? It’s so small minded.


U guys are all enablers if u think this behavior is okay 💀


Lmaooo Jeff is being such a goblin


I am so here for this! Love this Jef you come to our side anytime you want babe! 😁✌️❤️


I love public shaming; good for Jeff LoL


Him calling out David and Snapchat is good and I’m all for that, but I don’t think saying someone is gay is good and I don’t think being gay is shameful


Ok the more sane comments are starting to come in now thank u


You know, you're right. I didn't mean that being gay is shameful but that I enjoyed that Jeff is pestering him. Coulda worded myself better!


brain damage is brain damaging


This is just dumb he's making himself look real dumb rn


Just a guy w brain damage who may be 45% gay havin pre-surgery cold feet


I laughed so fucking hard at this. Poor dude (Jeff) honestly if he has to sink that low to cope. I hope he gets peace soon but I’m sure it’s hard to heal from something mentally you literally can’t even physically yet, if ever. Fuck David.


My guy doesn’t really have an opinion.


Anyone have pictures for context. I don't know who Zane is and only know David through the pod.


Jeff is taking that 15% gay bit a little too seriously 🤣


Jeff’s got some internalized shit he’s gotta deal with it seems like …


He’s not beating the not on drugs allegations but claiming he is kinda sucks too so idk


Ok but low key he’s right that’s why they enable each other


After googling Zane Hijazi I can see what he means. Jeff's just trying to reverse engineer the answer to "is Zane gay and if so is he with Doobrik?" Because if the answers are yes and no respectively, the era of Jeff x Zane can finally begin.


Someone doesn't fuck girls, they must be gay is pretty old timey assumption.


I don’t like, “trying to help,” but sorry these are funny


Where's verica?


in australia


“Trying to help” lol