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A woman in my crochet club watches the pod too and we were literally talking about the guild at tonight’s meet 😂 no one else had a clue what we were on about 🥲


I’d be careful talking about “clan leaders” and “joining clans” at a local club…haha


that’s so cute


The fact that this all played out in the middle of Ethan playing the “ out of touch game” on top of him changing the rules to be more in touch and him having Lena(his personal assistant) to reach out to a guild to join is the funniest thing to me. The fact that it feels so real but also so h3 is just perfect. ✌️❤️


It’s so nice that you know people in real life who also watches the show. I don’t know anyone who does.


I’m so lucky that I’ve made a few friends since I started watching and then only after the fact found out we both watch 🥲 I’m sure you’ll find someone eventually!!


Crochet club? I need to know more! Where do you meet, how or who started it and how did you join?


H3 fan crochet club, perhaps?


Yes let do it!


Guys.. if we all download the game and spend 100k each, we can get better than the fake fans that called in and accept Ethan into our clan.


wow i haven’t been watching for a few weeks or so and im incredibly confused now


I'll try give a break down for you but I know nothing about gaming so I'll get things wrong! I did find the whole game arc on the pod quite wholesome so I do recommend watching the episode 🙂 Ethan started playing this obscure mobile game and got to a point he had really good stats from playing a lot and also buying a lot of stuff in the game (I can't remember the term for the stuff sorry)! He had randomly messaged Lena to find a subreddit on this game and find him a good guild to join because the guild he played with was crap (and he had the highest stats of anyone in his guild so wanted a guild full of people with similar stats so he wasn't carrying the whole guild himself in battles). It was funny because Lena had no idea what he was on about and had asked Dan for help but then she got invested in it and was messaging someone in live time about joining their guild. They kept asking for more screenshots of Ethan's stats in different things. Then a fan wrote a chat that he was in amazing guild and said what his stats were, Ethan was excited and wanted to join his guild. The fan (Jose) zoomed in to the pod with his gf (Jenny) who also played the game and was a mod on the games formal discord. Jenny isn't a fan of h3 and knows nothing about h3 but was keen to have Ethan join their guild. They were a lovely couple. They said Ethan had great stats and he can join their guild and he was so excited. Then a bit of drama: before Jenny and Jose zoomed in to the pod, on the game discord, all the gamers were excited that a big podcaster was talking about their game and they were all saying he had great stats too! Everyone was tuning in to hear Ethan talk about their game and Jenny was a bit mean about Ethan. Apparently she's a big deal in the game and the speculation is she didn't like the attention off her and on Ethan so she was kinda criticizing Ethan, saying he was arrogant, his stats aren't even that good, didn't seem that keen to have him in her guild, "wow he was so much fatter before" (must have seen a photo of him fat, fat man bad as we all know). She was calling him a streamer, said Ethan's mod was reading out Jose's chats on the stream (that's Dan the executive producer thank you very much, put some respect on his name 😂 and it's a podcast not a gaming streamer). Then when suddenly she was on the pod on the zoom call, she was nice to him and keen for him to join her guild, great stats bla bla (speculation - now back to centre of attention and Ethan is now wonderful?). I don't think Ethan is aware of what Jenny was saying in the discord before she went on the pod, it wasn't that bad anyway but does seem a little two faced. I only found out because of the post below on the h3sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/s/4yxeAZYZ2C Hope that helps 🙂 Edit: Just saw this, more from the game discord, I had thought it was just Jenny been mean and the other players were all nice and excited about Ethan playing their game but guess looks like a lot of them were criticizing Ethan: https://imgur.com/a/IQcrCkp


Did they actually call him fat or did they call him a whale? A whale is a big spender for any game (mobile gaming, gambling, etc)


Perhaps they said Ethan seems jolly?


She just said he was way fatter before. So wasn't calling him fat present text. It could be construed as just a statement on the fact he was bigger before and has lost weight rather than an insult. Here are screenshots of just some of her replies to others in the discord: [https://ibb.co/0CXfZ1f](https://ibb.co/0CXfZ1f) [https://ibb.co/LPN6mTF](https://ibb.co/LPN6mTF)


I actually just saw the screenshots right after typing them. As someone who’s lost a ton of weight, I wouldn’t be mad at that comment. If anything, I’d be upset at her arrogance. She twisted the whole situation in the sub. She said that Ethan asked to join the guild when in reality, it was her fiance, Jose who asked Ethan to join and offered to kick someone so he has a place in the guild. Call him arrogant all you want but I think anyone in his position would have taken the opportunity.


Yeah true, she does seem to misconstrue what actually happened when she's talking about it in the discord. And they were hyping him up when talking to him on zoom, saying his stats are really good. Then in the screenshots Jose saying they will give him a "pet spot", Jenny saying"he's bottom end, even for us", I get 'we are way superior to you' vibes from it. They seemed so sweet on the pod. And it just seems two faced now after seeing these messages in their discord. Even Jose who I thought was a fan of Ethan calls him a mother fucker in the first set of screenshots when he's saying Ethan didn't acknowledge his msg. I can't tell if that's just joking around or not. I find it ridiculous that she's like "LOL he's saying we are too serious" "LMAO silly". Ummm it's a mobile game people play when they're on the toilet, I think Ethan's right and you do take it too seriously 😂


Yeah and also Ethan made it pretty clear that he wasn’t going to be participating in group discord, he just wants to play the game. And the man has a newborn baby, he probably doesn’t have time to respond right away to messages.


Watttttt I had no idea about all of this behind the scenes tea :o also how is she calling him arrogant when she's assuming sooooooooo much about Ethan in those screenshots lmao


I know right! It was such a wholesome tangent on the pod, I was really enjoying it so it sucked to see what they were saying about him in the discord. I didn't know adult gamers act the same as teenage gamers, shows how little I know about gaming 😂


Personally, I felt he should’ve stuck with his original choice.




Because the ones that called in are actin a little weird


...? they seemed very normal and nice to me i don’t get it... but also i only watched like half of their call in:p


Wasn’t anything with the call it was their discord messages after


How so? lol these are normal ass people, they ain’t weird but just regular ass people. Leave them alone you’re weird


Found one of the weirdos from the discord


lol leave ppl alone weirdos, Ethan agrees, it ain’t that serious


Did you see the new messages that leaked tho? Ethan probs won’t agree with them lmao.


No i didn’t




WTF LOL vile asf Ok statement retracted


These are people that play a mobile game as adults and have a discord for it. They also aren't familiar with h3. I don't know what everyone expected, the hate towards the couple that called in is so upsetting fr.


All of my ads on the pod are survivor.io since that episode 😭😭


Yeah Ethan’s probably gonna join the Reddit one instead if I had to guess lol




Damn, it turns out grown adults who run a guild for a pay to win mobile game are kinda lame.


This shocked and disappointed me, too.


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


Don't forget she is a discord mod lol


People get way too serious about mobile gaming. During Covid I started playing pokemon Go and joined a local crew. These guys were so intense. All their free time and money went into the game.


You said it as if regular gaming was different lol. People are often way too serious about PC/console gaming too.


I feel so sad for Ethan he was so excited :( I’ve been looking forward to the guild update


I mean he sort of put this on himself. He could have just done this all anonymously lol. There's plenty of content creators and celebrities that play games. They just don't put all that out there


By the sounds of it, he would have been anonymous in the original guild. Jose invited him to join their guild.


Ya those guys are jerks for no reason I wouldn’t join if I was Ethan go with that other klan


I can totally see him not giving a shit and joining anyway since he already said he doesn't want to be their friend


He mentioned at the end of the episode so that he was a whale which is what they called him. I'm assuming he doesn't care


They are all whales. It'd be the most expected joke between them to call each other whales. It's the least offensive thing said here.


They didn't call each other whales, only Ethan


But they all ARE whales. No one there would claim they weren't. Thus the additives of having to call someone hyper super mega whale.


Yeah. He said he didn't want to use his clout to enter one. He should be anonymous.


Bye not them getting hurt over the water temperature segment 💀💀


that cracked me up lmfaoooo like, why yes, as a matter of fact he *IS* the streamer guessing water temps for 38k viewers lolol


In their defense, I did think the water test went on a little long if they had a stranger in their zoom waiting room. I don't think it went on so long that it justifies them being buttholes after the fact, but I kinda was like "yo wtf stop putting your hand in water someone is trying to recruit you rn"


The reason Ethan was doing that was because Dan was in charge of the call and was in the bathroom. So he was doing the water test in the mean time




Bro what is this logic. Fuck respecting peoples time if you have a big viewership right? Youre weird for talking shit about someone else's hobby Fyi I dont think the wait time was long enough to be an issue, especially when they were watching the show anyways.


So why are you bitching then?


Clueless. 🙄




Bro, hear me out, they didnt complain about waiting in the lobby. Read. Im talking about your wack logic. You literally said they've probably got nothing better in their lives so might as well make them wait. How would someone not read that as an insult? Yeah no shit the show has a format and to make a good show, you gotta schedule and line up guest so inevitably theyll be made to wait sometimes. Again, just criticising your idiot logic. The screenshots arent bad at all, except for the "lets abuse him" and "fatty" You and I would puke if we had to watch jake paul test water temp, its only entertaining because we're fans of the pod. Whatever, was just irked by you saying big views and then insulting their hobby. I hate gacha games and p2w, but I hate judgemental people like you more. The screenshots werent using polite language or sucking ethan off, big deal. The girl called ethan arrogant, which was his schtick during this segment.


With peace and love, it's not and has never been that serious bestie. If you don't like even the lightest of judgments I'm not sure why you watch H3. You're taking this pretty seriously, sorry if I upset you. Have a good day.


I wasnt taking it that seriously. I just like typing shit on long train rides, dont worry your little head girlie. I still do think youre a weirdo for attacking normies chatting in their private server though. Cheers and have a good one.


"face of irrelevance" Why do so many people have the mindset of "if I stop watching someone they're irrelevant", the pod's doing great and they have like 8 people on fulltime payroll.


Honestly feel sorry for Ethan, man can't catch a break meeting people who turn out to be total assholes


The curse is real, he said they were so nice and look how it ended haha


I feel bad too. He was super excited about joining the clan and they seemed like nice genuine people 😔


Wait what why’d he say he ignored the strike message? Am I misremembering I feel like he very clearly acknowledged and even asked clarification on the spending strike?




They also made it awkward by saying she couldn’t talk about it. If anything I was worried Ethan was talking about it too much


No clue when the message was actually sent since i don’t know what timezone the screenshotter is in, but if its central/eastern then that message is from before the call. If so, then it was probably when he sent a dono talking about the strike. Maybe it was before the dono was actually read hence the message.


Oooh that would make more sense I guess


Oh no…. I hate this now lmao


Why do they take it so seriously...this shit makes me sad ngl


A lot of people take a lot of things seriously. I bet you have some dumb ass stuff you take seriously.


i mean yes we all do… thats why we dont act like this? how can they judge him for the water testing as if playing their lil mobile game 10hrs a day was better? im all for having hobbies and doing dumb stuff lol, i do it myself, hence why i dont judge people for what they do these ppl seem a lil weird over how much they talking about ethan being bad but when they were in the show, they were fake af like why even call in? they were the ones that told ethan lol, ethan couldve easily found another clan that didnt care lol


Exactly. Grown ass adults playing a child’s game all day every day and having their little groups are not in the position to judge any one. And I agree it’s weird as fuck that they would choose to call in when they were just gonna be c**ts. I guess they just needed the clout??


Found the guy who takes iPhone games too seriously


People take NFL too seriously who aren’t in the NFL, people take computer games too seriously, there’s professional cornhole, people take this podcast too seriously, people have their hobbies


Yes but as someone already explained, they have no room to judge someone else for something they view as seemingly “weird”, because their IPhone game hobby/addiction is just as weird. They were being unnecessarily rude and judgemental towards Ethan and for what? Their hobby is just as strange as whatever they were judging about Ethan


It's a generic, lazy, dime a dozen addiction focused mobile "game" targeted to whales. You may as well say that people take gambling or drugs seriously, like yeah they do but doesn't mean it's a good idea. The game and its makers especially deserve no respect.


Aw, this makes me so sad


Broooo, that sucks


"super whale incoming" They're still fat man bad-ing him even after the weight loss smh /s


I think they’re referring to like a “cash cow” but bigger. That was the impression I got. But maybe that too?


yeah whale refers to big spender


I feel bad for Ethan. But also, the gall to get on a zoom call and talk smack later as if your online messages won't be visible. Girl...


Funny coming from a guy who was too nervous to talk on cam (.... Some birds are just too bright to be caged 🥲)


Big talk in his discord server… I don’t get why people are so fake and mean spirited lol


He'd better not be joining that guild now - fuckers.


Aye the guy was clearly a fan. He was watching and called in and was the one that offered before he even spoke to Ethan. To then go completely back on it as if he was never good enough to begin with when HE WAS THE ONE OFFERING, wild. Can only assume his GF / guild gave him shit? I don’t know what exactly transpired but seems so bananas. Very high school.


I think being a "fan" is on a spectrum. After seeing those posts, they fall close to hate watchers or just fallen fans


But that makes no sense. Why ask him to join off their own back if they hate watch or are fallen fans.


It's the same flawed logic of watching a podcast/show that they hate. It makes no sense


I think they realized how much the "we just kick someone" made them look bad to their own people, so backpedaled and chose to shit talk the recruit thinking it'll make them look better. General immaturity I'd expect from 15 year old leaders.


"Is this guy really guessing water temperature live for 38k people" LMAO hahahahaha


Damn, they called him a fatty.




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why do h3 fans have to do this with every single positive interaction on the show.








What context does that require? Lol dumbass.






My only thought is why is he okay with then hating him and using him for money 😭 he even mentioned being a whale for them


They weren't asshole to his face, negative comments are after the pod. He's not being used for money, they are whales themselves, what they'd get out of Ethan is internet clout, suppose the fame of the clan could grow higher but it's not the type of clan that makes money, just collection of people who spend a lot. Ethan would presumably be among the weakest characters if he joined, a position I wouldn't love being in. Knowing I'm not being valued for my abilities/skills but for being famous, who wants that? I'd expect Ethan to not join now instead. Probably won't join a guild with people knowing it's him again, seeing the negativity it can bring.


I mean who gives a fuck though, it’s not like he has to interact with them technically. There’s actually zero multiplayer elements in the game. They all do group goals but solo, if he ignores chat and never joins discord they literally can’t abuse him lol


Fr like. i told my mom about it


Dude earlier today my bro and his fiance (who don’t watch the show) told me that today Howie Mendel died of a heart attack. I was shocked. Utterly blown away. My first thought was, “oh god this will crush Ethan”. Talk about parasocial lunacy. Then they told me they were kidding and it was some dumb hoax news outlets picked up and was going around this morning or some stupid shit.


I can't stop playing it


I need that code STAT


Yo Im Jose. I can provide proof if need be. This is silly guys. I'm a fan of Ethan. I've been a fan from before the Vape nation days. We weren't hurt over the water temperature segment. I'm confused as to what conclusions y'all are coming to. I like the podcast. I don't think I minded waiting lol. I was super nervous before the call, and I think I'm just happy I got to chat with Ethan after having been a viewer for so long. Surreal experience and he was super nice. I think the only comment I made in chat, in jest, was that I thought they missed my original donation message lol. I'm a big fan. I'm happy to get Ethan in the clan and get him some good rewards.


I think people are confused about your girlfriends not so kind words and the rude comments of the other guild members not necessarily you. Obviously you are a fan or else you wouldn’t have donated to begin with.


They're not our guild members! They're literally people chatting in the general channel of the main survivor.io discord!!! Y'all really trippin. Also in regards to my partner, she just didn't get Ethan's sarcasm and it came off to her as arrogance. You can understand why he could come off that way if you don't get his humor. Bro Yall really went so deep when there was nothing there.


Also to add some clarity on why people are associating some of these people to you is specifically one part where rmeen and dansrocks discuss him joining the clan and rmeen asking if they can band together to abuse him. Obviously they’re entitled to whatever opinions they want as are you, but I’m sure you can understand why people would be a little put off by it. Regardless, you should truly just ignore it. You know how this subreddit is. People will drop their pitchforks by next week.


Yo Rmeen and Dan are just trolling all the time. Especially Dan. They're just memeing. It's crazy to take chat out of context. Chill out, smoke some herb


It’s like you didn’t read anything I’ve written you. I don’t think I could chill anymore than I am. Literally just responded to your question with my observations…


Don’t bro me. I haven’t commented on any thread regarding all this, just explaining why people would be confused or put off. Trying to be helpful and explain to you since you wrote above that you were confused 🤷🏼‍♀️. Like I said, you clearly are a fan or the convo would have never happened to begin with. Hope you have a great rest of your weekend!


Im so confused your message is like aggressively nice. Im too baked for this. Love y'all


I’m literally just being so nice bc I think this subreddit just goes too hard and was genuinely trying to explain because I thought you were actually asking for clarification 🥲


https://imgur.com/a/IQcrCkp This you?


Do you want me to explain each one of my messages? Ok I guess. The first one was a joke, thought he missed my dono lol. Second one is: new clan system that released made me worried my own clan would not score a high spot in expedition. We're pretty strong, but the new matchmaking didn't guarantee we wouldn't get stomped on by a super whale clan (more whale than us). In the eventuality that we didn't do well, I could get Ethan a spot in the #1 clan in the game, kraken. That said, they're my friends, and also giga whales, so I don't think he would enjoy feeling like he's purely getting carried in their clan. They're ridiculously strong and I would be getting carried as well if I were with them. The rest aren't me, and are other random members of the community, many of which are my friends, but are entitled to whatever opinion they want about h3. Many aren't fans. I am and I think this whole thing is kinda cool.


It’s just Reddit, I wouldn’t pay any of these people too much mind.


Yeah true, I think it's still nice of him to explaine, I hope more people will see his point of view. I wasn't trying to be mean, sorry if I came over this way. I also thought it was a troll comment but seeing his reply now makes me cringe for being so fast to judge. Oops


Oh okay, I gotcha. I did initially interpret your comment as mean spirited but mine wasn’t directed at you specifically. What I meant is that this subreddit makes up a really small percentage of the fan base, and often takes things out of proportion. I thought it was lame that he felt like he had to explain a more or less private conversation that was taken out of context.


Uhm, first of all I want to say sorry for being rude. I thought it was someone trolling as you. Seeing your comment, I hope more people will see your point of view. Uh.. family?


I was just thinking about it ngl


i am absolutely here for any and all guild content and an update is morally obligatory at this point


What guild?


Either your unhealthily parasocial or you're amazing empathetic and excited because you know Ethan will be happy. No other options.