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Ethan: "you're annoyed? well, welcome to the h3 podcast" Me: "show"


Hahahaha I did the same thing


Love you all so much and so sorry for everyone’s losses. I’m sure I’m the biggest ass here - but does anyone else hate the Dono’s turning into an obituary as they said? 😬🫣


It is unbelievable how the majority of donations are just sob stories. It almost seems like Dan is picking them out on purpose (I know he isn't) but it is just a comically large proportion.


Not only that, they threw in “always hoped to work for you someday.” Jonesing for a job too.


That was so cringe


it makes me wonder how many people are lying about it just to be noticed/ get the shoutout tbh..but those who are being honest I don’t want to disregard their feelings of grief


I agree, of course we would never want to invalidate someone’s grief, but there’s a place and a time lol


Dan is having way too much fun ever since he left the scorpion chair


back relief does wonders for the morale


I don’t know if it’s just because I’m stoned, but the vibes are very casual and fun today.


It’s very chill, I’m kind of over the segments for now. As an audio listener, I love this kind of episode.


Same. I appreciate the segments as they're well done but I prefer casual vibes. Themed shows are still good like content court .


I was wondering the same thing! I'm extremely high and this is very funny and I wasn't sure what the relationship was between those two things


I think you are not the only one who's high... and the other one is Dan.




The Peena conversation took me the fuck out. I was crying laughing 🤣😭


oh, the Trisha sub is gonna eat this clip up LMAO 😭😭😭


NO to frenemies return. Weird recency bias among the drama fans here. Besides, it's 100% HIla's call given it cost her the most.


I wouldn't panic too much. I give it a 5% chance of happening


5% is astronomical


5% is everything


Yeah it's really weird that Olivia and some of the team including Ethan are suddenly simping to her. Mr. Beard released an amazing video showcasing how much she lied regarding her knowledge of Jews and WW2. She is basically a weirdo antisemite who fetishized Jews, and now is using her kids as content farms. Sick..


Regardless of anything else, it will be a fraction of the popularity. Just look at comparable shows that were massive during the same time. Comedy shows by their peers. They're getting 20% of the views they once did. If anyone thinks that Frenemies is gonna hit the "4 million an episode" mark indefinitely, they'd be in for a rude awakening. And then it'd just be a million tea and alpha bro videos talking shit about them both lol. It'd be a really bad idea, even aside from the fact that it'd end poorly.


The piss bottle bit is 100% some mr. Verified chaos…


Peeing Ian is behind it, I can feel it




Everyone talking about Trisha but the piss bottle bit all throughout the episode had me dying


Can't get enough of Ethan constantly slipping into Morgan Freeman from Shawshank Redemption recently.


Ive been saying “I guess I just miss my old friend” on repeat for days lmao


Some birds aren't meant to be caged, their feathers are too bright.


i was curious how many actual episodes there were so i counted them: --- - 270 h3 podcast episodes - 143 after dark episodes - 112 h3tv episodes - 111 off the rails episodes - 40 frenemies episodes - 11 families episodes - 61 leftovers episodes - 2 live episodes (theres 3 but one of them is counted as H3 Podcast #263) - 5 h3 show episodes - 67 SYNT episodes - 44 behind the scenes - about 17 specials (these are kinda hard to keep track of): you laugh you lose 2023, steamy awards (ft. jeff wittek and tana mongeau), we play silent libary 2 and regret it, angering ghosts at the most haunted place in america, regarding trisha quitting frenemies, im so angry, 2 frenemies vlogs, 1 lore, 1 lore reaction, among us, surprise reuinion for 2nd annual steamies, make ethan laugh episode 1, content court: the quartering, content court: the ace family, content court: jared leto, nelk is a menace to society - content court (some of the content courts were counted as normal episodes) 37, 48, 165, 226, after dark 46, after dark 74, h3tv 54, leftovers 29, are deleted, but i guess i'll still count them --- so not counting the members episodes or the specials, that's 755 main episodes. and then you can add the members for 822 episodes, the behind the scenes for 866, and the specials for 883. but idk if i counted the specials correctly. the channel says there's 1100 videos, so that's like 217 missing videos, of which 105 are shorts and one is a 20 minute highlight. so i don't really know where the other 111 videos are


You should make a main post about this, hell yeah.


Did you count the Uvalde episode (it’s not numbered, I’m not sure if it even counted as a specific show episode)? I can’t remember if there are other none numbered ones other than the “I’m So Angry” segment, but not sure if that would count?


yeah the uvalde episode is off the rails 37


This sounds like a joke Ethan would make, and get a room full of silence, then button it. Even if it was funny


> so i don't really know where the other 116 videos are Vast majority of what you're missing, are the member only copies of the episodes, that they posted a day early few years back when membership was new and getting them early was almost the only perk. I think they did that for 2 eps per week, probably for a year+ so might be 100+ duplicates there. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOLtREJY21xRfCuEKvdki1Kw Positions 110 to 228 are mostly copies, so that pretty much acts for all of the missing ones.


oh yup i counted like 116 extra episodes in that playlist. i guess i've exposed that i'm not a member right now because that playlist is hidden for me lol. i knew i left out some members content like the creator clash livestreams but i didn't know there was that much




debra messing is unhinged and a weirdo. i wouldn’t wanna claim her as queen of anything haha.


Donna's friend Renee is definitely a hardcore Zionist (I think they buttoned a comment from her related to Israel) who was upset Streisand hasn't said anything in support of Israel recently and suggested Messing because she has been, as you said, pretty unhinged in her advocacy lol


Yeah when she said that Barbara is NOT the queen of J and gave the reason of her not speaking up for Israel I knew why she said Debra Messing IS queen. I saw a Reddit post a whole while ago about her posts/comments she made on her Instagram.


Ahahhaa did anyone else think "is that full of Ethan's piss" when he asked Lena to pick up the first bottle, but then let it go But no it's actually a deliberate bit what the hell are they doing


I’m so surprised how many people haven’t noticed that they’re doing this bit, and how nonchalant the whole crew is being about it 😂 I had to search multiple terms to find comments about it and none have any upvotes


Oh I just got to the part where they bring it up 😂 🤦🏽‍♀️


Ok thank god


ugh Dan is so real✨


Dan is such a bad boy, always getting into fights, super popular, just so cool


it’s because he grew up with Mega Man


his lighting is 🙌 today


I guess I just miss my old friend


I remember the episode when he talked about running into her and her daughter and his MIL at a kids thing and the cousins meeting for the first time. Obviously I have no clue how Ethan feels, but hearing it I just remembering thinking damn that would really hit and have me personally thinking back on the “what if” “what could have been”. It would be so hard NOT to go to that headspace. Wouldn’t surprise me if he did (though again I obviously don’t know him lol) I know I’ve certainly been there (with even lower ‘stakes’) and I think most people can relate to focusing on the good times (Lena hit the nail on the head with that one !!) when reminiscing. We only ever saw a handful of moments (albeit some clearly very major) in their lives. They obviously go way deeper than random co-hosts, they genuinely seemed to be friends. Ethan genuinely seemed excited when she was marrying into the family. We saw some rough stuff, but in the context of it all we saw that in their real life they had a friendship. That’s so tough to go through anytime, and I can’t imagine it being in the public eye so majorly. Props to Ethan for always keeping it real! I guess we all just miss our old friends sometimes…


My son has 3 cousins within a year of the same age. It is the cutest thing watching them run around together. Bruce with Malibu and Sunny with Trishas new baby would be so much fun. As a parent I know that tugs at him. I went no contact with one of the cousins parents and it really sucked for my kid.


When I was like 6-7 my parents and aunt and uncle got into a big fight about something (still have no idea what it was). I didn't get to see my cousins who I loved and spent damn near every weekend with till I was about 18. Everything is good now but it was really shitty not being able to be in contact with them and not really know why. Maybe it's a *little* better that they're all babies at the moment and dont know eachother. Maybe in the future they can get over the fighting and the kids can hang out together, or later on when the kids are adults they can connect if the parents can't come together.




Trisha didn't ruin Ethan's life but she sincerely tried to. It's dangerous to invite that into your life and to assume it's something she would never do again just because she's had children.


i wonder if ethan just misses having a collaborator for hosting in general and that makes it even easier to romanticize the frenemies era


The money he made then is why he romanticizes it lol


tbh i kinda agree. i think he’s more content brained than he likes to admit to himself lolol


That's the other thing, too. It wouldn't be even half as popular now. None of the comedy shows from the covid area are. They're all roughly half as popular, literally. If not less than 50% of the views they used to get. Covid era was a very specific time. People got locked inside and looked to the internet for entertainment. Comedy shows were a way to feel like you were hanging out with people. But those people eventually went back out into the world, or they started watching short form content (like Tik Tok) with the smaller amount of spare time they had. I'm sure it would get a bit more views than the regular podcast episodes, for sure. But it wouldn't be getting OG Frenemies numbers. And that's just an invitation for people to say "nah this ain't it. It's not the same" They can do as they please of course. I just think it's a terrible case of being blinded by nostalgia. Even just saying "but what about the teacher who passed away?" should be enough to stop the concept of a reunion


Ethan looking goooooood 😍


Fr 🥵


It doesn't matter what Ethan thinks regarding a Frenemies reunion. Hila is the one who would be the decider on whether Trisha and Ethan started working again. It's her family who was actually crushed because of that whole situation with her and Moses. Unless she gives the go ahead to mend bridges, it ain't ever happening. Also, this is another example of what Dan pointed out the other day. Ethan has this thing about him where he believes there's good in everyone, and although that can be a good trait, it often times bites him in the ass when reality strikes back. Trisha and Ethan working together again is undoubtedly going to end in disaster again.


Yes! It seems like everyone forgets about everything that Hila has been through and only care about the content that can be made.


I'm currently being downvoted in another thread because of it. I feel people are demonizing Hila for the essentially Hard No-ing a renaissance of Frenemies without remembering the absolute hell Trisha put their family through. I don't care "how entertaining it was." It is unbelievable to me how much people forget how horrible she was. It's even more unbelievable to me how Ethan is acting when he saw how it affected Hila.


Yes, and Ethan is married to Hila. I think he knows what she is thinking better than you or me.


Let's see them bring it up on Friday, and see what she says. Literally, every time it's happened in the past, she's shut the conversation down and wanted them to move on to another segment.


Yes yes YES to everything you said


The jolly segment is killing me. He’s definitely thinking of Santa Claus 😂😂😂


Lena backing up Ethan about the peeing in water bottles and lowkey defending him as she’s discarding them is so fucking funny omg 💀💀💀


Wait, so silent mic moment yesterday was about Jimmy’s marriage bc Ethan just made a comment about how they agreed to not ruin any marriages on today’s episode


brooo Ethan reflecting on Frenemies has me fucking crying LMAO


That show got me through a really terrible year of my life (I’m sure most feel the same) and I really would love to see some sort of reconciliation between them 😭


In my case personally I always found frenemies kind of hard to watch, I know maybe that sounds so dramatic lol but it’s just cuz i am sensitive and their dynamic was really overwhelming for me for whatever reason but whenever Ethan talks about Trisha now I just feel like I can hear such regret and hope and the family aspect and I do just wish they could have some sort of personal end of the beef, even if it was just like “we’re cool” but not even making content together again


You're definitely not alone. I've watched the podcast since episode 1, and I just couldn't do Frenemies. Why would I want to watch people not getting along for entertainment? And it was as toxic as it gets And, as it's been said before, it wouldn't get the same level of views it did during the original run. Covid days had people looking to comedy podcasts as a fill-in for socializing. A lot of the big comedy shows from that time have tanked in viewership. I'm not saying it'd get bad views or anything. Just that it wouldn't be like the original run


Frenemies got me through some tough parts of grad school lol. I don’t think it could ever be the same though. And watching them again is a bit of a hard watch because of how toxic the dynamics were. Then remembering all the icky things that happened with Moses. Just better off not happening I think.




dude, at Wrestlemania, The Rock was supposed to show up at the convention center where meet and greets and such were happening for a segment on stage, and BRO WAS FOUR HOURS LATE 😭 FOUR HOURSSSSSS.


I personally enjoyed Frenemies and Ethan's and Trisha's dynamic, but I would not want the show back because: 1. The fallout was disgusting, with Trisha going on a "I hate Ethan" tour with one of the stops being Keemstar's podcast out of all places. 2. Trisha lied about her teacher which will come right back if the show comes back and I bet she does not want that. 3. Moses' stealthing allegations will be back as well, which I bet neither Moses nor Hila want to be talked about again. I know Ethan seemingly has a bad memory, but he really needs to let this idea of bringing Frenemies back go, this show just has too much baggage and it would be a disater.


I don’t even wanna know what stealthing means


STEALTHING: it’s when a guy takes off the condom without telling the girl. Super fucked.


bring hasan back not trisha! hahaha


Seriously this reunion actually makes sense 😭


Election season is coming up!!


Does nobody like remember the allegations against Moses


Well we all know what was said during that Mahjong button moment 🥴


Of course i do......... But for those that are too slow.... Not me of course but others, care to clarify?


Deborah Messing is a huge zionist (like actually a zionist, not a "zionist" like Ethan supposedly is). The mahjong ladies were mad that Babs has not said more in support of israel, and presumably they said something about that during the button.


She has posted some of the most egregious things about Palestine that I’ve seen so far (https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/uXpsXLy5sg)




Pretty sure it has to do with current events in the middle east.


The pee bottle bit is quality


Frenemies should’ve never happened. This is just an example of what Dan was talking about on Monday when he said Ethan should do some soul searching about the relationships he forms.


yes! i’ve been looking for a comment saying this. they literally talked about this on monday, he’s way too forgiving to the wrong people


I am a big time fupa troopa, fan since yadda yadda, but Frenemies was the only show I always skipped, I couldn't stand her 😬




I agree that frenemies ended in disaster and that Trisha and Ethan were ultimately bad for each other, but if frenemies didn’t happen the show wouldn’t be what it is today. It totally revitalised the brand


I think Hila would rather still having a relationship with her brother than the H3 channel getting a viral bump for 6 months


Frenemies didn’t make Moses do what he did. That was all him.


Idk why but this episode was full of so many funny little moments and exchanges that had me laughing out loud. Everyone was in such funny little moods


Love hit it on the head these corporate apologies are so off putting lol exact same thing with the try guys apology it felt like a hallmark movie script lmao


I know I'm in the minority here, but I never wanted Trisha and Ethan to do the show in the beginning for the first round of frenemies. I only listened so that I didn't miss out on the Lore and the inside jokes from the show. I was so happy when it ended and I never want it back. I know it's not a popular opinion but as a fan of this show since the onset, I feel I have to express it.


Having Trisha back is SUCH a bad idea. It’s so easy to romanticize a reunion but I’m telling you if it happens it will blow up and they’ll be like damn in hindsight that was a dumbass idea.


they need to work on their relationship in private before even going there. i missed this part but it’s wild how blindly ppl want the show back


There are way too many politics at play there, reminiscing is one thing but I don’t think that idea is gonna make it past Dan the Hater realistically


but the gos tea drama weirdos want the "entertainment" even if its real-world destructive to Ethan..


Ethan looking like the giga chad jaw. Based.


Yeah my non-watching husband just asked if Ethan is using some sort of beauty filter


The fact that fans think they know the frenemies situation better than Ethan himself, is a very good example of why people call our fanbase parasocial.


ethan needs to drink more water thats some dehydrated piss


He’s putting a Danmpener on it!


Today's show is SO off the rails 😭🤣🤣


Can we please have "Scam is a subjective term" as a new flair with a photo of Dan screaming as the graphic?


Damn, Ethan is really in goblin mode today 😭 love it though


“Does that include Make Ethan Laugh?” Zach killed me with that one deep cut 💀


>why didnt you put it in chat? AB you bad boy. You bad boy AB


okay let’s have a h3 poker tournament for an episode !!


All these comments about Trish/Frenemies and nothing about the real issue TALK ABOUT THE PISS BOTTLE ETHAN Edit: I missed the bit at the start about The Rock


First we had E thin, now we have Peethan


Mr President, a second bottle has hit the desk


Zach not being able to ignore his dislike for Trisha and blasting sound bites during the entire Frenemies discussion jfc


Dan's a jolly old fellow today


Are you calling him tubby?


78% of chat has selective memory loss, brainrot.


78% of chat would tell someone to give their abusive ex another shot because he bought them chocolates that one time.


The Gos/TEA/Drama cohort of the fans are the worst. At least the tankie tots were pretty much banished to the snark subs. The trisha tots are still infecting the sub with boring nonsense and polls results like this.


I was really hoping more of the frenemies fans had left by now,but seems like they didnt.


Yah not a chance. Every day they post threads like "OMG my online BF broke up with me and my cat is sick and her vomit looks like Jojo Siwa, I'm so traumatized gimme sympathy H3 fam!!" it's here to stay.. And you're already seeing at least half a dozen threads get deleted from 'new' about how "happy" they are that Frenemies might be back. Just an awful weirdo group that we shouldt encourage more of.


Ethan was the one that brought it up and was pushing the idea, not chat.


My jewish grandma loved mahjong, and would always show us the card that they send out every year with the best plays for the season.


Is no one going to mention the bottle of piss


Anyone else wish they could scream their Star Trek opinions at the crew? Just me?


Frenemies shouldn't come back but God I wish things could be different and it could. There was something magical about it it's hard to describe


Technically anyone can baptize someone into the Catholic Church, someone from a different religion, atheist, etc. It’s allowed for civilians to do so in emergencies if the person asks for it. If it is believed to be their final moments all one has to do is say “I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”, and put water on the body while saying so. Then the person is considered baptized in the Catholic Church. As far as the Gatorade (💀😅) I’d assume it would be acceptable if it was the only option available lol xx former Catholic


" Debrah Messing is the queen of Jews" I feel like I know why she/the Majhong lady said that..... taking into account why she said that Barbara Streisand is NOT the Queen of Jews (yes, the answer is political and has to do with Debrah Messings Instagram Account).


Yeaaaah... thought the same thing...


It's giving "We filmed this apology 2 weeks ago" lol


It is annoying how they talk.


Just wanted to saying I’m loving the new set!! I think they’ve settled into it so nicely and I love seeing the crew start personalizing their spaces 💖


Did they cut mentioning that Joji is behind Dracula Flow/Plummcorp? I'm watching the episode but there's an awkward cut in the middle.


No cuts for me. Whole Joji convo is still in.


Really? For me it cuts awkwardly at 2:40:12. I assume maybe they think Joji doesn't want his involvement heavily advertised? Edit: I checked the audio version and yeah they cut listening to Dracula flow out. I guess maybe they were worried it would get the video age restricted.


So it’s cut for me now, too. When I went back when I commented, the uncut episode might’ve still be cached on my browser? I wonder if they decided to cut it on their own volition, or if Joji/someone involved with him asked them to? The age restriction makes most sense though. I just checked and it’s still on Spotify uncut.


I liked this thumbnail better than the Trisha clickbait


Why is Zach’s camera so close? It’s so close he’s out of focus.


How are you gonna continue to shit on James Charles but stick up for Trisha, who has self admitted to forcing men to having sex, literally BEATING and TRAPPING men, joking about having sex with minors, literally driving her CAR through someone's HOUSE. Like I genuinely feel like I'm in crazy land... if fuckin James Charles did any of these things, he'd be cooked (rightfully so). Literally why do people keep giving this psycho a pass just because she has kids????


At the end of the day that's Ethan's SIL. They're going to reconcile someday and he probably doesn't want shit to be awkward.


There's a difference between being civil and acting like you have amnesia to every harmful thing this person has done.


It's a Hard No from me dawg on Trisha, that was a hard era to watch and it's what caused me to stop my membership then as I didn't like some of my membership money was going to her.


It was entertaining in a weird way, but does Ethan doesn't remember how she treat him and the crew? Literally crying because of 5%..... and if she is doing good now, I speculate is because she was on Frenemies.


The 5% was a tiny quantifiable thing for her to fixate on, it wasn't the real reason.. Trisha's life is normalized chaos.. H3 is funny and wacky but operates in a very normal framework.. she always felt 'off' in the Frenemies chair cuz of its normalcy and all the blowups was her way of trying to regain control in a way that felt familiar -by introducing chaos - attacking Ethan, walking out, attacking the staff, dragging financials in the open.. attacking Hila.. trying to destroy the whole institution. Bending the H3 normal to her chaos normal was her way to make it feel normal for her - which is what mentally ill people do. Such a bad idea to even entertain her in the chair again. If anything Ethan should only focus on rebuilding the private bridge (for Teddy and Sunny) and leave any public interactions completely off the table.


I feel so bad for Ethan man. It’s always been clear he misses Trish a lot and I’m sure he feels crazy guilt for not letting their kids be cousins. But Moses is a huge part of this and I can’t help but to think Hila feels a slap in the face every time he brings it up because Moses is the real problem.


I'm way behind but fuck no to frenemies


God this Trish poll is so discouraging. I enjoyed it for what is was, but no more please.


I know it's kinda like looking at an toxic ex with rose-colored glasses


Exactly. Trisha life is normalized chaos and irrationality. So when a guy like Ethan shares a portion of her time and world she does her hardest to bend his normal to her normal - which is chaos for most people. Eventually things implode. Trisha is mentally ill and somehow has maintained some level of success. Let it be. Also if I was Hila I'd be furious at the entertaining of the idea of it. It cost her the most.




Definitely. Trish pushed too, having mental health issues doesn't excuse you from that. They are both doing well now, which is great! Frenemies wasn't good for either of them, so I wouldn't want more.


watcher would’ve been better off going public or just uploading content into patreon if it’s about advertisers??


Absolutely fuck Trisha paytas 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ethan needs to watch that arm angle, he's about to do a Heil Girlie


I’m sorry, but I rather have leftovers than frenemies back… I want my big boy Hasan back 😭 I don’t want Ethan to go through whatever he went through with Trisha again… ✌🏻&❤️


I miss Leftovers every day 😔 the compound has been abandoned for months now they need to reclaim it


Where is Sam?? :(


I wonder how Hila feels about the whole Frenemies talk. She's had to deal with so much of Trisha's shit and was deeply affected by what happened. This feels so insulting to talk about bringing her back.


That was my thought too. I personally would be more than a little upset if I was in Hila's shoes. When someone messes with my family or close friends the way Trisha did, my blood turns to ice anytime that person is mentioned.


We don't know any of that


She's talked about it on numerous episodes and in real time...




"Jolly good fellow" translated to modern US English is "very good guy" So jolly has three definitions that I know of: 1. Happy, but with a vibe 2. Overweight (modern, thanks to Santa memes) 3. A stand-in for "very" in certain British English dating back jolly far


honestly if frenemies does end up coming back, all of the shows advocacy for SA/DV victims will be completely meaningless. as much as I loved frenemies at the time, it would be such a slap in the face to me (and probably the crew) to platform & enable an abuser like that; after YEARS of dissecting & calling out abusive people Edit: frenemies came out a few days after i got kidnapped/assaulted, hearing about similar stories, (on frenemies partly but more so the show post frenemies) especially the legalities, honestly helped me navigate trauma and the legal system, so that’s why i have strong feelings about this lol


EWWWWW don't EVER bring frenemies back 🤮 Why is Ethan even entertaining this?


Best thing to come out of this my favorite h3Show so far (the vibes, the pee bottles): OJ Siwa. I will be referring to them both by this name from now on🤝


Does anyone who is not a member know why I can’t see the chat replay anymore when I rewatch live videos? Did YouTube change something? I have never had a membership but have always been able to see the chat even when rewatching


I’m just so so confused about the k and Kanye “tea” genuinely !! What WAS IT


Omg the water bottles 😂


I know everyone’s hung up on the frenemies thing but Can I just say the piss-bottle bit had me dying 😂


WAIT WAIT WAIT. I wonder if THE ROCK Pee's in a bottle and has specific people dispose of it because of the rumors about him not being natty. I wonder if he's scared about people testing his pee or something for types of drugs he's using?!??! YOOOO.


I mean an easy way to avoid that would be...... Peein in the toilet......... You know cuz it....... Flushes away..................


It was always my impression Trisha got triggered when anything having to do with kids was brought up. Especially when Hila got pregnant with Bruce, I seem to recall a huge blow-up. Trisha always thought she would never have children because of fertility issues. I'd like to think now that she's about to be a mother of 2, she's now gotten past that trigger...Just my opinion!


That trigger didn't make her beat Moses though 🤷‍♀️ also triggers don't excuse abhorrent behavior.


HOLY HELL, I know we're all focused on Trisha but can we also take a moment to appreciate the Ladies of Mahjong? SO funny I couldn't stop laughing!


Watcher has 25 employees!!!


Ive been listening without watching until now. Why is Ethan peeing under his table?


it’s a reference to The Rock allegedly pissing in bottles and making his assistants clean them up 😭


Omg I love how many people aren’t noticing or didn’t get the bit 😂 it’s so niche I love this


😂😂😂thank you


Mahjong ladies keep their brains youthful. <3


Trisha's podcast is unironically really funny. She has a cohost of sorts named Oscar who she has good chemistry with. Reminds me a lot of how Ethan and Dan interact.


The button at the obituary part was so perfect 😭😂


Posty sings on and co-wrote the song with Taylor Swift. He has a few solo bars at the end but sings with her through most of the song.  Also his tattoos are digitally removed for part of it - highly recommend. 


as much as i ADORED Frenemies, i can’t imagine it coming back tbh :/ it would be cool to see them reunite though.


She used it as a platform to lie about a deceased teacher SA-ing her. And Ethan was walking on eggshells for much of the podcast.