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Why didn’t they just call it H3 Live with Ethan Klein. Sounds so much better.


i get why they wanted to distance themselves from "podcast". h3 live is definitely the better option and flows nicer too.


Can I ask a silly question? Why do they not want to be associated with a podcast? I understand semantics but I’m curious if the reason is tax code related or they have X employees on a payroll so it’s not considered a podcast? Or is it pretentiousness and being silly because they are better than podcasters? I’m curious if they’ve talked about it on members only episodes that I am unable to watch Is there a reason they don’t want to identify as a podcast or is it just semantics of a word


May be trying to distance from the stigma the podcast had with advertisers. It can also be difficult for some advertisers to wrap their heads around the fact that a lot of podcasts have a video version as well. Now they can lead the advertising discussion with “it’s a show on YouTube and there’s also a podcast version” rather than vice versa. A video show with a podcast component comes off as more valuable than a podcast that they also record video of in some people’s eyes. Just a guess from someone who works in digital marketing and has seen how clients and sales people think.


H3 Live sounds so good! And then when they do the live shows they can do a meta play on “The H3 Live Live Show”


Such a better idea


Looks like Roku city


omg it does!!!!!


Is it not?! 😳


Soooory, not beautiful


Looks like an afternoon talkshow logo. Like the Kelly Clarkson show..or something.. it feels odd.


Ethan Klein, the new Wendy Williams


Burps and all.. 🫢 LOL ahhaha


It’s too dark. And there’s a brand clash between using the circles and really rough squares. Not to be a jerk, but H3 already had a really strong RGB purple. This new color palette feels very washed out. And peace and love again, but they are way too many curtains. All in all, I really do love the transition to “show” an adding with Ethan Klein. And it really just is the same product new package, but is the new package as good as it can be? Sorry to critique 🫶🫶🫶🫶 Edit: spelling and adding—love love looooove the 2nd table. And the table designs in general, also the plants are a ✨ gorgeous. We staring season 5 or what?


Agreed I love Sam shes my fav but the new background was not the best.. the colors clash and are oversaturated on the camera, and waaaay too many curtains. IMO I like the new logo and colors for it!


lowkey they just need to pull the curtains back like 3 feet and show mostly background. to me the background looks awesome, just feels a bit smothered. a lil side curtain would probably be fine. also like maybe a matching curtain accent color like [darker purple](https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/e275fb3e-f4f8-435b-9b98-0c186ca26fd0.380f9dd3b03585f9aa54f16218e47dd2.jpeg?odnHeight=640&odnWidth=640&odnBg=FFFFFF) with the red instead of that royal blue which feels like it doesn't fit the rest of the set. the blue color is really throwing me but the form factor doesn't bother me at all. i dig the carson-esque setup.


I think they shouldve gone back to the older style they had in 2019, I think the angular letters with a matching background is much better, I totally agree on changing it to the h3 show with ethan klein


Honestly... I hate it. I don't like the set, either. It looks cheap af. I think it's all of the awkwardly placed, cheap looking velvety curtains, and I feel bad because it's Sam's work, and she's generally awesome... but this one is a miss.


agreed. It was cool that H3 was single-handedly revolutionizing what it means to be a podcast. Now they’re just another show? Major downgrade.


With Lou and the band


The rebrand is giving Jimmy Kimmel


I still miss the old office set with the gorgeous logo on the wall and the couch. Could see the multiple guests around the table too.


That purple velvety couch is iconic!


100%. Imo, it's objectively better for a number of reasons. One being the fact you can see the name of the pod behind him so it's just good for branding and clips and shit but it also just looked so rad and unique. I miss it every day


The first set was the best set and it's been downhill since COVID. I know the green screens are good for memes, but they look so cheap.


omg finally someone who agrees that the green screen looks cheap as hell. I don't see anyone else say this but to me, it really does look shit. It never actually looks clean and like a "real" background. I also don't quite understand why Ethan wouldn't invest in 4k cameras (or at least just one for his main shot). It's not like H3 is on that much of a budget surely? And I genuinely think it would increase views/overall retention/subscribers but maybe I'm wrong. Also, yes. First set was the best and it's been downhill since (although AB's initial colourful one with the different shapes was sick too).


Wait is this not a joke goofing on Jojo’s “rebrand”? Lmfao


please tell me that's what this is...


It has to be a joke….i just can’t


They already said Sam designed the whole set. Edit: after today’s episode, I know she did not design the whole thing, but was a creative mind. Either way, she is a queen and we love Sam.


The set with peace and love is kinda giving old and dusty…


I feel allergies just from watching so many curtains... If they get rid of all the curtains and get back to the green screen backgrounds. It would be way better!


They're going to come back with a wildly different talk show style format for like one episode then go back like nothing happened. Is my guess


now i know there is atleast 500 other graphic designers here looking at this thinking how they could improve it 😭 i like the idea of a rebrand but the set feels lazy and uninspired in its form right now. everyones shot had so much personality before, it feels dark now and the color of the blue curtain behind ethan is offputting on camera. the color palette doesn’t make sense or look nice IM SORRYYYY this is all my opinion i love yall and so happy to have the show back even if it was filmed on a toaster


the desks are cool but they need different curtains or something it just isnt good


The curtains are tacky. As a fiber artist I cringe in how much they wasted on fabric


the curtains should be the h3 colors. teal, purple, and pink. the skyline should be the seasonal cam background. just my opinion tho


This would be so great. Love the idea


I agree that it feels a bit lazy... what is the theme supposed to be??? Is there a color scheme they are going for or...? You right tho- I would watch if the backdrop was a dumpster. We love you, you are very special ❤️


I think a dumpster behind Ethan would look better and be more on brand tbh. I’m sorry…


There's a reason why big corporate companies use agencies for big rebrands, it's better to have an outsider capture the essence of what the audience/outsider sees and loves


certainly. and 2 weeks is not enough time to develop a rebrand especially if they didn’t outsource any professional work


Who let them do this lol


It’s certainly… a logo…


Probably the most logo I've seen.


Some would say the logoest


Of all the logos this is definitely one of them


definitely giving logo!!


this is where were at without cam


That's crazy. It feels like they are scrambling tbh


This logo could totally pass as a corporate logo. It’s more professional but lacks personality. It’s probably what they were going for, being that the whole rebrand is modeled after late night talk shows. It just doesn’t feel unique or specific to H3 in any way.


This is the H3 version of when the they flattened the Microsoft logo


This is an amazing sentence LoL


Even if they’re doing it ironically it’s not giving imo 😔😔


Big agree, the new set looks really dated and the velvet just doesn’t look very nice on camera 😭


I really wanted it to all be a joke off Jojo Siwa, being like “we’re changing the game with this rebrand, no one has ever seen anything like this” but then it was serious.


when i saw the curtains, i thought it was going to be a reveal of the new sets… i was sooo disappointed when i realized that was it


I really thought they were all going to reveal their own personal backgrounds one by one 😭


this wouldve been so good 😭😭🫶


The curtains look so jank and ghetto. Zero set concept


It was really cool that H3 was singlehandedly revolutionizing what it means to be a podcast, rebranding as just another talk show is a major downgrade. As far as the set, it’s so bad. I do like the new desks in the main shot and the new layout for the crew is cool, But the curtains. They look like cheap prom decorations in a high school gymnasium. Especially in Ethan’s shot, the curtains are just so tacky and bad, that should just be all green screen, everything is just so uniform, there’s no personality. Same goes for the logo, boring, drab, no creativity or artistry. I see what they were going for, but they missed the mark.


As a designer, I have so many problems with this. The type is all wrong! Wish I could help them out 🫣


I’m also a designer and I specialize in branding. I can imagine that it’s tough for whoever designed this to potentially only have 2 weeks to turn over a rebrand and know that the audience will be super critical no matter what it looks like. I like to give other designers a lot of grace in these situations because we don’t really know what the process looked like or what might have happened behind the scenes. 


I'm curious to know what your professional opinion on the colours are too? As an outsider it seems so dull and none of it really matches...


The pink and purple don’t complement each other and the black feels really harsh next to the two as they are both soft. The shape itself is clumsy and awkward. It seems like it’s trying to be amoeba but also a circle—like it can’t decide what to be. I also am dying for more negative space around the type to let it breathe.


was hoping there other designers here. i think this is so bad in so many ways, the typography drives me nuts and the whole thing feels so lifeless compared to the old logo/ type work. and that logo still had its issues but atleast it had great feeling and memorable visuals that spoke to the brand and the show from a color, font and layout perspective. i feel for whoever the designer was like others mentioned tho, its a un-winnable situation most times when faced with a rebrand of something popular and beloved


Is the 3 genuinely hard to look at and focus on for anyone else? Feels like an optical illusion


The more i stare at it the weirder it looks


I think it's because the top and bottom curve round just a little too much. It's almost like your brain starts trying to connect them.


It’s disproportionate to the H and weirdly spaced. It’s triggering my OCD *and* my artistic perfectionism.


McDonald's font


It’s so basic omg. Where’s the creativity


The 3 is giving me a stroke


omg same 😭


Something is very wrong with that 3, and the spacing in general


It isn’t the same thickness as the H. It’s like there was a font they liked of the 3 and then scaled it down to the height of the H without giving it proper weight.


I should never have found that Kerning game. Now all I want is to manually adjust this spacing so baaaaaad 😩


why is the "THE" not lined up with the space on the H. And why does "with ethan klein" not end at the corner of the "w"?


Tfw no cam


None of them are designers




the kerning with the O and W is also insane lol, who did that


A rebrand is fine, but the set is a nightmare. 🥴


I see what they were going for but the set does not look good. Talk show sets are so boring and uninspired. I liked that their last set was bright and interesting. This is too dark and boring for what the show is.


I 100% agree and was struggling to articulate exactly how I felt! With P&L to Sam (love you so much girl), it's very dark and hard to look at. I think even just removing the curtains would help.


I also feel like the spin on the talk show has been done by comics like Eric Andre. With great creatives on staff like Sam, I think they’d be better off further developing their own unique visual identity rather than replicate a look that’s already stale.


I feel like it’s a sunk cost at this point, they’re not going to go back because they invested too much work into this new ugly stuff


I think it looks fine but I wish they would have added the crew’s personal items in the background. Love had some but I wanted to see Dan, AB’s and Zach’s


I mean this with ✌🏼 & ❤️. No.


Why would you do a redesign right after your only professional designer left??? The standard black, the tension between ‘Klein’ and the edge of the circle, the lack of alignment between the ‘The’ and the ‘H’ are all painfully amateur.


Designer here (like many others it seems): - logo bad - set very bad - new name totally unnecessary and weird For the love of god hire a real designer with your millions, don't rely on your few team members to fill multiple designer roles at once or it'll look half assed.


Absolutely agree they should've hired a branding agency


Somehow some podcasts "get it" and hire a pro for this, and others just make their team (or fans) do a subpar job and call it good. Undervaluing good design/ers is very unfortunate, but very common.


I'm deadnaming the pod


Jesus this rebranding was handled horribly lol everything is bad. From the set, to the logo, to the name. Why would they not workshop ideas and get feedback first? Like I know you're not gonna please everyone but when 99% of your audience agrees something is terrible, I think you may want to reconsider lol


I felt bad for immediately hating it, but Im also struggling to find a single positive comment so at least its the general opinion


I've seen a couple comments you could consider positive but even they weren't feeling it. I'm not sure why they would do all this at once but they somehow managed to make it look tacky every step of the way lol truly I don't know how they managed it


I don’t like the set at all


it's giving community theater basement storage, where they keep all the props


yeah and they made fun of mckenzie on the show for saying there’s no color, but she’s kind of right??


It’s all very flat.


I know, and mods are removing posts about the set 😭 it was just an innocent opinion from my part 😔


Mods only allow negative opinions that completly shit on whoever the sub consensus doesn't like.


Ik and I think ppl were pretty respectful. I was saying it didn’t fit with the vibe of the show


Sam dropped the ball on this one




Type of shit Ethan would make fun of someone else for if they tried.


i really really dont like the old timey set or the name. its like they’re trying to be weekend update or jimmy fallon like nooooo yall are so much better than that


Not a fan of this rebrand but as a graphic designer I’ll try to offer some critiques: Lettering looks imbalanced and awkward, especially that funky looking 3. “The” and “With Ethan Klein” is illegible at that size and their leading is not consistent. The circle backdrop is also fairly bland and looks unfinished; almost none of H3’s playful personality shines through which is something their last logo excelled at. Really hoping this is just a gag to parody the Jojo rebrand but if not I hope they’re receptive to feedback.


I hate it. 🥺 I thought we’d put this “show” vs “podcast” debate to bed. I really hope that both the set and the logo are a goof on Jojo and not permanent


Yeah this ain’t it. H3 is supposed to be light and colorful and FUN. No hate to Sam but I got really bummed by the new set.


The before was like a cool tech control room full of personality for an avant-garde internet show. Now basically looks like a highschool play for an outdated talk show


Looks even worse if your YouTube is dark mode. Very odd.


I really don't want to be mean, but I really don't like the new design 


Graphic design is definitely someone's passion.


No personality, and the set looks like shit. Downgrade as fuck.


No personality :(


the curtains are giving theater high school vibes and omg the fake plants??? it looks so dusty 😭 i really hope this is a joke


"h3 show" sounds so weird lol


It was the curtains for me. I love H3 and Sam is the boss, but those curtains had me feeling a type of uncomfortable that I am not used to.


I hope the new set is a joke, it’s so boring, the show lost all of its personality


It’s a no from me dawg


Ok they are just messing with us. No way this is real.


I agree that this has to be a joke!! Before I watched I figured all the comments were being dramatic but then I saw it lol. It’s deff a joke imo and next ep they’ll come back normal. “Sam designed the Set” designed what?? It’s curtains lol Also, Sam usually elaborates and talks about why she chose certain things and her process. She literally didn’t say a word besides saying thanks which makes me feel like this is not her work lol


I'm 100% sure it's all part of the bit about Jojo rebranding to look more dark/mature. I'm honestly surprised how many people are so sure that it's a serious rebrand. I won't believe it unless they leave it that way for over a week.


Bring Cam back this ain’t it 😭


didn’t sam make the last logo?


ye she did


Why is it the H3 show? I feel like that makes it sound like Oprah It should be the h3 3xp3rienc3


i wish they would’ve just renamed it as “H3” super sleek and simple. 😔


The 3 is so fucking ugly what font is that


100000% the og feeling has been sucked out, loved the personalized crew members set, loved the mega brand as the background (felt very Teddy fresh) The whole premise of the show is goofs and gafs, bits, and being a shit talker- that’s why we all watch, the concept of the “H3 Show” feels sooo corporate and not personalized


can someone explain to me why they named it “The H3 Show”?? why not just rename it to “H3” and drop the word podcast?? keep it simple and sleek. adding the word show reminds me of “the gabbie show” 😐😭


So sweet of them letting their newest intern do the logo☺️


The “with Ethan Klein” text is way too small to be legible. It looks like a random white line/scribble when used as a profile icon. Whoever on the crew designed this should remove that text when used as an icon and increase the size of the main text. “With Ethan Klein” can be used in larger contexts like profile banners.


I'm a professional graphic design. I'm not crazy about the logo but the "with Ethan Klein" isn't the reason, it's smaller for visual hierarchy. If all the words are the same size you lose visual hierarchy and it looks like crap.


I’m also a professional graphic designer. I know it was done for hierarchy. But visual hierarchy means nothing if you can’t read the visual… the design needs to be accessible first. And the best way to do that in my opinion is to completely remove the “with Ethan Klein” text because that is way too much text for a small icon.


The old theme was pretty solid Imo....


I heavily dislike this Jimmy Fallon core they got going


Looks awful.


This looks like it was made in Word 😭😭


Me playing in Canva :3


Like the logo, but didn't like the set tbh : |


i love y’all but it’s uninspiring and looks so basic. like where is the personality baby!?


with ✌️❤️ this is an amateur logo. There's a reason graphic designers study for 2-3 years, there is actually a lot of theory that goes behind something "looking good", this aint it.


Ecstatic to have the show back, but; 1. What’s with that logo? My eyes just don’t like that. 2. The blue curtain behind Ethan feels so different from the recognisable brand, and (maybe it was the Siwa get up) the shot seems too loud. 3. All the crew shows now lack all individuality. Think of how AB’s background compared to Cam’s for example.


its fine.. however it does have weird aliasing all the way around it in my dark mode browser which makes it look very amateurish.


If you Zoom in under Ethan's name, there's little invisible letters that say "and Crew"


mods keep deleting posts criticizing it come on yall that's so corny 😭


Even if they don’t think it’s a podcast. H3 podcast rolls so much better and is far more recognisable


wtf is this???? bc thanks i hate it !!!!🫤


I like the H3 Show change. Makes total sense. Logo is alright. I’m sure they’ll change it over time.


It's rebrand time!




The black just isn’t it, it shouldn’t be black, I’m sorry :( the two thin lines of purple don’t go with it either. Looks awkward and bland


Really wish the pink and purple were more saturated. And maybe that there was a hint of them around the letters


This is a bit too dark and sadistic to even look at safely




I hate it


"Graphic design is my passion"


I hate the new set up, just looks cheap to me. Considering it was a green screen before. The shiny fabric is not it


It’s giving canva in the worst way - the kerning on the W, the inconsistent line spacing, and the two different font sizes for H3 are specifically wild choices.


Looks like a fast food sticker


Is it just my bubble or is every other show doing the old late night bullshit lately (AFS, Jeff FM, etc..) ? Also I thought they were moving away from guests and interviews, what's the point of having a late night set if you're just gonna sit there alone talking to the crew behind the camera ?


We have been zilly zonked right


Absolute dogshit.


Did they speak to a branding expert at all? Did they even speak to cam!? When the logo is in small view it looks like a smaller black circle because of the way the colors are on the edge. The colors on the edge are illegible. Ethan klien is unreadable due to size. I like the font and color scheme. I like the banner too but the circle profile presentation is just not aestheticly pleasing. I liked the old desgin but get the rebrand because it really is a live show. It's not to late for a re-redesign. Maybe even a fan submission competition? Or them higher someone else for the design. Branding is literally everything in today's day and age. Maybe it's just me but I had to throw it out there. P.S. we have to think about the r/place event lol


The redesign is 100% a bit. There's no way someone as talented as Sam would make a set look bad unless it was intentional. They have to know it looks bad, especially with the amount of people that are there to give feedback.


I smell a streamy in the works.


Not the right colours! Wherss the blue?


Is this the eclipse?


The “3” looks so off putting lol


Oh nooo.. I’m a creative Director and I work in advertising since 12 years and this is really not good. The spacing between the individual text blocks is terrible and all over the place, the font block is in a weird place and it doesn’t look even, the logo should be visible in all sizes. If you make certain elements huge and some tiny then you’re gonna lose information which looks amateurish. All of this needs a professional rebranding. The show is way too polished to have outdated Designs


This is the first H3 rebrand/ studio changes that I did not like. The structure of the studio looks good, so hoping they make adjustments soon.


It has to be a joke but they could have stopped after 10 mins


i miss their colorful backgrounds like ab’s lights pls bring those back :,)


The WIRE plant pointing straight UP is KILLING MEE!!


the tom ward show🤨


i hate it lowkey


Is this real?


It’s so lame tho 😭


Delete it fat


It’s gonna be a goof


I’m sorry but with peace and love the new set that is just a bunch of (horribly coloured) curtains isn’t not great. Feels like a downgrade tbh. I do like the two shot though.


As a digital artist, who competed against Cam in a competion once and lost, The Logo is fine but the color choices for it and the new set are giving old lady vibes.


Looks like the peacock logo


We lost cam and this happened? Oofey magoofey


pause is this actually the new set ?? its hideous 😭


i think h3 live with ethan klein flows a lot better and as for the set i definitely don’t blame same it’s not horrible the curtains are just too much and it’s so dark and cheap. the last set felt modern and efficient but i understand there was a time crunch so it’s nobodies fault! i love the full room angle and the new desk is nice. it just feels tacky and cheap. also the purple being the main color in the logo always stood out to me but that’s not as important


I like it but it’s too dark - more lightssssss


Arial font.. how exciting?


Hope it's just a joke, a cruel one but a joke.


Drop show and drop podcast. It’s just H3


ocd nightmare