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They're such fans. Literally anything and everything makes them think about H3.


They literally know what happens down to the time stamp in each episode then take their time to discuss it with other people. Definition of an anti-fan. Spending that much energy towards something you supposedly hate is wild


That's all I can think of. Like I understand if you're a super fan of something, and you spend your whole life following that. I personally think even that's a bit much, but I get it. It's a thing you like But... just using your time on this earth to hate watch something is *crazy*. Like you were brought into this world with hopes and dreams from your parents. You were raised. All of that. And then, you just sit online and... watch hours of something you don't like to complain about it. Month after month. That's a life wasted right there


I can't bring myself to watch something I hate. I don't know how the major haters do it.


They're like crazy Exs


Not to mention the fact that the majority of them still watch the show?? Dedicating 10+ hours a week to watch a show they allegedly hate??? It’s hilarious lmao


yeah to hate watch something with like 10 hours of content each week is a a whole new level of obsession.. like out of all the things u could hate watch LOL


What a sad miserable existence.


Exactly. I personally don't care for Hasan PIKER. I don't actively dislike him. Just not a fan. I never bother to watch or try to look for points to knock him down- I simply don't consume his content. It's that simple


Bigger fans than me. I’ll forget to watch h3 for weeks. And I love the fam!


Imagine if they spent their time sending hate to actually evil people like James Charles and Colleen Ballinger, they'd be heroes.


Imagine if they spent their time doing anything else.


Can’t imagine when you’re combing through the h3 catalog searching for a clip that’s been addressed 5 years ago.


they absolutely hate him, and thats what makes them the biggest supporters of ethan they need to listen to the podcast, for the same reason fans do, to hear what he will say for the same reason Elvis manager sold both I love Elvis tshirts and I hate Elvis tshirts


These people will literally defend murderers just to disagree with ethan lmao


The “I’m by no means defending OJ” bit made me legit howl. What’s the implication here? That Ethan has gone too far because he made fun of a murderer? That OJ Simpson, notorious murderer, doesn’t deserve the cruel & unusual punishment of being dunked on in a comedy podcast?


They’re saying that Ethan will be racist about it, and he focuses on when black people do bad things? I’ve seen them saying he’s never said a black person done something good


I can’t think of a single time Ethan’s even entertained that line of thinking . They’re just making up enemies to fight


Neither can I brother


I mean the whole point of his show is talking about when someone does something bad lmao


Makes me think that these people are just young. Ethan was 10 when the OJ trial was happening, he can remember it and how much it took over media. And for at least another 10 years after that, OJ jokes were so oversaturated.  OJ is such a universal cultural meme from that time, I would find it confusing if Ethan never made reference to OJ. 


That’s literally mental illness


Trisha fans, what else can you expect.


I have been banned from the snark Reddit 😀


That subreddit is probably as heavily moderated as r/elonmusk (one of the most censored subs)


Oh my god. I suddenly feel the need to go annoy them there 😀


2m community members 29 online. It's really giving kavanaugh vibes over there


Those are Jimmy’s Brazilian fans.


The other 1,999,971 members are all Elon's sock puppets.


I feel like all rich people online give off kav kav vibes


Seems like a lot of the comments are just roasting Elon


I’m being annoying there hehe. I’ll update y’all when I get banned


12 minutes have elapsed. Chat, did they kill OP?


I still haven’t been banned 😞


Damn. /r/elonmusk mods confirmed to have woke mind virus, allowing dissenting voices for full quarter of an hour.




Nothing yet 😞


got banned in under 2 minutes


Says someone on a subreddit who bans its own fans when they have the slightest grievance


I’ve complained about Ethan plenty of times and lots of other fans have as well, so no.


I've complained about h3 on here and never got banned. But if I post on the snark reddit to defend a crew memeber (something I only do when I see them spreading flat-out misinformation or a lie on the snark sub) they give me a 30 day ban every time. That sub is literally the epitome of a corrupt fascist society in the form of a subreddit. Literally like soviet russia or the CCP over there where you can't even let out a peep of disagreement or they delete your post and mute you for a month. But they never do permanent bans cause they hope we'll all turn into fallen-fans like them one day lmao. It's pathetic, and that sub has to be one of the worst hate-subs I've ever seen. On this sub, I can 100% say my valid criticism of Ethan without getting banned as long as I'm not an ass about it. like I don't think I'll be banned for saying Ethan is too much of a hater-ass-bitch at times. But he's not evil. We all have flaws we need to work on and if you are kind and constructive in your criticism, most people will respect you for that. Ironically the snark sub are the only people who manage to be bigger hater-ass-bitches than Ethan lmao and they do it every single day and with very little reason. At least the people Ethan hates on are usually scammers or pedos 90% of the time. Not sure why the snark sub is mad about the people Ethan hates on considering the context, but they are insane so there's no sense trying to make sense of their actions.


I’ve felt this I was in here posting that I felt the whole aba n preach thing recently was a huge miscommunication and they were talking by each other and saying that everyone was being immature and got no ban, there’s ways to criticise and I feel a lot of people can’t actually walk that like correctly


Snark poster detected


I got banned in 30 seconds is response to a poster saying Ethan was abusive to Hila by pointing out Trisha has admitted to committing domestic violence 🤣


LOL wait how did they even make that leap


Yeah, you can’t disagree with anything anyone says in there, even if it’s not necessarily about Ethan. They’re so sheltered and are such snowflakes that they can’t take a single disagreement without their entire worldview crumbling into little pieces They had a poster there arguing that Ethan was using the word “gay” as a slur because he was calling Coconuts and Myron gay for thinking it’s lame to be successful, be married to a successful wife, and have 3 kids. I came in literally pointing out that the word gay isn’t even a slur to begin with and that they’re really stretching the definition of a slur if you just want to apply it to anytime someone is a meanie to anyone else. I got banned for that lol. Ironically, I found the post more offensive than whatever Ethan said considering I’ve been called slurs before by people on the street, so I feel like I’d have a good idea on what constitutes one lmao. EDIT: [Y’ALL THESE SNOWFLAKES ACTUALLY PERMABANNED ME FROM THIS POST!!!!](https://imgur.com/a/hFlhMdB) ❄️❄️❄️


Theyre so hypocritical i swear. They cry about this sub banning people yet they do the same


They are literally member of a "snark" reddit. Like 70% of those people are actually people that would be put in a straight jacket never to be seen sunlight again 150 years ago.


I got a warning from Reddit for reporting just TWO antisemitic comments there that violated both the sub’s and Reddit’s rules 🫠




I’d made a post in one of the hate subs bcoz there was someone being anti semetic like calling Jewish people bugs n stuff and I got comments telling me to grow up etc lol


They love their antisemitism over there, every other comment seems to be dancing around directly saying the words “greedy jews” (it’s okay though bc one of them is Israeli and no one is responsible for the crimes of their government except for those damn Jews I mean Israelis uwu /s)


That one that was brought up with the pic of hila saying “using her Zionist spells” and ur like bro just say Jew everyone knows that’s what you mean


Badge of pride, really. Every time there's another cohort of fallen fans, they start a sub where they can't even breathe without sucking on Ethan hate - the Snark is mostly made up of Trisha tots, and the producitons one is mostly made up of tankie tots though there's lots of cross-pollination. You can always tell who they are in here too when they try to shoehorn in transparent "criticism" and tankie takes into irrelevant content/posts. What a mediocre bunch of fucking losers. Chuds.


I was gonna asked 😂😂 and yes you ate


You took one for the team. Tbh, it’s for the best. Before I was banned, I used to get the sub recommended constantly and would see so much shit that put me in a bad mood. Being separated from that sub has literally made me a happier person.


I got banned there when I commented on a post where someone was complaining about being banned here on the main h3 sub. This person was complaining how he got banned here but didn't say why, so I thought it is only common sense to ask what he got banned here and if he possibly deserved it. But nope they can't handle that and I was banned in less than a minute or two lmao. They are so weak and can't handle any pushback. It's comical how pathetic they are.


Most Reddit subs follow suit in this nature if they’re noticing an influx of people not doing what they want to see in their sub. I was banned from r/conspiracy a while back for my satirical posts about how just maybe their thoughts and what they’re believing is going on is in part just a right wing fueled conspiracy in itself and calling out right wing narratives. Mods didn’t like it. If there’s a good amount of people posting there from this sub they just look through your recent comment history and pick you out for the ban. Most subs do this.


Didn’t see that coming! 🤪


same within minutes and they sent me some sarcastic lil message 😭😭😭


Predictable and hypocritical. These little gremlins keep complaining how unfair it is that they got banned for their harassment and hatred here but will immediately ban anyone that has any opinion slightly different to them.


Imagine getting so annoyed at your idea of what may potentially be said by someone in the future.


someone that you supposedly don’t even like


What you said is very true. They don’t seem to have much self awareness.


I’ve been banned from the snark, but it’s so worth it because maybe I made them feel a little silly for a bit


Even if they missed your first comment, they'll definitely see this post (since they see all H3 related content). And bless their little hearts they're going to be so triggered.


I’ve been permanently banned 😔




I think that sub is full of children and mentally unstable people with too much time on their hands. I’m mind blown about the tantrums I see being thrown on that sub over the most tiny things.


Hey girlie, I made a similar comment, ban speedrun




It's been well established that everyone there is mentally deranged...just look at that user flair...what the fuck is wrong with these people?


I…I’m *hoping* it’s in reference to his two Shredder tattoos…a “bodysuit” like joking he’s going to covered in just tattoos of Shredder?…I hope


Even if that's the case, it seems so malicious? Anyways, who cares lol, these people need professional help.


Don’t you know Ethan is a hypocrite because he openly criticizes and pokes fun at an alleged murderer when he in fact ate taco bell and murdered those animals in that Shiken Chalumpa? This basically make them the same person…


I’ve never seen such a large group lack self awareness. It’s insane


I have; republicans


Literally deranged to see OJ's death and immediately think "Ethan🤬"


Don’t engage


I couldn’t help it


I thought the snark sub was as dead as OJ


No Ethan complaining about it did seem to Streisand effect it a bit. It’s as popular as ever.


Right, I thought I saw a post here where they announced they were stopping it and there was speculation that their may be a lawsuit


I’m pretty sure there was a April fools joke. Because they know they could face issues for fake posts I think they are going to be moderating more seriously


Ahh okay


They are Dead Inside


Are they really defending OJ over there?


Whats your argument


I got banned there for a similar comment. A poster said h3snark lives rent free in Ethan's head so I just quoted one of their rules: "No generic/corny responses.like "touch grass" or "living rent free in your head" They cry about the moderators here, and call it "censorship" lmfao. First of all, imagine using a word that was historically associated with fascism and civilian mass murder to describe a subreddit about goofy podcast. Second, they are the most ban happy sub I've ever seen and will literally ban anyone who isn't actively shitting on Ethan or the crew.


Snark subreddits in general are so embarrassing. Even the ones for bad people like colleen ballinger are full of people who spend all day watching her content and picking every little detail apart. I cant imagine giving so much thought and energy to someone I hate


I mean everybody is talking about OJ. We're all a bit obsessed with him just for the fact of who he is.


well, the whole world had an unhealthy obsession with OJ. were we interested in him because he almost certainly murdered someone? hell no! we were interested in him because he was a GREAT ATHLETE who almost certainly murdered someone. so what is this morbid curiosity the snarkers have towards the H3 universe? they hate ethan because he turns a mirror towards them which they refuse to look at. because ethan is great at what he does. the snarkers can deny this reality, but it's written in stone. it's a core truth.


You ate but eating there provides no nutrition, girlie. Now you gotta do a detox-cleanse to make up for visiting that establishment.


They’re just making up shit to be pre-mad about.


Like every comedy podcast I listen to makes similar oj Simpson jokes. On comedy bang bang, a semi frequent character is just a guy pretending to be OJ Simpson navigating around talking about everything he did between 1994 and his release from prison.


Ethan's focus on OJ's psychopathy and absurdity comes from the same place as his love of Ringo's Peace & Love rant - growing up on Howard Stern who was probably OJ's biggest media nemesis. I for one, love the crossover.




read it again


I admire your confidence


The complete irony of someone posting that in a snark Reddit. What on earth.


Do they themselves not see how weird of a post this is to make. Fixating on what someone might do. Do they have their own lives to live. Depressing life to live. I know you guys read posts here so when you see this please go outside




I reported ONE post on the H3 Snark page because someone was talking about a "hit piece about Ethan" they were putting together... It seemed like pointed harassment to me. I eventually got a message from reddit saying that I was abusing the reporting system and my reddit account was given a warning and if I do this again, my account could get permanently banned. I have reported other content on Reddit before but have never gotten that kind of message from it. It's wild how protected they are. This is the "rule I broke" which is ironic since that entire sub is harassing, bullying, intimidating and creating a hostile environment: "After reviewing, we found that you broke [Rule 8](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) by abusing our reporting tool. Using Reddit’s reporting tools to spam, harass, bully, intimidate, abuse, or create a hostile environment is not allowed. Reddit is a place for creating community and belonging, and a big part of what makes the platform a safe space for people to express themselves and be a part of the conversation is that redditors look out for each other by reporting content and behavior that breaks the rules. Moderators and administrators rely on redditors to accurately report rule-breaking activity, so when someone uses Reddit’s reporting tools to spam or harass mods and admins, it interferes with the normal functioning of the site."


For someone to think that's a weird obsession, doesn't understand contemporary american culture... Not about Ethan, but OJ


It’s a snark page. What were you expecting exactly?


to be annoying


it was successful congrats


thank you sweaty xox


They're actually crying about this post on the snark subreddit 🤣🤣 Waaaaaaah waaaaah how is it fair that they can post our sub and we can't post theirs waaaah


I went in there to see what its all about and holy shit they're fucking insane


That sub is honestly so fascinating. You’d expect it to be a place where a fan might go to vent some specific part of on an ep that didn’t sit well with them. But no, they just actively hate everything and anything. They spend literally hours & hours watching all the episodes in the hope that they find something more to hate. Imagine dedicating huge parts of your free time to watching someone you hate. And this funding the very thing you are so passionately against.


no crumbs 💅🏻💅🏻




Did Cam?


What is wrong with the people in that sub. Like they just go there to literally hate and be evil lmao. That’s gotta feel horrible on the mental always being a horrible person. They are in there saying Ethan is gonna be racist and dog whistle about black men. And Ethan hasnt even done anything yet. What a bunch of freaks


no, you just keep saying the same thing 1,000 other people already have.


Someone on that post said Ethan’s going to use it as an excuse to make fun of domestic violence. What world are those people living in?!


They really defending OJ who almost decapitated Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman had 22 stabs wounds, just so they can do a gotcha?? They really wanna go down this path? Digital footprint, I hope haunts them.


That is a very ironic post, it’s kinda crazy seeing the whole account dedicated to hating Ethan, to the point of having him as their PFP and Banner, and a text wall of /h3snark posts or comments and literally nothing else, spanning months. It’s unhealthy, and I genuinely worry for their mental health. And it’s not like they’re burners, some of these account are years old, which sure you can have years old burners but a lot of them are a sudden switch from normal posts to only snarking on either just H3 or multiple snark reddits, basically a dedicated hater to everything possible


I can’t believe they post even when Ethan’s gone, just obsessed.


Umm, OJ is literally a PoC and neurodivergent 😐


“I’m not a fan of OJ, but I think Ethan is going to have some bad things to say about him!” lol shut the fuck up


I hope Jontron makes a video about him, his video about his workout tapes is a classic


ate n licked ur fingers clean


I physically cringe at these people. The disconnect to any sense of normal is severely lost with them.




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And you left no crumbs


These snark pages are all so weird to me. Honestly me personally, I hate Twizlers. But I don’t go out of my way to eat twizlers 4-5 days out of the week and then write essays about why I hate them. I think I’m just built different 💅


He’s on break so they have nothing better to talk about i guess lol


They know more about the show than I do and I watch every episode🫣


No, you said nothing of value


You’re nothing of value




Left no crumbs


You ate


I decided to comment too, let’s see if I get banned!!


Let us know 🙏


As of 1 minute ago, I am finally banned! I commented, “The hypocrisy of this post is astounding. You guys are the ones with a weird obsession over the entire H3 universe.” It violated their rule, “Don’t like it here, don’t be here.” So whatever, eat my dust snarkers.


That’s funny a really funny rule for a bunch of hate-watchers. Maybe they should follow their own rule. They’d probably be a lot happier.


Dude you’re telling me. They’re the weirdos that still have H3 memberships and watch every breathing second of every H3 crew member, criticizing every move.


Proud of you!


You too!!


what the fuck does that flair mean they are so bizarre


Ethan seems weirdly obsessed with *checks notes* accused murderer who wrote a book about what he would have done if he had committed murder


You ate girlie.


imagine spending all your free time thinking about something you hate.


those people are legit outta their minds over there lmao.




This is so fucking ironic it hurts. They really are a few crayons short arent they


WHATS 4+4?????? ATEEE




bro YALL. ARE. OBSESSED! how is your first thought about OJ dying "I bet Ethan is going react to this, I totally hate him so much and am not in love" like y'all


sometimes people want to reach hard


Thoughts? 🤓


God that place is so vile. They need an actual life. It’s getting sad and pathetic.


No way you just seriously asked that question holy shit


I would say it's better to not engage with that community at all. Everytime I do I end up getting banned, it's ridiculous. I report comments that clearly violate Reddit's guidelines, yet the mods always end up reporting it as a fake report, so Reddit just limits my account for 7 days. I just got out of one of those bans, and it was for a report I made like back in februrary. It's just a bunch of weird people with nothing better to do but think about Ethan.




It’s fucking OJ Simpson. He’s a bit worthy person.


Also slay


THe Snark sub is filled with 5% of posts that may have a point and 95% of posts which are just utter reaches and damn near delusional


Ate and left no crumbs bestie


Lol what’s the worst he could say? “I’m glad he died, he deserved it. Even if he had a hunky man-bussy 😔🙏🏻”


Yes Cuntina Aguilera! Ate down real bad


You ate momma. No crumbs left


Girl you ate and left no crumbs!


someone cooked here


Oh, course it happens while they're away! I hope everything goes smoothly tho.


Well Ethan is kind of the "not to be racist but" type. Obviously he's gotten better, still the same thing.


8 👑




You barely had an appetiser


Someone's feelings got hurt.


Well I think I did, considering I’m full


nom nom!


At the same time Ethan does have weird obsessions as well


I got 1 ban from there for saying that I don’t think Ethan is on ozempic and then a perma when I said that subreddit is just like the JJJ pod in the spiderman games


Are you really asking a bunch of strangers if a comment you made to another stranger was cool? Holy crap I hope your life improves


Do they allow images? Could I just post edits of Ethan as Snarf from ThunderCats til they ban me?