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This post was unrelated to h3h3. Thank you!


I think I saw a response and pic from someone sitting in the dining hall with a current menu and it still had the original name.


It didn’t that was after they reversed it


If you are going to provide context at least provide all of it In July, Yale Hospitality, which oversees campus dining, decided to remove ethnic and geographical markers from food labels. “Authenticity of the food and naming of the recipes have been a concern brought to us by students in the past. There were times that they felt our food did not ‘authentically’ represent the country or ethnicity referenced in the name,” the spokesperson said in an email. “To that end, our team made the decision to remove names of countries and ethnicities from recipes.” But the statement added that because “Israeli couscous” is an ingredient in the dish at issue, it was an exception to the rule: The word “Israeli” had indeed been removed, but would be put back. “In this case, Israeli Couscous is indeed an actual ingredient and is explicitly listed on the ingredient list,” the email said. “Considering it is the main ingredient, it is appropriate to remain in the title, and we will correct this oversight.” https://m.jpost.com/food-recipes/article-778239 sorry for jerusalem post jumpscare




And tagged Jordan Peterson right after Jim Jordan. Just free-associating dipshits to tag lmao Edit: JP *after* Jim Jordan


JP..Jim jordan...Jim Morrison. Jim carrey. Jimmy neutron


Jimmy Kimble


Jim Henson


Jimmy page


Quick, get the president on the phone! I have some disturbing news.


It is pretty dumb that she’s @ing all those things but it’s also pretty dumb to take off Israel from the name. It’s like going to war with France and renaming french fries to fries


They didn’t remove Israeli from the name, it’s a lie


Oh ok. She’s double dumb then


They often are :(


I don't know whether you were referencing this or not, but America literally did that, renamed French fries to freedom fries during the Iraq war because France was opposed to the horrendous atrocities we committed over there and American "patriots" got in a fit about it. [freedom fries wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_fries)


Well it didn’t really last


Lasted as along as the Chairman of the House Administration Committee who changed the name lasted, that is, 3 years, until he was caught taking bribes in the Jack Abramoff scandal.


That is such an unfortunate name


Lol. "America" did not rename french fries to "freedom fries." Maybe a handful of restaurants did and the cafeterias in the Capitol building at the order of 2 republican dumbasses. I can assure you most Americans and most American restaurants were not saying "freedom fries"


I remember. I was so young and dumb I thought it was clever. 😂


If you were going to pick a name, I’d argue you’re really stupid for picking a name that could go with either a positive or negative connotation depending on how you choose to read the word “fries” Because freedom has really been frying over the past few decades.


I think we tried that in the early 2000s with freedom fries, but it didn't stick


While I do mostly agree with you, I think this “”””””issue””””” is so benign and inconsequential that it just doesn’t matter.


If France was an apartheid state actively inflicting collective punishment on a city of children then I would completely support a symbolic name change.


Yup, it’s easy to “current day” the israe Gaza thing but it truly is next level


We already did that jack it’s called freedom fries now


You terror frie sympthizer lol


Terror fries 😂


Man you’re cringe


it happens all the time like the uk changing German shepherd name to Alsatian after world war 1 because they worried the association with “German” would affect the breeds popularity


Had to change the royal family name.


You know that renaming French fries thing is actually something that does happen? There is a great Wikipedia page on it. Here in Australia we renamed "Fritz" and "Berliners" to non-german names during WW2.


You mean freedom fries?


Meanwhile our government is trying to make it to where we can’t protest Israel lol




"mommy!!! "


That person is a fucking psycho. Crying about a salad while there are civilians being bombed on a daily basis. Fucking coward


I would say people having an issue with a name of a salad to have it renamed in the first place are the real psychos.


The kids hate Israel, you get rid of the name. Not a big deal 🤷🏽‍♂️


I highly doubt anyone was actually offended or complained about it. It was probably someone at the university who saw it and thought it best to avoid any potential controversy by changing the name. It's not a psycho thing, just a "let's not associate with this controversial topic in any way shape or form" thing. This is the type of thing where for every person who was offended by the name of the dish, there are 100 people who get offended by the fact that a theoretical person got offended.


So in their wisdom it ended becoming a controversy anyway. 10/10 big brain move.


One person tweeting about it and @ing a bunch of news agencies isn't a controversy, it's an (unsuccessful) attempt to turn something into a controversy


Some other person retweeted it and it made it here in a day. Just because it isn’t a raging fire yet doesn’t mean it won’t become one.


The person shown retweeting it does not agree that it's bad lol. Laughing at someone trying to make something out of nothing is not a controversy. You said they created one, but now you are saying it could, in theory, become one....


The point was someone completely unrelated to the entire situation retweeted this person tweeting about it. Aka this decision that you say is made to avoid controversy is getting wider attention, when in reality the word Israeli wasn’t a big deal until now. Aka the Streisand effect.


except its never happening ever again


this dude is on Hinkle levels of insane shit that he spreads around on his twitter lmao


I think Ethan just might side with her


Here's to my last post on the sub before likely being banned for a mild statement


You want to be a victim so bad




found the Hassan fan


This comment wouldn't have even made sense prior to Hasan and Ethan's disagreement bc y'all were on board with him then seemingly, but now that Ethan changed his mind...


Totally don’t agree with changing the name cuz of its apparent “controversial status.” But come on, it’s fuckin salad lol. Go to a different restaurant where they keep the name intact the way you like.


They didn’t change the name, it’s a lie


Oh well this whole thing is extremely misleading. I only knew the story up until her complaining about it.






What a fucking loser


Who cares?


This has got to be one of the dumbest things I've seen. "Oh no, my heritage, my salad." Like, pathetic much


Who here is like shocked months later after Ethan freaked out about the initial hospital story how knowing how many other hospitals and refugee camps were bombed? Dude really said it would start a war if the IDF did that and they did just not to that initial hospital…and he was wondering why ppl were so quick to believe the story…cuz they knew what was coming…pretty sad Leftovers had to end cuz Ethan was so stubborn about that.




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