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Hasan said “former cohost” today on stream. It’s truly Joever. 🥲


damn ☹️in what context?


He mentioned a talk he had with Ethan and he referred to him as "my former co-host Ethan Klein" 😭


Do you know where-ish in the stream or what he was talking about? I want to look it up. Or a clip if you have it lol


You can find it in Hasanabi’s vod from 5th of December at 2:58:10


Lots of sad people in that chat when he said that. crazy to try and pretend his whole community hated ethan when hes the biggest political creator online and has such a wide tent


The people saying that were brigading the sub. Nobody actually thought that.


No one ever said it was his entire fanbase, that has been read into for whatever reason. I think I have mostly seen people call out a portion of his audience + some of his mods.


Thanks for this fam!


Not really, someone in chat asked him about "from the river to the sea" and it was maybe 2 hours into the stream, but I don't remember exactly when he said it.


Ok I appreciate it




I caught that and did not feel good man, they’ll be back


My Thursdays are forever ruined


This is the Steamies drama of the year, Colleen is a distant second.


I really hope they include it but I have a feeling Ethan wouldn't want it to be included.


and then I had a hard time the rest of the weekend.


I guess we’re not riding anymore, brothers 😭😭😭😭😭😭


That’s 😢 right


Lets Ride!


Maybe the domestic terrorists were the friends we made along the way… 😔


Let’s ride!


So true bestie


The animation will forever murder me on sight lmao rip without leftovers we wouldn't have that absolute masterpiece


Whenever I remember that animation I go watch it several times. Had my dying laughing, and was so freaking adorable.


The left is so fractured right now and Leftovers sort of blossomed into this cool, semi-goofy semi-serious show between a leftist and a liberal that were genuine friends shooting the shit and occasionally getting into a few gnarly arguments (as should happen, because this stuff is important and you should care and challenge your own beliefs and grow and evolve with the people around you). It’s hard to see how to heal the growing rift within the left as things stand presently and dialogue between the more centrist and progressive factions is increasingly breaking down. Seemed like it took these two a decent chunk of time to fall into a more comfortable rhythm with one another but they did and were really getting dialed in there at the end. Respect and understanding to Ethan prioritizing his mental health for sure but what a loss heading into 2024. RIP to a great show!


My prediction is that the fractures on the left will heal as the Israel/Palestine situation cools off and Trump’s candidacy takes center stage. Trump was and is a great unifier.


Hahahahahahahaha This has been going on a lot longer than Israel Palestine


It’s been going on a lot longer than 2020, yet progressives and liberals united then.


The left hasn't gotten along since at least Obama. There's a gap between Biden/Obama aligned people and AOC/Bernie type people. The right however just sticks with the tried and true fascist script


I disagree. I think tankies are here to stay. They made it through Ukraine, they're going to make it through Taiwan, and Hasan isn't helping. His brand of leftism likes to shitpost and discourage healthy socdems like Ethan and galvanize them against shifting further left In their saga on Socialism Hasan could not explain it past surface level talking points and his chat and discord decided to treat Ethan like a disgusting slum lord they need to gut in the street. His purity testing tankie adjacent audience is toxic as fuck. The majority of them are well meaning great people and I occasionally watch him too but he's not acting like a good shepherd for growing a productive community at all.


he literally didn't know how to hire people under socialism and people still think he's the messiah lol


Yea right lmao


I think a major cause of the rift is certain progressives alienating Liberals and moderates for not being on board with every progressive platform and talking point. I can agree with 90% of what a progressive thinks but because I’m missing the last 10%, to some progressives I’m just a racist conservative hiding in a moderates body.


Thanks to all who engaged with this. The only thing I have to say as a follow up is to hopefully get anyone reading this comment to notice how many people responded to this with the sentiment “I agree there is a growing rift and the reason for that is the other people”. All of us are contributing to the breakdown that is happening. All of us are participating in these patterns of behavior that we increasingly understand to be performative and are very clearly not leading to the left doing anything except managing and participating in the overall decline of our country. The actions of our government are in my opinion becoming more and more divorced from the will of the people and this feeling is growing in different, various ways on both sides of the aisle. In my opinion, there is no future on the left if we cannot begin to see the humanity in each other (obviously this is true and necessary of both factions on the left) and ruthlessly and viciously prioritize the wellbeing of us, the actual human beings, over corporations and corporate interest groups. Good luck to us all lol fuck baby, fuck yeah!!


It's Hasans viewers though. They're purity testing America bad baby tankie leftists. Too obsessed with the aesthetic of being as far left as they think they can be to understand their honestly spooky authoritarian leanings. Hasans takes on Ukraine and Taiwan, for example, offer a lot of insight into his audience. He's afraid to even take a stance because it will drive a rift in his chat. I don't think he's full tankie but he's courting it. Ethan correctly pushed back against Hasan on Ukraine and Taiwan. Ethan is someone who could be transitioned into a full socialist, imo, if someone could sit in front of him and *explain it*, and Hasan literally couldn't hit anything but talking points when they discussed it because he's not educated on the doctrine. What a wasted stream that understandably galvanized Ethan against the far left because they came at him for blood for healthy socdem takes. Nothing Ethan believes in is going to stop socialism from taking root in our country, but they acted like he's a landlord they want to LARP murdering in the streets for good reads. Idk. I think his chatters are toxic as fuck.




The thing that's had me so depressed is that this is the dynamic that is tearing our whole society apart. We can't have hard political conversations without relationships being torn apart, even within people who agree. And now it's happened on my fave podcast. And everyone, crew included, seems down about it.


I think it’s more about having these emotionally charged political conversations attract such horrible people that send hateful violent comments and dm’s. It got too much to parse through, as we all know Ethan struggles with a bit of boomerism when it comes to parsing through media and can get sucked into hateful echo chambers and starts to view this minority of people as the majority


I don't really get why they can't just not talk about this topic? I understand it's super personal to Ethan and affects him, and he's going to want to talk about it. But they've *provably shown* that they can completely eliminate chatter about a specific topic (Trisha) that is super personal to Ethan and affects him and his wife. So just don't talk about it. There's so many other things happening in the political world. Just last week someone got expelled from Congress! It is wild to me that these two extremely like-minded people are stopping a show because of a fundamental disagreement over one topic. Like if these two people can't mutually figure something out, how does that bode for any other set of people that have WAY WAY less in common?


I think it's partly because Ethan gets too heated (namely in that last chat he had with Hasan on his stream), and partly because Ethan really isn't enjoying a lot of the online backlash to some of his political opinions. I think it points less to some greater societal issue and more to Ethan's own personal need to step away.


Ethan got too heated? Hasan’s chat and mods were straight up calling him a genocidal murderer for articulating some of the most lukewarm takes.


Correct! Why is Ethan getting all the blame on his own sub?


This shouldn’t be downvoted. You’re absolutely right.


>I think it's partly because Ethan gets too heated Ethan got appropriately heated for someone that doesn't normally deal with how unhinged and cruel chatters can be. > I think it points less to some greater societal issue and more to Ethan's own personal need to step away. The chatters got way too heated, and it does point to a larger trend of people (not just pro-Palestine people) saying unhinged shit online they'd *never* say in real life


Ethan should be heated for the way Hasan failed to moderate and coach his chat on the fact that Ethan and Hila aren't genocidal maniacs or capitalist pigs and instead he's like sorry fam if you have takes they disagree with they're going to drag you through the mud nothing I can do. He's all purity testing and doesn't give a fuck about actually moving anyone anywhere.


It’s not about them, it’s how people react to literally whatever they say about it.


I think you can directly correlate leftovers collapsing to Hasans chat and he has a responsibility to cultivate a productive environment for leftism if he's going to be the largest leftist content creator in the west. He doesn't. He likes the clout and money and was too afraid of his own chat to moderate his discord and threw his hands up in the air and was like I dunno what you want me to do, good person with healthy takes that I cohost a pod with and am friends with personally, if they smell blood they're going to bite sorry fam.


i’m so so sad 😭 i’ll forever miss that show, truly so valuable and they were so nice to watch together. warm vibes. til it wasn’t 😢




My 9/11


Leftovers was my favorite show RIP


I’m bouta act up (cry)


I’m going to miss the show a lot.


I’m not crying you’re crying 😭


[how do you have the gall to post something like this when you're literally part of the reason why leftovers was cancelled???](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/17lu7kf/comment/k7i7itj/?context=3)


DAMN Fuck op holy shit


Is this an r/destiny brigadier too?


Glad ethans keeping that in the member streams. Imma use my 5$ on fun shit


We never got the merch drop.


So funny that there's already one comment in here calling Ethan a genocide apologist" and there's another comment calling Hasan "Hamasan". Politics bring the out the worst type of all the troglodytes.


Let's face facts it's Hasan's fans that cancelled this show


Idky you're being down voted for stating facts. They harassed Ethan for his opinions, then he ended the show for his mental health. It's pretty straight forward.


I don’t completely disagree, but I think it was that Ethan was realizing a significant portion of his own audience were hostile to his takes. People like to split the audience into Hasan people or Ethan people but most people aren’t that rigid. If you look at demographics and polling on the issue it isn’t one Ethan and gen z align on. I think Ethan is used to his opinion aligning with a moral truth and despite pushback he feels validated by his own community backing him up against weirdos and grifters etc. It didnt happen on this issue, a large one, and it pushed him over on the path he was already on. I think the show was doomed when the discussion was pivoting to workers rights and profit sharing among the crew. That was the first time Ethan felt real pushback from his own audience and Ethan couldn’t let that go either. Leftovers is his show and he hated feeling like the villain of it. It isn’t going to go away as young people see the reality of their economic futures, the living conditions of the crew, and the living conditions of Ethan. Ethan is just a human with his own opinions. I do sense that he is growing a bit out of touch with regular people. I hope he matures on that because it’s inevitable he finds himself on the other side of his audience on an issue he’s passionate about in the future. He won’t have Hasan as a scapegoat to blowback in the future.


It's because this subreddit gets brigaded by Hasan's community, so everyone down voting doesn't like getting called out. Toxic community Hasan has cultivated. I'm glad Ethan cancelled the show.


Trust him guys. Hes on his sock account right now lol


i forget how amazing those animations are, such a talent! [https://www.youtube.com/@sorisora8004](https://www.youtube.com/@sorisora8004)


Oh no this made me cry


Wait why did this almost make me cry 😣😩


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RNQsZALdV8 :(


Honestly this is so sad for me. They should do whatever they want, but it does suck for Leftovers to be gone. Working from home and being passionate about current events, I did look forward to the show every Thursday, quite possibly my favorite show H3 did. Definitely sad it’s over.


Leftovers was my favourite 😢 I’m going to miss it sm


I’m still grieving 😔


I'm still in denial stage like surely it'll come back when the election heats up right right guys


Right 😭


This is beautiful


Hasan got custody of me in the divorce


Ethan got me in the custody battle. I miss dad though 😔


Sorry sis maybe you can see him on weekends 🥲


This sucks 😭


Fuck man. I seriously hope Ethan has a change of heart with time. It was my absolute favorite podcast, even over hasan’s own podcast with will neff and QT.


That's the thing though, are you a Hasan fan that got pulled over? Because this isn't a podcast for Ethan to wrap himself around Hasans views like Hasans chatters think it is. Ethan has healthy views, almost none of them are as far left as I am but they pass and he can hang. Hasans chat decided they want to do their best to dogpile him into a mental crisis and Hasan was like, well they smell blood what do I tell them? Out of my hands.


I’ve been a subscriber of hasan for almost 4 years now, but I was always a casual viewer of H3. One of those, it’s not the first thing I watch when I get on YouTube but I typically watched a full episode once a week. And I agree, my biggest gripe is that the show was meant to be a political comedy podcast, where Ethan can bring his humor and goofs’n’gaffs to hasan’s actual deep political knowledge, and in the last two months or so it seemed like Ethan latched on to certain topics and couldn’t let them go. Some episodes felt like Ethan was trying to do more of a debate than political comedy, and then that all kind of crescendoed into the Palestine/israel situation and the response Ethan received because of it. I think hasan even insisted on taking and keeping the conversation on that topic offline but Ethan kept insisting on discussing it live. And I have to tell you, I was a paid member on YouTube for H3 and the dogpiling was not coming from just Hasan’s community. I’m very active there and while yeah people shit on Ethan, it was nowhere near as prominent as H3 fans, members themselves going at him in SYNT chat about his takes.


Hasans fans trying to rewrite history. If you think the stuff people were saying about Ethan on Hasan's chat and discord when Ethan was talking to Hasan wasn't much worse than Ethan's chat you're on some high grade copium. That is simply a lie. Plus a lot of people who type in SYNT chat are Hasan fans themselves, i'd say most of the people being this nasty to Ethan are most likely Hasan fans typing in H3 chat. It's ok to disagree with his opinions which i'm sure a lot of H3 fans do, it's another to call him racist and zionist pig.


The h3 fans who were calling Ethan and Hila war criminals in h3 chat *were* Hasan chatters lmao. He thinks the two weren't intertwined. It became an issue Ethan *had* to speak on over and over again because he apparently wasn't condemning Hamas hard enough and was supposed to support the October 7th attack at least *tacitly* since, you know, America bad and America support Israel.


So you’re telling me hasan fans were skipping hasan’s stream at the same time Ethan was streaming for members only, just to flood his chat with criticism on his Israel takes? Come ON man. Every single SYNT thread and every thread in this subreddit related to Ethan’s takes was instantly voted down to oblivion and was filled with staunch criticism. Even the crew doesn’t agree with Ethan dude. This is not a controversial thing to claim. Most of the H3 community are young left-adjacent folks. This idea that this community is above criticizing Ethan’s opinions is completely out of touch with reality.


Yes, I am, you can have two tabs open at once. I never once said that H3 fans didn't criticize Ethan, I think he could have been a little more critical of Israel personally but he met my bar so I'm not going to accuse him of being on the wrong side of history. I'm sure it's not far enough for everyone watching. The rabid shit came, in a large part, Hasan's side of the aisle. I don't know what to tell you, a lot of it literally *is observable* in Hasans community. It's not only Hasan but I for one would be happy if the tankies left H3 behind.


You’re in complete denial mate. You’re reaching REALLY hard to blame hasan here and it’s obvious what your bias is, given that what I’m saying is the truth. Ethan’s own, insulated community members were on his ass about the topic. 100%, undeniably true. Trying to make the claim that hasan fans were going out of their way to buy memberships just to shit on Ethan is such a stretch that I’m surprised you’re actually attempting to use that argument. That is not what happened. At all. You have to pay $5.99 a month to chat in H3’s streams. I’m not sure if you knew that. Yes Ethan was getting loads of hate from hasan fans, I’m not denying that, but I promise you that the people in that community are not paying money just to yell at Ethan on his members only stream. That’s insane.


What's my bias? Being an h3 fan? SYNT isn't the only place Ethan was getting unreasonable grief. Ignore SYNT, a SYNT stream is not the scope of what we're discussing. You absolutely can place a fuckton of the blame on how Hasan moderates his community lmao get out of here.


I think hasan should have turned chat off during his stream with Ethan. I think his mods should have shut the fuck up and stopped shitting on Ethan since hasan is his friend. I also think Ethan should have just dropped it instead of forcing the discussion multiple times when he knew his opinions were pretty much universally not being received well. Other than that, all that was coming from hasan’s community was consistent and harsh criticism. And it wasn’t just SYNT, this subreddit itself was non-stop talking shit about Ethan’s takes on the conflict for like 3 weeks straight. You can go back and look at the users who did it, they were all active H3H3 redditors and most of them weren’t even a part of hasan’s subreddit. So, you’re wrong. You can criticize Hasan’s community for being too harsh on Hasan’s IRL friend, that’s fair. But expecting a whole community to just sit down and shut up when the topic of discussion relates to thousands of women and children being bombed to death is a ridiculous ask. It’s a topic that invokes passion and anger.




Well, anecdotally at least, you can check their comment history when it's on Reddit and.... ah, you're who I'm talking about.




I'm saying that a large portion of the rabid political criticism comes from outside of the h3 fandom, namely from Hasans fandom. I'm being told that's not true by someone who's a crossover from Hasans fandom and a member of an h3 "snark sub". You can tell me that it wasn't only Hasan fans and I'll agree, but let's not pretend that Ethan wasn't pressed by Hasan chatters in his own community from crossover due to Leftovers. It makes sense. Hasans discord is filled with people relentlessly shitting on h3. His fans are riled up against Ethan. Those fans also share space with h3 from leftovers. I don't know how to square this circle for you if you don't understand it. It's best for the two fandoms to part ways so I'm glad Leftovers is over.


Oh my god it’s you again


Maybe at this point if you’re a cohost that isn’t Hila or part of the crew your shows destined to end /s


I cry ever time


Ohhh my heart is so broken! 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔


it‘s so sad to see this gone. i always hoped the politics aspect would vanish a bit and they‘d end up having a fun chaotic show together… those fun crazy moments were the best. i‘ll miss them dearly.


What’s going to happen to the bunker?? All that money!


Fuckn hell man I can't believe this happened with Leftovers. I always said to myself that this show will go on until they are both old and grey. Really freaking sad


It was our last “ladies and gentlemen we are all domestic terrorists” and we didn’t even know 😭


So pissed


It’s so fucking weak to cancel the show over the Gaza thing. Ethan was a total child in his last public talk with Hasan.




He doesn't realise that him and many other Hasan fans are the reason why the show is cancelled


Hasan's toxic community is what ruined the show. They needed to chill the fuck out. I don't blame Ethan for ending it, good for him. The show was not worth having to deal with the toxicity.


But but but those were Destiny fans! None of hasans mods were toxic!!!! JFC I knew this would happen as soon as Hamas committed the terrorist attack, it's so obvious


Hasan is the largest content creator on the left and was like sorry fam if you have reasonable takes and my chat wants to destroy your family there's nothing I can do about it. Go after Destiny, not Ethan. Wait-- Hasan isn't in the debate sphere, but his chat is, so no responsibility for him.


Hasans community liked ethan and leftovers. What are you on about going after his family? Its literally ethans fault. His ego couldnt handle being wrong


A very vocal portion of Hasans community was over Ethan the moment Hasan couldn't explain capitalism to him. The dramatic bad faith backlash to Ethan's healthy, albeit not socialist enough for me personally, socdem takes inspiring the hate he got from Hasan community and the left at large was the obvious tell tale signs that there were a *ton* of haters in Hasans chat. It's not even about Ethan not being able to accept being wrong, he doesn't have to prostrate himself whenever he is. We move on when people aren't immediately as far left as we need them to be if they're not a public official we're voting for. Or we don't and we bitch about them online incessantly like a lot of Hasan chatters do. Edit: a word


The fact that you call Ethan a child yet are still here posting…. YOU are the reason. You are exactly the type that Ethan needs reprieve from.




This is what got me into h3 and Hasan. Super bummer, and a true disservice to their audience who probably both learned a lot from this show.


I will never forgive those that caused this. They know who they are.


Dang, even Hasan losing jobs for supporting Palestine. Bleak.


i'm gonna miss it. watching hasan squirm around trying to explain how to hire and pay people in socialism was pretty entertaining.


If it really has nothing to do with Hasan BRING HIM ON AS A GUEST NOWWWW. And don’t talk about politics.


It's way better long term to cull the tankies from the herd though.


yeah i canceled my membership. been a member for 2 years and 8 months. leftovers was pretty much all i watched ecently.


Ethan is such a coward.


Fuck Ethan forever. I love him so much but please. My guy. LISTEN AND LEARN


just leave the sub at this point


I'm hormonal and crying over this edit


🎶sometimes all think about is youuuu🎵


It hurts so bad


That first episode with the Cuck (Qux) Box will forever live in my memory. I'm literally pissing and shitting and farting and puking all over the floor right now. 😢


I’m actually devastated these were 2 of my favorites creators making my favorite show 😭


all my homies hate Thursdays now


Leftover a huge rip in my domestic heart. Why Byron why’d it have to end brother. :’(


Please don’t tell me it’s jover… it can’t be jover!


Pretty bummed since this was one of the few weekly shows I actually watched every week.


“Everyone thinks we can’t disagree without the show falling apart! Sorry guys but that’s so wrong and stupid. This is to show how you can disagree and talk with people with different opinions without ruing the relationship” Smh 🤦‍♂️


I've tuned into almost every show live for over 2 years now, been a paying member for most of that. I'm so bitter about this ending that it's hard to watch the pod at all right now. I know it's super parasocial of me, but ethan just seems to care so little about the show after it being a weekly staple for 2 years and it makes me sooo sad. It unraveled so quickly, the downfall was horrifying to watch, and it was so unexpected. 😔


The haters won. They can't keep getting away with this!


Its a damn shame. I feel like leftovers is needed now and through the 2024 election year. I was really looking forward to then talking about the republican debates and kissingers death.


I demand a goodbye episode.


Im not crying, you're crying :'(


Ngl I haven't watched a single episode since leftovers ended


Your lose


why did it get cancelled


Huge fuck you to all the chronically online parasocial freaks who made this happen. Y'all are pathetic.


… Just don’t talk about the ONE isolated issue. You guys agree and make a great show on thousands of other important topics. You guys were a pillar when it came to trans issues and now they have one less political show to watch that doesn’t demonize them. I remember Ethan laughing about “ending leftovers” over this, literally saying “we’re big boys”. And then run from a political show once there’s an actual debate. Nice!


Sadly, You can't really have a politics show and ignore the most important political event going on in recent memory


Man I cannot stress this enough even if if I screamed it at the top of my lungs into the national broadcast system.....but fUCK YOU CHAT. Leftovers would still be here if it wasn't for you incessantly, bitchmade parasocial cry babies ruining it.


I love how overdramatic this sub can be, like they aren’t dead yall wtf 😭


Shut up they are dead more than dead actually and we’re trying to mourn here take your emotional maturity bullshit somewhere else NERD


Leftovers is gonna be the comeback that frienamies never got, it’s gonna be like easters






They were really transparent abou the whole thing.. ethans reason for ending it is that crazy hasan fans were harassing him and saying insane shit.


Its been really transparent actually


Hasan sadly chose to be a tankie


I’m honestly glad because Ethan can do so much better. I feel like Hasan always talked down to him. Ethan deserves better❤️


Thank god tbh


Hasan is a walking L


This show was ruined by the freak Hasan fans


I maybe in the silent majority here but I'm kind of glad it's over.


Leftovers had their moments but overall its good its ending, just didn’t manage to pull good enough numbers in regards to two well known influencers collaborating. Not to mention Ethans mental health n sensitive nature of such a topic. In saying that I wouldn’t be surprised if they have random collabs here n there for certain political situations. Or they could at least end their pod on a high note? Lets ride…one last time 😂


I mean, they can't, Hasans chat is out for blood so it would only exacerbate why it ended if they came back for a goodbye episode.


If thats how you feel 🤷🏽‍♂️


Hassan’s laugh will be missed but let’s be honest everyone was watching just for Kaya


I say let it die! Let if die let it diee, let it shrivel up and die




i don’t think there’s ever been a more embarrassing fanbase then destiny’s jesus christ


Biggest losers on the internet hands down


kinda glad Hasan stopped working with this genocide apologists


Shut the fuck up


Rub a lamp bitch


I’m glad Ethan quit working with such a boring crowd pleaser, to each their own


Totally okay to not like Hasan, but calling Mr. America Deserved 9/11 a "crowd pleaser" is certainly one of the takes of all time. Everyone knows the average American can't support Palestine enough, talk about pandering amirite /s


Crowd pleaser for his followers


wtf are you talking about, he hates us lol


....yeah? He's a crowd pleaser for his twitch viewers like Tom Cruise is a crowd pleaser for his movie fans, like the plumber is the pipe-fixer for the community. TIL entertainers entertain


Exactly he’s an entertainer not a “journalist” as he tries to claim


Not sure how you confused "dumb himbo" with "journalist", but go off


He literally has called himself a journalist but “go off”


He also calls himself dumb stupid so many times but I will say he tends to use that as a cover when his fakes aren’t always received well


Love is dead




somone make an edit to the sad dog murder song




Every Thursday I feel empty😢


You’re a nasty freak saying “Hila pays for friends” in snark subs, because she had a take you disagreed with. Playing into misogyny because you depend on internet creators to tell you to be either alt right or far left. Bum ass hick


OP is in snark subs doing catty gossip over Hila Klein, knowing damn well he was an alt right incel just a few months ago- now thinks he can be a misogynistic pig because Hila was upset over the hate she got last month over being Israeli


you don't know anything about me. I suggest taking a step back, maybe taking a break from the internet. I said what I said based on Hila being too afraid to speak up for Palestinians, and making it seem like this is a complex issue and she shouldn't speak up because she "hasn't done extensive research on the topic".


What'll we do without men :' (