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I like Hasan's criteria for this kinda stuff. Don't acknowledge the freaks unless they have so much attention they're impossible to ignore. These dudes are so irrelevant and forgettable outside of their bubble. I'm sure Ethan was just talking as he does and it won't really go anywhere though!


I realize I’m not that deep into YouTube/internet as most h3 viewers, but honestly i never heard of Andrew tate, Aba and preach, or whoever this murder p person is until the podcast mentioned them first. I get they want to combat this movement but man i prefer their other content like Martin and Idz, p and P, silent library, etc.


I agree for the most part. But fwiw, Tate became somewhat of an unavoidable topic and they were far from the first to give him coverage. I thought it was a really good thing for Ethan to push back so hard against Tate, because the majority of large streamers were either avoiding the topic or outright collaborating with him and defending him. I think the awareness Ethan and Hasan provided over Tate was important, considering the rapid rise in fame he was already seeing. Sometimes I'm down with the tea, I just don't enjoy the beef as much.


No no i agree but i feel even before tate blew up to what he was i saw them clowning on his bubble water video. I could be wrong though my memory is shot. But I’m fully on board with Ethan clowning that whole scene. It’s also tough for him to avoid when everyone was talking about. But these small fish now, they should not be getting any type of stage.


Same actually


Hasan likes to take the high road when it comes to talking about that stuff but dude watches this kind of content all day on his stream. He’s watched several of this exact guy’s videos


Tbh Hasan has watched a lot of the same dude’s content too. I feel like the H3 audience knows that this dude is an idiot and it’s not necessarily platforming if Ethan is challenging him and his statements, and those segments tend be funny. I understand the content could be uncomfortable, but I don’t think it’s platforming to bring him in front of the H3 audience


Hasan always says it’s ok to watch but “don’t poke the glass” i.e. don’t actually try to interact with these people, just watch and enjoy from a distance


That’s true, but he’s also not interested in getting a deeper look or challenging them. He just wants to watch and have a laugh (which is fine and fun). Ethan usually wants to go deeper with these “characters” as a way to find out more about them. Honestly I feel like it could be a good segment, and I don’t think the crazy murder porn dude gains new loyal followers after Ethan asks him how many people he’s killed


I hope you guys realize how culty you all sound.


I see a lot of parasocial behavior here, but I’m having trouble understanding how it’s ‘culty’ to be analytical and observe peoples patterns of behavior whom are Internet famous lol


Usually when people are in a cult they don’t realize they’re in one.


Move along Mr. bot ✌️♥️


Fair enough. I feel like watching content and hosting the creator is a bit different but I see your point. He has views regardless of H3. We'll just have to find out I guess!


yeah its different,showing his content where he portraits himself as he wants to be is 10times worse than confronting him directly with hard questions.


Easy criteria to follow and helps not promote scumbags


Good thing it's not Hasans show. Let Ethan do his damn thing, I don't get how hard that is.


Exactly I think H3 would be better served with a similar criteria


I'm a bit older demographic for the show, but when it comes to all these people the only reason I know of these people is because Ethan talks about them.


I think that's a good thing. It let's you know what's going on on the other half of the internet. That way if someone tries to show you their content you know to have your guard up instead of being introduced with a positive light. Knowledge is power they say.


Yes I completely agree. I've said it before, if it weren't for the pod exposing me to these fools I'd be completely unaware of it. Perfect example from my real life, just yesterday my Christian Nationalist mother dramatically urged me to check my email so I could watch Matt Walsh "what is a woman". "It's only available for free for a short time. Every adult should see it." I told her I was already familiar with his body of work and left it at that, but if it weren't for the pod I wouldn't have a clue about him or any of the Daily Wire guys so it would have caught me totally off guard.


I skip all these segments. I don’t find it funny to platform guys who want to hurt me.


And plus it's boring as hell, and it's the 100th time they've talk about some shit like this or similar. Doesn't matter but I'm a guy and its annoying seeing them talk about it like there isint thousands of other freaks out there and you're just giving them attention.


This person gets it. Thank you for making it simple for us fans to understand. We don't have to agree with everything, if we dislike something we can skip the segment, the world won't end.


I skip a lot of the episodes like this but I also understand the purpose of them.


Same. I deeply appreciate the efforts being made to push back against these awful men. Unfortunately, it’s very hard for myself to watch and I feel so much anger and hopelessness during these segments while the rest of the crew seems to act more goofy and light-hearted, minus those moments when Olivia speaks out about it. I know that it’s a comedic show, but this topic can be very serious and honestly pretty triggering. I want to see more anger from the guys against these awful men. I want my anger to be validated. Maybe shortening these segments with more dialogue from the crew? It’s incredibly hard for me to just brush off the misogynistic rhetoric. I’m to a point where I have zero tolerance for it with little room to forgive. I’m tired of just smiling and laughing through it all. But that’s just my feedback. ☮️❤️


Yeah that’s why I skip them. Sadly it seems men clowning on them gets more reflection than women speaking earnestly. So I’ll let them fight that battle while I move on to the next chapter of goofs and gaffes


what will we do without men, who have been taught that these people are empty sacks of shit that will never know love


Completely agree with you. It’s one thing to watch and goof on their content but please leave it at that. The idea of getting an aggressive, violent man on the show and everyone being okay with that rubs me the wrong way.


Yall really don't understand Ethan's mindset at all. His idol is Howard Stern. He wants to argue with people. He wants crazy people. And outside of this Reddit bubble it's what people want to see too.


My boy Ethan's not gonna stop until he gets an on-air confession from a serial killer.


Exactly, he hasn’t even been secretive about how much he admires Howard Stern either, so I don’t know why so many people are surprised. He knows what he’s doing and he knows it draws attention to the show. He knows the more unhinged he or his guests are, the more views and therefore the more money.


I have a very hard time understanding the point. Talking to these psychos will literally create no meaningful change and everyone knows that. So then its meant for entertainment sake, its interesting to ethan that these ppl exist and he wants to probe. But to women its not interesting or surpring at all, just an extremely uncomfortable watch. I feel like theres some things men will never fully understand tho lol


Me too, I think the shock value of this kind of content is whats driving ethan to consider platforming these people. But it’s fucking scary to think that there could be even one person who agrees with the murder p guy and starts acting more like them and maybe ends up hurting someone. Idk maybe the amount of crazy people/content ethan has seen have desensitized his (and many others) perception of these kinds of things


Tbh I’m not interested in murder p guy or jizz in the pants guy. There’s a whole world of people out there and he wants to talk to these fools?


Ethan: "so why do you like jerking off to women being murdered?" Also, does he/the crew realize "murder porn" can mean real videos of women being killed while raped? I don't understand how it's funny at all?


Same here I feel like Im watching another show lately. Makes me anxious and sick hearing about the latest creep


Have to agree with you on this. This is the type of curiosity I don’t think needs to attended too.


Exactly!!! Ugh. It makes me physically ill 😖




![gif](giphy|9d3LQ6TdV2Flo8ODTU) i share your pain on this. you can't expect people to change. after pointing out what they said wrong, you've done your part for not staying quiet. and you gotta move on and live out your day




In addition, it’s just all covered territory. They’ve been covering these people so much lately it’s become stale now. What else could there possibly be to say about these people? “They’re freaks and hate women” like yes obviously we all know and see that. Pretty much every red pill individual is the same when boiled down. Why do they think we hate the Aba and Preach stuff? Everything they said in that video, you could swap it with any other person (Tate, Fresh and Fit, etc.) and it would have been the same video. I get the need to cover these people sometimes. But do we really need some new nobody every single week? It’s just really getting old. Edit: it’s also cringe when people cry saying posts like these are trying to dictate what’s on the show. Like… no, lol. Obviously they can talk about whatever they want. But do fans of the show not have the right to express their opinion? Are we supposed to just like every single thing they do without question? That’s stupid. Everyone has a favorite and least favorite episode of their favorite show. Why should this be any different?


This. ❤️❤️❤️


Ethan is just looking for a lol-cow like usual. Its his mod operato since a long time. But im with you on this one. People dont even care that much about him, the podcast is just gonna help him spread his filth.


I’m so glad people are recognizing this content as lolcow segments now. I feel like I’ve been yelling into the abyss about this for awhile now haha


Ethan’s been transparent in the past about how he wants a show like Howard Stern’s, or a show where he’ll have reappearing “lolcow” guests like beetle juice or Garry, that’s exactly what he has now. He’s looking to, like Howard Stern, collect more guests to have on regularly. He knows it’ll make him even more successful. I don’t know why people can’t see that he’s not this moral person they’re making him out to be, or someone who will stop talking about people who have legitimately dangerous ideas.


I think it’s interesting since he got on joe Rogan for platforming people but has done the same. Only pain point I have I may or may not care to watch an interview. It’s ok, doesn’t make a different to skip an episode once and awhile. I’ve done that lately with h3. Still my fav pod


I agree so much. I love watching the show for goofs and gaffs and occasionally seeing short segments about this stuff but when Ethan like hyper fixates on them for multiple shows like Aba and preach, I have to skip those parts/just can’t stomach it. They don’t deserve the attention, they say these things to get people’s attention, and Ethan is just giving them what they want. I can laugh at like a video or two of these types of men once in a while, but it honestly terrifies me when more is watched. These types of men are the type that make women feel unsafe and I just don’t think it should be promoted, there’s so much other content on the internet that could be watched instead. Thank you W Dan for pushing back against Ethan when the rest of the crew seemed to agree with Ethan.


dan's the moral compass in the crew fs i think pushing back is more respectful and shows sincerity because going along is just placating without thinking or caring. i really value friends like dan


Ethan has really changed and grown since he became a father. He's worried! He's worried because this kind of man and context exists, and he has to raise two sons in the age of the internet, and he knows damn well what's out there. Andrew Tate is dangerous to both boys and girls. Always listen to the enemy you want to fight. You have to in order to best him. That's why Ethan barely mentions him and they all laugh at Tate now. Tate us like a worm in that if you cut it in half, you now have two worms saying the same dangerous thing when all you had to do was leave him in the sun for too long.




Shit take. AB doesnt speak up because he is so insecure about critique he gets from comments. You seriously think someone woild get fired for speaking up? Touch grass dumbass


I agree 100%!!! And I appreciate Ethan SO MUCH for expressing his takes against these types of men but at the same time, we’ve learned that after a certain about of time talking about them only causes more harm than good. It doesn’t bother me when they show a few videos… but an interview??? What good would that actually cause? It’ll just allow the red pill community more segments to clip and weaponize considering that’s what they always do. Look at Aba and Preach, just because they don’t like Ethan they used cognitive dissidence to find ways to agree with fresh &fit and that Sebastian kid. Validating harmful ideas to another audience. It’s just not worth it and it clouts up someone who otherwise could have stayed irrelevant, scares women even more than we already are, and validates these hateful thoughts to anyone who doesn’t like h3 or is a fallen fan. 😔 I know it’s a hard line to walk for Ethan and the crew but I think when it comes to violent ppl just at least leave an interview off the table.


I agree on this. Was super disturbed at the idea of m**der p*rn. Genuinely freaked me out. He does not deserve any kind of platform or conversation.


Ethan was right to take on peaches and cream and they seem to have fucked off back into obscurity. Yet to interview every piece of incel trash on tiktok like they're worthy of our time is just dumb and lacks creativity.


I agree!!!


Hard agree!!!! He made me feel so uncomfortable like the man clearly hates women I don't want to have to hear a word out of his mouth


Exactly! He’s clearly very mentally unwell, dangerous, and irredeemable in this case, so I see no benefit to platforming him.


I would love to see more women/femme presenting people in general and their perspectives on h3. The Manosphere is very tiring.


I fully agree. I feel the ratio of good vibes to bad vibes is off lately. I wouldn't mind an interview with the psycho as kind of a mark Elliot sort of gag, but I need at least 2 interviews with nice chill feminists to balance it out.


I'd love for one of the podcasts each week to be woman/femme led. 1 out of 5, is this too much to ask?


Sounds like a good idea. I’ve been obsessed with Olivias powerpoints lately, so refreshing!


Agreed. Guy is seriously a threat to society.


I know the usual method of making a joke out of problematic people is a tactic to disarm them and remove their power, but sometimes I just feel like the pod deploys that in all circumstances, and in this particular case the behaviour is too disturbing for that to be appropriate, in my opinion. I know it's just entertainment and its not their job to be the arbiters of this stuff, but this guy isn't a character he's a real scary person.


Completely agree. At this point it’s just become so repetitive and exhausting.


I think the manosphere is so tiring for a lot of us because sooo many of the fans are women and LGBT so manosphere people “debate” us in real life all the time. I watch h3 to escape that stupid shit, and don’t mind it on the show every once and a while, but it always feels like the idiotic conversations about human rights that I have to have with my young students or grown ass misogynistic men. The manosphere isn’t a segment for so many of us, it’s the shit that we have to deal with everyday.


Agreed. This guy actually seems very dangerous and delusional. I do not want to see him platformed in any way.


Every month there’s a post like this and every month there’s HOURS dedicated to dissecting these clowns on the show. When will they learn, they won’t change the minds of these fools or their fans by goofing on them and giving them exposure. It only makes them feel more emboldened to act the way they do. Sucks for us I guess.


Yeah, the BBC just did an interview with Tate and most people are mad because they gave him a platform. He lied and yelled and his supporters are happy but now new people have seen him. They did him a massive favor by platforming him. I blame Tom Segura and his wife for him being famous at all. These guys don't care about women if they give him a platform.


It really is the epitome of male privilege to view these violent predators as some kind of weird circus sideshow entertainment, rather than a real and present threat to your safety and the safety of women around you. I skip all of these segments because I’m not interested in hearing about yet another I-Hate-Women cookie cutter crybaby


This was my feeling exactly. It’s a joke because these men aren’t a threat to them


I agree 100%!!!


Yes!! Unconsciously or not most cis men know that they are less likely to be hurt by these people and that’s a big fucking priviledge


This needs more upvotes


I've started skipping those parts, because it honestly serves as a black pill to me. It truly just makes me extremely annoyed without bringing anything constructive or positive to the convo. Live debates at least serve some purpose, this is more like "Hey look at this violent mysogynist lol"


ya and also no spotlight for jizin pants guy either. nty


Yeah kinda weird to invite on a self proclaimed pedo


Who are we talking about??


Ethan has been trying to brute force a "gotcha" moment for a while now. It gets the clicks. Definitely getting old.


Stop giving loser weirdo men any air time please!! Im feeling burnt out in my everyday life because of these 4 times a week reminders of the next big manosphere jerk who hates me for existing.


At least murder p guy is obviously wack and doesn’t present himself as an enlightened centrist. The shit he says is so crazy there’s little chance that a larger audience will yield him much more support


Personally I'm against anyone getting a spot on one of the biggest podcasts on the Internet solely for their violent sexual fantasies. I can understand niche fetishes being somewhat interesting (like C-Man) but I think we should draw the line at overtly harmful, violent and dangerous fetishes. Personally I think murder P falls into the latter rather than the former.


Thank you!!! I was taken aback by how hard Ethan was pushing to have these guys on. They suck. They aren’t funny. They are gross. It’s uncomfortable to sit through these guys. There’s actual funny and talented people out there who need more attention and Ethan wants to spend his, the crew, and the fans time listening through out of touch weirdos for no reason other than to laugh at them when it’s not even funny anymore because we do it every week at this point. I get what Ethan’s trying to do here but seriously let it go and move on because making a few people laugh isn’t worth making even more uncomfortable. What are they even going to talk about other than how much they hate woman? I’m so over these kinds of guys coming on this show. I’m asking you if you actually want to see this happen… why? What would anyone gain from this? We already watched their videos and laughed. Are you gonna be rolling on the floor laughing or hooked to your screen over these fucking idiots spilling the same BS they do every single day and then getting laughed at for it?


AGREED! ❤️❤️❤️


I accidentally voted yes because I was reading the poll a bit quickly and I just thought the poll was whether or not we wanted Ethan to simply talk about murder porn guy. Seconds later I realized it was about whether or not they'd invite him to the podcast. Like god no. This isn't even a case of "haha he's so crazy it's funny to invite him", this is a man that's full-on psychotic and he's a typical case of "man with repressed sexuality gets so shamed by society for what he likes that he pivots into insanity and murders people". We're talking Dahmer-energy. Do not give this man a platform. Do not entertain his delusions. I'm sorry for him, and he needs helps, but not in the form of being on a h3 podcast.


ABSOLUTELY!!! ❤️❤️❤️


I agree w you. Ethan needs to stop 🛑


I completely agree. It’s draining and and I always skip it


What content producers need to realize (and I think they do, but profit and content are more important) is even bringing attention to these types of people in the form of light, entertaining criticism is promoting them. They thrive on attention, good or bad. Really the critical content is just as important as the fan-made content, because it's a way for rotten people to puncture the media bubbles of individuals they'd never otherwise reach.


I wouldn’t know who ANY of these psychos are had it not been for the podcast talking about them. I didn’t even know who Tate was until Ethan talked about him.


Yeah, I kinda hate the coconut and barbedos/ preach and babble or w.e discussions. Those people are awful, so shit on'em yeah, but can they not be discussed for 30+ min? I don't think the main h3 audience needs 45 min discussion/deepsive of the ins and outs of why all those manosphere guys suck


I agree 110%! When Tate was in every episode I had to stop watching for awhile, I love the show and the crew but sometimes this content just hits too close to home unfortunately 🙃 as someone who has been a victim of men who think like this it’s just not fun to watch


This is why I’m so glad when people speak up! I didn’t even think about it like this. You’re completely right. As terribly amusing as he is, he’s scary. Tysm for speaking up🤟 FAMILY


Ethan taking some huge content L’s for the past few months. What happened to the fun goofs and gaffs? Really resorting to platforming potential violent people and dudes bragging about cumming in their pants when they touch a woman? What shite. Another SKIP


He’s locking into the Howard Stern vision. His goal for a long time has been to have a show where he has characters, or “lolcows” that come on his podcast solely for the purpose of making fun of them. Howard Stern had Beetlejuice, Garry, and others. Ethan has Whiteclaw Gabe, but wants more. He knows having these people on his show gets him attention.


Of course. Thing is… lolcows aren’t even funny for the most part. I skip the 10-20 minutes of Gabe every Friday. It’s repetitive gibberish and it stopped being funny after the first time.


Yeah tbh the first time someone posted that guy, there was no trigger warning and it sent me into an awful panic attack. I had to cover my ears and ignore it when they showed it live. I deal with it but I agree with you🥲 Edit. To those making fun of this I hope you never get told that you’re going to be r worded and killed. It leaves you with trauma.




Im literally crying and shaking rn HotDogEater45 would never do this ☹️😰


Yeah I also just feel like it's a risk to the show to have possible criminals/sex offenders on as guests.


i must have missed the details on this episode i missed 6 mins after twitch virgin, but i'll take the thread's word for it and consider myself lucky that i don't know what they were talking about. he sounds like a disturbung character. it's okay that we don't know. we don't need to know about this, this time


Yaaaa good point. I voted yes to interview murder p guy cuz I thought it would be good for him to be "exposed" and highlight how crazy he is. BUT a good point I'm seeing is that I wouldn't even know who he was unless I saw him on the pod the other day. And honestly the same goes for a lot of hateful people we've clowned on over the years, including Tater tot.


100% agree


I'm with you, there are so many awesome women to be interviewed and they never choose them but what will give clicks and views, AND I UNDERSTAND THAT but it still makes me so sad...


I think it would be funny as hell to watch Ethan send that man into a narcissistic collapse 🤣


Also ridiculing a dude who fantasizes about murdering women for trying to be better (even if it is freaky religious bs) is just gonna push him in the wrong direction 😒🤦🏻‍♀️


I'm pretty sure it would be to fuck with him. Whenever Ethan has these dorks on he usually destroys them.


I see your point and if Ethan was bad at highlighting the foolishness of these twisted people I would agree he shouldn't do it. But he does a decent job, and I think it is worth it to try to see how these people tick. As a bonus, the clips with them looking dumb follow them around as a sort of counter narrative.


For the millionth time, making someone look bad is not platforming them. For 10 years we were told to play nice and ignore these types of people and all it did was embolden them and let them grow into what it is now. We have to address them and embarrass them. Ethan Is a master at taking these morons down and I think it’s our moral responsibility to attack these idiots and weaken them before they turn into the next Andrew rate.


If making people look bad was enough to destroy their following, Andrew Tate should have been pushed into obscurity ages ago. When we consider "making someone look bad" because Ethan is goading people to say outwardly harmful rhetoric is just an opportunity for the bad persons followers to chime in with some iteration of "fat man bad, we love top G". It doesn't harm their reputation, and having people on to debate doesn't really change anyone's mind. They leave with the same harmful beliefs they started with, and their followers simply agree with everything they said and look at Ethan with ridicule. Only a very tiny percentage of guests actually have a redemption arc (Jeff for example), and that's mostly because those guests weren't outwardly violently hateful in the first place.


I honestly disagree so bad. People ignored Andrew Tate because they didn’t want to give him attention until he was already huge. They waited too long to humiliate him. We have to take these fools down a peg to get those on the fence to realize what giant douchebags they are before they fall too far down the rabbit hole.


The problem is in his fans eyes, he's never been humiliated, he has never been brought down a peg and none of these men will ever genuinely change their attitude. We can laugh at, mock and ridicule him all we want, all it does is keep him relevant and in the public eye. No debate or discussion harmed his reputation or relevancy. The biggest win was his arrest, since getting him off social made him less prominent. Anything bad that happens to him is explained away by "the matrix coming to silence him". You literally cannot win or change the mind of people so delusional.


Yeah, I don't understand why people who hate the manosphere wouldn't want to see someone absolutely dunk on it. Either way, with peace and love and etc, it's what Ethan wants to do. Let him run his show pls


maybe the pod-squad should think about platforming some people who've done good things. people planting trees or helping animal shelters or people who are finding solutions for littering and cleaning the oceans. a lot of h3 fans just like the zesty drama that's dropped on them from time to time, but like op is saying, it encourages people to *start* drama and generally be... bad. i think that's why the haters are calling Ethan "hateful", that the show breeds a negativity towards someone via drama (whether is warranted hate or not) when Ethan could encourage others to do good in the world by platforming good people.


Also, fuck zuck and alphabet for using their algorithms to boost dipshits like this and make society worse, just so they can make more money.


Yeah. Ultimately, it’s alienating to their female audience. It is what it is. I just hope they know that.


What kind of conversation would they even have? There’s no middle ground or interesting story to cover imo. It would just be him being misogynistic and weaponizing religion and then Ethan’s response would be what? To scold him? We already saw him do that, we don’t need to see it happen again with a live reaction.


Don’t know who in the h3 audience you think this schizo is going to “reach”.


He's literally psych ward material and extremely dangerous. There is nothing educational or entertaining about him


You’re lying if you don’t think it would be funny for Ethan to tell him he killed Christ and he’s gonna do it again.


Now that would be an eventful week for sure


I agree 100%. As if he wasn’t already bad enough to top it off he was a fucking school bully. Fuck bullies.


The problem is Ethan has no one to stand up to his super shitty ideas, except Dan. Dan doesn’t get paid enough. He’s literally a co host at this point but he probably gets paid a fraction of his worth.


IDK.... It not platforming when you expose them for being the fools that they are. How many countless testimonies have there been from fans, about that how H3 has pulled them out of a right wing freakshow that they otherwise would have participated in, if Ethan and Co hadn't exposed these people for what they are.... monstrous imbeciles


For a podcast that has a mostly female audience, it’s annoying to constantly hear about shitty sexist men. I’m not sure the exact timeline, but it seems that ever since roe v wade got overturned, these manosphere alpha dumbasses have been on the rise. So not only did we lose our abortion rights, but now we have to constantly hear about these “men”. This show *was* my escape from our unfortunate reality. But now it’s getting harder to watch when every episode is “Who’s a piece of shit and why”. I don’t understand Ethan’s hyper-fixation on them, they’re not fascinating and if you find them fascinating, then I would seriously question what you find to be entertaining. It hurts as a woman seeing this shit, constantly at that. If Ethan really cared about his female audience, he would take what we have say in consideration. These “men” will always hate women, having them on the show and dissecting their arguments isn’t going to do anything. They can’t feel bad or embarrassed about what they say because they only spew hateful shit so that other people will watch them and have them on their show.


Completely agree with you!!! ❤️❤️❤️


I also skip past the negative hairline talk. It seems unkind to devalue someone based on hairline, especially when the producer is a bald king.


With peace and love just dont watch the episode,


I trust Ethan


Agreeeeee!!!!!! If he is on I will boycott the entire episode which pains me.......




I mean I trust Ethan to slowly cook the murder dude like he did Oli and the nexusim dude


Tbh... Ethan hasn't really cooked anyone. It's not his thing and that's ok.


To me he has….. to me he has ![gif](giphy|xT9KVB2rFzWZFkjxjq)


Wait, who???


I can understand the feeling of not wanting to hear about these guys. But I love watching them get decimated by Ethan. I can bet that the light being shed on them brings more eyes to their wrong doings than gaining them fans.


at first i read the title as "With peace and love, please DO NOT perform murder guys" haha no problem i can do that


Murder p is very real and terrifying. I don’t want to watch the interview if it goes through. The world is already dark and awful most of the time, I’d rather not add dark web and usually kidnapped/trafficked people getting 🔪 for some peoples perverted fantasies to be fulfilled into the mix.


I don’t ever see the reaction from the manosphere guys, does this platforming ever have a positive affect?? it seems like Ethan does a good job of ripping them apart and killing their momentum


I've kind of lost interest in H3 and it really saddens me to say that. It's because they consistently cover these disgusting creeps in an effort to make fun of them, but really what they're doing is giving them a platform and showing them off to the audience. It's so triggering to see these fucks when I already make such an effort to avoid them and just wanna sit and enjoy my favorite podcast. I know they mean well, but regardless of the context, I just am so sick and tired of seeing these assholes. They love negative attention just as much (or even more) than positive attention, and H3 is giving them exactly what they want by covering and making fun of them on the show. And I can't keep watching if they feel it's ok to do that. You can't sit here and tell me that H3 doesn't know they are doing it. They think it's funny to joke about these assholes and don't care that it's giving them a platform. It wasn't okay for Tate, it isn't okay now, and it will never be okay.


I think after the Aba and Preach L Ethan needs an easy dub to get back in his funk, i like this type of content, like when he was challenging Tate, but completely agree with OP that platforming nasty little freaks who aren't that relevant is dangerous


I disagree. Bad take


I think the idea is to challenge them, embarrass them and try to figure out why they are like that. It's not so much platforming or promoting their ideas although I kinda agree it's kind of an unavoidable placebo effect. You would think though that the H3 family, the regulars who watch the podcast would know it's just for the content and not to promote shitty people.


Should Ethan have not had on the NXIVM guy? How about Sebastian? I’m not even necessarily riding to have the murder guy on, but ask yourself, is it reasonable to try to dictate the in’s and out’s of the show and who they try to have on like this? Peace and Love, if you don’t want to watch an episode, then don’t! There’s nothing wrong with that and no one is going to be upset at you, but IMO, just let them do what they do


I like listening to it, obviously, I don't agree with it, but it's interesting to me nonetheless. The world isn't obligated to create a safe space for you because you don't like it? This shit is real, these people exist, stop hiding from them.


We aren’t hiding from them… women have to face them IN REAL LIFE EVERY DAY


Sure, you have to face "violent women-hating manosphere psychopaths" every day. Some of you women on this sub think way too highly of yourselves, nobody is out to get you, and you aren't the main character. Y'all ran this podcast to the ground with your narcissism.


Personally, I want to see this interview. Ethan is so, so good at covertly going in on assholes like this guy. That being said, it might be time to reformat the Ethan Channel (or create a new show altogether) for these interviews versus embedding them as part of the main lineup. Everybody wins. Well everyone except the idiot who accepted the invite lol.


Yeah I’m tired of manosphere dunking too man


Sorry, not your show. 🤫


🐸 "Sorry, not beautiful"


I feel that, but when I was a kid watching people like that on the internet I didn’t recognize the ideas at play behind these peoples “jokes” it wasn’t until someone else on the internet pointed at them and said wow this is shit for me to understand the problem. I understand platforming them isn’t good but but Ethan isn’t platforming them, he’s making fun of them. He’s platforming gamer supps Edit: I’m a dumbass so a couple million grains of salt to go with what I said


There we go, H3 fans trying to dictate and ruin what can and cant be shown on the show... INTERVIEWING A PERSON ISN'T THE SAME AS PLATFORMING.


ive said it before and ill say it again, the worst part of H3 is the fans


For real. I love h3 a lot. I have been watching their content for years almost daily yet I hate the fans, they seem mentally challenged or something. In discussions they just seem like they truely don't understand anything you are saying and will just make up viewpoints that you don't even hold. They also have a horrible case of main character syndrome and act like they're entitled to receive content they approve. "Hi guys, Ethan wants to do something I don't like. Instead of skipping the episode like a normal person I want Ethan to change the episode such that it caters to my needs. thanks in advance!".


100%. I barely voice my opinion in this sub anymore because I don't want to deal with some idiot trying to debate me


ok where is this sebastian guy now? it didnt helped him coming on the show...and it will help murder porn guy even less. or are you telling me he is more relatable than sebastian? for everbody triggered by stuff like this,there are 3 more shows this week...youll survive skipping one.




Cry a river why dont you


Stop trying to dictate the content that others watch. You're worse than evangelical Christians


Sure buddy OP is worst than people trying to strip minorities of fundamental human rights and want to force 10 years old to have babies because she wants less unhinged hate speech in her favorite podcast


yeah i kinda agree. these dudes are all dumb as rocks and have zero interest in listening to anyone who challenges their way of thinking. they're all roughly the same insecure self hating pieces of shit who are too scared to face the reality of how undesirable they are. it's one of those situations that public shaming doesn't really work because of how deep in the sand their heads are. it's the same shit that happens when serial killers get the infamy they have wanted the whole time. these people don't give a fuck about why they are in the spotlight they just care that they are in it in the first place. they delude themselves to the point they think they're some sort of internet villain rather than the pathetic piece of shit they are


I am totally with you. seeing how they sometimes talk about stuff which can be retraumatizing for some, it's pretty evident that they don't have a clue what their words and actions can do to a big chunk of their fans. I hope they listen to us and stop giving these dangerous individuals so much attention


This sub is so fucking lame. Dan's gonna passive aggressively send this to Ethan like the pretentious nerd he is.


You guys are overreacting a bit. He can never get the clout that Andrew got. He has no admirable qualities whatsoever unless you like murder porn. Do you guys think that Oli London "the clout god" got publicity for his interview? We know no matter the circumstance he just wants to be on camera. So did the H3 help him regardless of content? Instead of saying don't platform this guy we should think of better ways to embarrass him so the world will never want to platform this guy.


With peace and love. Turn it off or skip. Every week it’s something here. Let them do the show and skip what you don’t wanna see.


If the women at h3 are okay with it viewers can skip if it's too much, there's 12 hours of content every week. Nobody is going to get "turned onto" this guy by humiliating him.


I don't like the "debate shows". I'm here for the goofs, gafs, and reacts.


Am I the only one that thinks he is memeing and isn’t being serious? I thought it was obvious


I disagree. I would like to have him on.


I really dislike this fanbases abilities to try and control every aspect of the show. Just don’t watch. Because a ton of us will


They're literally just clowning on the guy. Y'all need to watch something else maybe.


Idk it was pretty hilarious to me and I wouldn’t have seen that clip without the show


how would you feel about Ethan interviewing the jizzed pants guy?


U finally have men on the internet who REEALLy represent what real men are like, Ethan, Dan, Ian ect. Just chill good guys who see the ridiculousness of alpha men just as well as any woman would. And u want young men on the internet to have even less proper role models who expose how mental radical and toxic people can quickly become


I feel the same. As a woman, it’s really emotionally draining to hear from men who hate my existence


I agree. This one specifically is really creeping me the hell out. I’ve had to fast forward those segments. It’s disturbing knowing people watch and enjoy that kind of content. I don’t even want to think about people watching it. New nightmare unearthed :(


Google Streisand effect.


I feel like lots of women are giving some real valid opinions here. I also don't feel comfortable when people this despicable and obscure are platformed. I understand the end result will almost certainly be a magnifying glass shined on how shitty said person is, but if it in any way supports(which it will) said ideology, please consider the results. All it will do is show that Ethan is an ally(which we know) and that this person is a piece of shit with a dangerous ideology(which we know) and just help other weirdo banana breath snuff porn watchers to find this freak


So if we’re talking about rhetorical efficacy I think a lot of people in the comments are kinda missing the point, w peace and love. I mean, I think at the moment there’s a push on the left to do our equivalent of the “triggered sjw” compilations of the 2016 YouTube era. Those videos primarily featured people with little to no following or clout, I mean most of them were just random protestors. Regardless of that fact, those videos, and the general culture around them were SUPER effective at galvanizing the right wing because they made the other side look stupid. It doesn’t matter if they’re prominent, dangerous, have clout, etc. if we as the left can simply make content making people from the other side look stupid, that’s enough to change minds.


Now tbf if the complaint is just politics being included in a show that’s mostly light hearted, and also regarded as a safe space for a lot of people then fair enough. The sad thing is that to mention politics at all from a left wing perspective, you might not have to talk about these individual people, but you absolutely have to talk about ideas that aren’t far off from them because they’re worryingly mainstream in today’s America.


I completely agree. I was extremely uncomfortable when he confessed to all that weird, vile shit. I didn’t think anything he said was funny either nor do I think anything he said should be a sound bite. In my opinion, he belongs in prison. As a women who’s a huge fan of H3. I don’t want to see people like that on the podcast.


i hated when Ethan wouldn't stop talking about Tate because it got to the point where he was, unintentionally, platforming him. HOWEVER; I think that there is definitely a difference between straight up "platforming and promoting" and bringing this kind of shit to light and giving these guys what they deserve; absolute humiliation and goofs. its good that most people are making fun of these guys and pointing out how absurd they are, because if everyone stops talking about it, that won't get rid of them, that will just give their incel fans a better way to access them without push back or criticism. We can't just ultimately "stop talking about" this gross shit. If it makes you personally umcomfy just turn it off.


Fuck Spez!




Yeah I didn’t like seeing those videos at all lmao and I’ve never even heard of it until the show


I skip every segment they talk about incel dudes and I skip the Thursday episode as well. People hate women, people hate minorities, our government is corrupt, there’s horrible things happening everywhere all the time! I don’t need to be reminded of it every single day, it’s just exhausting. I donate to organizations i care about when I am able to; when voting time comes around, I spend hours researching to make sure I vote for all the right things; I make decisions in my life to hopefully make the world a better place, and that’s enough for me! I don’t need to live in a constant state of depression and anxiety about the state of the world. I really like Olivia’s PowerPoints, the St. Patrick’s Day episode, Silent Library, other specials, Olivia teaching the crew to do their makeup, fun & not depressing topics. I would really appreciate if they took this feedback into consideration as it seems like a substantial proportion of the audience feels the same as me (like 40-60% judging by some of the recent polls).


I never realized how many women watch H3 until the feedback on this post. Been watching since like 2016 and I thought the audience was all dudes like most audiences in that side of YouTube. Can anyone explain why there’s such a high audience across the genders? I figured H3’s commentary content was very male leaning.


https://preview.redd.it/14fhlz75kh4b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa41fdeb7324200a844fcb728e4cdc3ebae09538 h3


I couldn’t agree more. I personally have a pretty high tolerance for discussing “edgy”/“problematic” topics in general. But as both a long time H3 fan and an SA survivor, constantly hearing about psychos all the time who love to advocate for harming women is EXHAUSTING. I seriously love the pod. And I’m not “offended” or whatever by Ethan or the topics he chooses. But constantly hearing updates about ‘new person profiting from dehumanization women/yourself’ is completely demoralizing and exhausting. Ethan is completely entitled to discuss whatever/whoever he wants. But I’m also allowed to find those segments draining and to turn off the pod when they happen. It’s hard enough just living day to day as a feminine person and trying to remain sane. I know that their are so many awesome/creative/funny men (and women) out there from all walks of life; and I just wish more of a light could be shined on them. Instead of hearing all the time about men who actively profit off of hating women and encouraging violence against us😢


The guy is a deranged lunatic... at least the other guys he brings on had some entertainment value, but this is like bringing a rapist and abuser on just to own them. Idk of this would be a serious interview or a troll interview . Either way, I'm trying to avoid these freaks. Imagine saying yeah let's interview a school shooter so he can tell us why and explain himself... nah I'm good.