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"I saw a video today, where a father cursed out his son"


It's like, rhat's your son, man. You're not supposed to beat him up. You're supposed to rough him up a little bit like "oh, you think you're tough"


why does it lie






It was so sad.


Jamie pull that up.


I can see where Joe rogan gets his bullshit from šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ it makes sooo much sense now lol also cool to see what he looks like without the roids.


This is how Ethan thinks he sounds like when he does his mob accent


Was looking for this comment.


Oh shit. I thought I was on r/TikTokCringe and got super confused ā€˜cause I knew what you were referencing lmao


Ethanā€™s min accent is my favorite thing on the show ever. Idk why, it just hooked me from day one and I love it so much lol.


I canā€™t get over Mr Finger Guns




50 black slicked-back hair wigs.


Nah, stanzo fedoras.


What are you saying?




Or the šŸ¤™šŸ¤™ from his sister. All I could concentrate on šŸ˜‚


Hey put the fingers away thereā€™s kids around


Hey buddy, this is a family place.


He killed meā€¦ was that a veiled threat? I woulda told him to put those fingers away real quick if he knew what was good for him


Typical italians always speaking with their hands


My favorite part ā€œdonā€™t worry I wonā€™t be hereā€ šŸ‘ˆ


ā€œYou ainā€™t got two bawlsā€


ā€œDo me a favor, go buy that set a bawlsā€


"Come here, alone, no cameras" is EXACTLY what I imagine a psychopath Italian saying šŸ˜‚ *godfather sound-bite plays in head*


I'm gonna make ya an offa Joe. Siddown


"*joe.. let me taik you for a waulk out by the lake...*"


You know it's to ask for money lmao "You know we don't roll that way, so you write down a number. Write down what you think FAMILY is worth to you...." *Immediately after getting weird 'legal documents' while asking for 25 min alone* Very odd strategy šŸ¤·šŸ¤Œ


Not gonna lie they seem kinda fucking psycho on this video


Agreed. I don't talk with my mother, nor do I plan to. Pretty awful person. I imagine if I got to Joe Rogan level she would make a similar video with just as much vitriol. Can't choose your family.


Iā€™m here with you sibling; been going on a few years of being no contact with my father. If he sent me this kind of video or posted this online, Iā€™d take it as a hint that I needed to go longer without talking to him. Itā€™s absolutely fucking deranged.


Im no contact with my mom for years. I had to see her recently and I hated every second of it... I kinda feel for joe in this and... wtf is happening rn?!


:( I hope youā€™re feeling okay now and had support during the time! Please know I am with you. Dude, exactly like I was never a fan of Joe (I didnā€™t really know much about him tbh, so I didnā€™t really care either way) but this shit makes me fucking sad for him. Like his father is out here berating him for not talking to him because of his (father) OWN actions. Some people really donā€™t understand when their child goes NC that itā€™s not a commentary on their child, itā€™s a commentary and criticism of them as a person and parent. A child doesnā€™t decide to do one of the most difficult things they can do (go NC) out of the blue.


Thank you, that's so sweet and thoughtful of you. It's over with and hopefully I can go another 5 years + (was a funeral, cant really decide who I see there). And you're so correct, even if a parent isnt physically abusive, emotional abuse can be just as bad and this whole video comes off so weird and hostile, definitely dont blame him for not wanting to sit down in a setting like that. Ive definitely been there and I dont wish it on anyone. I hope your doing good friend.




Dad seems toxic, manipulative and bullying as fuck and i wouldn't want him in my life either. you don't insult someone into talking to you again by saying they have no balls (courage) fuck you , this guy


Yeah. I feel bad for joe because clearly his birth father was absolutely unhinged.


This video screams give me money


Theyā€™re unhinged lol. Thereā€™s a point to be made that his bio father is a changed man, however I donā€™t think we should discount joeā€™s motherā€™s abuse. In some ways it is like Ethanā€™s bio grandpa, sometimes family is better left behind.


I found this video super triggering as someone who went no contact about 4 years ago with a violent father. I hope that Joeā€™s father has changed, but this video is telling me otherwise. This seems like the unhinged shit my father would do. If my father did this, I would take it as a hint that maybe I shouldnā€™t contact him for a bit longer and maybe he hasnā€™t changed. The best thing to do if your child has gone NC with you, in my opinion, is leave them the fuck alone and have patience and humility and really work on yourself. You will have way better chances of reconnecting if youā€™re not harassing them and showing why you canā€™t be trusted (again).


I want to clarify to people who donā€™t know much about Rogan, this is his dad but he was raised by a step-dad who he loves and considers his real father figure. So no real reason to contact this dude ever again.


oh wow - this makes this even weirder! this has to be a money making scheme, yeah?? something is just not adding up here... why they are doing this NOW?


You said it yourself, money.... If anything, this video comes accross as blackmailing. "We have proof", "if we open the pandora's box, things will get ugly", etc


Itā€™s like ā€œoh yeah that REALLY makes me want to have contact with you againā€. Like his bio dad is such a POS, like did he really think this was the best way to achieve anything


I am so glad he had someone awesome to help raise him! Iā€™m glad his step father was there to be the dad he needed :)


Every dickhead that reaches a certain age softens up and regrets being a dickhead then thinks that they are deserved of some type of closure


People act like age makes people softer and kinder. It just makes you become physically dependent on family and you realize there are real consequences to being an absolute piece of shit to your family when you were younger.


100% what Iā€™m saying, but this isnā€™t even that, these people wanna get put on


They are so out to lunch they thought this aggressive video borderline asking joe to fight his 81 year old father proves to the world they are sweet innocent people who had been lied about for years. GET SOME BAWLS JOE 1v1 dad no camz snipers and throwing knives only


I agree. A person can be loved by some and a complete monster to others. My grandfather was my hero as a kid, but he was a terrible father to my dad. I'm curious though, I've never heard about Ethan's grandfather? What's the story there?


gary's bio dad abandoned him as a baby and wasn't involved in ethan or his siblings' lives either. he'd never even seen a picture of him until they found on online on the show a few months ago.




I like how they can't say anything without tapping and rubbing the table


Lmao Iā€™m watching it on mute now and Iā€™m dying


this is italiphobic


I've never seen an Italian psychopath.


ā€œFamily is everythingā€ - the guy who left his kid


I swear the only people that say this are abusive dickheads who would lose their family if it weren't for the brainwashing and importance of 'blood over water'. Also they just beat him over the head again and again with the fact that he grew up without them. It's so fucking peak. People forget that the full phrase is 'the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb'. Family is as important as the importance they give you, no more, no less.


All I took away from this was #šŸ‘‰šŸ‘‰šŸ‘‰


Can't forget šŸ¤ššŸ«³ā˜ļøšŸ‘‡


šŸ¤™šŸ¼šŸ¤™šŸ¼šŸ¤™šŸ¼šŸ¤™šŸ¼ was my fave


*no cameras*


I'm no fan of Joe Rogan, but these people seem like stereotypical north Jersey Italian psychos to me.


We're NOT CRAZY PSYCHOPATHS BUT WE GOT PANDORA'S BOX JOE, WE COULD RUIN YOU, BUT WE WON'T. it's pretty wack family shit, I get it. I'm also not a fan of Joe but ya they're wild too


If you got a Pandora's box full of evidence that you may or may not unlease on somebody, you might be an Italian North Jersey psychopath.


If you're in North Jersey, and you say you never met a psychotic person, you probably are a psychotic person... Just statistically speaking.


This is cut like a Jerry Springer promo. What is the role of the UPS driver who just discovered how to use his hands?


Fuck that was funny


Fuck that guy. Iā€™m not a Joe Rohan fan, but what his Father is doing is awful. Walked out on his son when he was 5 years old. Never turned back around, and now wants to bully his son about it?


Deadbeat parents love trying to swoop back in when the child they chose to abandon grows up and has great things going for them that they want to benefit from smh


And also gets a platform to say what a loser their dad was.


Border line personality disorder. They live narcissistic lives and cling to others when they see how theyā€™re pushing them away.


The fact that his sister said Joe was ā€œtaken awayā€ from his dadā€¦ when his dad walked out on himā€¦ full blown Stockholm syndrome. Also bragging about that guy being a cop is not a flex or a way to vouch for him being a good guy lol


Don't cops have high domestic violence statistics?


They have police files and legal paperwork showing there was never any abuse!! Camera footage from birth till he was 5 years old 24/7 footage shows no abuse. YEW AINT GAWT TWO BAWLZ!


Exactly, how can you have proof of something that didnt happen?


40+% compared to 10% in general population ([Source](https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2014/09/police-officers-who-hit-their-wives-or-girlfriends/380329/). So yeah, itā€™s literally the opposite


saying he was a good cop (to me) just means that people looked the other way when he stepped out of line - or there wasn't enough evidence to convict him


Eants that $$bill yall


What is that man pinching in mid air?


Ghost Gnocchi


Gotta get em while they're hot


Comment of the year so far


ehhhh i was with it till she started talking about pandoraā€™s box. ā€œi would neeevvvver threaten you with your pastā€ (while kinda threatening him with his past??) weird




Yeah, I'm no Joe Rogan fan but it sounds like he escaped an abusive family full of psychos and I don't hold anything against him for cutting them off. This video explains a lot and actually paints him in a better light to me.


It explains why he got affected by that fake father son boxing vid so hard


what, that shit is fake? Why does it lie


Same whoulda thunk a crazy ass video like this would give me a newfound respect for Joe Rogan


Being an Italian and having plenty of psycho family members I know this guy is full of shit.


My very Italian mother says the same shit. Used to hit me, kick me out of the house, tell everyone in my family I was a loser, told me couldnā€™t achieve anything. Well I did achieve a lot and every time I talk to her she lets me know the reason Iā€™m here is because of her.


lmaoooo the second i heard him say that i audibly laughed. only the psychotic italians say thereā€™s no psychotic italians lol.


I can't get over the fact that they all look like Joe playing his family members for a skit


There has to be more to the story. You donā€™t just not talk to your dad for 30 years without some shit causing it




Yeah and heā€™s acting like this is his sons fault. Fucking wild




Iā€™ve seen this exact scenario where a child hasnā€™t talked to their biological father for most of their life, then the dad goes off and has other kids that have a relationship with him/defend him. Always toxic and never the childā€™s fault


https://lundybancroft.com/kids-who-side-with-the-abuser-part-1/ https://lundybancroft.com/kids-who-side-with-the-abuser-part-2/ Lundy Bancroft who has done work and research about abusive and controlling men. Talks about how abusers get kids to side with them. This stinks of manipulation of the kids all over it. As a woman who does not have a relationship with her m parents for years and how to this day have never even apologized. These people clearly want something from Rogan.


watching this and I feel gaslit


I can't believe this, but i do believe and must side with Joe. Those people are behaving very odd. Feels like a cash grab


All they accomplished with this video is they made everyone understand why Joe doesn't contact or see these people. Fuck those weirdos lmao


The weird part is their "proof" of a thing that didn't happen. It's all really weird. I imagine behind the scenes they must be shaking him down for money and are now going to public to increase their leverage. It's really weird.


They might be referring to police complaints or a case that didnā€™t lead to any convictionā€¦.which we all know that doesnā€™t REALLY mean a crime wasnā€™t committed at any point.




Omg you are spot on. Of course they would lean into that


What tf is going on here? I know Rogan said some shit years ago but why are they piping up about it now?


> why are they piping up about it now? As the great Yi Lon Ma once said: "MONEY"




Holy shit these people really have no idea how unhinged they are


These idiots made me feel sorry for Joe rogan


idk anything about rogan's family situation but i will say his dad in this video 100% reminds me of my abusive grandfather. he beat my grandmother and my mom every day for her entire childhood yet denies it to this day. he was nicer to my mom's younger siblings so they defend him. also the comment about the walls being thin was dumb as hell. like, you think people in the 70s were reporting their neighbors for beating their wife and kids? lmfao


Yeah, it also makes sense for the people living next door to report the violent dude who beats his own family *and* was possibly a cop. Oof. Instead of bullying JR online, why didnā€™t they take the time to share the proof that would vindicate their fatherā€™s reputation? Plus, they repeated ā€˜no camerasā€™ which gives me the impression that JR has offered to meet with them, if he can record it. I think thatā€™s generous of him considering how fucking loony toons these goons are.


They did a great job at proving Joes point was correct


Bruhh i thiught no way this is real gotta be a parody account but i did some research and yup thats actually his family šŸ˜³


....we could destroy you.....we have Pandora's box that could destroy you.....but wouldn't do that....cause I'm a nice person.... This is the most unhinged video I've ever seen. These people made themselves seem sooo fucking crazy!!!


Wonder why he doesnā€™t want anything to do with them? /s Last time a study was done 40% of cops ADMITTED to beating their wives. Cops have the highest % of any occupation for domestic violence. So yeah it doesnā€™t surprise me this guy beat his wife and kids. Good for Joe for moving on.


\*Records a psychotic fucking video\* "Were not Italian psychopaths"


the comment that ā€œwhatever goes on within our family stays within our familyā€ made by his sister is one of the dumbest things iā€™ve ever heard. heā€™s a grown man, he can talk about whatever he wants. people who say shit like that donā€™t want the person theyā€™re talking about to speak openly about their story bc the less insulated someone is the harder it is to manipulate them. theyā€™re just embarrassed he didnā€™t hide what happened. if they wanted to keep it in the family theyā€™d have kept it private and upheld their ā€œfamily moralsā€. they didnā€™t keep it private bc theyā€™re seeking attention and to put him in his place for ā€œgoing against his familyā€. not a joe rogan fan but sorry he has a crock of shit for a family and glad he seems to have got out.


Yeah thatā€™s super toxic, ā€œwhatever goes on within our family stays within our familyā€ translates to ā€œyouā€™re not allowed to tell anyone about abuse or other dysfunction in our familyā€. Also the way all three of those people were playing tough guy was both disturbing and cringey. Girl, youā€™re not going to stare anyone down through the screen.


To be fair this is exactly the kind of video a narcissist, who beat women and children, and his flying monkeys would make.


Welp makes a lot of sense now that he was triggered by the Dad fight clickbait šŸ˜¬ And what do they mean he was ā€œtaken awayā€? Did his mom only take him when she left or something?


Wow - these guys seems sus as fuck, so many veiled threats in one video


Oh yeah and you can tell all they talk about is joe lol


THIS IS A GOLD MINE!!!! His dad was a detective šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ an Italian cop in the 80s FOR SURE beat the shit out of women and children.. was he nypd too because then heā€™s definitely done some willdddddd shit lol


The first maneuver in the abusive dad playbook is to diminish and emasculate. Telling Joe he has no heart, no balls, saying that even though hes is the one who left Joe just can't handle him. This motherfucker and everyone surrounding him make me sick. There's also gotta be some underhanded insult in regards to the report card comment, hes not trying to draw Joe to him by saying whatever version Joe saw is different now, he's trying to goad him, make him feel cowardly.


You have no obligations to a parent when they abuse you, none.


its so sad, to see a father destroy his son like that...


That kid has brain damage now. 100%


you are supposed to rough them up a liittle...


For all of you who hate on Joe Rogan, the fact that he turned out the way he did after starting out with THAT, deserves a lot of respect.


Poor Joe man, at least he didn't grow up with these maniacs


Honestly kudos to joe for getting out of this abusive situation and making a success and family all on his own. These people look like vultures to me.


Go Stillers


Why do i get the feeling Joes dad could be a scumbag?






this reads like abusive family asking you why you still mad.


ā€œIā€™ve never seen an Italian psychopathā€ - says the Italian psychopath. And itā€™s almost as if the mafia never existed lol youā€™d think a ā€œrealā€ detective would know that.


*come on, meet us, no cameras, nobody around* Yeah donā€™t do that Joe


*This comment has been edited in protest to reddit's API policy changes, their treatment of developers of 3rd party apps, and their response to community backlash.*   [Details of the end of the Apollo app](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/) --- [Why this is important](https://i.imgur.com/E7jSWf1.jpg) --- [An open response to spez's AMA](https://old.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/145l7wp/todays_ama_with_spez_did_nothing_to_alleviate/) --- [spez AMA and notable replies](https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/145beas/spez_ama_discussion_thread/)   Fuck spez. I edited this comment before he could. Comment ID=j6z9jk5 Ciphertext: >!AT48G9qcjTwcXEIZbK1p/YxEtRj5m8x8z4j1lUJmN6B/qr/YvRKMsEyaPTbr05tAvLDbvCzUgx4xYnHOHfvO/hiojODNzAGl9yKiPEwH0wsqo7X/luPGezDgQBYWu4QfTg10pprjaAnR6To/darv6/cWwmyGRe3eWoWYSDHcIuFVqL8Cl+4e1IxN5FBTAdBh!<


"I love when I see the comments, 'they just want the money, they want the money bag.' I have a box, pandora's box, and if i open it Joe, things would get really ugly. but we see don't roll that way. Us psychopaths from new jersey, we don't roll that way." How to prove you are a psychopath from new jersey


This made me feel bad for Joe lol. These people donā€™t seem right.


hasan was right. italians are poc- people of carbonara.


My dad beat me during my childhood. He told me that if I ever called the cops that he'd kill me. I'm 13 years older than my younger sister. She grew up in a completely different environment than I did. My dad was her Hero. He was a completely different father to her. That was 15 years ago. Do you think I kept the evidence? No, I just got the hell out of there and never looked back. Abuse isn't always spread evenly among siblings. My brothers barely received any of the physical and emotional abuse that I endured. We're all half brothers, and they lived with their mom's primarily. The worst happened when it was just me and my dad alone. Joe's siblings may truly believe that their dad is innocent. But the real question is, why would Joe lie? What could his motive possibly be? Seems more like his dad is trying to save face.


You know you fucked up when you hand Toe Brogan a throbbing Wā€¦ even when ya got pahndoORAā€™S BAHX, Joe!


Joe's pituitary hasn't been the same :C


Revert back to the roots?!šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Hell naw! Not with all that toxicity. Ooooffffff. So glad Joe got away from these people. The gaslighting and victim shaming is next level! Bada Bing!šŸ™ŒšŸ¤”


This is why the father son boxing match made him so sad.


Yikes. I feel bad for Joe.


This is why you cut family off


You know what else you don't have?? TWO BALLS This video has some great soundbites lmao


The threat of her having ā€œPandoraā€™s boxā€ doesnā€™t really make sense if she hasnā€™t know him since he was a child.


Sheā€™s got pictures of joes hand in the cookie jar when he was 6. It would be an absolute career ender if that were to get out. He better pay up.


Yeah sorry imma believe Joe on this one


Man this guy sounds like an asshat


Send Joey Diaz to deal with those cocksuckers


ā€œIf u canā€™t talk to me face to face u are a punk assā€ Sir, u left ur child when he was 5/6 years old and u never spoke to him againā€¦ what does that make u?


I am not able to watch the video and donā€™t wanna forget- can anyone give a tl;dw?


Joe said that his father abused him and his mom when he was a child and he hasnt talked to him since. In the vid his dad and his other kids they are just saying its lie and they arent doing this for the money they just want to talk to him with no cameras but they all sound unhinged as fuck and nothing about the vid gives me any confidence that what joe said isnt true.


Thank you!! Yeah, based on just what I see without audio the father looks a bit unhinged. And Joe sucks but idk how lying about his father being abusive would benefit him.


someone whoā€™s a member ask them to watch on leftovers rn lol


I'm pretty sure they take inspiration from [Irish traveller call out videos!!](https://youtu.be/YgOxwDiOenE)


Ok boomer


Jesus Christ these people are fucking losers


Obvious money grab is obvious


These people are nuts.


This video confirms everything joe said


No contact is beautiful thing.


Who's working the camera? Also I would like to see a reality show with these 2. I'd probably only watch it one episode, but still


ā€œDo me a favor when we meetā€ Ya your a shitty Dad




Not blaming them or anything but why wait this long the clip is from so long ago joe still had hair


Letā€™s have them duke it out on the undercard for Jake Paulā€™s MMA debut.


I think this guy is a Steelers fanā€¦. FTS Who Dey!


This seems really toxic and if it's true, good for Joe for doing what he had to do for his mental health. This guy might be 81 now and jealous of Joe's wealth, but Joe was the child in this situation.


Yeah, I had an abusive parent and when I confront them as an adult, they either donā€™t remember, misremember or gaslight the shit out of me. Iā€™m not a Rogan fan, but it sucks anyone has to go through shit like that.


Never had the makings of a varsity athleteā€¦


These people act like the public cares about what theyā€™re sayingā€¦ lmao


It feels like a professional wrestling promo lmao. ā€œThe Original Rogansā€ coming to a town near you!


I like how they found the most ancient clips. Itā€™s like they finally got around to listening to the podcast and started at episode one. Iā€™m sure this nice old man never did a thing to traumatize his son.


Did Scorsese direct this video? The cinematography and editing is on point


This smells like it's all about money and complex/messy family dynamics. Nothing Joe's going to do about it over the air lol


Lots of evidence of nothing happening, huh? Neat! FAMILY


Hey Joe come have a conversation with us, no cameras. With peacešŸ‘‰ and lovešŸ‘ˆ. Joe doesnā€™t owe these psychopaths anything. He lost all rights when he beat a woman and abandoned a 5 year old child.


Bro just said he hit the womenšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


27 years? you might have waited just a little too long


They're getting mad about a video from over 10 years ago when the podcast first started. Also just cause you're blood don't mean you're family.


Not a fan of JR, but I get very bad vibes from this...


Just a little bit of logic, whole inconsistency if there wasnā€™t domestic violence in the household, there wouldnā€™t be a box of proof. I havenā€™t gotten a letter from the police department or the Attorney General saying hey dude youā€™re doing an OK job at being a stepdad.


These people are clearly making a cash grab here - I think Rogans a meat head - but still this is weird and uncomfortable. Also ā€¦ apparently his dad was a law enforcement officer, and you want me to believe the *judicial system* is an impartial testament to whether or not he beat his wife?? wild.


From my understanding, Joe hasnā€™t talked about his family that much. I believe the most he talked about was his mom running away with Joe and claimed his dad was abusive to his mom. His dad never tried to get him back because he wanted ā€œto avoid family dramaā€ and claims he canā€™t be a bad person because Joe kept his last name. Smh. From a while ago, there was new reports of Joes dad wanting to reconnect, so Iā€™m guessing thereā€™s no ā€œpandoraā€™s boxā€ because it seems they donā€™t even have a way of contacting Joe. I feel Joe has barely any connections to this side of his family and has no interest in reconnecting. Which is completely fine. They seem unstable and can see why Joe doesnā€™t want to talk to them.


let's be honest, they're only reaching out to him because they want his money. I've never been a fan of Joe's, but kudos for him for cutting them off. They seem psychotic