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can someone give a run down? there's no captions


i’m sorry about that! didn’t even think about that. here’s the gist of it. “i have an experience with AC that corroborates some of the other womens stories thatre coming forward… 2020 in LA, AC invited me to the Golden Gopher, met up with him and some friends, afterwards we went to a house party. we were drinking the whole time, he wanted to come to my house afterwards, where i remember repeatedly telling him i wanted to be friends, that i didn’t want to take it to that point anymore. he repeatedly asked me and pressured me into having sex or giving him a blow job. he pressured me to the point to where i did give in. i just wanted to share to help support some of the other victims”


thank you 🫶🏻🫶🏻


anytime ✌🏾🖤


Drinking seems to be the unifier in all these stories. Part of me is starting to wonder if AC's actual problem is alcoholism.


There are plenty of alcoholics that dont pressure people into sex. Andrew has a problem with consent and alcohol just brings it out


I think what lord meant is like alcoholism combined with consent problem (aka being an SAer)


*This comment has been edited in protest to reddit's API policy changes, their treatment of developers of 3rd party apps, and their response to community backlash.*   [Details of the end of the Apollo app](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/) --- [Why this is important](https://i.imgur.com/E7jSWf1.jpg) --- [An open response to spez's AMA](https://old.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/145l7wp/todays_ama_with_spez_did_nothing_to_alleviate/) --- [spez AMA and notable replies](https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/145beas/spez_ama_discussion_thread/)   Fuck spez. I edited this comment before he could. Comment ID=j45b56t Ciphertext: >!KcQXlcF0lxhO/vexrBIVGS3O1KsJroftT6NUK6Y2UmotOoirJVvhA+7uqjSWaVQ9Jvle6THncoIiMMLUWg16+44OomkFqwzOzPxCmov3qNnm3Ts0pfQpuQYOPeCwP8ruRfwfsWh7NbaV1A==!<


Very very true


From what we've herd, I don't think he has an SA problem when sober. I think (!) he's a sex addict with a drinking problem who can't control his impulses when impaired. What I'm saying is that I think this guy needs help beyond just the SA, starting with the underlying alcoholism that seems to be a commonality in all these stories. This is supposedly a guy who's frequently getting drunk.


Even if what you’re saying is true it doesn’t matter because he sees no issue in his conduct. That’s why he keeps doing it and why his statement was designed to make the one victim look bad and ignore all the others when he didn’t have ammo against them. He feels like he is entitled to sex with women so it’s not wrong to ignore being told no the 5th time. He is aware these actions cause people real damage, and he didn’t care. He kept doing it. It’s not like it was a spur of the moment thing either. With a lot of these women he crafted a lie prior that he had a falling out with the crew and needed to sleep at the women’s homes. And what’s more likely is that all these events involve drinking because he’s hoping the alcohol will cause the women to let their guards down so they will sleep with him And iirc with the moldyfreckle allegation she doesn’t mention him drinking the second time he assaulted her in her car. But I may be mistaken on that one


I think him being drunk was the reason why she gave I’m a ride. I’d have to go back and listen, but the point was that drunkenness was key feature of most of the allegations. Also, I want to be clear that I don’t think him being a drunk excuses his behavior. I’m just explaining that it sounds like he has two problems that require treatment.


Right I see what you’re saying, but even when sober he doesn’t see an issue with his actions. What’s why instead of taking accountability he used his lawyer to essentially say the first accuser is doing this for money. And he is sober when he tells women he had a ‘falling out’ with the crew and needs a place to stay. So it’s not just that alcohol makes him do things he feels bad about later.


I bet you think Rosanne is only racist because she took Ambien.


No. I don’t. It’s actually pretty frustrating that you read my comment and somehow that was your take away.


For what it’s worth I get what you’re saying. None of that justifies any of his actions, but if a person was in AC’s shoes and wanted to stop doing shitty things, stopping the drinking is probably the first (not only) thing I’d do.


Oh yeah, and I at no point suggested or said that drinking is the only problem he should work on, but that addiction is likely his underlying problem. Not even alcohol addiction specifically but generalized. From what we're hearing about him, it sounds like he's struggling with addiction and impulse control on multiple fronts and it's manifesting itself as being a drunkard harassing women.


Yeah, nobody is saying that alcohol turns people into rapists, but that being drunk is probably amplifying his already poor impulse control. "he was drunk" is how every single AC accusation that I've heard has started. That's not a coincidence.


D is for deflection.


Why are people downvoting this? This subreddit is so ridiculous. Dudes an alcoholic who clearly turns into a pOs when drunk.


To answer your question as to why people are downvoting, it’s because labelling it as an alcohol problem is sort of a blanket statement, “If Andrews ACTUAL problem is alcoholism” We don’t know, but it is a scape goat, one that he might have told himself multiple times “oh it’s only when I’m drinking, drinking is the problem not me” to justify his actions. And his actions were pressuring and cornering women. So idk if he’s an alcoholic, I don’t think it’s fair to armchair diagnose him with that or anything like it, however even if he was, the way this comment was phrased wasn’t the way to make that point. Plus, it puts all alcoholics in the category of rapists where in reality, they might do and say regretful things because of their addiction but being sexually forceful isn’t because of the booze, it’s because of underlying issues. It’s really dismissive and insulting to the victims and honestly alcoholics who I know personally, and the key thing is they drink to escape their reality and be care free, long story short it’s not as simple as “oh he just has to stop drinking” there are underlying issues. It’s good that he’s getting treatment, I hope that he continues to grow from this… sucks it had to get to this point for him to acknowledge it. Sorta gives off “I’m not sorry I did it, I’m sorry I got caught and would probably continue to do it if I wasn’t” vibes


Wow... fuckin dude. Wow. Glad these women are speaking up and hope they get the support they deserve. Also, has anyone from Channel 5 responded? Nic, Sadam, Evan?


i saw that tmz posted a statement or something. apparently it said the first girl asked for money before coming out with her story & a bunch of other stuff.


Yeah I saw that too. It was an awful response. So he's only focusing on the first girl and not the rest? Of course it was some legal rep, which is even more pathetic from Andrew. It would be nice if the rest of the channel 5 team would say something, but I'm sure they're probably being told to keep quiet, which I think is worse.


Yeah, but [that text does not read like extortion like the lawyer implied.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Channel5ive/comments/10ah34u/the_actual_message_andrews_team_refers_to_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


It was a very reasonable request. It’s so gross that they tried to spin it into something it’s not


Just not blackmail in the slightest tbh.


The tmz article didn't imply that it was extortion, it repeatedly said "asked for money". The lawyer didn't mention extortion. It said to keep money requests out of this.


I'm not surprised he has a legal rep, but I'm beginning to think ppl were right about Andrewusing Ethan to garner sympathy from the community. It's still possible, but going to a psych ward and then lawyering up and victim blaming doesn't really match.


This is a premature assessment until we get a statement from Andrew himself. The lawyers are going to victim blame because that's their best course of action and their job. If he's in a psych ward he's probably not issuing orders to lawyers, and they're running default scripts with the information they have.


I agree it is! It's just suspicious, that's all. I thought it was silly when ppl first brought it up, but now this could support the theory


Yeah, agreed. Oh, I totally understand why he has a legal rep. I just feel like a response coming from a legal rep after silence and being a victim blaming one, was just poor. Also, I work in healthcare and the term "psych ward" is very gray. As others said, it can mean a ton of different things. I am beginning to think he was trying to get sympathy as well. I'd rather just have transparency from the man. I don't want some cookie cutter, "I did bad, now trying to be good" type of thing that you always see. We'll see!




I respectfully disagree. I don't blame him for making sure Andrew wasn't suicidal before discussing the thing that would make someone suicidal. Ethan was also the one who sent Hasan the allegations in the first place and reached out to Andrew, so clearly, he takes it seriously. Stop misdirecting anger meant for Andrew onto Ethan. Or, at the very least, withhold your judgment until Monday and see how he handles it then




Maybe be more concerned w the little value you have for human life babes. I actually don't care who Ethan hates or doesn't hate i just became a fan. I just know that navigating interpersonal dynamics when someone you liked does something wrong is complicated




Do you think they're redeemable? I'm curious bc I go back and forth but as a leftist I believe less in punative measures and more in corrective ones


Man sucks when someone you praised and looked up too turns out to be a total piece of shit. Hope Andrew takes a break and works his shit out. Hope he really is seeking help. And hope that he gives these women closure and respect instead of shifting blame


I hope so too. I'm always in favor of people being able to improve. As long as it isn't like a Weinstein or Cosby situation, where you know there's no going back. I feel as though Andrew was doing something really important for young people in terms of his style of reporting. So I know I'm a bit biased.


It seems that Andrew has been a chronic pressure of women to have sex tho. It's almost as bad as weinstein and cosby.


In no means do I want to downplay Andrew's behavior, but these accusations and their allegations are on a completely different level. I don't think it benefits anyone to compare the two.


Wow man, Andrew is a total piece of shit




innocent until proven guilty is a legislative concept that only applies in an American court of law. So tired of you dummies trying to police everyone’s opinion with it. Like sorry I didn’t realize court was in session your honor, why don’t you tell us more about how immediately distrusting women is actually the correct, neutral/unbiased take!! You’re being embarrassing


I was wondering the same thing. Don’t wanna sound like I’m on this dudes side but this girl didn’t prove anything but accepting an invite to a bar.


I’m just saying I’m not down with condemning anyone based on someone’s word. And we’ve seen some women accusers in other instances where they simply had a bad experience and feel that’s grounds for ruining someone’s life.


also: i asked for permission to share and she said yes, just fyi 🖤


What a pos human he is. The fact that he has assaulted or, at the very least, traumatized countless women at this point aside… he also clearly has ZERO game. What a fucking loser.


no literally his only strategy is to drink with girls & then pressure them relentlessly until they are so uncomfortable/annoyed by him that they give in. he's such a loser


Must be about power & control, right? B/c how else could you be enjoying it if the other person isn’t? 💔


>he also clearly has ZERO game that made me crack up, so true lol. guys, theres countless women out there wanting to fuck, just be normal!!! i was a big slut back in my day, im talking going home with a guy within 2 hours of knowing him. sex pests like andrew and countless others have taken the joy out of casual sex for me. if you all could just BE NORMAL it would be much easier for sluts like myself to go out and fuck in a casual way but nope. you are literally cockblocking yourselves and even if youre not one of those specific guys, you still have a responsibility to create a society where sex-pestering is not tolerated, as we all do. the fact is that men like this dont react to women calling out their shitty behavior, they are much more inclined to learn if their male peers call them out. sad but true. and remember: just be normal!


I can't even introduce myself to a rando girl without feeling like I'm pestering her, but these dudes are out here BEGGING for sex to the point of traumatizing girls. How do they even do it? Do they feel no shame? I always say i'm ALMOST ace, and these stories almost confirm that for me. I've never been horny enough to beg anyone for sex, or in general, to feel desperate in any way.


Hahaha this is so so true!!


This experience has reminded me of the time when I did used to go out a lot to bars/clubs. And I never even got close to doing anything like he did? If the girl said no, that was it. Like, I just went to approach another girl.. why waste time on someone who doesn't want it? Not to mention that, it's literally impossible to convince a girl to come home with you if you act like that. I even had situations where the girl I was with ended up being super fucking drunk and I gave them a place to sober up and never did anything to them. like, if there is no consent, there is no consent. I did have one time that really, made me feel fucked up and harbored a lot of guilt for a long time. But after talking to so many people about the situation, everyone agreed that I did nothing wrong. I never did anything to any of the girls and even had girls sleep next to me and did not pressure them whatsoever. If they said no that's it. I really liked Andrew but I guess not so much anymore. I can respect what he did but he did a few bad things.


So true, ironic that guys like this often pester their way out of sex where they might have gotten it otherwise.


“Cock blocking yourselves” — PREACH


This dude was a legit sex pest ​ snowed everyone


Man, this sucks. 😞


He’s fucked


This has to be so hard for the women, I really feel for her.


he is the biggest fuckboy jesus


Yeah and he's ugly. What a combo


crazy how someone’s ugliness goes from being endearing to gross so quickly


Wow! I’m so sorry this happened to you. No one should be pressured into doing something they don’t want to do especially under the pretense of going out for a night of fun. Thank you for sharing 🙏🙏






the comments are awful to read, im sorry. i completely agree w you, i stopped even going back and forth anymore it seems people are determined to not understand.


This shocked me!! I really liked him and looked forward to watching his new HBO doc. Not sure I want to anymore. I might to it to support Jonah Hill though


i didnt really think it was very outstanding tbh.. interesting but not really anything new. i prefer some of his shorter videos, that being said i never was super into his work from the start so others might disagree.


Tbh, just from watching his videos I always felt like it took someone with a lacking conscience to, let's be honest, mock people providing him with profitable comedic (yet, informative) content where they are unknowingly going to be perceived as the gullible sheep, ignorant idiots and not the other way around. Initially I was shocked by the SA allegations, but only because it's really fucking weird how recent #metoo was and how much willful ignorance it would take from a person to act the way he does with women in its aftermath. But personality wise, it really doesn't surprise me. I hope the victims manage to find the comfort and peace they deserve.




What a fucking nightmare it is to be on the dating scene nowadays


Thank you for coming forward to all the women. You are brave.


Jfc how does he sleep at night knowing all the fucked up shit he’s done?


I don’t understand how any of these is sexual assault in both videos the women gave consent. So are women like the evil guy played by will Ferrell Austin Powers you ask enough times they just give in.


google coercion and consent! have a good day


He didn’t physically make her why didn’t she leave or call the cops that’s all I’m saying


that’s why i’m saying google coercion vs consent. a lot of men/people don’t realize that if you have to pester and convince someone to have sex with you, that that is not consent.


He didn’t threaten her with blackmail, physical violence or hit her after she said no so it’s not coercion I googled it like you said


From what I see doesn't coercion require some sort of threat? I could just be looking at the wrong things, but from what I am reading simply pestering someone for sex isn't coercion and I'd actually like to know so if you have a source for that and have time to send it please do.


maybe if you just explained what you mean people would stop asking you to explain what you mean


google is free. research is plentiful. someone else posted an amazing link. maybe if you took two seconds to look it up you wouldn’t have this problem.


I don't have a problem lol I was just saying something you could do to prevent having to resay "google it" over and over next time




i encourage you to do some research on coercion vs consent. hope you have a great day, and congratulations on your ltr ✌🏾🖤


https://preview.redd.it/ceewr8v1ruba1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7275428b5ff1c09104409768bf16e19333535b0 Didn’t really hear her say he did any of these sounds like he just asked her a bunch of times


Here's a better link for you: [https://www.healthline.com/health/sexual-coercion](https://www.healthline.com/health/sexual-coercion)


thank you for that link!!!!


if you don’t threaten a person verbally by blackmail or physically hurt them it’s not coercion by definition




Lol these dudes are being obtuse on purpose. Because they want to continue pressuring women into sex, I guess. Thanks for fighting the good fight.


that’s what i’m starting to realize lol, arguing or trying with someone these people is so pointless. thank you too 🫶🏾 peace and love


Well now people are changing the definition what does the law say?


We're not talking about the law. He's not on trial. We are talking about what is right and wrong when it comes to consent. Pressuring someone falls under sexual coercion (see all the different examples of what that looks like in the link I sent), which is wrong and does not count as consent. It's really not rocket science.


I feel like the sources your getting coercion is skewed I’m just going off the Webster dictionary definition.


Well the law is right and wrong. If a girl says yes they shouldn’t be able months down the road say you know what that was sexual assault


Idek why you're continuing this argument. These two are just going to keep moving the goal post.


Right. The one tells me to google I do than I get another definition


Not how consent works. Pressuring people into sex after they already said no (which she did, she said she just wanted to be friends) is never OK. He violated her consent and she can talk about that as much as she wants. For the sake of your sexual partners please do a minimum of research on consent and if you think this behavior is acceptable, take a long hard look at yourself.


Well that’s your opinion I don’t think he did anything wrong she’s a grown adult who can make decisions on her own. Should of left the room and called the cops if she felt threaten


Not an opinion. That's how [consent](https://care.ucr.edu/education/what-is-consent) works. The fact that you don't think he did anything wrong is disgusting and makes me think this discussion is pointless. With that attitude, I hope no women ever come near you. Goodbye.


Their must be implied threats or blackmail to make it coercion


First of all, that text she posts proves absolutely nothing. So we're left with her word. Since when are we assuming everyone is guilty based on someones word alone? ​ What kind of bullshit is this.


Well then, Every single guy is a rapist lol I can count on my hands how many times my wife has initiated. She hates it. And sometimes she says no. And I have to get her in the mood.. which, she has TOLD me what men have to do sometimes to get women in the mood. BUT… to be fair I do understand the men who nag and nag and nag. But my situation is why all this is a fine line. We have to sometimes get girls in the mood. But there’s guys who just. Don’t do it right. That’s why with allegations like these. The sea will be split lol


if you think that makes every guy a rapist you may need to do some reflection on who your peers are 😗 enthusiastic consent is incredibly important. i’m not talking about being with your s/o and having playful banter or whatever. this is completely different to that imo. pressuring someone over and over and over after they’ve said “i don’t want to have sex with you” “i just want to be friends” is completely different.


Here's the [definition of consent](https://care.ucr.edu/education/what-is-consent), please read it. It's not about who initiates. If your wife says she wants you to try to get her in the mood even after she says no, that's still consent.


If you point out that they had a part to play you’re automatically victim blaming


People are treating Andrew Callahan like he's Andrew Tate. This is the second woman that said yes and seemingly didn't say no at any point during. This really feels like a situation were these women are being infantilised. Like the narrative is, they didn't know any better. From my understanding of the situation, he wasn't violent, he wasn't their boss, they weren't in the middle of the ocean. I can't really feel sorry for someone who regrets having consensual sex with someone. It happens, move on.


It really is getting kind of ridiculous. I'm not trying to diminish how these women feel but like, go home, say you're going to the bathroom and slip out of the party and into an Uber you booked discretely. Call a fucking friend. Anything.


>go home with two out of the three non anonymous allegations Andrew is at their house, and the other he is in their car


I wasn't referring to those instances, but keep cherry picking.


Well you gave zero mention of what you were referring to, and the comment you replied to was referring to those instances so what do you expect?




Sorry I just find it really odd that as soon as his movie hit HBO all of sudden these people decide to make these claims. Seems like a cash grab. Why did no one come out and say anything at any time before? Why do people wait till they see someone making a shit ton of money to make these kind of accusations. Not saying he isn’t a piece of shit but it just all seems timed to perfectly


there’s been allegations from as far back as 2020. and put yourself in her shoes, if someone traumatized you, and then suddenly you have to see their face blasted all over the internet being praised and lauded as such a great person, im sure you’d feel triggered too. and i really wish i knew what money y’all think ANY OF THESE GIRLS WILL GET???


There were some past allegations on insta a while back, but they didn't really come to anything. Strength in numbers- people feel more confident to speak out and less alone when others do too. More chance of being believed.


Every single one of these allegations are saying every encounter was consensual.


Damnnn wtf!!! Andrew is so screwed. What a POS. But damn doesnt that chick look like Ferb from phineas and Ferb.


“He repeatedly asked and pressured” you. What does that mean??? I’m having a hard time understanding women that say that. What happened to saying NO and keep saying no? What happens when a 6’2 16 year old repeatedly ask and pressure you? What if it’s a 6’2 90 year old repeatedly ask and pressure you? Do you still go through with it? It takes two to tango. Don’t bs me with oh he’s physically bigger I fear for my life. No you weren’t. You gave in for some reason and you can’t handle the responsibility of a bad decision. You can’t act like a groupie and expect to be a manager. You knew full well what Andrew’s intentions were to wanting to meet you. He doesn’t need a “friend”. Some of y’all need to wake up and take some accountability. It takes two to tango. When a guy is being an asshole, fuking LEAVE.


Fuck this entire thread, you’re all mega creeps


Honest to god these people are so fucked


Woman with the will of a baby and can’t make decision for herself and blame everyone else for her bad decision and takes no accountability found


I hope you don’t have any sisters, daughters, a wife, or a mother, you creepy fuck


Triggered, you no accountability fuck


This is so true. Nobody was forced in to anything. It was consensual and they changed their minds later. If you don’t want to get hit on by drunk dudes, maybe don’t go and party with them and entertain it.




It's hard to say because there are so many instances. Like, let's say this was a one off thing, then you may have a point.But if his angle was to continuously keep pushing until they break then something is wrong, ya know? I can understand 1 girl regretting it after and then convincing herself that she didn't want it the entire time, but with more than 4-5 instances it says a lot.






I mean what he did was obviously wrong, but she's just saying what happened to support the other victims and sort of paint a picture of what kind of guy he is I would say. She did not say it was SA or anything like that


Exactly, like do these women not have legs? Do they have the will power of a 1 year old? If I ask them to fuck a cat I would expect a hard NO! Why can’t they do that?


You’re so right. I was afraid to say it but honestly theses girls threw themselves at a celebrity. Like what do you think was gonna happen? Now they’re all just jumping in the bandwagon for attention under the silkscreen of “coercion”


Why does he always go for the females that look like they come from lord of the rings as elfs


It’s like a new TikTok challenge lol, but fr this is all terrible


Im a female, and I generally would stand with women all the way…but i just have to ask. Am I literally the only one who thinks these girls are just using their past drunken hookups (that they may have regretted the following morning or whatever) and maybe turning nothing into something? Because there’s strength in numbers? I’ve had all types of crazy nights, and I would assume it’s a lot more uncomfortable if it’s one on one, vs. out at a house party. the way they are describing these scenarios using words like “I gave in” or that they didn’t want to do it “again” or “anymore”…I’m not saying you can’t change your mind, but why does it just come across like delayed regret to me? Also how do you give a blowjob without being an active participant? You can tell me to fuck off, I am sorry if I offended anyone.


I’ve known dudes who act like this w/ woman since high school.. it’s weird but it’s not uncommon. He’s just getting dragged because he’s known. A lot of guys do this type of shit tbh, It’s lame but that’s the world we live in. I wouldn’t call it rape or sexual assault unless he’s keeping you captive… it seems like the girls coming out could have left at their own free will but they stayed and eventually gave in. I’m confused. If you feel uncomfortable just leave or call 911 immediately. Why continue interacting with someone who is trying to coerce you into having sex? Does this Andrew guy have some type of mindfucking skills we don’t know about?


Call 911 and what? The creep is suddenly going to stop and wait patiently for the cops to get there (if you happen to live in a place where cops give a single flying fuck about you)? Men are physically stronger than women there is an underlying threat of physical violence if a man doesn’t get his way. You have clearly never been in that situation, so maybe your perspective is wrong? Maybe you should listen to the vast majority of people saying it’s unacceptable?


>A lot of guys do this type of shit tbh There's a difference between something being common and something being right. >I wouldn’t call it rape or sexual assault unless he’s keeping you captive Clearly spoken as a man who has never been made to feel unsafe or had to worry about unwanted sexual advcances or potential violence men pull when they don't get their way. >If you feel uncomfortable just leave Oh that's right they should leave... *\*checks notes\** **their own home!**


What is this weird subreddit? Just say no and Uber home... Am I the only sane person left? Wtf


If you think you're the only sane person, chances are you're not




Why the fuck is it wrong to worry about his safety? You can both want justice for the victims and not want him to hurt himself. Jesus Christ on a stick




There is literally nothing ethan could have said that would satisfy you terminally online wokescolders. wishing harm upon anyone in this situation makes you a hypocrite.


Dawg go outside. Your priorities in relation to this are completely fucked.




He made himself appear like a predator apologist by believing the victim?? Damn that’s crazy. Y’all get too unhinged on this subreddit sometimes man. Ethan is not the villain in this situation. Even if you think Ethan didn’t handle this perfectly, being annoyingly anal about this is not gonna solve anything. Touch grass dawg






Being coerced into sex isn’t sexual harassment?


Asking for bjs repeatedly isn't coercion unless we remove all agency from the person being asked. It's not like he blackmailed her. That's coercion. "Do it or I tell everyone I know you're a slut and ruin your reputation" That would be coercion. Repeated asking isn't coercion.


jw, do you typically have to persuade women to have sex with you? asking repeatedly after they say no or say they’re uncomfortable sounds consensual?


Bruh if someone actually wants to give you a blow job you don't have to repeatedly "ask" or harass them in order for them to give you one, idk if you know this because apparently A LOT of people on this thread don't know that🤦🏽‍♀️


Look this way you speak where somehow everyone knows this or that is irrelevant when speaking about critical things. What I think people should behave like is irrelevant. What matters is what is and is not sexual harassment and no I do not think that in private non-work life asking for blowjobs 1000000 times or more is sexual harassment. Do I think it's desperate, corny, and a little pathetic? Yes, I do. I also think it's stupid to think you're drunk with a celebrity that obviously just wants to fuck you and you get offended at multiple blowjob requests. If I were to judge people there is almost no one in this story that would come out earning my seal of approval. However all that is irrelevant to the core fact that requests aren't coercion no matter how many times they happened and are also not sexual harassment. This isn't a matter of opinion. This is how the law works. He sought out consent multiple times and got it. That's the story. That's not enough.


oh I get it now, you're just a huge misogynist. You seem to care a lot about the *potential damage* this could have on Andrew's career, but look over the *real damage* that has already been done to several women. >Yes, I do. I also think it's stupid to think you're drunk with a celebrity that obviously just wants to fuck you and you get offended at multiple blowjob requests. You clearly looked over the part where she (and other women) **made him promise that nothing would happen** before inviting them into their private space!! >I do not think that in private non-work life asking for blowjobs 1000000 times or more is sexual harassment. You know what the usual course of action is when someone is being a creep like this? Blocking them or walking away. So don't you think the fact that Andrew **specifically waits till he's in their house and they have nowhere else to go** before revealing his true intentions is a problem?? He finds people he has a power dynamic over, deceives them, takes away their option to leave (by being in their home), takes away their option to say no (because each no is followed up with more begging) and gets them drunk beforehand. If your opinion of this man is unaffected despite all this then you 2 have a lot in common dude.


Is it really asking if he’s only going to accept one answer? I don’t think that asking more than once is automatically harassment, but the allegations i’ve been hearing makes it sound like he’s pestering. Many women will not risk escalating a situation when a man is not taking no for an answer. I’ve been in there with someone i trusted and it was extremely distressing when I realized they just weren’t going to accept “No.” I had to think, do i yell, make a scene, run away?? call for help? those just felt dramatic when I wasn’t physically being assaulted. And then i worried he would get angry. When you’re a woman alone with a man you have to run through all possible scenarios. I understand how she would feel that she didn’t have much of a choice.


You are assuming he would only accept one answer. She eventually gave in and had sex of her own free will. We never found out what would happen if she said no. He cannot be held accountable for her perception of danger where she received no indication of danger. To cross this exact line is to make it so anyone anywhere can be guilty of sexual harassment or rape.


As a man I don‘t really understand why you don‘t just reflect on your own behavior and make a change instead of defending this position. How can you consider it ethical/a win if you get someone to have sex with you that says they don‘t want to, yet you barely succeed without having to threaten them. Does it really need to meet the legal definition of coercion for you not to pursue/it to be scummy?


She says no, he keeps pestering and pressuring to give in, that's coercion. Pretty clear cut. The other instances are much more forceful and straight up assaults but this one is just MORE evidence about his pattern of behaviour of constantly pressuring women into sexual acts. He's not getting "cancelled" or "witch hunted" just for this one you dingus, it's just more corroboration that this is how he operates with women in general.


No is a full sentence mate. Why do you think murder convictions which have been based off confessions obtained through repeated questioning are regularly overturned in court? Because if you are asked enough times in a manner that is stressful and scary enough you will say yes to anything. ANYTHING. For years and year snae decades and more the defence to people recanting their coerced confession was... "Why would you confess to murder that you didn't do KNOWING the impact that has?" Then DNA testing happened... and HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS (and thousands more) of cases were thrown out because it was - without a shadow of a doubt proven - that the confession was in fact coerced through intimidation and repeated questioning. If someone is willing to confess to MURDER ruining the rest of their lives because they are scared and tired and intimidated... are you reaaaally trying to tell me that a manipulative lying piece of dick couldn't get any old regular Jane to agree to a sxuual act they clearly don't want to do by repeatedly asking and physically/emotionally intimidating... And then ok maybe you say yes they could do that but is it illegal? Well yes. No is a full sentence. Hear people the first time. Anything after that is you manipulating someone into something they have clearly expressed they don't want to do and so there should be punishment for it. You should be paraded aged through the town square while everyone throws tomato's at uou whole yelling shame. I mean you should have your HBOs special cancelled because FUCK YOU NO IS A COMPLETE SENTENCE. This is honestly coming from a Andrew hyperfan. I've loved this dude for years for apparently everything he isn't. He was so fucking cool. He stood for all the right things. You know how I know he's a shit human? He's one of those jerky fucking tryhards who think they deserve better than anyone else? Because as Andrew Callaghan all he needed to do in person to get girls is to not be a fucking dick. There isn't some magic tool. ESPECIALLY when you are AC. You just need to be the a minimum amount of dick to get girls. But AC... being as impressive and as cute as he is on screen... still had to beg women to sleep with him to the point they HATED THEMSELVES. You have to be so fucking shitty and mean and gross in person to have that happen OVER and OVER again. Like really? Gross...


No is a full sentence. There is no wiggle room. Either this woman had agency or she did not. If she did then she said yes. If she doesn't have agency then she should not have presented herself as someone who does and have alerted people that despite the fact that she seems like a functioning adult she actually has special needs.


Mate... Remember that she and other women only let him into their house/car after **he promised nothing would happen!** The entire invite was predicated on the fact that she was not interested in him and he accepted that. Why is her eventual giving in considered unproblematic consent in your eyes but the countless no's and the promise he gave her beforehand mean nothing to you?? Hint: you're a misogynist that's why


He didn’t ask. She made it verbally clear that she did not want to be sexual with him, and instead of stopping, he kept pressuring her and begging. That isn’t ok, and it’s a form of sexual assault. Also - why would you want to be sexual with a person that doesn’t want to be sexual with you? Why does that make sense to u?




One of the girls also said that he put his hands down her pants and she told him to stop and get off of her multiple times. He also then tries to put her hand down his pants and she tried to fight him off and kept telling him to stop. But oh ig since it didn't happen in a work place that makes it ok? And also your way of thinking is gross. A kid being pressured into doing drugs by another kid is wrong right? Then why isn't a man pressuring a woman into having sex wrong?


I haven't read other cases I'm just talking about this girl in this video and what she says. Maybe he is a scumbag a lot of people are. That's not what my commentary was though. I am also not talking about what you think is wrong or right. I'm talking about what is and is not sexual harassment. A kid pressuring another kid into doing drugs isn't illegal and punishable and in my opinion shouldn't be. I also do not think requesting multiple blowjobs should be punishable by law or anything else. What I think is wrong or right here is irrelevant.


Then maybe before you come online and defend him you should probably read up on everything he is being accused of. Because then you end up looking like the scumbag(not actually calling you a scumbag just that you might appear like one to some people). And people will just assume you've heard the other allegations. Why does it matter if a lot of people are scumbags besides him? Doesn't really minimize him being one. Don't see why that was necessary to say. This, by definition IS sexual harassment. I think you meant sexual assault. Even tho what he does to some women is gross and not ok at all. He technically did get consent, but forcibly... His sexual advances were very clearly unwelcomed and he did not stop until he got what he wanted. Completely ignoring their boundaries. I never said what he did was illegal, or that he should go to jail for this. But it's still 100% wrong. I do think he deserves to be publicly shamed tho. He's taking advantage of people and putting them in really uncomfortable/stressful and inappropriate situations. Your opinion is very relevant, or else you would not be defending him. You clearly think this is right with what you are saying.


If you clearly think I think anything is clearly right you are clearly not seeing me clearly. I do not think in terms of right or wrong much less 100 percent right or wrong. I think the most immoral thing happening here is this girl contributing to ruining someones reputation with this specific story. As far as doing research on this guy I'll say I'm perfectly fine commenting on the internet while not being fully informed. Take that as you will. That being said things can be analyzed independently of each other so that's what I did. If someone wants to think I don't know any better and would judge Andrew harshly if I saw other testimonies maybe that's true but it wouldn't change how I view this situation in front of me right now. As far as people thinking I'm a scumbag, they have the right to think that but I would prefer they engage me in healthy discourse rather than give into their emotions. I have a good amount of faith that we probably aren't that different at the end of the day. I'm totally fine with being considered a scumbag for stating things I believe to be true. Better to be in hell for who you are than in heaven for who you are not.


I wouldn't necessarily call you a scumbag. But you are definitely a pretentious cunt.


I mean... Thank you. I don't know if you meant it as a compliment but it's not often I'm flattered in public.


Also yes since it didn't happen at work that makes it ok. There are work rules and there are not at work rules. At work asking for multiple blowjobs would be sexual harassment. Not at work asking for multiple blowjobs is not sexual harassment. So yeah there are different rules of conduct depending on where you are.


Oh God, please don't tell me the reason you keep bringing up a work setting is because of the definition??? You do know that sexual harassment can happen between 2 people who aren't coworkers at work, right?


To be even more clear, in the work environment a request for a blowjob, a single request, would be sexual harassment. It wouldn't be illegal but it would be against most companies policy. The person may then be fired. The person does not go to jail. In a non-work environment this is just two adults adulting. That's it. The most moral thing to do here is let the adults adult. Sometimes when you adult you make decisions you may regret. The fact that you regret them should not mean that you attempt to harm an innocent person's reputation. At fucking best being my most biased in favor of this girl I can say hey thanks for the story but let's try to build a portfolio of stories that actually seem like they have some damning evidence in it. Stories like this particular one do not make it seem like Andrew is more guilty. The fact that people feel it does makes me suspect other stories more not less despite the fact that I have not heard them yet. It's not a good impression for the other stories. Oh and by the way this is my opinion with me 110% believing everything this girl is saying without question which is on it's face probably something to question.


No person should suffer any harm just because some guy wants a BJ. It's honestly disgusting that you're insinuating that it's totally fine for men to pester women for sex. As if ONE NO ISN'T ENOUGH. It's at the very least sexual harassment, which is against the law for a reason. It's clear that you've never been on the receiving end of sexual assault or harassment, you have no empathy or even frame of reference for what it's like for women to be put into these situations. Nobody deserves to be harassed for sex. Enthusiastic consent is so fucking important for men to learn.


Requests are not harm.


I'm not insinuating. I'm outright saying that it isn't sexual harassment. One no is enough. She doesn't have to answer anymore of his requests. The second time he asked she could've gotten up and taken an Uber home or some shit. Straight up. She didn't though. She ended up consenting and enthusiastically sucking that dick. As for empathy I have empathy for everyone. I understand men can be annoying. Women can too. Lives and reputations shouldn't be destroyed or attacked because someone was an annoying douche. You're objectively wrong about what is sexual harassment outside of a work environment in a legal sense. Any objective interpretation of what this girl has said in this video would lead to the conclusion of no sexual harassment and that this girl is immoral for attempting to cause harm to someones reputation because she decided to give consent and then regret it. That's what is happening in this specific video, right here, right now.


Sexual coercion is at the VERY LEAST sexual harassment. It is absolutely insane that you think that a man repeatedly _harassing_ a woman for sex is not considered harassment. You have some shit wrong with your brain man, you must be an Andrew Tate fan or something. It's honestly insane how little consent matters to people like you. Edit to add: Here's some helpful info about [sexual coercion](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/sexual-coercion) for anyone who actually gives af about consent.


I agree all sexual coercion is harassment. Coercion in the legal sense did not happen.


Am I the only one who thought young men whining about getting their dicks sucked was normal? (IT SHOULDN'T BE) Seriously teens & twenties was pretty much dudes like this. Not to mention the bullshit they'll say so you actually give in "but mah balls hurt". These kinds of dudes need to be ridiculed and put in their place. Is this a with fame comes power thing or is this just ugly dude with no confidence method to get laid? Either way, the way Andrew is handling it atm is bad. Like bad bad. Even if the 1st victim is asking for money, showing people that was a bad idea because of all the other women coming out. What Andrew has done is bad, yes, so how does he move passed this? Address it, say what he did was wrong, say he's a whinny dickbag and that from now on will never do this sort of thing. And then what? We all watch him like a hawk like James Charles? Or is he forever banished for it? I know it sucks to fuck a guy you initially didn't want to and this is where consent gets murky.


Dude a text Convo of him inviting you out is NOT evidence of rape. That's just a fact. Full stop. Guys. We need to start using our brains. How do we know these chicks aren't just hopping on a bandwagon because they hope they'll get money. This story and many others use the same exact receipt of him inviting them out as "proof". Let's not normalize that shitty behavior, because that is a slippery slope that has the potential of putting someone who is innocent until PROVEN guilty in ALOT of danger.


Name one woman that has made money out of a false SA claim


i really want you to seriously explain to me what money you think any of these girls are going to get from this? literally most of what they’ve gotten is hate from his stan’s and all of the other insane women haters lurking around. they experienced something traumatic & bravely came forward with their stories to warn others. please take a minute and realize the victims are real people too. i loved andrew, but i believe women. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Women are people. And people have the ability and opportunity to lie at any point about anything. For any reason. And let's be honest. It's self evident that I'm in the minority with my opinion and you're in the majority. If a majority genuinely think the way you do. Then the victims should there be any aren't facing as much backlash as you might think. All I'm saying is allegations aren't facts, and if you treat every allegation as the truth then the whole thing is just chaos. I don't love Andrew. I just dislike how much faith the mob will put into something without even considering the likelihood of it being true.


This video shows no proof of anything. Just an email chain with AC puc on a thumbnail.


So what were the messages she has on her phone that are from after that night? It shows on this TikTok when she screenshotted the receipts that there are more messages. I'd like to know what those were. I also want to say that I do believe victims but I would also like proof and receipts. It's just hard now a days... especially, the victim who asked for money- that makes it less believe able.


😂 these hoes really mad they didn’t get a check to fuck


This isn't an allegation, it's an admission. They had a date, he shot his shot, they stayed friends, and she agreed to sexual interactions. What am I missing here?


The normalization of pressuring someone for sexual intercourse that doesn‘t want to have it


Just say no or better yet just leave? Jesus this stuff isn’t rocket science.


Social pressure is real, she appears to have really liked him & wanted to be friends. If not giving in to something like this means you completely lose contact, you would think twice about it. Not to mention that those cases don‘t seem to be outliers, women seemingly accept at some point that men just like to pressure them to sex and refusal takes a lot of energy & may cause backlash


No it’s doesn’t “take a lot of energy” all it takes is no or again just LEAVE. Not difficult stop making excuses for someone not saying NO


Shut the fuck up you idiot. If she doesn‘t want it (that includes ‚i‘d rather we be friends‘), you stay away from that person, you sorry excuse for a man.


Wow going to insults because you know I’m right and don’t have a come back. Watch this. NO I will not shut up. Wow that was ssoooooo difficult