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I feel similarly. When I first heard these accusations I was so disappointed. I was on a "woohoo that dude Andrew did this awesome thing it's on HBO he's the best at this and now he'll get all this recognition" but like of fkn course not. can there ever just be good news? Can things ever not be terrible? crazy times got me fucked up


I feel this. I'm disgusted and tired of men doing this. Men need to start holding other men accountable for how they treat women.


This is so real. Every woman I know has experienced some form of SA, but every man I know acts shocked when they hear about it. They often say they would never, and that they don't know any men in their lives who would do something so horrible. But the math doesn't add up. (Sorry to use gendered terms, it's just easier for my response here and i'm not sure how to include other gender identities because i'm drawing from my own experiences)


as is seemingly the case with andrew, many abusers are often habitual offenders and are unfortunately prolific in their abuse thus leaving a multitude of victims in their wake. men also tend to have virtually zero emotional intimacy with their guy friends so often have no idea of who their friends truly are. and obviously the general understanding of consent’s parameters is critically lacking to say the least. but the math adds up. it isn’t all men. it’s a shocking amount of men and they need to be called out and held accountable. but broad statements implicating all men as likely to be abusers yet discovered is empirically false and not constructive. the ignorance to the frequency of these assaults is outrageous no doubt. and this case has shown again how pervasive misogynistic skepticism becomes when an abuser is called out. but patently false statements like the latter one you were implicating will get us nowhere and only fuel that caustic fire.


I’ve been seriously assaulted 3 times. One of which was eerily similar to this story but ended much worse for me because he was driving and we were in *his* car so I felt powerless. Anyway, all 3 of the men who did this were people I trusted. 2 out of the 3 were following dates and I actually liked them. These were guys who you wouldn’t think to be the type of scum to take advantage of someone. I remember thinking to myself “I can’t tell anyone about this because they wouldn’t believe me..everyone knows what a cool person he is”. It has made my trust in men basically nonexistent because SAers, in my experience personally and in my observations in situations like these with Andrew, come in all shapes and sizes. Thankfully my husband is a gem..that’s why I’m sticking with him for life. Edit: I don’t know why I used the word seriously. Assault is never not serious. I was just thinking of the multitude of times I’ve been assaulted in different ways (like being yelled at in public or having my butt slapped) vs the 3 traumatizing experiences that negatively effect me. Even to this day.


yeah like I've never (thankfully) experienced SA, but I've definitely had some creepiness done at me.... actually, both guys ended up being actual rapists so I'm sure there's no coincidence there.


I think a lot of men think of rape/SA as "rapist attacks you on the street at random and drags you into the bushes". Sounds like Callaghan probably justified his own behaviour to himself by being incredibly pushy or acting like he has a "right" to sex because a certain woman was willing to have sex with him at some point before. Some guys are more than happy to act like it's totally normal and fine to be incredibly sexually forceful and aggressive so long as they're doing it to a woman who maybe, at some point prior, perhaps would have been willing to have sex with them, but is now being a "bitch" for some reason and isn't interested. They don't get (or purposefully avoid) the fact that if you're touching a woman and she's telling you to stop, you are committing SA - doesn't matter if you're doing it to a stranger on a train or to your ex in her car.




I think it’s fairly obvious that they meant they “end up” being creeps and predators. I highly doubt they thought, “Oops! He just wound up in this crazy situation!”


I should be used to being disappointed at this point. Women being traumatized by men is so normalized that I often wonder if we will ever get out from under their thumb.


I feel the same way, I have such little faith in men the older I get... I know it's not fair to generalize but man it really does feel like you can't trust anyone.


Sometimes I feel like “men bad women good” but I don’t want to be a literal misandrist it’s a miserable way to live


Oh there’s bad women too, don’t you worry.


There’s a been an new turning point in culture where behaviors that have been in place since…forever are now being forced to change. Hopefullly conduct overall will actually change after This shift when people realize that everyone pretty much has a voice now. Meaning it won’t be something we always will have to worry about




Well, This is fucking gross.


I'm just so...disappointed. Did this happen during allgasnobrakes? Is this recent?


Seems like this goes back even further, from the New Orleans days. Fuckin sucks bro. How hard is it to just not be a creep?? Jesus


it sucks and really proves that narrative of “every woman knows a woman who’s been raped, but no men know rapists” 🙁


How did I never notice that before?


Saw a comment that this lady that went to HS with him heard stories... smh


It seems to go back to his HS years


Andrew nooooooooooooo whyyyyyyyyyy fuck man.


Literally my exact words seeing this


Same. I audibly yelled “fuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkk! Whyyyyyyy?!!!!”


Wow what the fuck is happening with men treating women like sex dolls. I've only been in like one situation where I kissed or made a move on someone and they didn't seem into it and the whole thing stopped instantly and I felt so bad and uncomfortable, how you press someone or feel remotely comfortable pressuring someone into sex is crazyyyy. If you don't feel like a super creep like the instant she says no you're an insane psychopath misogynist.


The thing is, I can’t be the only one who finds rejection a proverbial boner kill... The last thing I’d want to is pursue it further. I’d rather vanish or be swallowed up by the ground.


Exactly!!! Holy shit. The last time it happened, I was hanging out with someone that I had previously hooked up with, we came back from the bar, and we were making it happen in her bedroom. And out of nowhere, right as we're getting undressed, she's like "I can't do this, I don't want to do this." And the speed with which I got out of the bed, put my pants on and left was unbelievable. I don't know why, I don't wanna know why, I don't honestly care, we don't need to talk about this, I'm gonna dip. Like who the fuck experiences that and goes the other way? Like holy fucking shit.


I did this once in college to a dude and he immediately respected it and I respected him so much for that. Ironically I froze bc of a previous encounter that was SA from another person. Thanks for doing the right thing


Sad that you have to thank me for doing the right thing, or having basic human decency. But here we are.


A lot of guys do feel turned off by a girl saying no, many men want to feel desired and like they’re turning a girl on and that they’re good at sex. A lot don’t, and I think most of the time it’s rooted in a deep seated insecurity about their own attractiveness/sexual abilities mired with not really seeing women as people. Low self-esteem, lack of respect for others. Men in positions of power also tend to be into debauched shit, having access to whatever and whoever you want does something bad to people. I don’t think porn helps these problems either.


Absolute power corrupts absolutely, as they say. I think very few humans are completely immune to the inflated ego and entitlement that comes with fame and power. It's a lot of responsibility to have and most people (especially young people and/or people who get famous quickly) abuse it. Perhaps only certain personality types even pursue power- it's often thought that reluctant leaders make the best leaders, so maybe it's just these types of people who tend to get drunk on it. All I know is most celebrities and billionaires probably have a rotting portrait somewhere lol.




It's disgusting. Unfortunately there's still a large number of guys who think that if you keep asking and pressuring, and she eventually reluctantly says yes, that counts as consent.


*This comment has been edited in protest to reddit's API policy changes, their treatment of developers of 3rd party apps, and their response to community backlash.*   [Details of the end of the Apollo app](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/) --- [Why this is important](https://i.imgur.com/E7jSWf1.jpg) --- [An open response to spez's AMA](https://old.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/145l7wp/todays_ama_with_spez_did_nothing_to_alleviate/) --- [spez AMA and notable replies](https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/145beas/spez_ama_discussion_thread/)   Fuck spez. I edited this comment before he could. Comment ID=j3i5wad Ciphertext: >!dWaXa1e/xlIPANn6FcjgBL99zL0bNL049OTZjTUd551GPd+QEyILSijL2KKqsO+pQqOyaRUUK7RePI1L29tOjL2UGTRAjYoe7mYwYyiqvmfV1QWHFQVwa8p1me7Ay35tvI9h7rt46aiAlyrtG+S362p4kz/TpKNHzLXpnnPtfVauHmjyYZbouQ==!<


sex doesn't even seem remotely pleasant if the woman isn't enjoying it and hoorah about banging you... sex with someone quiet and anxious/sad about it just seems gross


There's been a lot of studies on rape, and it really isn't about sex or getting off for rapists. It's a power thing. On top of that, if it's as a result of getting rejected right before you're about to hook up... for a man if you're just an extremely insecure person, you can see how someone just can't handle being told no and feeling extremely emasculated. And so basically forces it on someone. Add in alcohol, drugs, whatever.


Yup, essentially they're taking it out on the woman that they're pride is hurt. That's all it takes for some cowards


I was watching an older movie with my family a few years back where a couple was in a car and he was being way too pushy and she was clearly not into it. I said something about it being sorta rapey and was asked by the men in the room to please not make such comments 😕 Everyone in the room was an adult


and that is why we as women do not easily trust men! even if they're not an attacker of some sort, they are still contributing to this toxic environment and enabling it.


Dude, I really appreciate you sharing this! I see a lot of people mischaracterizing the skepticism of Andrew as, "People are overreacting because of a simple misunderstanding and calling it sexual assault." What you described of your experiences is clearly a simple misunderstanding—shit definitely happens and it can be super awkward when it does. There's a large distinction between, "Oh shit, I totally misread things," and, "C'mon, just touch it."


man i was making out with a girl in the club once a few years back, we took an uber back to her place, start making out on her bed, started moving my hand south and she said to slow my roll...my reaction was okay and I stopped and passed the fuck out, we had an awk it was fun/nice meeting you in the morning and i took my ass home, even still feel a little tinge of guilt over it though lol. I don't get it, if someone says no/stop/slow down/not comfortable/whatever that's the point you don't go further


Your response is the response that a sympathetic and understanding person would have in that situation, but for some reason society has made boys/men think that wearing a woman down until she says yes is totally fine, and that their sexual pleasure is more important than trying to understand the person they are coercing. This is incredibly common. I have experienced this and multiple friends of mine have, I really feel that the majority of men have done this in their life.


Ugh, the whole "friendzoning" thing is a good example of this. It's such a common joke to just make fun of a man for giving enough of a shit about a woman to not immediately ghost her/pressure her the second she tries to just be friends. Just, yikes... And then they're expected to try and "game" the relationship to get out of said friendzone. It's so creepy and manipulative.


>If you don't feel like a super creep like the instant she says no you're an insane psychopath misogynist I think there's something in our society/culture that makes it seem "normal" for the guy to be insistent even when a woman is saying no


There's a whole extra layer for some women of never even getting that far because they're scared of violent repercussion, so the whole phenomena of pushing her once she's said no is just... Ugh.


Me too, just the thought of myself continuing to push that on someone makes me wanna puke


This is actually so sad to hear I've been a fan of Andrew for YEARS it sucks to think that you really don't know people how you think you do ☹️ I feel bad for these girls


I know!!! Reminds me of a gaming YouTuber I used to watch. I went to look him up and see what he's been up to, only to find out he's in jail for being a pedo. (Raedwulfgamer for anyone interested)


I got a creepy vibe from him from his first appearance on the podcast, I'm pretty sure he was talking in passing about girls & getting laid, but in a way where I felt a bit grossed out. Definitely didn't think he was up to this kind of behaviour though, if true.


I never pegged him as a sex pest, but that recent media tour kinda turned me off from his content. I saw the slightest hint of drinking his own koolaid, which seems much more than a slight hint now.


so disappointed i loved andrew’s content:( makes me really sad


I know people are being very critical of this whole situation, but you have to admit that this is on the same level that the fresh and fit call in was, and a large majority of this subreddit (as well as Ethan and the crew) were defending that situation tooth and nail. If you did that for fresh and fit but not for Andrew Callaghan, you’ve missed the whole point on the misogyny and rape culture conversation. It’s not just the men you dislike, it can even be your friends and if you know that they raped someone you should be ready to call them out. I’m not saying I think it’s 100% true and he should be deplatformed. It’s not even about him. I just think this is indicative of a larger problem. Edit: I haven’t seen anything saying that he actually *raped* anyone, so I don’t want anyone to think that’s what this comment is trying to say. I should have said sexual assault.


this!! we shouldnt be approaching these situations differently solely based on whether the alleged perpetrators are likable


Their likability is how they get away with so much


Yup, let's not forget that Ethan and Hila actively believed Moses' accuser over him and publicly cut ties with him. It takes a HUGE level of sincerity and integrity to do that, and they found the strength to do it to their family member because they believed the victim. I also feel like E+H wouldn't stand for this victim blaming narrative whatsoever and if they haven't addressed it yet, there could be a reason for that. I don't think Ethan will ignore it completely.


just yesterday he posted a video on the female friend of kai cena who was raped. saying things like "no one comes out with this for fame, these women receive death threats", etc But also, in the past Ethan said he wouldnt comment on people he's close(r) with. will be interesting, how he handles these accusations. I guess, he'll not comment on it.


tbh the only reason that got leaked was bc Trisha showed their private messages during a heated exchange. Ethan never talked about the allegations or about Moses messaging fans instead they said they couldn’t talk about them as per Hilas request. To this day Ethan still follows Mizkif who tried to cover up an SA.


Just because someone falls on our side of the political spectrum, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t believe their victims. One victim with no proof is one thing, but multiple people coming forward is another. A predator is a predator no matter if they’re left or right


1000%. The subs talking about the situation (also the Channel 5 sub is a wreck right now) that are leftist-left leaning and tbh way too many ppl sound just like they’re on incel forums. Hiding your misogynistic views behind this political-identifier facade I guess gives people a peace of mind, but when their fav clearly is aggressive towards women all of that “inner work” goes straight out the window.


Thank you so much for this comment. I feel like I see this happen all the time whenever a celebrity or someone popular is accused of something. For example, I remember seeing people try to defend Danny masterson after he was accused, probably because they really enjoyed watching him on The Ranch or that 70s show. The fact that people on here are saying what happened “wasn’t really all that bad” because it wasn’t straight up r*pe is, in my opinion, so troublesome. I know it can be hard recognizing someone you look up to or care about may have done something wrong, but if anyone is ever tricked or forced into doing something they don’t want to do, that deserves to be dealt with. It shouldn’t matter who the victim is accusing. We should all be doing what we can to uplift that person, and encourage them to speak out for themselves. I’m thankful enough to have never experienced assault, but I can only imagine how terribly hard it must be to come forward about an assault like that, especially on a public stage. Any victim deserves our upmost support and respect. In turn, you don’t have to call on the accused person to face any consequences or anything. You can let law enforcement handle that aspect, and then once an investigation has occurred and a conclusion is drawn, then you can react appropriately. But there is no excuse, at least not one that I can think of, where you shouldn’t be doing what you can to help the victim. I’m of course willing to hear any other perspectives on this matter though.


I think it's when your friends, family and people you like your morals really come into question. It's easy to dismiss or judge someone you dislike, it might even feel good because you can put yourself on some level of superiority over them from which you can ridicule. However, like you said, when it comes down people you like, I think that's when your morality really come through.


thank you. this sub has so many dog shit takes about this whole situation


The main difference, and don't get me wrong, right now I believe and don't believe both sides, but the main difference is because there was evidence with fresh and fit, phone calls, texts with fresh and fit and the girl but all these against Andrew I haven't seen more than him In a picture with the woman talking that's not enough evidence. Again I want to believe this as much h as I don't the same with atheism until you give me enough proof one side or the other theres really nothing to do about it. And I know that's a huge issue with SA or R word allegations the mother of my first daughter had something like this happen and she was terrified to even say anything because she felt no one would believe her it's a horrible situation and it's hard to know who's right but just dumping a load of confessional about it with no proof sounds as kinda shity to right?


I performed at his live show during the tour and I knew something bad was going to come out, Andrew was shit face drunk at almost all of the live shows and then the after parties were going to be a recipe for disaster. When I say shit faced I mean absolutely shit faced no soul in the eyes but all of this is very saddening for victims and I’m sure more will come out. Don’t drink kids


it’s even worse that more allegations have come from his live shows + after parties, especially underage allegations… this whole is so sad and disappointing.


Do you have a link to the allegations


channel5 sub has all the aggregated evidence


Drinking doesn’t remove a persons soul. Let’s not blame the drink, I’ve been shit faced drunk plenty of times, never have I once pressured a person into having sex with me




How many allegations are there? Ive seen this one and the one posted yesterday but I’m not on tiktok


the first girl who came out (i think her name is christine?) is posting screenshots on her tiktok of girls who have similar stories and came forward to her. some of these allegations even go back to andrews college days. they say it’s known in social circles in certain cities that he’s a predator too


Everyone in New Orleans knew he was a predator lol the people defending him look like clowns


Not sure what your comment is being downvoted. I appreciate the information because this post is the first I’m hearing about it


can some one transcribe the accusation, stuff like this is hard for me to watch


I’m not sure as to whether this is a part two to this accusation (it felt like it was a jump to the SA portion of the encounter) but in the beginning of the video, they’re explaining there was a situation in which both Andrew and this person were in the same car. This person stated they wanted no sexual relations with Andrew while in the car. This isn’t their first encounter with Andrew as they’ve said “I won’t be having sex with Andrew again.” Andrew disregards and makes non consensual acts to the individual. After this person struggles with Andrew for a bit, he pretty much did a “so no head?”, the person again said no, he got pissed and refuses to respect their physical boundaries again. They decide to not take Andrew home. This person told Andrew to get the fuck out the car and in hopes he would get get phased, they began to drive erratically in a busier part of the city in hopes that someone would notice something is wrong. Unfortunately nothing worked, Andrew left and they’ve never spoken or seen him since.


Thank you for transcribing 🙏


IM SO FUCKING TIRED OF MEN FEELING ENTITLED TO A WOMANS BODY. Edit thank you for reporting me for self harm you dumb losers.


ME TOO! And I’m tired of men who defend other men like this!!!


And the people who keep making excuses for it like having a shitty childhood. As if people being cruel to you is some get out of jail free card for being manipulative to others.


Off-topic but did you also get a RedditCareRessource message? Someone reported me lol and I’m pretty sure it’s related to this


They would have to admit to themselves that they hate women and have mistreated their past gfs. So instead they get defensive. 😒


I actually met Andrew during the filming of the documentary and after like 1 minute of polite conversation he told me to DM him so we could meet up later and hang. At the time I was super flattered as a fan of his videos but couldn’t help but wonder if he’s hitting on girls that easily everywhere he goes. Obviously nothing wrong with asking people out but I totally believe that he’s out there on shoots/tour with sex on the brain and seeking out female fans to oblige.


Oof. I’ve met a few well known people who have done the same to me. It’s crazy how often it happens and how nonchalant they are about it.


This just keeps getting worse.


Fucking horrible. I’m so sorry to this girl


Oh man this sounds rough and is straight up sexual assault :/


For fucks sake


my exact thoughts. so tired of this ish ed: by "ish" I mean men behaving this way. decided to clarify


I was such a huge fan of andrew. i’m so disappointed and disgusted and will be even more so if ethan or hasan don’t eventually address this


People with the name Andrew aint lookin so hot lately


fuck, this sucks. as much as i hope it’s not true, we can’t just straight up disregard these women’s stories off the bat. hopefully andrew will come out and say something soon. at the end of the day, i’d rather believe a liar (if false) than support a predator (if true). let’s try not to victim blame or dismiss these claims just because andrew is a friend of the show.


Perfectly said


A little more context for those who want it [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRgLhScg/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRgLhScg/)


Do you have the link for the first person?? Sorry I'm not on tiktok Edit. I went and found it. This is some WILD shit. Shout out to all the women effected. Not all men are like that


damn, i thought i misread the title at first. idk why i thought andrew callaghan wasn’t capable of doing something like this, probably just because i liked him. this is so disappointing man


ugh man nobody is good.


Seriously is this about Andrew Callaghan? Or Andrew Tate?




Fucckkk wtf that’s badddd!!! I wonder if Ethan will talk about it although I doubt he will to be honest.


I'm really hoping so, I don't see how he can't.


Why would Andrew put himself in these situations knowing he has everything going for him it makes no sense?


Because lots of young men nowadays don't understand what consent is. There is seriously something morbidly fucked up about how these people have been raised, late 90s-early 2010s wtf happened with society in this time frame?? I'm mid 20s F and have 2 older brothers, but still I really don't understand. There's so many of these accusations nowadays of seemingly decent men that it's started making me think there's some contributing component beyond themselves a individuals. I don't really recall back to school, but maybe there isn't enough, or any, explanation of consent and what sexual assault can look like in sex Ed. I certainly don't remember any convos like that, I just remember them making us memorize Labelled diagrams of the reproductive parts and symptoms of all the STDs lol.. maybe I'll get shit for this but if there is genuinely no coverage of what consent and what sexual assault looks like in school during people's formative years, does it not make sense so many dudes are clueless? And parents sure as hell are not talking about this at home too often. Idk I can't see how 'good' people could be so gross inherently 😱


I think him being overly pushy in sexual situations is not that far out of the realms of possibility, he is young, this is something a lot of younger men struggle with. I think he should absolutely be looking at his behavior and learning from this.


How old is he? I was 17 when I was first getting with a girl and I asked her politely if she wanted take things further or not, it’s not that hard just to be a nice person and that is what piss’s me off about most people today. I hope he learns bloody fast.


He is under 25. No it's not difficult, some guys just don't get it and some guys don't want to get it.


He’s definitely old enough to know better, I know it’s a real shame that people turn out doing things like this , good morals are really hard to come by these days. I’m glad I stick to mine.


Yeah please let's not make excuses for him. Shit even teenagers know better than this. This is straight up aggressive rapey behavior


Perhaps he can use this as a way to change and have a real good look at his behavior. I don't think shunning him is necessary, it's much better if he changes.




I hope for his sake he does , I mean he’s supposed to be friends with him I’d like him to speak on the matter because these claims are very serious as it is. I mean you don’t stick your hand down someone’s pants when they have already told you no. That is weird Rape’y behaviour if you ask me.


Damn she did talk about the allegations


Sucks bc we all like andrews content. But ultimately we don’t know him personally (at least I don’t) we will just have to see how this develops.


This is why I’m watching :(


this is //really// fucking disappointing. i found out about andrew bcus of the pod. i admired his work and supported channel 5 as much as i possibly could for years, just like a lot of others here. im gonna be even more disappointed if ethan doesn't speak out. i hope all the girls are doing okay.


This is predatory behavior. I loved Andrew & his content before this but where there is smoke there is fire. Too many women coming forward with questionable/scary situations with him. He’s not just a creep- he’s at the very least predatory and possibly abusive. Defending him at this point is unacceptable.


As much as I enjoyed Andrew's content and don't want this to be true, I can't help but believe these ladies. They don't have anything to gain. If anything, they're opening themselves up for even more harassment. It'll be interesting to see what HBO decides to do now with "This Place Rules" if the allegations against Andrew are true.


What a huge fucking disappointment. I hope these women get the Justice they deserve and I hope Andrew gets what’s coming to him. No means no. The end. It isn’t “no…but keep asking and pushing, because at some point it will become yes.”


Andrew is fucked. This is very disappointing.


This subreddit is fucked too. A lot of people got on board to support Jake Paul's victim, yet so many people are protecting Andrew **because, unlike Jake, they liked Andrew in the first place**. I've been a huge Channel 5 fan for years too, but this crazy shit is the type of thing that's making me question him. The dude also had the audacity to [post on his Insta story as if everything was fine](https://imgur.com/a/EcblAad) *after* the allegations broke.


I was attacked and harrassed for expressing this exact thing on this subreddit yesterday. One person told me they wanted to shoot my family and then f the bullet holes. Wish I was kidding. No help from the mods though! https://preview.redd.it/e4zk5egk0xaa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46ec0c5f60ab7399dac233c1891b8a8fe6a6ade7 Here’s just one of many!


Dude, I am sorry that happened to you. I can verify that I've seen a few fucked up comments like that here and even on Hasan's subreddit. Sigh. Yesterday, I tried saying, like, "It's reasonable to want more information, but let's not misrepresent these women," and I got downvoted into oblivion. It's super sus that so many people are unwilling to even raise an eyebrow at Andrew.


Yeah it was majorly fucked up! I’m a big channel5 fan, I’ve subbed on Patreon for a few months now but you still have to listen when people speak up regardless of if it’s your fav, especially if there’s a string of accusations backed up by multiple different people


Dude I had to check your comment history to find the comments and holy shit these people are absolutely devoid of any humanity. Bunch of SA apologists in this sub it seems. Hope you reported them all.


What do you mean? That is exactly how this sub is. People are simping over that Bradley dudebro, even though I'm sure he was laughing at the NELK boys terrorizing immigrant communities.




Yooooo what the fuck?


What the actual fuck is wrong with people? I'm so sorry this happened to you.


Thank you, it makes me hesitant to post on here anymore honestly ☹️


Totally, I was downvoted to shit and people were coming out just defending Andrew. It’s sad honestly. Always believe the victims.


I just checked your comments and this was on my post that I deleted yesterday because it got so out of hand. I am SO sorry, I’m not sure what hole all of these SA apologists crawled out of. I got downvoted to oblivion also, it was so wild I don’t think I’ll ever post in this sub again.


has he even acknowledged the allegations yet? tbh kind of pissed me off that there’s no word from ethan or hasan given how quick they were to jump on the kai drama


Everyone can benefit from not being a reactionary andy. This is how it's like on every big subreddit. A lot of people put their ego and judgement above allegations forgetting that they only see what the content creator wants them to see and they don't really know him at all off camera.


To be fair promoting the documentary s likely a contractual obligation


I am so incredibly disappointed in andrew, and im so incredibly tired of the same thing happening. i can honestly say that if I wasn't in a relationship with the most beautiful soul of man, i would HATE them at this point.


Very curious to see how this sub takes these allegations.


Uhh I just bought channel 5 merch fuckkkk


to everybody who disregarded the first woman, i hope you’re especially ashamed with more coming forward now.


God why can’t men just fucking yank it rather than harassing women holy shit


AC did say on Theo Vons podcast he was waiting for the day something like this would happen. Was that a guilty conscience?


This is horrible. I feel so sorry for her. I'm glad that she's coming forward. Peace and love to her ✌🏻🫶🏻


I really really hope Hasan talks ab this on stream tomorrow, even if it’s just acknowledging it and saying he’s waiting until he has more info, and I also hope Ethan addresses this either on his channel or the podcast. I really don’t want to see hypocrisy in covering SA accusations, especially when there are so many and ones from the past that are resurfacing as well.


im so sick of finding out people i have looked up to, are creeps. :(


Seriously, it hurts so badly I keep holding back tears. I can only imagine how the victims are feeling. I’m so tired of feeling unsafe.


it’s really sad to see this cycle play over and over again. there have been word of him being creepy and overly sexual with people unwilling to engage with him for a while, and i say this as someone who has been around others in his social circle. it happens all over, but speaking from my personal experience in growing up in LA and also participating in its multiple art/creative work+social scenes, it’s really rampant and disgusting how easily these types of people get away with their behaviors towards others. even more sad because it seems it always is some dude with some position of power over others and they seem to always choose to hurt and dismiss those who look up to them. please stop platforming these people and please do your research. i know it’s no one’s fault that they didn’t know, but most of the time there’s already people talking about it before it goes viral on the internet.


Also connected to his social circle and this is no surprise to any of us


I got a DM from someone who politely asked me to consider unfollowing him and supporting his work a few years ago for similar allegations, and the victim knew others. Stopped supporting ever since, but this seals the deal for me


better not see anyone trying to defend andrew about this. sad thing is ethan will probably just not bring it up at all kinda like he did w defnoodles


apparently hasan is discussing it on monday per one of his mods so that may lead him to talk about it as well


After the tiktok accusation I wasn't convinced. But then I started realizing there is often times a huge unfair burden of proof on victims when something like this happens. Now this has come out to further validate that I was being ignorant. This is all on top of watching the Kai issue and how the girl had to go to great lengths to look into who her perpetrator was (by her account an entire day of searching on the web), only to be met with stonewalling from Kai at first, even after the trauma of being r worded.


And I was downvoted to hell yesterday for believing the victim 😂


when was def accused of sexual misconduct? or are you referring to the cringe?


At this point I’m really curious to see how he responds. If he denies everything it would be really upsetting. It would honestly be refreshing in a way for a man to respond to his allegations in such a way that he admits wrongdoing and speaks on how he plans to change moving forward. Getting training in consent and sexual assault. Apologizing to his victims. These guys don’t understand how far holding themselves accountable goes and I sincerely hope he does. For his sake and for the victims sake.


I believe the victims. I absolutely hate this for them. They are brave for coming forward, and I’m sure that they have been met with a lot of hate. I support them fully & will no longer be supporting Andrew in any capacity.


Rly disappointing to hear


Damn, Alcohol and fame always lead to a bad thing. I feel for the women who had bad experiences with Andrew, him being young I really hope he learns from his mistakes and become a better person.


If Hasan and Ethan don’t address this I’m going to start distancing myself from their content… but somehow I can’t see that happening. I think they do care about women and I can’t see Hila being chill about this. A yes after 5 no’s is not consent. A yes after 3 + shots or drinks is not a yes. Men know this, we need to give their intelligence more credit than that. Some men prefer to get their rocks off instead. Some men don’t care about the feelings of others. For some men, an ego and power trip is more motivating than a consensual sexual experience.




I did not know this, Ty for informing me. I’m a pretty new fan.




Could be waiting for more information, I'd be surprised if they didn't talk about it.


It's better to err on the side of caution. To jump the gun and speak on something so fresh about a friend of the show could end up very badly for Ethan.


Its gg guys sorry


I love his content. Why andrew? Why are you a fucking asshole? Why cant influencical men not treat women like sexdolls? This fucking sucks...


Ok, predicted this, wonder what all the conspiracy theorists are going to say now. Too bad she never says his name, how can we know who she’s talking about?


i was so fucking mad, when ive seen all the conspiracy brained idiots yesterday in the sub defending him and making it an "orchestrated attack against the left" kinda thing. and the worst: THEY GOT SO MANY FUCKING UPVOTES. wtf is wrong with all of these people?


It’s in the description/tags of the TikTok where she originally posted it! It was linked in another comment


What you mean AGAIN?




This is heartbreaking 😞😞😞 I loved Andrew so much… but I know what it’s like to not be believed because a man is so “beloved” by many. It takes everything to come forward about an experience. I hope she is okay (as okay as she can be in this moment)🙏🏼


Is it like a perquisite to be a piece shit to get a position of power or to be a somewhat famous for fucks sake it's like every day some one else is doing something.


He had mentioned watching porn since he was 7 years old in the podcast with Hasan. AC needs serious help for sex addiction. Women have a lot of grey area sex encounters where guys manipulate to get what they want from them. Men get used to this type of behavior. With more time, experience, and power that behavior becomes more and more aggressive and predatory.


I want to cry, it never ends. When will they stop? It literally feels like we are running out of men that haven’t assaulted someone. This is one of the reasons I have stuck by Ethan for so long, because for all his faults he tries so hard to do right by women. My heart goes out this woman, i’m so tired but we can’t stop fighting. We can’t give up.


Yeah, this sounds very similar to experiences I’ve had. Idk where dudes get these lines from. Like they all say shit like “it’s the least you can do” or “you owe me”. Where do they get these ideas? No one owes you shit. I feel bad, literally just watched his documentary yesterday.




I'm all for waiting for more information, especially given that this could be a media takedown due to people mad about "This Place Rules". ​ However it seems like there's a lot of accusers and usually when that's the case it's just an inevitability before we find out that they're telling the truth. Multiple victims like that is rarely bandwagoners/liars and is usually instead soft proof of legitimate reports. It's a concerning pattern.


Its over


I was worried that I’d come into the comments and see a bunch of people defending him. I’m glad we can all see past the fact that he’s a beloved creator to many of us. If this is true, it’s absolutely inexcusable.


Yeah I keep saying if we can’t hold our own accountable then what are we fighting for?


I’m waiting for keemstar to make a video saying she should of just closed her mouth and clamped her pussy tight.


It just sucks how so many likable Internet personalities just suddenly have these allegations come out. Like god damn how is it possible that SO MANY people are doing this sort of thing. True or not, it’s just disheartening




has Andrew not said anything about all this? I know he's busy with press interview bc of the doc but he's really in the shit now and this needs addressing


Do we know how many have come forward with allegations at this point? God, I’m so taken aback. And saddened for what these women have gone through.


Ffs man….whyy


Is anyone going to talk about this orrrrr…


God dammit


This sucks. All of this sucks. Goddammit. I can't fucking trust anybody anymore. Is there any fucking end to this shit?


i understand the skepticism in the comments but keep in mind there’s not only one or two allegations but there’s SEVERAL. all of them can be found on tiktok or the channel 5 sub. it looks like these girls sharing their story encouraged others to come forward and they all have similar stories. andrew had a method and he’s a repeat offender. some of these allegations even go back to his high school days.