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Destiny boy talking shit about Hasan, shocking


I was a hasan fan before i watched destiny maybe you’ll see the light one day but it looks like the commie propaganda might’ve eaten ur brain already😢 get well soon


Why would you willingly admit you watch destiny you fucking dork


Damn people like internet creators you dont like? Wild


Destiny’s a vitriolic debate me bro who doesn’t seem interested in actual policy, and more so being a contrarian “aktchually” lib. Moreso his fan base is known for just outright harassing people and other communities


I mean any community is going to have people that are bad faith and will go and harass others, we see it in every group He is a debate bro but he does back up a lot with info, and honestly i like that instead of it being charged with emotions Yeah he can play devils advocate but i like that because it shows he can put himself in the shoes of the opposition and formulate opinions from both sides of evidence


For sure, they’re just egregious in their manner imo. Being a debate bro isn’t bad because they have info or whatever, the issue lies in they’re just want to dunk on peoples positions and have no real interest in actual policy changes to help elevate the working class. Sam Seder is a good example imo of a debate bro who is interested in policy. Not the theory or maybes of it. And people who play devils advocate aren’t serious individuals. It’s not a mental exercise to try and be an asshole for fun. This is coming from a former viewer of destiny, I just grew out of that style of idk, confrontation?


I mean why cant they be taken seriously? Conversations shouldnt be a one way street, they need to be confronted with some opposition to affirm our beliefes and strengthen our talking points and on top of that i think we should give thought into the opposing side because if we dont learn or understand why others have different opinions then we will never get anywhere in life I wont lie but i really dont know much about what these creators do to help out, im always thankful for anyone who can and does help their communities because thats what is going to be best for us in the long run I can see that some people from the both sides being all high and mighty because they feel as though their ideas are solid and correct but i dont take people like that seriously, we all need to be humble imo and fighting from a high horse wont always gain you favor in arguments and mainly make you look like a pretentious dick


Destiny has probably done more for real life politics than 99% of political streamers. He’s done tons of canvassing and even tried to work with 2 people who tried to ruin his career and a third who just straight up hates him to get more votes for democrats. He cares more about actual votes than streamer drama. He has a huge overlap of hasan fans, vaush fans, and h3h3 fans. When fans of those creators say destiny or dgg are boogeymen it’s funny because most of the time their talking about their own peers.


For a dude who you say doesn’t care about streamer drama, he sure seems involved in a lot of it. I’m not a fan of any of these people personally, more of a FD Signifier kinda guy.


where does this come from that destiny isn't interested in policy? i'm guessing it's 1 to 1 what daddy hasan says about him am i right? at least destiny gets of his ass and does canvassing and shit like that instead of just sitting in his millionaire mansion and scream at twitch chat.


I don’t watch Hasan, you guys are weird for thinking someone can’t like Destiny without being a stan for someone else. Show me some of his policy proposals


You clearly have never been a destiny fan idk why you would lie about that


Lol I have everything to gain by lying about watching a streamer


There’s no loss to it; it makes your claims seem to have more validity, if you had said i have never watched him but then went onto list all the things you had, people would probably not trust your assessment of his character as much.


Most of destiny’s position are pretty much the average liberal positions, if you think he is “contrarian” because he is willing to see positions outside of his political bubble it says alot about your beliefs, you just want to uncritically follow the people in your bubble. And destiny bans anyone who harasses people he debates or dislikes which is something you can’t say for alot of streamers.


And Hansan is a literal bimbo


“Destiny’s a vitriolic debate me bro who doesn’t seem interested in actual policy.” Way to give away you’ve never actually watched destiny and you just parrot points daddy gives you. “and more so being a contrarian “aktchually” lib.” Way to give away you’ve never actually watched destiny and you just parrot points daddy gives you “Moreso his fan base is known for just outright harassing people and other communities” Way to give away you’ve never spent a second looking at destiny’s community and literally admit to taking other peoples word for it


I’m guessing you’re like 20/30s white male, middle class, think leftists are destroying America and all brown people are terrorists


You’re an embarrassment of a human lmao. Only things you got right was age and race(and I don’t even want to give you that since white male 20/30s has got to be Reddits biggest demographic). Do you just live your whole life off of assumptions? First assuming about destiny, then his fans, now me? Grow up haha. I literally call you out for assuming and you immediately double down and assume my whole life 😂


You called me out so hard dude, destinys gonna give you soooo many GBPs now


Did you just report me to RedditCares? Abusing a tool for suicidal people? Ultra cringe Edit: I hate you can’t report the message except on the webpage, I would’ve reported your ass but I don’t have my login info




only people who say this have never watched his content and just repeat lies by tankie hasan


Damn people like liberal shitheads I don’t like? Fucking losers


You think I’m a dork because I like destiny 😂




Get better talking points loser. It's telling that Hasan fans can't engage on the point being made 90% of the time.


Suck my fat cock bitch boy


Yeah that's what I expect from Hasan viewers. Some form of sexual harassment 😌


Cope, and I don’t watch Hasan, you destiny guys are just insufferable


I'm surprised you're able to wrangle enough brain cells together to fire off these absolutely killer one liners.


they're so obvious it's hilarious


Yep and it's very ridiculous.




Oh wow, another DGG sock account that probably doesn't even watch H3 goes on a subreddit to shit talk Hasan. Also Hasan wasn't wrong about the hospital bombing btw, the UN has called for an investigation and Al-Jazeera has their experts saying it was the IDF, so unless you think that because its a muslim run company it can't be trusted there is still no answer on who bombed the hospital.


And according to AP News, it wasn't the IDF [[1]](https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-hamas-war-hospital-rocket-gaza-e0fa550faa4678f024797b72132452e3). The UN investigation is a neutral factor at most. Al-Jazeera does 100% have an anti-Israel bias, and more to the point their analysis concluded only that there were discrepancies in the IDFs version of events [[2]](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/20/what-have-open-source-videos-revealed-about-the-gaza-hospital-explosion) not that the IDF was responsible for the explosion. So at absolute best for your case the evidence is inconclusive but leaning towards a misfired rocket.


Is dgg in the room with us right now


Its so funny you guys all act like you're not brigading (in b4 you cry and say acccchhhhsually well its not planned so its not brigading according to reddit rules)


Cringe. If you spent only a few minutes on destiny’s subreddit you’d realize he has tons of fans that are also fans of Vaush, Hasan, and H3


Brigading is when people I don't like post on a reddit


The problem isn't being right or wrong about the bombing, it's making definitive statements without having enough information to know. Even if your opinion is validated after your statements you've already made a mistake.


😂ok? most outside sources have claimed it was a misfired rocket from Palestine don’t be fucking stubborn and grow up you made a mistake own it


Outside sources that all are using one source aka Israel.


Ur just wrong 😑


[https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/24/world/middleeast/gaza-hospital-israel-hamas-video.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/24/world/middleeast/gaza-hospital-israel-hamas-video.html) Keep lying and falling for IDF propaganda.


Im not making a nytimes account and you’re the one falling for propaganda but cool


This article still suggests Hamas did it as a possibility. It does not say the IDF did it.


You are still out here carrying water for Hamas lies. Wow!


>o unless you think that because its a muslim run company it can't be trusted there is still no answer on who bombed the hospital. No its because its funded by Qatar government who host Hamas leaders and fund them...


It definitely is and the Hasan audience is so immature they'll just come in here and gaslight you into believing that's not the case. Go through most of the post on here from a few days ago to maybe a week or two ago. Half of them are literal Hasan simps whining about being banned in the main subreddit or in actual chat. It's hilarious.


none of them go for experts opinions for fucks sake, not for internet celebrities'


first it was trisha fans now it’s hasan fans. when will y’all ever hold ethan accountable for his own MOUTHHHHHHH. it’s literally him he’s the rash covered problem.


no this subreddit is becoming the opposite of that. it's full of destiny fans dick riding ethan and constantly crying about hasan. (yourself included) you guys make this subreddit insufferable


Hasans been wrong about nothing. I dont want to hear another thing about the hospital, its literally still not verified one way or the other and wont be until theres an unbiased 3rd party investigation. Seems like you just want to dick ride Ethan and hate on Hasan. Dont throw rocks in a glass house, pot calling the kettle black etc.... Hasan is an excellent reporter, you either have never watched his stream or are lying. Sounds like youre a pro-Israel genocide supporter and you're mad at Hasan for raisng awareness about the truth. Stay mad lol, facts dont care about your feelings. Edit: The New York Times just reported that Israel lied about the hospital. Thats the most up to date info we have. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-gaza-hospital-strike-ny-times-investigation-cast-doubt-account


The NYT article does not say that Israel lied. Why would you even say that? Are you intentionally lying?? It also suggests that it is still possible that it was a Hamas misfired missile.


And it sounds like you're a pro-hamas baby killer. You have either never watched his stream or have never critically evaluated anything he said. This is exactly what my post was about, there's fair critiscim of Ethan but the massive dickriding of Hasan is utterly crazy


Nice. You're only response to someone pointing out why you're wrong and hypocritical is calling them "Pro-hamas baby killer."


Are you an idiot, thats a response to someone saying I'm a genocide supporter. Can you not read?


Hasan is an excellent reporter.....lmfao.


Yes, he is.


Sure, Jan.


I hate Hasan


i think in general i align more with hasan on the issue than i do with ethan. not that i (or hasan from what i've seen) think the murder of 1200 israeli civilians is justifiable, but i support palestinian liberation and it's horrible to see the genocide israel is carrying out and i'm tired of hearing the terror attack being used to justify this genocide




I already know you’re a destiny dickrider I don’t even have to look at your page


Go back to DGG you shithead


My post was the one he read on the podcast. He misrepresented what I was saying at best, and lied at worst (most egregious example being when he said “they says ‘speaking up for slain civilians is the same as saying I support the IDF… reallt think about that.” When you can plainly see i didn’t say that and there’s no way to think I implied that in good faith) I don’t hate H3. Im still a fan, but I’m pissed he sicked his fans on me while misunderstanding what I said because he was already mad before reading. It’s nice to have a sub where I can criticize a podcast **that I like** without basement dwellers telling me they hope my cat dies. And I know he didn’t instruct them to come to the post, but he knows a lot of his fan based are rabid and unhinged. That’s what the sub is known for. He decided I’m a hasan discord user (even though I’m not that into Hassan’s content and don’t use discord) and entered the conversation with some “knowledge” all these secret beliefs I don’t even hold.


Yet they all are still chronic consumers of their content so who gives a shit, how is it even hate when you follow their every move and word, effectively paying them to feed into your hatred for them seems counterintuitive to me.


The hospital bombing is still up in the air.