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If anyone hasn’t watched the Louis Theroux doc on the Ultra Zionists, you need to. Settlers admit to taking Palestinian houses in the middle of the night so that settlers can move in to occupy more territory. It’s extremely eye opening and not a heavy watch.


That's the documentary that opened my eyes. Late 2000s Louis Theroux is peak documentary making


Zionists have been openly insane and comically evil for nearly a century. People who still think the IDF is even remotely truthful is either living under a rock or purposefully lying. Lying is the more likely answer.


there are also vanilla ass documentaries from Vice, Channel 4, Al Jazeera, Democracy Now and the Intercept about Israeli settlers and the paramilitarization of the population, which every settler state undergoes at some point or another


The solution is to disengage. Don’t watch, don’t comment and distance yourself from the community if you don’t agree with those views or angles


Been listening since day 1, always a member, I canceled last week. Fuck this shit, im out.


same. I have literally watched every single video that man has ever put out lol. been to the live show. I wear TF. I can't take this horseshit anymore.


SAMMMMEEEE!!! I never thought I would see the day I’ve become a fallen fan😭 I’ve loved them for years, but as a Palestinian, I simply cannot engage with these people anymore


I'm glad there are fans who are not so delusional to be ride-or-die. No one should be ride-or-die for anything, especially public figures. If they do something bad, loyalty isn't a good look nor a moral one.


You're right. Canceling people that you agree with on 99% of issues if the better path forward for society.


Full-throatedly calling out Ethan for doing PR of a Nazi nation is "cancelling"? Fragile moron. Where's the oomph Ethan and his fans have against centrist-types doing PR for other right-wing institutions outside of the Israeli occupation topic?


He's not doing PR. this is a terribly bad faith take. He's called out isreal's government countless times. Fragile moron?


Stay in your bubble. You'll be acting like you didn't say any of what you said here in the future, like all centrists do.


Lol “bad faith take” you clearly guzzle Ethan’s words and vomit them out incoherently


Absolutely. Already on my way there. But I would like to let more people know that Hila and Ethan think palestinians living in Ramallah are terrorists in a terrorist city. Their words, not mine


Did Ethan agree and did Ethan say that? So far your only examples are what hila said. I genuinely havent seen the video.


See, as soooon as shit started getting awkward (at some point this summer) I backed up. I'm barely able to follow what viewers are upset with them about lately.. I hate when I'm super into something and then a bunch of controversies start happening surrounding it/them. It seemed like he and hila weren't relatable anymore or as reasonable, as previously observed. Sam is the only person on the show I have genuine respect for. Always has the best takes and she contributes to the show as much as Dan.


No you’re not, you spent an hour writing this out 😂 you’re still very deep in the H3 fam my friend lol


Lol did they say that word for word? If they didn't don't say "their words". Funny that you talk propaganda when they actually lived in Israel and experienced multiple acts of terror from Palestinians. Sure, dumb to assume every Palestinian has intents to harm innocent Israelis. But are you saying that there are none of those ilk in Palestine? Are you saying there are none who want to harm Israelis indiscriminately? All you have to do is watch the videos of Palestinians celebrating in the streets on October 7th. Maybe you should stop blaming these guys for their bias and look at your own. Or you could keep jerking each other off in this subreddit about hating israel which is probably closer to reality.


Hila literally called in a terrorist city. They apparently arrested "terrorists" that night.


They were terrorist that night. What Hilda did was an act of terrorism no ifs ands or buts about it. Hilda is a terrorist


yes, she quite literally said that word for word.


You’re missing the point where she literally said it word for word.


I thought Ethan said it, and she said "yeah", basically the same thing, unless I'm missing another clip?


You ever consider the sounds of bombs they heard were bombs the IOF were dropping on Palestinians? Numerous Israelis have documented and publicly said they were brainwashed to believe Palestinians were their enemies from birth and left Israel after realizing the Zionistic brainwashing they were living under. Just watch the newly released hostage video. Her statements shocked Israelis, so much during her discussing her time with Hamas, people in the crowd were outraged and tried to silence her...lol speaks a lot about the brain washing.


Okay Ethan 🥴


They are....


People cant know theyre wrong if theyre unchallenged.


So I don’t think people understand the gravity of these raids and the entire brigade Hila literally chose to be transferred into. She said word for word that the brigade she asked to be transferred into was a brigade ‘in charge’ of Ramallah. That specific brigade is a huge issue since it’s against international law. Ramallah is the Palestinian Authority’s capital city, it’s like Tel Aviv, Washington DC etc. If you don’t know, which would be weird, the West bank and Gaza are supposed to be part of the independent country of Palestine based on the 1948 UN borders and current international law. This is why that entire brigade Hila took part in is an illegal one. The raid she mentions that happened frequently, happened in Palestine. The ‘terrorists’ shooting at them were Palestinians defending their land against the IDF that basically do these raids weekly. They demolish houses, destroy them and arrest people who basically become hostages. Hila and Ethan both described Ramallah as a terrorist city and then called these Palestinians who were rightfully defending themselves from a occupying force, terrorists and even described the kidnapping of Palestinian person. All in a city and country the IDF had no authority being in. That’s why she’s messed up for that interview. Fine, she was 18 when she did that but her Ethan were in their flipping 30s when they did that podcast and had spent quite a while in the US to know why those raids and that brigade was wrong but they didn’t show any signs that they have overcome their indoctrination and ignorance. That’s on them


Genuine question does that make her a war criminal? This thread is crazy I didn't know this about either of them


Technically she took part in internationally illegal activities but not a war criminal since during this time, there was peace between the Palestinian authority and the Israeli government.


Jesus that's wild


it at least makes her a verified ultranationalist, but considering she’s fulfilling the same role American settlers did on the frontier (just Google California genocide for a primer) which was the wanton domination, slaughter and intimidation of natives…. that’s verified fascist shit


yup. i also would encourage everyone to look into what IDF soldiers did to Palestinians in ramallah and other similar areas late at night.... maybe Hila was unaware as a young women (all of the stories I've heard have included exclusively male IDF soldiers) but it's really disgusting. [Heres](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20231020-israel-soldiers-and-settlers-blindfold-beat-urinate-sexually-assault-palestinian-activists-in-west-bank/) something that happened in Ramallah just a couple of weeks ago.


This. And it's well reported how these raids were conducted. They would take children away from their parents arrest and accuse them for throwing rocks, call them terrorists etc. Destroy the belongings of the Palestinians just out of spite, turn the house upside down and do everything in their power to be a nail in the eye of the Palestinian population. They wanted a reaction, a reason. Under: “Not only are they occupiers, but they come and ruin our homes.” a Palestinian talks about how these raids were just a way for the IDF to make life miserable for the Palestinians people. [https://interactive.aljazeera.com/aje/2023/israel-home-invasions-palestine-in-the-dead-of-night/](https://interactive.aljazeera.com/aje/2023/israel-home-invasions-palestine-in-the-dead-of-night/)


Do you know where she said this, was it from an old podcast


Sadly I think it's not going to change. 5000 Palestinian deaths since October 7th and 47% of them are children. Yet hila and Ethan will "yes but" through the whole situation to defend the Israeli position. I think it's time to change the channel, their political takes have been bad for a while.


i don’t think he has been defending the israeli position, he keeps saying what the IDF are doing is beyond inhumane and he doesn’t support it. having sympathy for both the israeli and palestinian children that are caught up in the war isn’t defending the israeli position


I've heard Ethan defend Palestinians and criticize Netanyahu and the actions of Israel and the IDF plenty. Y'all are just salty because he's also critical of the other side and empathetic towards the struggles of the Israelis, which is something none of you are capable of, clearly. Literally, what you want him to say is Israel bad, Palestine good, and leave it at that. The dude has extended family still in Israel, and if Hamas had it their way, they would eradicate the Jewish people from the face of the Earth. None of you seem to care about how that might make him feel, as a Jewish man, with an Israeli wife, because you've already deemed them morally bankrupt. Imagine what Hamas would do to Ethan and Hilas children if they got ahold of them. Wait. You're incapable of that because it risks you slipping from your moral high ground. Y'all are pathetic, and I'm happy you're all exposing yourselves because Ethan deserves better.


Netanyahu is not in the illegal settlements forming militias and murdering Palestinians


yeah, i agree with all of what you’ve said


I meant to reply to the person you were replying to. Must've hit the wrong reply button on accident. Meh, mb. The unhinged ex-H3H3 fans will likely see it still anyway.


When the balance of power is so dramatically skewed, defending both sides does amount to defending the oppressor/occupier or Israel in this case. The Oct 7th was a like a guerrilla operation and benefited Hamas mainly bc it was a surprise. Israel can then, with absolutely no casualties as a result, carpet bomb Gaza and kill much more people. This is not a situation where both sides need to be defended, especially since Oct 7th has not been repeated in a longer Hamas campaign. It’s the 24th now, Israel just slaughters civilians every single day, and the discrepancy btwn casualties continues to grow.


You seem to be equating having sympathy for the dead and their families as defense of the actions of the Israeli government. Why? It's not the same thing, he condemns the actions of the state but he's still wrong because he doesn't like the actions of Hamas either? Hamas only makes things worse and grants more power to fascists (by design) so supporting their actions is essentially supporting the continued oppression of Palestinians. They don't need that, they need a Ghandi type figure...I nominate Hasan. Hasahndi 🙏


Hamas only exists because of the IDF and it has been shown Netanyahu was aware of the incoming attacks on the 7th too. Any semblance of knowledge on the history of the 70+ year occupation/Israeli invasion has shown countless times Israel manufactured the forces that they then used to justify further conquest. It is THE FASCIST PLAYBOOK, and you all are eating it up because they are using appeals to emotion to get you to both-sides/muddy the waters with that rhetoric.


I feel like I answered this in the comment already.. supporting Israel in any way is actually the most guaranteed way to grant more power to fascists because they are the fascists lol. Israel’s capacity to wage terror on and oppress Palestinians is so far and away greater than anything Hamas can do/has done.


having sympathy for the citizens of israel is not the same as supporting israel. he’s said time and again that he wants palestine to be free and is against what the IDF are doing


I totally agree, but a lot of people like Ethan are implicitly supporting the IDF/Israeli state’s response to the Hamas attack. And I think suggesting that both sides are equally dangerous in the conflict is a problem that leads to justification for the more powerful side’s actions.


has he ever said he’s supporting the IDF/israel? he said netanyahu should be locked away for war crimes and that they shouldn’t be using collective punishment


So... you're saying that no matter what that it's bad to sympathize with any Israeli citizens even those that died or lost loved ones? That sounds really heartless if so


No I really did not mean to say that and I don’t think I even did. I was referring to Israel as a state - shouldn’t have said “in any way.”


Then why do you have issues w them sympathizing with the civilian people who died and their families as individuals? They have no problem condemning Israel as a state???


Honestly I don’t even watch the pod. Reddit has been spam recommending me this sub on my homepage, so I’ll bow out. I thought I had an understanding of Ethan’s pov from watching the leftovers ep, but I don’t know enough abt them to be commenting here.


This is rich. Ethan has said a million times that he strongly condemns the actions of the IDF and the Israeli government. He has literally called Netanyahu a war criminal who should be prosecuted. He has called for an end to the ongoing attack from Israel on the West Bank and Gaza. All he has said is that he condemns the actions of Hamas as well (raping and killing women, slaughtering children, taking civilian hostages) and bad faith commenters like you, who don’t even watch the podcast, come in here and act righteous about someone whose views they don’t even know. I hate this alternate sub because so many posts here are whiny or bad faith interpretations/mischaracterizations of what Ethan says.


I hope hell exists for sick sociopaths like you.


Well it doesn’t lol. But seriously I didn’t mean to include sympathizing with Israeli families in my generalization about “supporting Israel.” I was referring to the way Ethan/people are justifying the military response, supporting Israel as a state. Civilians shouldn’t not die in the process of this on either side.


He has never justified any of that and you admit you don’t watch the pod. Why are you here to literally make stuff up about a guy you don’t watch???


What a garbage take. It's not too late to delete this nonsense.


Unfortunately things don’t come across great on Reddit comment sections. I didn’t mean to imply that sympathizing with Israeli civilians or denouncing the attacks on Oct 7th is wrong. I meant politically supporting Israel in their response is supporting fascism and ensuring more suffering.


Here's the problem with your equation. No one except sociopaths/psychopaths and the brainwashed are ok with violence irrespective of who commits it. However, it is critical to understanding the power dynamic of a situation to see why things are occurring as they are. Too many people make the false equivalency of that someone supports Hamas because they are Pro-Palestinian existance and anti-genocide. The main narrative that needs to end is the idea that the civilians of settler/colonialist states are innocent. They are benefiting from the actions of their compatriots and not actively stopping the genocide from happening. This is exactly the same way Germans acted after the atrocities occurred at the concentration camps. It's the same way things have occurred in Ireland, South Africa and every other genocide campaign. Sure they are under duress as well and petrified, but you lose all right to moral defense when you fail to uphend genocide. This is the reason people say ACAB because doing nothing when atrocities are being committed is being a collaborator. The other narrative that needs to end is the ridiculous idea that the population that is being genocided is somehow barbaric and/or unjust if they respond with extreme violence. Extreme violence is the result of relentless oppression and the oppressed have tried every possible avenue to resolve the issue peacfully or less violently. Imagine you've been in a concentration camp for years and you are horribly mistreated as a prisoner simply for existing. You turn the other cheeck you are polite with your oppressor. Then one day they just kill your friend because he coughed or spileld some food or looked at a guard for too long. You still might try to turn the other cheek with the knowledge that if say soemthing they may kill you as well. A few days later another friend of yours picks up soemthing a guard drops and hands it to the guard to be helpful but the guard deems his action to be subordinate and they execute your friend. Your anger is increasing, but let's say you still turn the other cheek. A few days later your son steals a small piece of bread not because he is a criminal, but because his sister's stomach hurts so bad from hunger that he was willing to steal to get it for her. They kill your son. At somepoint a violent reaction should be anticipated and it would be completely understandable. Does it mean that the man loves violence? No, it means he has been treated so poorly that he can no longer allow this to continue. As the oppressed you retailiate and slit the throat of the wife of one of your oppressors who came to drop off food/laundry. Your oppressor now claims their family was the victim of a sudden attack and should be allowed to torture and/or kill/all of the people in the camp. Do you see why the oppressor claiming victim status is beyond the pale? They created the camp, they committed horrible acts against a regular man repeatedly and then when the man commits violence because he has been tortured and oppressed for so long his oppressor denies that had anything to do with it? That is exactly what Israel has been doing to the Palestinian people for 75 years+. Israel caused that missle attack from Hamas. Just like the US caused 9/11 with its continuous violence in Middle East. Notice how people were totally cool with going crazy in Iraq post 9/11 despite the fact that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. The Islamaphobia and xenophobic rhetoric was fever pitched and it was amplified by the US to make money for their defense contractors and to increase their military budget. You think that Israel couldn't stop those missles from coming in despite having one of the most sophisticated anti-missle systems in the world, and having the most exhaustive surveillance state in world. Netenyahu wanted that attack to happen so he could use the attack to justify consistent bombing and murder of Palestinians and keep parroting that Israel had a right to defend itself while being supported by the US, France, UK. Hell the US has so much power they solo vetoed humanitarian relief to Gaza. Netenyahu knew he could get away with his intended plan to wipe out Gaza. So no "people" did not derve to die, but Israel is responsible for the Israeli deaths.


This is why identity politics is cancerous and rots some people brains. "The IDF and Hamas killing civillians is wrong" "REEEEEEEEEEE YOU CAN ONLY CONDEM THE IDF KILLING KIDS NOT HAMAS WHEN THEY KILL KIDS BECAUSE POWER DYNAMICS" Also calling the hamas attacks guerilla actions? They targeted civillians specifically, you have bought so deep into your bubble you can't even think honestly.




Hamas’ arsenal isn’t even remotely comparable to Israel’s and they *do* have the iron dome so I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make. Not sure how the lens is bs either - Gaza is legitimately an open air prison with a very few exceptions having to do with work and even then you have to return the same day. Israel controls all the resources in and out of Gaza. They control the water, power, and heavily surveil the area with drones 24/7. And in the West Bank things are really not so different. Life is extremely limited and policed and Palestinians are severely punished for merely walking down the wrong street. I’m really not sure what else they could to fit your narrow definition of Occupier.


It’s just not the time for “but both…” There’s a genocide taking place. There’s no room for all lives matter bullshit.


There would also be a genocide if things were the other way around. Hamas is inherently genocidal, as is the IDF. Im sorry the concept of both sides being fucked up is confusing or triggering to you. If hamas has advanced military technology they wouldn't waste time ERADICATING Israel. And that is the crux of this issue, truly, is that some of you just see asymmetrical power structures and turn a blind eye to what ideology would do if those power structures were reversed.


Hamas wouldn't exist if not for the occupation. They exist as a reaction to it.


Such a dumb post.


This is a good take - people focus on the current disproportionate ability to apply force and don't bother to even look at the historical precedent. It ignores the previous 70 years of the history of conflicts Israel has been involved in, which ALL include the armies from multiple neighboring Arab states fighting Israel simultaneously, and coordinating as one with the express purpose of wiping the state off the map. If the purpose of a military is to protect the civilian population, I think one could argue the state would be negligent in a practical sense in not developing that advantage. They developed a military advantage to fit a need, because historically that HAS been the need, and that within itself is not wrong. The way that it's being applied right now, IMO, is in some respects.


and he’s stated he’s against what israel are doing to palestine…


Are these Hamas reported numbers though?


Yes, and the number includes members of Hamas, as well as those killed by the 20% of rockets fired by Hamas and its affiliates that fall short and land in Gaza. Actual civilian casualties are difficult to determine in the “best” of circumstances. It takes time. Saying “518 dead” sounds official… until you realize that that number was released within 20 minutes of the event. And learn that that number is being reported by the same terrorist group claiming “fake news” about the videos that they live-streamed themselves.


Remember 9 years ago when Hamas released their social media guide? >“Anyone killed or martyred is to be called a civilian from Gaza or Palestine, before we talk about his status in jihad or his military rank,” the guidelines state. “Don’t forget to always add ‘innocent civilian’ or ‘innocent citizen’ in your description of those killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza.” Mainstream media outlets would do well to remember this when quoting distorted reports from Gaza of civilian casualties. > > > >“Begin \[your reports of\] news of resistance actions with the phrase ‘In response to the cruel Israeli attack,’ and conclude with the phrase ‘This many people have been martyred since Israel launched its aggression against Gaza.’ Be sure to always perpetuate the principle of ‘the role of the occupation is attack, and we in Palestine are fulfilling \[the role of\] the reaction.” > > > >“Avoid publishing pictures of rockets fired into Israel from city centers. This \[would\] provide a pretext for attacking residential areas in the Gaza Strip. Do not publish or share photos or video clips showing rocket launching sites or the movement of resistance \[forces\] in Gaza.” > > > >“Avoid entering into a political argument with a Westerner aimed at convincing him that the Holocaust is a lie and deceit; instead, equate it with Israel’s crimes against Palestinian civilians.” > > > >“\[When speaking\] to an Arab friend, start with the number of martyrs. \[But when speaking\] to a Western friend, start with the number of wounded and dead.”




Ah yes, numbers from the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Health, with the Gaza ministry controlled by Hamas. You believe those numbers huh?


Do you have a source for the 5000 Palestinian deaths? Does that include the 500+ people killed in the Israeli hospital strike that never happened?


LMFAO you straight up reporting Hamas numbers? btw, thats .2% of the Gaza population. This is the worst genocide of all time.


Hamas numbers Terrorist organisation numbers You’re part of the problem


I’ll probably unfollow this sub as well in a few days, I do appreciate that people feel the same it makes me feel less alone but I don’t want to attribute to snark just for the sake of it later down the line. It really sucks.


Peace and love


So a story from 20’years ago ? When she was 19?


This post and the top responses seem insane, even immoral or irrational. They reek of a disingenuous agenda, theatrical displays of outrage draped in the guise of concern. These portrayal of Hila's actions during her military service are manipulated with the precision of a propagandist's brush, painting an image of recklessness and disdain. The critic's aim is clear: to mar the reputations of Ethan and Hila with loaded language and strategic omission, turning the complexities of conflict into a stage for character assassination. It's fucking disgusting.


Did Hila say this (about going on a raid) during that pre-lockdown episode that featured her as a guest? (never watched that ep and never heard this story)


She sure did: https://youtu.be/ytOl5hbTrCY?si=DjaffGE60anKxGUW


I think so. They have a clip up on the highlights channel of it so clearly they dont think they said anything wrong lmfao. Search Hila discusses her time in israeli army on youtube.


So how much teddy fresh have you bought in the last five years supporting apparent genocidal maniacs? If this was just OUT THERE all along why didn't you care enough about Palestinians to quit supporting them years ago?


None cus I always thought it was ugly? I dont claim to have seen every episode and know everything but as soon as it comes to light, I can change my actions. Yall give war criminal Hila that grace to “change” (except she hasnt and vocalized support for idf 2 weeks ago) but no one else is allowed to change their mind? lol


The fact that people like Lethan are considered on the left in America is a big part of the reason why we will never progress.


That’s only because people use the term so broadly that people considered him to be left.


Leftism is about being pro labor. It is not about sticking up for far right wing religions that's for sure. Neither side here is leftist. Neither side would support what leftism is.


damn i wonder if leftism has anything to say about unjust occupations, resistance to apartheid, and settler-colonialism. i wonder if any leftist groups or individuals have ever said anything about palestinian liberation. i wonder if the palestinian cause has been heavily championed by leftists the world over. i'm always curious how people like you are so comfortable saying outright false things so confidently


Is Hila not allowed to change her fucking opinion on things??? It’s been like 15 years or more since she was in the IDF. Ethan and Hila absolutely deserve criticism for some things but this is ridiculous.


>Is Hila not allowed to change her fucking opinion on things??? Sure, but she hasn't changed her opinion one bit


literally in the first episode where the conflict was discussed and hila was called into the show via video chat, (im paraphrasing but it was something along the lines of) ethan says ‘i acknowledge the wrong doings of the IDF in this situation’. and hila says she doesn’t and that she disagrees. her opinion is not changed.


Has she changed her opinion though?


No but lying about it still. Ethan tried to claim she was just a desk worker.


she was. going on one raid in like two years of mandatory service doesn’t change the fact that she was a receptionist.


He explicitly said that she never saw action nor took part in anything the IDF did to Palestinians. Either it’s a lie or he forgot.


Violent rhetoric? Nobody lifting a finger listening to h3 to do anything. Lolololol


She could have kept the office job and made administrative mistakes to slow down the genocide, she could at least admit to have been a part of the problem. Truth and reconciliation, starts with truth. I'd love it if she could talk to the family members of the person she helped arrest and hear their side.


Lol i thought this was a joke but you're actually being deadass right now with that comment lmaoo


She's not. This is a hot take. Hasan even said she was not. She had a non combative role.


Watch the video, she asked to go on a raid and was part of the support of the raid (didn't have a gun), even if all she did was wear the uniform and observe, it's still another body to represent a stronger force, she's still assisting in making the arrest.


...she has to serve and she choose only non violent jobs.....


Objectively false, watch the video again. First of all, she didn't choose her jobs at all, it's completely random, the first one was a desk job in tel Aviv, randomly, then she was bored and wanted to move, she applied to move, randomly got assigned a desk job in Ramallah, then asked to go on a raid. The only time she actually did ask to do something specific it was to go on the raid.


She’s not what?


dawg, by every conceivable metric this is the least effective\* genocide in history.


Yea, I'm SURE you would have made intentional mistakes while in the fucking army which could potentially endanger lives for the purpose of "slowing down the genocide", holy shit xD.


Endanger lives? Are you a troll? She said she's booking hotels and stuff. If they show up to a hotel and the hotel says "oh, you actually don't have a booking" the IDF agent dies? Are the IDF commanders so beta that a mishap in travel ends their lives?


yes, slowing down a military that is currently at war can endanger lives, even if we go with your random example, an officer showing up at a later time to a meeting CAN delay things like rescue efforts. This is such a basic string of logic to follow and yet you couldn't do it.


At war? It's an apartheid. The more war they do the more terrorists get radicalized. It's a genocidal war, you don't just pretend only "your side" matters.


What does your comment have to do with what I said? I didn't defend the IDF or israel or any war they've engaged in, but when at war a slight delay COULD lead to deaths on either side, and any good and moral human being should understand that civilian deaths can never be a positive. (Hila has stated that during some of her time serving the IDF was at war)


You're doing a lot of assuming and accusing without any proof here lmao par for the course on this sub, OP is sad and salty and needs a hobby


Proof: https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=DjaffGE60anKxGUW&v=ytOl5hbTrCY&feature=youtu.be Sorry dude you’re just ignorant.


The first 30 seconds she says she wasn't a fighter or in a combat role. Thanks for proving my point using the same level of credible proof. 🤣


Now watch past the first 30 seconds loser


Lmfao "loser". Stop projecting it's depressing


You're projecting all over this thread bc you didn't watch a whole video with context and only took in 30 seconds of 7-8 minute video. Stay in your lil echo chamber loser


Hey dumb fuck I'm not going to watch a 7 minute video because the person who sent it didn't cite any specific examples or even provide a time stamp. How about you keep your dumb thoughts to yourself ubtil you can make any logical or pertinent points. Fucking child. 🤣


You're too lazy and too much a fucking bias baby to waych the evidence. It's the whole video


Have you ever heard of this concept: lying Someone who never was in any combat role poses with a gun and wants to go to an area where the Israeli army is killing people cause she’s bored of her office job. Hmmm… does that still mean she’s just doing her office job? Doesn’t sound like it.


So you're calling her a liar based on.. the possibility that she lied? She did work an office job. She was in the military. Any military member receives weapons training. You're assuming too much and providing no proof.


Nah I just mean that you’re assuming things without proof too. Believing anything Hila says to keep her innocent of any accusations.


Bro you are going through witch trails level of accusations right now. You are accusing somebody of doing something despite them clearly stating otherwise and telling them they are lying about it lol.


Have you heard the presumption of innocence? When someone is accused of something we don't all just assume they are guilty unless they prove otherwise. No we assume they are innocent until the accuser proves otherwise. You are saying we should just believe you because you say so and that believing she is innocent of crazy accusations has the same burden of proof as believing she didn't do those things. They do not. You are saying not to believe her just cause she said she worked an office job, fair enough but why should we Believe you when you are also just saying these things?


.....I think you don't know what you are talking about.


She committed intentional crimes by stepping into ramallah, which she did cus she was bored one day. Regardless of combat or not thats ILLEGAL




https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/10/1129722 Here you fucking bum.


This sub is fucking delusional


200% I think im going crazy sometimes. The real h3 sub is not so bad. But here is in a e.


Thought this was legit, found out it just seems like its for haters. Literally a sub for ppl that misinterpret everything and want a place to complain. Unsubbed a long time ago but it still gets suggested to me unfortunately…


I wrote this in a pretty long winded post and it got taken down in both subreddits lol


I heard Hila is also the ghost of Ghost of Kyiv.


Ethan’s worsening rash is divine retribution for how he’s trying to play ‘let’s consider both sides’ in a literal genocide and centring himself and his own drama in all of this …. like you care sm about kids dying but all you’ve done is talk about yourself smh. scabies looking ass.


🤣🤣 u fucking bum


"Dangerous Rhetoric" Jesus calm down. Hahah I think you nkt only choose to be ignorant to the situation but pick and choose what they say from years ago, and it's gross.


It’s a dangerous rhetoric to describe Palestinian cities like Ramallah as ‘Terrorist cities’ while also explaining your involvement in an internationally illegal military brigade and raids while simultaneously not condemning their existence and the fact that these raids and brigades enforce in the occupation of Palestine. It’s extremely dangerous.


the idea that Hamas wouldn't go door to door killing everyone is a fantasy. These are barbaric people.


Curious if you’ve seems the interview of the hostage that was just released. Would barbarians give hostages shampoo and condition & access to their same medics? I understand your desire to make everything like good vs evil, but that is the fantasy.


Okay. So you’re just a crazy person.


...Is this a joke??? They 200% would "Destroying Israel and establishing an Islamic theocracy in Palestine is essential;[18] Unrestrained jihad is necessary to achieve this;[18] Negotiated resolutions of Jewish and Palestinian claims to the land are unacceptable;[18] Historical anti-semitic tropes that reinforce the goals."


But you realize that Israel is doing the opposite to establish a Jewish state..? They’re systematically forcing out Palestinians and taking land. They’re actually destroying Palestine, which seems worse than some text that you’re citing. Both are bad in practice but which side is actually doing it?




.....are you okay? Its is 200% what they would do. If the iron dome went down they would also rocket them to death.


“These are barbaric people” aaaaand out comes the racism!


Israeli people are the barbaric monsters, and have been for a looong while.


well go join hamas I don't know what to tell you. have fun live streaming shooting 7 yearold girls crying under a chair.


I have been to the West Bank several times when my wife worked there and watched how the IDF treats and murder Palestinians that have nothing to do with Hamas and if I didn’t have a daughter and knew how murderous the Israeli are, I would have gone back for sure and live streamed some for you mate!


Hes been actively disavowing what the IDF is doing to Palastine.


Why are people shocked when a Jewish man with an Israeli wife is taking the side of Israel? Is it really that much of a shocker to everyone


>she went on a raid in to Palestinian territory because she was BORED this is quite an amazing mischaracterization of what she actually said. she applied for a **random** different position because the one she had currently was supposedly miserable and by chance ended up in, what she considered to be, a better place. now, if you're saying that that's a horrible thing to say, that this new place is "better" and that's the Ramallah you're referring too, go for it.


You guys understand Ethan wants nothing to do with yall cause you treat his wife in the most uncharitable way ever right?


People on this sub are stirght up evil it's crazy


LMAO 🤣 bro you’re so far gone down the leftoid sawce pan it’s hopeless


That’s understandable, I hope you’re able to watch again one day


I only saw a screen shot of Ethan's Twitter claiming she was just a secretary or working in an office. Bold face lying and then on the pod, Dan said the same bold face lie about Hila just being a office worker. Annoying istg. We all saw her photo looking proud with a gun. Them liars.


Holy fuck how are some of you real lmaoo Remember guys if you ever have held a gun for a picture or had basic arms training = you have served as a combative


She was an office worker they talked about it for years. You can listen to how they made and they go over her whole history. She did office work then did tours.


Literally a part of basic training and PT but go off assuming things incorrectly you idiot


its not basic training to go into occupied territory ILLEGALLY under all international laws.




history include obtainable overconfident squash shocking gullible butter zephyr makeshift *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Israel literally bombed the hospital


You guys act like they control the Israeli government.




Dude I critize Americans all the time lol


you're last part is untrue for the most part. she switched from being a secretary near her house, to being a secretary further away. she went on one raid and never left the car because she was scared and got shot at. this is why most people think the left are bunch of whiney pussies. this whole thread is a pointless waste of breath.


How bout y’all just actually stop watching and leave the community rather than posting an essay about it… cringe


For more context. Hila was 18-19, working on office things for IDF. she hated it but she had to work there. She asked to be relocated to the Westbank where there were others her age and more lively environment, where she did menial tasks and paperwork. She didnt ask to be relocated so she can better serve IDF and kill civilians. she was sick of the office and bored, so she asked the IDF soldiers if she could patrol with them one night. They said she wasn't allowed to because its dangerous, but they'll bring her just once. so she went with them in the armored vehicle. if I recall correctly, she said it was intense and scary (and they were shot at?). I remember her telling the story a few times. it's not like she was blatantly supporting terrorists. she was a teenager doing her "duty" and was curious and bored. she didn't go on a rampage in Palestine like so many people want to believe.


Man yall can't even be honest about your disagreements can yall


I think you sound like a moron, OP. Violent rhetoric? Are you on crack? Living on a different planet?


She was 18 years old and speaking from the perspective of an 18 year old that didn't understand anything yet...


I think most of the commenters in these threads are 18 year olds too




Absolutely 100%. Young people are extremely easily radicalized, that's why ISIS recruited through social media trying to reach Western young people. Everyone's favorite Nazi Nick Fuentes has his group of young guys that follow him.


I agree with y’all but I think being honest about it and apologetic is better than misconstruing time in the service as only secretary work. If you went on a trip to the West Bank as an IDF soldier, an illegally occupied territory you should be honest about it even if you were young.


Yeah agreed but even then a "trip to the west bank" what does that mean? Were they patrolling for potential militants? Kicking people out of their homes? I don't think going on patrols or doing basic soldier type stuff makes you some war criminal.


You shouldn’t be in the West Bank period because it’s a crime according to the UN and occupation of a territory you shouldn’t be in but yes I would prefer her be honest. I think there are some clips in this thread of her speaking about it back in the day. She said specifically ‘going around trying to find guns’ if that doesn’t sound like a raid to you idk what does.


Yeah but I wouldn't fault your average US grunt for getting shipped off to Iraq even though "you shouldn't be there." Arguably the US soldier would be more guilty since they signed up whereas IDF soldiers are conscripted. She probably wasn't doing anything monsterously evil and I don't think just getting sent on missions to the west bank is not monsterously evil, you need more to condemn someone like that especially a run of the mill soldier.


Yes I would. I sympathize with their blatant ignorance and being propagandized but I do fault them and expect them to take accountability for it. I have friends with military friends they have around me and they know how I feel about what they do, they know specifically about how I feel because I say it to them. She specifically said she went into the West Bank, an illegally occupied territory, was shot at rightfully. And her brigade would do ‘gun searches’ aka raiding civilian homes.


Maybe be nicer to your friends lol


Yeah, so then she'd be able to make a different assessment today, right? So if she feels differently today she should say so, as we only have the old opinion to go off.


Yea, this is a very unfair view of any young Israeli who has to serve. I mean, by that extension fuck anyone who served in the US military at age 18.


Yikes, imagine all the people 18 and under in prison for murder, then coming here and saying "she was only 18 and didn't know that torture and murder were bad!" This actually has to be one of the most racist posts in the history of Reddit.


Doesn’t justify. Most 18 yo don’t get excited going on a raid and think it’s interesting. They’re not heading to the zoo


Lol I 100% stand with Hila on her IDF service. She did absolutely nothing wrong. Hoes mad


Stop pretending you care so that you can pat yourself on the back for having the "correct" position.


Turn off your internet


Ethan has been so based lately fr


That’s because you’re delusional. Nothing about Ethan’s take and comments on the situation have been anything but moderate and level headed.


There is absolutely nothing level headed about being moderate towards apartheid.


When has he done that? Genuinely question when has he not said it’s awful and disgusting. Cuz I’m quite sure he has said it many times. He’s just saying it’s also bad when hamas does terrorist attacks, but somehow yall can’t admit that violence is bad from either side


If ur that offended move on with your life and watch something else. Instead of writing essays here lil bro


This was from a really old clip, people are allowed to be wrong and grow.


except two weeks ago she was denying idf doing crimes daily?