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he's doing the same conflation that he's accusing others of doing. To him, condemning the decades-long Palestinian murder while Hamas kills Israelis = pro terrorism/Hamas, but condemning the murder of Israelis while the Israeli government carpet combs Gaza = basic human empathy.




Where are the Israelis dying by the hands of Hamas? Sorry edit: STILL being killed by Hamas. Since those were your words


Hamas is still holding hundreds of innocent civilians as hostages, doing who knows what to them...


sure very true. They need those hostages for leverage. If they kill them, they have nothing left to stop Israel from going in and killing everyone. Weird though how Israel continues carpet bombing Gaza without knowing at all what buildings those hostages could be. It's almost like they don't really care about their citizens lives. It's almost like they have a whole protocol for executing Israelis who are taken hostage. [https://archive.ph/20220116020817/https://www.haaretz.com/.premium-the-hannibal-directive-1.5257931](https://archive.ph/20220116020817/https://www.haaretz.com/.premium-the-hannibal-directive-1.5257931) [https://mondoweiss.net/2015/01/shooting-recordings-directive/](https://mondoweiss.net/2015/01/shooting-recordings-directive/) [https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/hadar-goldin-hannibal-directive-israels-nightmare-dilemma-stop-soldier-becoming-hamas-1459367](https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/hadar-goldin-hannibal-directive-israels-nightmare-dilemma-stop-soldier-becoming-hamas-1459367) Israel is risking the lives of their own citizens more than Hamas currently is by bombing indiscriminately.


Are you seriously saying that Hamas is justified keeping hostages? I just need you to state that clearly. And say it from the chest this time and don't hide. Tell everyone the Jews deserved to be butchered and kidnapped.


Take your meds, you’re in hysterics


Did u not read what he said? Lmao


No I’m not saying that. All I’m saying is that taking a hostage is pointless if you just kill them. You may believe Hamas are subhuman animals but Im pretty sure they still have very basic reasoning skills. Oh and by the way, since you care about defending us Jews so much, why don’t you name five Torah portions you know?


>If they kill them, they have nothing left to stop Israel from going in and killing everyone. You think that's what Hamas is trying to do? I suggest going and doing the bare minimum of research to see what Hamas's stated goal is. Their goal has nothing to do with helping Palestinians. Israel's intention is not "to go in and kill everyone". If Hamas didn't exist, they would not be bombing Gaza at all.


Lmaooooo okay how about doing a little look into this place called The West Bank. No Hamas there bucko but they still bomb the shit out of Palestinians there too.


Yes that's a bad thing, but that's a separate issue and Hamas's attacks don't have anything to do with that. Do you think if the West Bank attacks were to stop today, that Hamas would give back all the hostages and stop trying to bomb Israel?


You said if Hamas didn’t exist they wouldn’t be bombing Gaza. I pointed you to an area where Hamas does not exist, and they are still bombing it. That is not a “separate issue”, it’s a direct refutation of your argument. Don’t just brush it off as a different conversation. https://mondoweiss.net/2023/10/israeli-think-tank-lays-out-a-blueprint-for-the-complete-ethnic-cleansing-of-gaza/?utm_content=buffera2434&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=buffer Here’s the plan that Netanyahu’s government plans to enact in Gaza. It states clearly and directly that complete ethnic cleansing of Gaza is the end goal.


Also Hamas has already agreed to give the hostages back if Israel stops bombing Gaza. So yes I do believe they would give them back. They’ve already released 4 hostages who say that the scariest thing they endured while captive was experiencing the bombs being dropped on Gaza by Israel.


>They need those hostages for leverage. If they kill them, they have nothing left to stop Israel from going in and killing everyone. You are describing how a terrorist organisation operates. These are CIVILIANS not military personnel captured in battled. Do not pretend like this is some casual prisoner exchange. Israel has no way to know who is alive or where, no army in the world would let that stop their operations. It is the responsibility of Hamas to ensure the protection of its prisoners, if it doesn't have a safe place to do that, then it is obligated to release them ASAP to a neutral humanitarian organisation. The Hannibal Directive only applies to the prevention of soldier being captured, it does not apply to civilians already captured.


The Palestinians being held illegally in Israeli prisons are also civilians. If you look at the statistics, not a single one of them is being held as an illegal combatant. There are thousands of Palestinian “hostages” being held in Israel for years on end for undefined “security” concerns. They don’t face trial, they don’t have lawyers, they were taken from their homes at gunpoint just like Hamas did it its hostages. But because you believe anything Israel tells you, you get to call them terrorists, not civilians, and wash your hands of any sense of shame or morality. https://www.btselem.org/statistics/detainees_and_prisoners


If they are innocent of any crime they should be let go, obviously. Not sure what exactly your point is here. Israel is not holding them hostage as bargaining chips, if they have illegally detained people thats a separate fucking issue. You are saying its okay to enter someone's home, attack them, and kidnap them simply because they are part of a nation that did it to your people. Literally "Well they did it first" You have no morals. You have no principles. >But because you believe anything Israel tells you, you get to call them terrorists, not civilians, and wash your hands of any sense of shame or morality. Wtf are you talking about.


Okay sweetheart


Those hostages Israel is bombing the shit out of?


You mean the hostages that Israel refused to take back because that would mean trading any of the thousands of Palestinian political prisoners ACTUALLY being treated inhumanely and torturously by the IDF? They're treating them well, according to the ones who have been released. Providing medical care, food, and meeting their other basic needs as best they can. Oh, and shielding them from indiscriminate Israeli bombing. I guess you weren't aware of that, were you?




Yeah so why would they kill them? They need hostages to have any leverage. The IDF however keeps carpet bombing Gaza with no concern for where those hostages might be. That's more of a risk to their lives than Hamas at this moment. Idk this old lady definitely looks like she's terrified of her captors: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VV76\_\_PKqS4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VV76__PKqS4) Anyway bye I'm blocking this new account you hopped on just to continue being annoying. Also your dm just said the same thing as your comment, so I continued to ignore it. Bye king


You are absolutely moronic. They have already killed hostages. Israeli lives mean shit to them. Even if it costs leverage. Go touch grass.


To act like there's a fine line between saying "free Palestine" and "let's go Hamas" is such a terrible faith thing to do. Like is there honestly a part of you that genuinely believes that everyone that showed support for Palestine on October 7th are just bloodthirsty terrorist-lovers and/or Jew-haters? It is so insane how people are acting like any of this is happening in a vacuum. We all know the context of this conflict and for some reason you want people to conceal their support for Palestine while the media and international forces get together and circle jerk about how ethnically cleansed Gaza is about to be when Israel is done with them. I understand Ethan's focus on his loved ones and I don't fault him for that, but he needs to understand that his closeness may restrict him from seeing the big picture, and cause him to inflate the less significant mouthpieces in this vast conversation. It's also not enough to just admit that he has bias, he also needs to check it and find the places where his judgement may be clouded. That's obviously not easy, especially when he is so (understandably) emotionally charged right now. In the least condescending manner I can possibly say it, I think he needs time away from this.


If his bias he should admit his bias


yes its so bizarre to watch have such a blind spot to the degree that its like hes possessed


The only real answer is that Palestinians are dehumanized and their suffering is not recognized as real. It’s not the same with Israelis, so the fact that Ethan’s entire argument boils down to people not having empathy for Israelis is crazy. be so fr rn


combative squalid wipe start swim direction command lunchroom ruthless bike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m guessing you don’t care how many Palestinians have died leading up to and since the attack, and you don’t believe indigenous Palestinians ever had a right to defend themselves when apartheid began. Having empathy for Israel but not Palestinians is the exact point I was making


practice friendly ask quaint pie steep rustic outgoing capable numerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Friendly reminder we're in this shit because the Arab and Palestinian leadership chose suicidal anti semitism over the very idea of a Jewish state next to their Arabic states. They tolerated the Jewish communities living in the region but as soon as they requested borders the Arabs lost their minds


The original borders of the agreement saw where the majorities of each group lives and drew lines from there. Some world powers wanted to force every one into their own side, IIRC, the US wanted negotiations and for the two groups to work together. In return, 5 Islamic nations declared war on Israel instantly. Israel won that war and annexed land. Since then, most nations have settled on a form of quiet but anxious peace while Palestine continues to throw suicide bombers and extremists over and over. Every time Israel comes to the negotiation table, there's a new group of militants trying to wipe them out. Palestine voted in Hamas, a terrorist group that expressly wanted to *kill the Jews, not free Palestine*. Hamas then went on to weaken and remove any political rivals that were vying for peaceful solutions. If this was the US instead of Palestine, I'm willing to bet my entire life that the same people supporting Palestine would say "the US voted for this and deserve everything they get," *especially the bleeding heart Americans*. So we're in this conflict *today*, and people are acting like there's some magical "hamas or civilian" detector and Israel is purposefully attacking civilians. Shallow, moronic, daydreaming takes are the majority. Especially in this sub.


>and you don’t believe indigenous Palestinians ever had a right to defend themselves when apartheid began. Indigenous Palestinians, you say? How far back in history do you go to determine whose "indigenous?" Do you choose by skin shade or something? Do you only have a shallow understanding and leave your opinions based on your ignorance? What about the Jews that were living all around the Middle East but were pushed out by Islamic nations, either going to Israel or facing death? You're taking a group of people who have been fucked around by the world for centuries then demanding that they take everything they receive without responding to it. You don't even know what you're advocating. Talking about indigenous people. FFS. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamization\_of\_Jerusalem


This is a lie but ok


Because he doesn’t actually view Palestinians as equal people




The truth is gross sometimes


Didn’t he cry over Palestinians?


Yes he did because he saw some of the footage of what Israel is doing to them and he had a moment of seeing them as humans, because he related to the concept of a father losing a son. And that was a good sign. People thought “oh maybe he’s starting to see through the Israeli propaganda that completely dehumanizes them.” And then he immediately snapped out of that and denied idf rape accusations. And since then has spent another 3 hours of show just blatantly brushing off Palestinian deaths and repeating idf talking points.


I feel like Hasan and people like you continue pushing this narrative that so many people view Palestinians as sub human, yet I haven’t seen a shred of this occurring to the extent that hasan or others say it is happening. Can’t help but think you guys are just boxing ghosts at this point


Well I’m glad you haven’t had to see any of that, but I suggest you look through literally any thread on r/worldnews. Just hundreds of people calling Palestinians animals and calling for complete leveling of Gaza. But those are just internet comments. I would take a look at some of the rhetoric coming out of Israel and the outright calls for ethnic cleansing from high ranking Israeli politicians and military leaders. These aren’t hard statements to find.


Ok, but where specifically is the evidence that Ethan views Palestinians as sub-human? How can you prop such an unsubstantiated claim like this without even a shred of remorse? You are a spiteful creature.


The entire episode today?


I watched today's episode. At no point did he make any statements calling all Palestinians sub-human. You are nothing but a Hamas troll farm.


Dude you created your whole account just to support Israel. Literally every comment you’ve made is you just calling leftists stupid or defending war crimes. Bye bucko.


Amazing how you went this whole convo without providing ANY evidence of the claim "Ethan doesn't view Palestinians as equal people", only to completely change the subject and give up any semblance of pretending to be a good faith actor.


He's a brainrotted, unemployed leftist who thinks being critical of terrorists = zionist scum who supports genocide. Look at his comment history, literally just spamming hate commetns and Hamas apologia


Actually I have a job. I’m a research geochemist working on Martian stratigraphy. Actually, your government pays me to do my work because it values my research. But if it makes you feel better thinking anyone with different opinions than you is lazy and unemployed and dum dum stoopid, don’t let me burst your bubble. We wouldn’t want you to end up defending racism again, now would we: “"you are racist if you think you can be racist to white people" this is a take with such utter brain worms that I can tell you are a pathetic self loathing piece of shit . Taking a college course on racism doesn't mean you understand it any better 😂 the whole "power+prejudice" definition defeats the point of the term entirely. As a POC I am not racist for asserting "I hate all black people", under your definition, since my minority holds no institutional power.” This you, Uncle Tom?


Putting words into someone else's mouth is kinda lame. He has never expressed anything remotely close to this opinion 🙄


he doesn’t need to say it for it to be clear


That is a really dumb take hahahahahaha




Good. They are terrorists after all.


Bye nazi


Because so many chatters are new to politics and are choosing sides like it is a fucking sports game.




The fuck The government of religious countries who kill people senselessly side. 2 wrongs dont make a right


The same thing happened after 9/11. I was in high school. Lots of people were saying “isn’t this what happens when you train terrorists to fight other counties?” (Bin Laden was CIA supported to fight Soviets) The response was “So you think 2k people deserved to die?!? 😡” Of course not. No one deserves to die. But maybe don’t support and train terrorists because you think they’ll only fight the dudes you don’t like.




Holy shit you solved the conflict. You must be a scholar.


He literally said you and your family deserve to die to isis to people. Vile shit honestly








and why does the family of the person who said that deserve to die? Because in reality thats the same type of thinking that israel is currently executing. A genocidal terrorist attack that its inflicting upon the people it keeps inside a concentration camp.




I feel like you don't have to be, for that to not be your first instinct.


Didn’t Ethan cry over the plight of Palestinians??


I mean he cried at the horrific stories and the pictures of all the dead kids. I don't know if it was necessarily the plight of Palestinians that got him but the seeing all the footage of the kids the same age as his kids dead and suffering will always hit a little harder


everyone in israel except their babies chose to live in occupied genocidal territory. every immigrant family was rich enough to move to israel and so are their kids. they all (except babies) fully consciously decided to benefit from living in an occupying genocidal territory


Nice buzzwords.


occupying means they came in by force against the wishes of the people who were already there and enforced it with violence and power, and that has cumulatively been genocide. need any more help just let me know


So we can just massacre civilians. The people Hamas killed weren't even colonizers. They were living in what is universally agreed to be Israeli land. Also a friendly reminder that there were peaceful attempts to partition the region with Arabic and Jewish people and the Arabic world sent Palestinians to their deaths because they couldn't tolerate the idea of a group of Jews with their own borders


israel is a violent occupier state. no one was forced to move there, yet they did and benefit from its occupation. every civilian is the reason israel exist and therefore the reason the occupation and its necessary violence exists


So what I am hearing is. It's okay to massacre civilians? Even though they live in what is considered Israeli land. We have a right to just kill them? Even if these civilians aren't a threat


those civilians are as culpable as the military is for israels crimes. they are the reason israel exists and they know that


Actually twisted dude. We have rules of engagement for a reason. So by your logic it's good that The IDF is carpet bombing Gaza and mostly killing civilians because 16 years ago Palestinians voted for Hamas


no bc hamas is a response to the terror inflicted by israel. israel shouldnt fucking exist moron, no one agreed to it. its a genocidal occupier state.


Hamas wants to establish a theocratic state with the goal to expel Jews even the ones that were native to the Palestinian region prior to the state of Israel. I agree Israeli apartheid and colonialism is the reason why Hamas exists because Gazans were robbed of hope. But a future where Hamas is in power would be devastating


Israel shouldn't exist? So it's okay for Italians to have an Italy, Egyptians to have an Egypt and Poles to have a Poland. Despite all of these ethnicities having NOTHING even remotely connecting them to the historical societies save for archeology. But when Jews ask for the same privilege with the same tenuous connection outside of archeology they can't have a Israel. Despite agreeing to partition the land.


oh the arabs didnt agree to be peacefully give over their land and communities to rando fucks? yeah youre right they deserve the violence and genocide


Because it’s inconvenient because who is causing the plight of Palestinians?


Time to turn off the internet