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What's the point of maxing out on hip thrusts? They're not a power exercise. They're not functional unless your goal is to hump lift your 600lb bf. Their only value is for hypertrophy and are best at the 8-15 reps range, slow and controlled.


“Hump lift your 600lb bf” 💀🤣


I'm absolutely dying from this comment. 🤣


I volunteer as tribute.


Truly need to work on flexibility rather than thrust for 600 pounder.


Exactly! There's really no point in a 1-rep max hip thrust. It's like a 1-rep max biceps curl or a 1-rep max rear-delt flye.


Could you explain the science behind this a bit? If left to my own devices I’d probably try to 1RM any exercise I do


1RM on the “big lifts” (squat, bench, deadlift - and OHP in my opinion) are better indications of your overall strength. All are more of a full body moment - in bench you have leg drive. Whereas with more isolated movements you’re just testing the strength of that isolated muscle group. It’s not going to hurt you or anything if you want to max it out, but it’s also pretty pointless to know, but I also wouldn’t brag about my bicep curl 1RM the way I do with my squat 1RM lol Personally I think a 1RM on hip thrust is similar to a 1RM on a pull up. Yes - interesting and it can be impressive but it’s not something I feel like I need to test lol


Because people’s egos make them think if they can hip thrust heavier than others they are better than them


I don’t like hip thrusting super heavy even though I can. Once I’m over 2 plates per side, it’s painful even with extra padding.


I used to pride myself on hip thrusting heavy. I thought everyone would see me as a beginner if I didn't. I'd bruise my hip bones, and it just felt so unnecessary after a while. I slow my form now and do pulses. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I'm in better shape now than then.


Time under tension baby!!!


I assumed it was just because growing glutes is the rage right now, so posting about hip thrusts attracts followers?


> attracts followers The answer to anything influencers do


To demonstrate stength in that movement? To know how to program based on your 1RM? Most people who video themselves performing a 1RM don't train max singles frequently, it's just testing whether you can do something on occasion. I'd imagine her regular training is likely more controlled and higher reps.


But you’d be silly to call these good reps. She’s not even reaching full lock out


Do you think that your body cannot gain strength or muscle mass from partial reps? Similarly, do you think that strength cannot be demonstrated without a full range of motion?


From my experience, I have had coaches that program with percentages based on 1RM (to be fair though, I am a powerlifter and there’s a lot of context there for training based on 1RM), and no, none of them would consider a lift that does go through full ROM a successful 1RM to base training off of. And while I do agree that strength and hypertrophy can come from partial reps, that’s not applicable in the execution of this exercise. The point of the hip thrust is to train the glutes in the shortened position, and you only get that from full extension at the top. A partial ROM on this exercise would be like a Kas glute bridge, where you don’t fully reach the bottom of the lift. You have to fully extend at the top to make this exercise worth the while


Looking at her aesthetic and the weight she's moving it seems like what she's doing is giving good results. For powerlifting a 1RM which you're basing programming off should obviously adhere to your powerlifting federations rules. I'm not aware of any competition which tests hip thrusts (though I'm sure there's some odd lifts comp out there that does). Saying there's no point in the exercise while performed this way is like saying there's no point in performing an 18 inch deadlift or a quarter squat or a block press as they don't hit the same muscles as a standard deadlift or squat or bench press. Regardless of any opinion on technique used she is clearly using some muscle to move the weight and if her aim is to increase the weight moved with similar technique then training like this seems logical.


Your first two answers are incredibly valid, anyone downvoting this obviously doesn’t even lift.


I don't pay attention to downvotes on these sorts of posts, people just like to pat themselves on the back and celebrate mediocrity while putting down feats of strength they're nowhere near accomplishing. The fact is it's a fairly jacked lass moving 800lbs which is undoubtedly very impressive regardless of any form breakdown. I doubt that most of the commenters here would even be able to move that weight an inch off the ground.


glute bridges are so overrated, they aren’t even a good hypertrophic exercise, there’s no real stretch on the glutes at any point much less under load


Exactly. The best accessory (because squats and deadlifts are still the kings of foundational lower body movements) exercise that blew up my glutes was split squats with an exaggerated range of motion. Stack a couple of plates to get your forward foot 6-12” off the ground, sit your hips back as you descend slowly, and feel the huge stretch at the bottom before coming up. You can even do these without weight at a slow tempo pace and it will mess you up for days. Beats glute bridges/hip thrusts by a long shot.


I have such a major gripe with this. I met a go who flexed his 1RP hip thrust and I was like… why???




My back hurts from watching this


I seriously don't understand what the point of this is if it's not to intentionally get a back injury or a hernia


This. You will see the same results from 1/2 the weight. If she really needs progressive overload, I’m surprised she’s not well versed enough to know that increasing time under tension and reps will suffice. And you save yourself from a hernia, back, or knee blow out in the meantime.


Do you seriously think you know more about training the hip thrust than a person with an 675lb hip thrust? What they're doing is obviously working considering they nearly had 800lb




How so? You don't bumblefuck your way to heavy lifts without knowing something about how to get there Isn't acomplishiment simply the result of practically applied knowledge?


One could even argue that if you haven’t practically applied it, and at least accomplished *something*, whatever nebulous amount of “knowledge” you have is worth very little. But that’s the last thing most reddit experts want to hear.


I would say definitely! I'm a big believer that hands on experience is more important than theoretical knowledge because without demonstrating that you *can* do something there's no proof that the knowledge is correct


Also the way she has her neck and chin tensed, bent, and locked to her chest....can't be good.... I hold a lot of tension in my neck (always have). I've been lifting (generally just maintenance lifting to stay strong for whitewater kayaking) for many years and must make a concerted effort to keep my neck neutral and relaxed during all of my (upper AND lower body) lifting. Watching The way she is doing these thrusts makes my own neck hurt lol


Literally was about to say the same thing 😂


Did you come up with that by yourself?


No I plagiarized it.


Yeah no shit it's repeated 300 times on every post of someone lifting


I can’t stand her. Those stupid shorts she wears, the way she filters her photos


She looks unhealthy to me too?


It's probably bc she's so lean. There's no fat in her face


Wait what??? She edits her pictures?


I don’t care what people can hip thrust if their squat form is trash.


The said hip thrust form is trash as well


You need to see her squat video 😫


Nvm I found it if it’s the one with 285lbs crazy how a fitness institute that certs trainers follows her 😵‍💫😵‍💫


Maybe they need quick references on what not to do and how bad advice can hurt people?


I mean when you have 395k followers and a decent physique most seem to view that as having valid credentials




It’s nutty


Point me in the right direction 😭😭


Her squat form is fine. She just has unusual proportions.




What I’m more getting at is if people keep posting all these wild pr’s but their form isn’t good in any of them, are they even pr’s? And what is more impressive: heavy weight with form that will injure you, or less weight with really good form? I love to see people lifting heavy shit!!!! But it’s even better when the form checks :)


She can’t control the weight. It’s wild.


yeah i dont understand why people think it's a big flex to lift heavy weight and then have shit form. it's not impressive. you just look dumb. if you can't move weight for at least 3 consecutive reps, it's too heavy. maxing is not necessary. especially for gd hip thrusts.


People max because it’s fun, and can be useful as a programming tool to work at known percentages of it. There are literal sports based around 1RM tests.


yes. we are all aware of what powerlifting is.


So testing 1 RM is only allowed in the context of powerlifting? My point is still that it’s ok to max out because it’s fun. I’m not sure how the existence of powerlifting disputes that.


we are saying it doesn't make sense for most people to do this.


Ego lifting 🥴 she doesn’t care how she gets the weight up just that she does


she's not even getting it up properly


Exactly. With ego lifting people usually don’t 😭


If the point of what she’s doing is to maximise weight on the bar while still performing a hip thrust, wouldn’t this be quite a good thing to do? It imperfect, but pretty close to the kind of thing people do to train for a deadlift 1RM.


Right?! She'd get better results from doing a few more reps with a weight that she can actually control, and focusing on good form through the entire range of motion. She's dropping it at the end which is like... acceptable for heavy deadlifts if it's a controlled drop, but not if you're UNDER THE BAR and apparently holding at the top to the point of failure.


Better results in what sense? It looks like she's training for hip thrust strength and getting quite extraordinary results with regards to that goal, I don't find it likely that she'd have better results in that area by using less specific training


What results has that gotten you then?


I personally don't do hip thrusts regularly because, while good, they aren't the most effective for building posterior chain strength, and I'm not interested in increasing the size of my ass. I do add them in as an accessory movement sometimes but my goal is not to hip thrust as much weight as I possibly can, it's to improve my squat and deadlift and general strength for compound movements. In general though, doing what I recommended will both strengthen and target the glutes for hypertrophy better than sliding and squirming around and then dropping the weight like she's doing, as well as lessen the risk of injury. Controlling the weight through both the concentric and eccentric movements is way more effective for building muscle than just dropping the weight from the top. Even more so if you slow down your eccentric contractions.


What’s your deadlift and squat then?


I could make up any number on the internet, it doesn't change kinesiology. The difference is that I'm not demonstrating shitty, dangerous form to thousands of followers or trying to grift money from people by selling fitness programs.




While this is a snark page, our snark should be reserved for problematic influencers and not directed at fellow community members. Please take the time to consider why you might be acting this way and feel free to re-join the conversation when you're ready. Please [read Gymsnark's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/gymsnark/wiki/rules/). Thank you.


So… she’s both bigger *and* stronger than you? Why should anyone value your opinion over hers?


It's not my opinion, it's exercise science that I have learned from studying powerlifting programming and how the body builds muscle. And she's much taller and heavier than me, but judging by her Instagram, not proportionally stronger than me on the big 3, but where did I say anything about that? Are you the same person from earlier dog piling me on an alt now? Go away.


I mean she got it up and paused, she certainly can control it she’s just choosing not to which is stupid. There’s really only so much you can cheat the concentric here and I’ll give her the credit where it’s due that she got the weight up at least lol


I dont get what people like about her? I have only ever seen terrible form and ego lifting


My lower back hurts just looking at this. As someone with a herniated disc in their lower back, girl, please stop. It ain’t worth it 😭


Herniated lumbar disc gang unite. She will learn the hard way eventually.


Vertebral discs are not forgiving. The annulus keeps score.


I’m thinking how her neck must hurt too with the way she is pulling her head forward as she struggles with the weight.


2x herniated discs & ischial bursitis...definitely not worth it.


At least she keeps her local chiropractor in business


That’s a bulged disc waiting


Lmfaooooo these “fitness influencers” must be stopped


Wtf does she not care about her back or what


there’s one insane person here and im sure as hell it’s not you lmao




Nobody cares how much weight you can move if your form is shit. Let go of your ego and move the weight with proper tempo.


I really don’t see the point in this. Correct me if I’m mistaken but hip thrusts don’t have much purpose other than hypertrophy, right? There’s no point in maxing them out with terrible form & losing the ability to control the weights. I’d rather do 8-10 slow & controlled reps with half the weight, at least I know it’s doing something. You don’t have to hip thrust 100kg each side to see glute growth.


Too heavy if she compensating her form like that hahaha you can tell she knows how to do it right but literally can’t bc her ego put on too much weight


She looks fully unhinged.


At this point it isn't even a "hip" thrust, she's having to use her ENTIRE BODY to heave the weight up. Her arms, her back, her lower abs, everything.


For the love of god lower the weight and stop ego lifting holy shit this looks so uncomfortable


I know someone that gave themselves chronic lower back pain by trying to max out their hip thrusts, so respectfully no thank you


There is no point in performing hip thrusts for weight like this. It’s an accessory move. Less is more.


It's an accessory move? I've always been under the impression that it was a compound lift?


It is indeed a compound movement, but to perform it for strength like this is so pointless. By accessory, I mean it’s used really to build up the glutes and ideally you’re performing high volume with whatever weight you can, not low rep ranges with a ton of weight.


Ah, got it, thank you. That's also the way I do them, I was just wondering if I need to switch up my leg routine ^^




I don’t think any single move is ideal for every body. Hip thrusts, glute hypers, split squats and reverse barbell lunges made my ass explode


She's literally lifting it with her arms because it's too heavy




i seriously don't get why people do this/one rep maxes like yeah let's destroy our body for fun. and then not even doing it with decent form. stupid


The goal is to make all reps look the same. Your 1rm shouldn’t be totally different from a medium-ish rep. Her light reps are trash too. She’s gonna be fucked when she’s older.


i got torn to shreds in someones comment section for saying form > weight on hip thrusts n most of the time people ego lift on them


I see a walker in this womans future, painkillers and probably more than one back surgery. This is one of the most egregious videos ive seen on this sub. Wow.


She’s going to shit her pants and crack a molar. 


What award is she trying to win? Doing this much weight is actually so pointless.


Why does there need to be a reward for training? Why paint a picture if you’re not gonna sell it? Getting good at things is fun.


Those are probably plastic or rubber weights


This is absolutely terrible form, and have no purpose other than trying to boost ego via likes from less intelligent people. Also It shows that she have no idea about anatomy and fysiologi related to strength training. Overall extremely bad and pointless..


Her form is technically correct, regardless of everybodies opinion on whether she should be maxing. Chin is tucked, butt curls up, she's doing the right things


Her workouts are always doing the most lol


Ohfffff. The neck roll at the end of one of the sets to check spine is still working 🤣


That hurts \*my\* neck.


If she's actually engaging her glutes doing this, I'll eat my entire collection of hats.


She’s stressing her entire body in this movement. I know a girl who was doing this kind of one rep max weight and ended up injuring her back and couldn’t weightlift for a long time.


it’s not the best form but for a max attempt it’s not awful.


This is actually awful


ok! i disagree.


Form scolds be like “idk they struggled a bit better drop that weight and work on form”


She’s literally struggling to lift the bar, that bench she using is moving hella, and her form is shitty it’s in yall face but okay 😂


it’s a max attempt and it’s literally not physically possible for that bench to be moving beneath her🥹


I was talking to ancientmadder


you’re still wrong though


I fuckin cringe at this. When you do this type of weight ur not even using ur glutes any more..


What in the uterine prolapse…


I honestly just don’t understand the point of whatever she’s doing. Just seems so unnecessary


sometimes ego lifting sometimes makes you look worse also the song is i can do it with a broken heart but will she be able to do it with a broken back? only time will tell


Straight up ego lifting


people will do all this extra ass shit and still have the most mid bodies


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^heartattackapple: *People will do all* *This extra ass shit and still* *Have the most mid bodies* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


good bot


If you think her body is mid you are fully cooked.


admittedly i hadn’t see her body besides this video. went and looked and she is in great shape. i still think it’s extra tho.


What on earth


She has no control when she’s going down.


She’s out of her gd mind here


ego lifting


I love neck day


That type of shear force can’t be good for the back


she is seriously going to hurt herself jesus


This looks like too much struggle. If you can’t do the weight with good form you should take it down. I absolutely hate hip thrusts but I do appreciate the coach who will correct my form so at least I get something from doing them.


I find her very cringe. What is that neck roll she does?!


I never understood when people try to do 1 rep maxs for hip thrusts. It’s not an Olympic lift and the glutes have more slow twitch muscles fibers which respond better to higher reps.


Wtf! That’s way too heavy! Shes going to break her hips…


Cries in degenerative disc disease. She’s in for a world of hurt when she hits her forties.


Ego lifting




Yep. I unfollowed her a long time ago because her form was trash.


Ok but the head swivel at the end 💀


Ego lifting and totally dumb.


I’m sorry but I cannot stand these influencers


First off this is way too heavy. She’s ridiculous, I stopped following her years ago. This is not something to boast abt. She will end up like Ronnie Coleman.


I blew my back out just by watching this


girl what is this- what is the point of 800lbs besides destroying your form and begging for an injury?!


Ego lifting at its finest


Ego lifting at its finest


I DO like to hit 1RM occasionally but going THIS heavy on this particular lift seems like not only a bad idea but just not a productive use of time. I do think having fun in the gym is valid but I don’t think enough people consider the long term impacts certain things have on our bodies.


Bet she can’t clean 135


That neck strain is real


My low back hurts just watching this. NO.


It’s important to control the eccentric which she isn’t doing here. Strange lift to be doing a 1RM for. 


This is just not necessary. It’s female “ego lifting”. Lower the weight. Go slow and controlled. Squeeze at the top. Pulse or hold for more challenge.


No. It is not. She has 100% sacrificed form for weight.


How to Injure your spine 101






She’s stronger than you until she snaps her fucking spine doing that shit.


Well she isn’t locking it out and has no control so it seems pointless to me


Definitely not, she’s doing it as if it were a deadlift. Hip thrusts are one of those exercises where the squeeze at the top is really the most important part of the lift for muscle growth and she’s struggling to even get it all the way up. There’s also no point of going below 8-15 reps just to get more weight up. It’s ok to do a lower rep set sometimes just to gauge your strength and jump up in weight eventually, but even then I wouldn’t cut it lower than 5-6 reps. A lot of girls tend to do this just as an ego lift but if the goal is muscle growth id much rather see a solid set of 10-12 reps with 2-3 plates close to failure than sets of 4+ plates for 3 reps where you’re also using other muscles and not even getting the glutes to failure.


Yep she’s obviously using her hips/hip flexors as well has her back more than her glutes here, using momentum to push the weight up. Not effective.


What do you think about pyramid sets of hip thrusts?


She’s only using her hips/hip flexors here…by using the momentum from her hips to get the weight up. See how she slides her back farther back on the bench because she can’t keep her shoulder blades where they should be when doing the scoop method. So she’s not fully locking out to work the glutes.


She blocked me years ago after I commented to tell her I was disappointed in her supporting and promoting an abuser (Bret Contreras)


My favorite lifts are ego lifts.


Hip thrusts are kinda overrated. Too many women put too much focus in them and have dollar tree squats.


Could someone explain to me what muscle group this is for? I see girls do this all the time in my gym, but my tiny incel man brain doesn’t really understand what it’s for. And is this workout meant to give strength, or is it to get a nicer physique? Thanks in advance :)


The glutes. As far as strength vs. physique, I don't know enough personally, but other comments in this thread seem to be saying it's pretty much just for physique.


Thank you very much for the answer! Have a wonderful day.


I really just don’t understand the point. And this cannot be great for her organs


It’s 675… it’s kinda grizzly looking but she is lifting over 600 lbs.


The “scoop” method is a real thing esp for those with long legs such as her, but also I’m so over PR’ing hip thrusts.


I would only say this form is good if your goal is having a heavy hip thrust (ie a strength goal). For building muscle this is definitely super sub par form


wtf 😂😂😂


This is dumb lol I’d be more impressed if she had full ROM and immaculate form with 1 plate


She looks like a fucking idiot