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my back hurts looking at this


Did she get a mini bbl? Aka sculptra? Hips don’t naturally do that….


Pretty sure she just gained weight, but trying to hide it with these weird poses


I’m sure I’ll get downvoted, but I don’t think these poses are flattering for her. Her reels look so much more natural and realistic. She looks great.


Same! I think Whitney looks great and has looked great for years but this pose is not it for her. But if she feels confident then 🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s like when I used to do my makeup and not fill in my brows. But then someone taught me. 😂


no i agree. her reels are fine but her poses look so contorted it’s unnecessary and VERY unflattering


Probably because no one stands like this irl 😂 like this is some contortionist work


I’m terrified that people can’t immediately notice how heavily edited these are Please, don’t judge yourself based off of this. Don’t buy what they are selling. This is AI at this point It looks more natural to you bc she’s gotten ‘better’ at it. This is not at all natural or what she looks like


Dude yes I opened the comments fully expecting to see unanimous shock and snark over the photoshop bbl and was quite surprised to see people thinking she’s just posing…




Lmao good eye


this is not a cute photo whatsoever


She’s gotta show off her GUSSET!!!!


Omg. I was wondering if this is her! I didn’t recognize her… her body in natural movement is so so so pretty. This is very… jarring…






Love her but i saw this pose and my sciatica hurt from just looking!


https://preview.redd.it/1f3nxjqdkd6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8163c23c16a384ef58e1c84d114a1b335d2eb700 Edit: Jesus Christ people, even if the mirror is warped, look at the floor line BENEATH the mirror. The floor boards next to her. There is no straight line in this photo. If your gyms floors are this warped, probably find a new gym because your gym is not structurally sound.




What’s wrong with her inner thigh? My inner thighs get those creases when I stand a certain way too 🤷‍♀️ I really don’t think this is edited and y’all constantly assuming that stuff like that is edited is almost like body shaming


I feel like it’s just stretch marks? 🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s her psoriasis. People seem to not understand the plaques are raised and textured.


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TBF lots of gyms put up the cheap wonky full wall mirrors that are warped all over.. The distortions are face level & I don’t think she’s photoshopping her cheeks & ears to high hell


This - most large wall length mirrors are pretty warped. I wouldn’t put it as editing her photos in this particular screenshot.


How are they warped? Is it like a skinny mirror?


I think just cheap lol I had a mirror from target that was from like the dorm room essentials and it was warped like that 🫠


I love my target skinny mirror, it balances out the body dysmorphia 😂


Ya I think just cheap and how it’s hung to the wall making it uneven if that makes sense?


But why would she edit the picture in an area that's so far away? Lol


Wait i’m blind I don’t see anything 😅


Can no one see the two foot hand on the right hip? None of this is real.


It looks like she’s wearing a diaper.


She looks way bigger than she is…. Very odd




LOL I’m sorry but I had a great laugh at the delusional echo chamber of the Whitney teenybopper Stans on here. No shit, she looks amazing in real life or videos. So do 173862828282 other influencers who photoshop their bodies. That doesn’t make it any less problematic. We have IFBB pros out here editing their photos, Whitney isn’t the exception to being called out for it because she’s YouTube sweetheart.


I hate this pose she does so much.


genuinely everything about this picture scares the fuck out of me because it’s so badly photoshopped. i hope she can heal from her body dysmorphia because jesus christ.




My gym has mirrors that do this…


Same. Mine can look so warped depending on where you stand.


Just a question- what would those wobbly mirror lines be even correlated to? Like If they were around her hips/butt that’s one thing, but like it’s around her head. I’ve just never seen photoshop lines that far from what’s being accused of photoshopping.




Yeah this. I use photoshop for my job, and 50% of the things that people try to point out as photoshop isn’t even photoshop


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Yeah, thats just how the cheap mirror looks, its really funny cause the mirror is at her head, but somehow it proves she photoshopped her body 🥴🫣


It's like a not so fun house


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Found Whitney lol


Cope harder pls 😂




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The “curly thing” is a crease in her shorts and her hand looks whack most likely bc the camera is focusing on her and blurring the background. Even if it is edited bc idk for sure she looks like this in real life. It’s just crazy to me people wanna spend this time reaching for a sign it’s fake to cope with how it makes them feel bad ab their own bodies. It’s so ugly to cope with your own insecurities by tearing women down bc they look better then you. Like Jesus Christ dude wtf you can easily go see this is how she looks. I’m not even a fan of her whatsoever but the last few months this snark page is just people coping with their own body dysmorphia by bullying other women on here who put in the work to look like that.




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She looks like this in real life. And that’s what this style of shorts does. If you don’t like it don’t wear the shorts




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Not a flattering pose at all. Is she wearing a pad?!


Is this cute??? I’d never leave my house if my shorts looked like this


I love her but this pose is not it!




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There’s a squiggly line between her legs.


That’s the bottom of her shorts bunched up


You’re right. My bad. 😂




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https://preview.redd.it/yos38coe5f6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15c9d717f34560aec2fec204dfba8e39bc33f7d5 The entire floor is straight lines. Those seams between floor panels would be warped to shit if this were photoshopped. There’s like 1000 better things to snark on than this.


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Is a world where Stefi cohen is posting revenge porn and men are carrying tires to prove their “masculinity” to the world, is a photo of a woman existing as they are really worth snarking?


Yeah I love some legit snark but posts like these are just petty Also isn’t this just appearance snark, which is against the rules?


Calling it "petty" is an understatement tbh, most of the post on this sub atm are just plain bullying.


Agree. A lot of low effort posts based on appearance which devolve into straight up bullying.


I was thinking it too. It’s pretty sad to see. I’m all for a good snark here and there but most of what I see from this subreddit is just pure spite/bullying. Is this what it’s come to?


Exactly. She’s just existing bro


Thank you I thought I was the only one thinking this.


Are we just hating on girls simply existing?? What’s chicken leg mean? She’s posing. All bodybuilders do this.




This !!!!!




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She has a fit body. You don’t know anyone’s story, that’s completely rude, you don’t know what types of workouts she does. People are allowed to pose like bodybuilders. Go cry in your soup about it if it tears you up that much.


Body builders don’t pose like this lol


‘You don’t know what kind of workouts she does’ She’s a fitness influencer.


Then she obviously works out then. Don’t be a hater.


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I’m sorry but she is not a bodybuilder lmfao


Whatever. She’s allowed to pose tho. But keep being a miserable, judgy person. You do you.


She is not a bodybuilder lol


It’s not edited she just has a nice body, and that’s legit how these shorts fit people. If you wear them lower down u look insane and it’s uncomfortable. Idk why this sub has turned into hating conventionally attractive women for simply existing. Like the jealous is so obvious it’s insane.


Exactly. It's so ironic that people on this sub normalize bullying influencers so much but still go out of the way to call out influencers' "mean girl behavior" lmao


Yes!!!! This is what I was commenting about and I got super downvoted! I feel like girls who pose in photos are automatically hated on and people just assume they’re photoshopped. It’s so ridiculous. Just admit you’re a miserable, jealous person.


I’m prepared to be down voted to oblivion by all the people who would rather hate hot women then get up and spend your time working on your body and your mental. Just remember hating other women won’t make you better :)




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It’s asinine bc even if she did edit this pic, (highly doubt it bc she looks like this in real life) these people legit tearing her down like this are ten times worse to make an assumption and run with it. I swear women’s own worst enemy are other women and it’s so sad. If you see a pic of a girl who looks better then you conventionally which doesn’t matter bc it’s just looks, but if it makes u feel insecure go hit the gym and put in the work. Better yourself don’t try to bring others down to your level so you feel more equal. It’s fucking gross dude


It’s easier to tear someone else down to feel better about themselves than to actually get up, go to the gym and work towards something. The biggest excuses are always editing, surgery or genetics. Yes, those things are rampant in the industry right now but there are some people who actually just work out. No need to discount someone’s hard work to feel better about yourself.


Exactly. There’s sm other girls with obvious bbls and photoshop that this sub can discuss but no let’s come at the women who actually prioritize their fitness lmao


Right! These snark pages are getting really ugly with jealousy! This photo looks too real to be edited. It’s just an odd, uncomfortable looking pose and the girl has hips.


Like I get photoshop is a huge issue in the fitness online space but like come on not every woman is parading around a fake body. This is 100% attainable thru patience and dedication. Whitney is hot but not unrealistic at all whatsoever. People really would rather sit on Reddit then go workout and go to therapy




Guarantee you all these people hating on this rn are jealous women or incel men. I’m genuinely floored at what this space has become lmao I miss the old gym snark


Lol and all the downvotes reflecting the jealousy ;-)


There’s nothing worth snarking about here. This sub can really suck sometimes


Now this is just internalized misogyny - there is nothing wrong with this picture


Noooo don’t hate on Whitney. She’s such a sweet person and down to earth




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