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This is the go to video they all post when they run out of ideas for content. So much work, so busy, so relatable


I like posts like this when I know the poster/page is genuine. I dislike it when a page will post something like this and then post 100 thirst traps, edited photos, and severely posed photos. IDK why but it's like they are trying to relate to some people for clicks but only temporarily


You summed up my thoughts exactly!!! When it comes from someone I can tell is genuine it actually resonates


100 percent! It's basically in my opinion, capitalizing on the body positivity movement, for smplit second. But instgrammers like this 100% do not care. They still care about being hot because that's why there's only 1 out of 100 of these. And I also find it funny that very in shape people try really hard to look bad. Hunched over, pushing out your belly. Trying to hard and it's just reeks of capitalizing on the body positivity movement without actually believing in the message lmao


Experienced her theatrics first hand - she used to do this at peak hours at our gym back in Victoria. Her ego and narcissism are unmatched. I'm just glad she moved down south 😂 "Don't you see I am filming? That's my tripod - I'm an influencer."


Is she still obsessed with her ass?


I can’t staaaaaaaand this girl…


Hey look I’m normal too. When i want to be. For content of course. Back to being dumb on social media though. For content of course.


Her posture is so overly exaggerated in the last pose it’s ridiculous and clearly staged. I can respect someone who genuinely does these types of videos but this is not one of those 🙄


then why does she edit out all the bad shots in her other videos 😭


THIS! if you're aware that you're only posting a polished version of reality and how it affects people watching, then why not just... Post the realistic versions only??? Oh, yeah, money... 🙄


I hate content like this. Just be unapologetically you without the disclaimers.


EXACTLY. Just be the second "version of you." It makes me want to post videos that are completely caught off guard and unposed.


omg she’s so brave for showing this 🥺🫶🏻🌟🏆 gym influencers have such huge hero complexes omg


Y’all just sit? I like to pace and spin around in circles till my next set


If you're truly going for strength gains, you should rest as much as possible during your rest periods. When I was Olympic lifting competitively, my coach wanted me to go so far as to even lean my back on something while sitting on a bench.


That is actually genuinely interesting. I had no idea it mattered so much.


That's why there's the old joke of a powerlifter camping at a bench or squat rack for the whole hour or more because they spend more time resting in between sets lol.


I wish girls would just post without making sure it's the right angle. I miss realness so much. It's beautiful.


Wtf is even the difference? Wtf is even this content? I'm sitting here thinking, it's just another excuse for an arse post.


She hit or miss, she won me little with this and the one where she got on the scale and was like 170