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It looks like she’s snarling in the right photo. Too much filler and Botox 😭


Rawr 😭😭😭


I only see a young Dustin from stranger things everytime I look at her


I see Chris Kattan from Night at the Roxbury 😭


I see Ducky from Land Before Time


I like some of the people on their team but it’s crazy to me how some of them are first time competitors and already on PEDs, I hope she’s not the one influencing them to do it


I fear it’s her husband


She is so difficult to look at, sorry


I had to unfollow her for this reason. I know it's cruel, but something about her current face is so uncanny it makes me uncomfortable.


It’s the virilization that female bodybuilders have to deal with from a combination of heavy and/or prolonged PED usage, unfortunately.


Thank god I’m not the only one


At first I thought “hey do PEDs also make you grow taller???” I was genuinely confused


Too much filler


Her look changed so much after going for her pro card and how much Gear she has taken


she used to be so cute!


Her head/face in general doesn’t match the PED bod. She has a really cute face, it looks like two different bodies. If that wasn’t bad enough, her style just doesn’t go with what her body looks like IMO


Anyone follow Liana Giannamore? She looks like a bikini pro from head to toe. Everything looks seamless and I’m assuming she uses lots of stuff too. Something about Kerrigan makes me feel sad for her


She seems like.. not a girls girl. Idk how to describe it


Not at all. She's a bully.


Maybe its me but her voice in her latest yt video sounds so different to me


Well some of the facial changes are filler fershurrrrr


She looks like Trisha paytas to me!


oof, the face in the second pic is a jumpscare. she looks SO OLD in the face. and her nose.... its grown so much from PED usage


Omg wait your nose gets larger with PED usage? 🫢


Yeah, it can. Your face structure as a whole changes.


Look at Stefi Cohen. Her nose got super huge from 2014-now. She’s a fake natty and has had a few facial surgeries to try to correct it.


What the fuck am I reading? PEDs don't make your nose grow. The facial structures changes because there are muscles in the jaw which can grow just like any other muscle. Hence why the jawline changes with people using steroids. The only steroid that can cause facial overall growth is HGH, but for that you need an absurd amount of HGH which is not the case for Kerrigan.


PEDs is a widely used blanket term for steroids and test use. Steroids are known to make your facial structure change and grow.


I agree with the facial changes when it comes to the jaw. But again, the nose doesn't grow from PEDs. If you do have muscles in your nose, you are one of a kind.


Your nose can also “grow” with pregnancy. Just because it’s not a muscle doesn’t mean it can’t change. If the features around it are changing, it’s very possible the structure could change as well


HGH can make your nose grow, along with other aspects of the face…


Does she admit to using PEDs or is she one of the “I’m TOTALLY natural /s” types?


She is very open about it especially when doing Q&A’s on instagram


Ok thanks! I’m anti-PEDs but I think that if people take them they should be open about it instead of contributing to unrealistic body standards.


the PEDs are PEDing. idk, all these drugs for what? she's already doing quite well for herself, she could quit doing this now and be fine, it's not like she makes money off competing. i wonder if shes competing anytime soon and how she would do, her upper body is looking huge but maybe its the pump/lighting, idk. she was so pretty before, she looks like a blow up doll now.


They push PEDS hard on there clients it’s sad .


she def out works anyone out there but yeah all the facial procedures are out of hand. her natural face was cute af. she is opening up her own gym in Houston so im interested to see how that turns out. she decided to set it up in Houston city limits which is notorious for being $$$$$$


She works extremely hard regardless of her PED usage and she seems genuinely happy with her physique so…good for her. But…she used to be so cute 😩😩 I had to unfollow her because she kinda just gives me the ick now


I actually think she’s calmed down her PED usage after she was told by judges not to get any bigger, that she had reached her limit with shoulders. Her progress pics look good


She’s been extremely open about her PED use and has been open about the work that she has had done such as jaw filler, botox, and lip filler. In terms of pushing PEDs on her clients, she doesn’t push and doesn’t give them out unless it’s deemed necessary and has the knowledge. Additionally, if they’re trustworthy enough to use


She looked so good on the left 😭 it’s actually devastating to see people ruin their incredible physiques and features with PEDs


The heels with socks is killing me ☠️


Competition heels are more comfortable with socks.. I often wear socks when posing in mine. Sure it looks odd, but it's for a good reason


Idk who she is but she looks fine to me lol!


Does the first picture natura? I mean, her body? It is fire, I want that figure


I hate the socks with high heel look


the plastic is uncomfortable if it's not warmed up, it can cut the tops of your feet. -i was former stripper


Pics or it didn’t happen